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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 1242x1229, F0F33526-AF35-4D74-A656-D28C5F771585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10418844 No.10418844 [Reply] [Original]

We all been there.

>> No.10418859

>account balance: $11.98
Don't be that guy.

>> No.10418867 [DELETED] 

don't be that guy

>> No.10418876

>Don't be that guy.
Don't be that guy.

>> No.10418878

>not drums
don't be that guy

>> No.10418882

I saved all my money when working a minimum wage job in high school. When you don't have any bills, it's easy to save 10k a year. Plus you get resume filler.

>> No.10418884

And then you inmediately have an emergency or something breaks and you can't afford to do anything about it
And you could have made your own wings and you could have been responsible but no, you where a retard just like last time

>> No.10418892

What broken thing did you plan on replacing with 11.98. If your finances are so bad that your account balance actually get's that low then you have more serious issues than shit breaking.

>> No.10418896
File: 3.63 MB, 360x240, flat wing master race.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10418898

Do you want a cookie?

>> No.10418903 [DELETED] 

you would be amazed at the things you can fix with a high quality roll of duct tape

>> No.10418905

Why do people even move out without the ability to afford both housing and food?
Most people don't get kicked out at 18 by shitty parents, they do this to themselves.

>> No.10418907

Your issue is that you are a retard that can't save more than 11.98 because you have no self control and desire immediate gratification

>> No.10418911

he didn't even take an actual bite
dumb negro

>> No.10418912

> poverty


>> No.10418915

No I havent

>> No.10418924

>being poor
>in america
>we've all been there
unless you come from some shit broken family not really

>> No.10418926

>preferring drums
Don't be that guy.

>> No.10418928

Nothing but it wasn't just the fucking wings, it was a series of bad choice after bad choice that lead to this
Maybe you just didn't feel like cooking for a week so you kept ordering take out or maybe you just blew a bunch of money you don't have on something you don't need
The best part is that you could have gotten around the not feeling like cooking bit by being a cheap bastard or by cooking a bunch at once so you didn't have to do it the next day
And spending the money was a thrill you could have gotten by sticking a finger up your asshole and just as inmediately regrettable

>> No.10418935

drums are objectively superior. name a benefit to flats.
>have to dig the meat out or crack the bone off like a nut
>literally laboring for a tiny piece of meat

>> No.10418939

Cost of living spikes are a thing, and even base inflation outpaces the average wagecuck's yearly earnings increases. It really is a game against the clock for non-exceptional people to live alone if they can't pair up with a partner.

>> No.10418943 [DELETED] 

>takes 5 seconds to remove bones
>left with a completely edible meat and skin nugget
just because you don't know how to eat flats doesn't mean they are undippable

>> No.10418948

Just pull the small bone out then eat the rest like a meat lollipop.

>> No.10418952


>> No.10418961

>take 0 seconds to crack off the nonexistent bone
>be left with a delicious wrapping of skin and meat

>> No.10418968

Maybe if we stopped subsidizing free food (EBT), free housing (section 8), free healthcare (Medicaid), and free money (earned income credit), and stop taxing everybody 15% (Medicare and Social Security), people can rise out of poverty and beat inflation.

>> No.10418973 [DELETED] 

>implying anyone would ever vote democrat if we took away their gibs

>> No.10418978

Enjoy your chewy meat, tendons, and inferior meat-to-skin ratio.

>> No.10418983

Problem with ebt is that people use it for weed and the munchies instead of using the charity food money for starving people to buy food and if you try to take the drugs and junk food away they throw a tantrum because they don't care and the people in government care even less
Taxation is a fucking scam

>> No.10418984
File: 17 KB, 250x241, DD7958D9-8A27-4BD4-8510-6D40C8BF7DD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying (thing)
can we please make posting this amateurish shit a bannable offense

>> No.10418989

right after we ban frogposting

>> No.10418990

You have to go back.

>> No.10418991 [DELETED] 

says the frogposter

>> No.10418993

enjoy your carpal tunnal resulting from an all night flat snapping binge

>> No.10418995

>spending all night eating chicken wings
How fat are you?

>> No.10418998
File: 52 KB, 400x400, 0BDE8D61-B911-4664-ACFE-082DB05CA72D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like clockwork

>> No.10419002

you could easily spend your whole night nibbling minute pieces of flesh off your gay flats and consume less than 900 calories easily

>> No.10419005

>tfw I was totally nonchalant about having saved up 5 grand working a year at a full time job while I lived at home rent free, and just spent it all on a used car
>now I am thousands in debt and can barely save up anything with two kids, a fiance and tons of bills later

We took those days for granite, lads...

>> No.10419009

looks like you married a good digger bro if she asks for clothes? food? water? she a thot

>> No.10419011

Lmao based

>> No.10419022

Damn, I should have married a slave girl instead who is content with rags and table scraps...

>> No.10419023

I havent. I have my account down to $0.05 frequently becausr im a poor fag but i always get my bills paid first. My #1 comfort is a roof over my head.

>> No.10419029

Unironically, that is a reason why so many whites and (((whites))) marry out of country like Philippines. Anyhow, have an interesting story?

>> No.10419031

unless by "rags" and "table scraps" you meant "commies" and "my dick," you ain't thinking deep enough.
t. chad

>> No.10419043

Do I? About what? I am just an ordinary shlub with two kids and a fiance and more debt to income than an intelligent guy should...
>t. chad
I'm sure.

>> No.10419047
File: 73 KB, 800x533, greece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have three months worth of savings as a back up.
Problem solved.Or buy a (((ring)))

>> No.10419056

That's the interesting part. You know common sense when it comes to finance but you got yourself into a shitty situation.

>> No.10419077
File: 69 KB, 1000x750, Chelsea_Champion_English_Springer_Spaniel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time my checking account dips down below $50 is when I forgot to transfer a few hundreds bucks into it. Even after all the pretax and post tax deductions, deferred comp, insurance, and other bullshit I still take home $2400 a month, around $3500ish if I choose to work a few extra shifts and those are mostly midnight where I can just read.

>> No.10419084
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>> No.10419092

>thinking my original post was completely unironic
looks like you're the retard

>> No.10419098

chadder than you, bruh. i bet you're rockin some multisyllabic name like "theodore" or "gerald"

>> No.10419100

>taxes owed: $60k

>> No.10419115
File: 1011 KB, 500x295, FE5710BE-5283-4325-87D0-8EC2CA758BD5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can relate to this so much that it’s uncanny. It fucking sucks not being able to find consistent work.

>tfw fell for the college meme

>> No.10419192

>tfw consistent work but live in expensive ass city
Our friends in other states have homes and make half what we do. Fuck California.

>> No.10419204

shoulda gone to trade school and learned something practical you stupidass liberal arts major BITCH

>> No.10419216

>tfw can find consistent decent-paying work but literally nothing with benefits/long term prospects

at least getting drunk for free is a perk of my job

>> No.10419225

>be me 5 years ago
>work in convenience store
>notice same older guy coming in every day buying scratchies
>watch guy spend every dollar he has on lotto
>guy scraps up change from his car to buy one more
>guy loses yet again and wants to "charge" a bag of chips

>> No.10419323
File: 118 KB, 1400x810, 8943389439043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We took those days for granite

>> No.10419328

>I still take home $2400 a month

How's shift leader at Mcdonald's treating you?

>> No.10419342

Unemployment is at 4%. How are you not finding work?

>> No.10419348

>two kids, a fiance and tons of bills
dont be that guy

>> No.10419350

Pretty good, how is wading through literal shit while living in a studio treating you?

>> No.10419351

no wonder every one is starving in africa, they dont how to eat.

>> No.10419361

>not sacrificing yourself for the people you love
Don’t be that guy.

>> No.10419365 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 1200x800, 4565653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Chad, acutally. I make over 10k a month, you little crumbman soyboy



That's me lmaoing at you're life


>> No.10419411

>Dipping wings
>Not tossing them in a good coating of sauce or dry rub
>Not handling heat well so resort to dipping

Shove some drumsticks up your ass and kill yourself after you dumb faggot.

>> No.10419414

The Rams had a spectacular turnaround last year, I really hope they manage to go deep in the playoffs this year.

>> No.10419420

>being a nigger
>paying rent
>eating garbage
Nope, I don't.

>> No.10419421

Would rather see the Titans win the whole thing.

>> No.10419427

There is a time limit to have healthy children. At some point you have to bite the bullet and just get it over with. Than fix your finances after.

>> No.10419465

>"fix your finances"
HAH. enjoy your screaming kids, nagging wife and endless pit of debt you impulsive retard.

>> No.10419501
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You can count on it

>> No.10419609


>> No.10419618

go home /r9k/ and please stay go

>> No.10420761

Drums are so widely regarded as inferior that they're literally 1/4 of the price in some countries

>> No.10420772
File: 6 KB, 886x57, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the peasants in this thread

>> No.10420787

I haven't.
Probably because I don't get wing combos the other 29 days of the month to run my account down like that.

>> No.10420793
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If he did he could buy it himself with his own money instead of leech off the State like a fucking parasite negro.
How about you?

>> No.10420799

Yikes, time has not been kind to her

>> No.10420810

>The virgin drum
Not the CHAD flat

>> No.10420825

> boasts about having five thousand dollars

>> No.10420831

If he's like 18-20 which is probably true of at least half the posters here, that's pretty decent. Most people that age would blow that money on some consumer garbage almost instantly.

>> No.10420842
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>If we take away poor people's money, they'll stop being poor!

>> No.10420856
File: 348 KB, 800x1139, 6a00d8341c5f3053ef013485dc2183970c-800wi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish these dumb poors would understand how good they have it.

>> No.10420878

>We all been there.
No. Not really.

>> No.10420967

It has not, but I'd still fuck her. She may be wrinkly but she's also fit.

>> No.10420970

LMAO, this.
I think I have more Eth than 5k even with today's shitty rate.
Please don't tell me that's your life savings, man.

>> No.10420974

not their money, shitlord

>> No.10421083

Honestly, it's amazing how living in poverty for just a few years changes your whole life. I was poor for 4 years during university. I went vegan and gave up video games, drinking, television, etc. and my only hobbies became reading and browsing 4chan. Now I'm making $3k a month as an engineer and I don't even know what to do with anything beyond $1k

>> No.10421195

>fell for le having kids meme


>> No.10421244

I took them for marble myself

>> No.10421265

>Not forcing yourself to be an unfeeling insect of a human until you have developed a stable career

>> No.10421286

>rent $584

Been where? The 1970s?

>> No.10421288

It's tough out there, man. A doggy dog world.

Extremely weak joke game.

>> No.10421302

I never have more than 2k in the bank at any given time

>> No.10421311

me too. but what are we to do with these lessers of our society?

>> No.10421312

I wish my rent was $584.
Also if you have only $12 you can't pay rent anyway, might as well get the wings.

>> No.10421313

Do you even reading comprehension. I was talking to OP. I am not OP. Moron

>> No.10421328

it hawt doe

>> No.10421378

Hell yeah, people who get paid weekly represent.

>> No.10421697


Fucking stop spending money. This isn't that hard.

All my idiot friends constantly bitch about not having any money when they're going out every single weekend and spending £100 on garbage, buying take-out 5 days a week, and just generally being complete fucking idiots. Then when I try to explain the concept of budgets and savings, they just nod and smile like vapid morons, and act surprised when I can afford to build an extension to my house without going into crippling fucking debt, absolutely bewildered as to how I could possibly have so much money to spare.

These people are like 25 years old. Clubbing every weekend is fine when you're 18, but after a certain point it's time to become a proper fucking adult, because otherwise you end up stuck in the ratraces, working your ageing body to death in a vicious cycle.

>> No.10421699

It's voila, go be a sandwigger somewhere else.

>> No.10421719

>Five thousand dollars
You're not a poorfag, but don't go acting like bobby big bollocks until you have at least ten times that much.

>> No.10421890

Enjoy your autistic or downsydrome children.

>> No.10421905

Don't be that guy.

>> No.10421985

>can't pay $500 rent anyway
>might as well buy food
>can't pay $500 rent anyway
>save $12
The nigger is right!

>> No.10421995

Pic is my nephew in a nutshell minus the niggerity.

>26 years old
>lives with his grandmother
>claims he'll move out when he can get on his feet
>works at recycling center, makes decent money for the area
>could rent a place if he wanted too
>spends entire paycheck on vidya, toys, stupid shit
>granny pays for his gas, phone, Netflix and Hulu accounts, clothes, food, charges him no rent

He'll be there until she dies, then he's fucked.

>> No.10422002


>> No.10422004


>> No.10422006

Sounds like he's living the dream, desu. Living alone and working for what seems like nothing sucks dick senpai

>> No.10422068

You know what? If he was saving money, I wouldn't shake two shits at him. The boy has no expenses, no bills. His granny covers every necessity and some luxuries. This has been going on for three years. If he saved one week's pay per month, he would have well over $15K in the bank right now.

>> No.10422077

>$584 rent

shit i wish, here in the city my one bedroom apartment is like $900

>> No.10422082


Because it's the American thing. There should be no shame in living with your parents. It makes no sense to move out and expect to pay living expenses with a minimum wage job while dealing with college.

>> No.10422094

I'm gonna be out of college with a full time job and paying rent for the first time soon. How do I avoid this?

>> No.10422115

>make budget
>stick with it
>dont blow your money on stupid shit

wa la

>> No.10422148

I mean, first of all, how you gonna pay $584 rent with only $11.98?

>> No.10422170

I've never heard of bootstraps: the post

>> No.10422478

They don't, in most countries. Living at home until you're 30 is a pretty normal thing now, because the housing market is fucked and the economy is double fucked.

I mean, as long as you aren't a manchild there's nothing wrong with it. I live at home, pay £100 a week rent, save another £150, and still have £50 to cover subscriptions and buy food to cook.

Unless your parents are shitty people, or you're a shitty person and they're kicking you out, it's better to live at home for as long as you can.

>> No.10422487


when are you going to kill them all then kill yourself?

>> No.10422515

Dont be a guy

>> No.10422576

I was like your nephew but lived with my parents for 3 years after graduating college. No rent but I paid for gas, rent, phone, etc.

Managed to pay off my student loans in two years and moved out a year after that with 20k in the bank. Your nephew is dumb as fuck for wasting an opportunity like that.

>> No.10422583

if you live in america your parents will kick you at 18, its the norm lmao
t. guy who worked shit tier jobs and was homeless for a few months until i got my shit together while my parents lived in a million dollar house with 300k per year income
they think its "doing the best" and teaching their children a lesson.
Thing they dont realize is how fucking easy they had it, working one shitty job when youre 18 isnt enough to pay the bills like when they were children

>> No.10422591

>my parents lived in a million dollar house with 300k per year income
Well in your case it hardly matters because they can always bail you out and you probably didn't have any loans. It's a bigger deal for working-class students who might have to financially support their parents in old age and aren't able to fall back on their parents in the event of a problem bigger than "I borrowed $60 from my weed dealer and he won't deliver until I pay him back"

>> No.10422607

well, i havent been there because im not an impoverished black man, nor have i ever been.

>> No.10422645

You did the right thing, paying your way, saving, AND paying off loans. Even if he just saved the damn money it wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.10422780

This bait is too obvious.

>> No.10422786

>up 35% in one day
>still down overall

>> No.10423771

Where the fuck do they live where rent is that fucking expensive

I live in a pretty nice place in Kentucky and my rent is only about 275

>> No.10423919

My rent is $1300/month for 500 sq ft

>> No.10423926

In civilization things are more expensive. Being from Kentucky I can see how that would be an alien concept to you.

>> No.10423935

Nice tumblr meme, maybe you should go back there.