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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10416108 No.10416108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

His food reviews are terrible. Are people even watching them for the reviews or to circlejerk about the meme?

>> No.10416117

he's just a meme

>> No.10416138

He reviews fast food in a full ill fitting suit do you really need to ask if it's a meme or not
He's autism incarnate

>> No.10416146

One of these years he's going to learn editing.

One-take Reviewbrah is tedious.

>> No.10416151
File: 48 KB, 558x465, burritobrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched this review. Seemed okay, basically he is a fan of "supreme" style burritos, but this burrito is just for nacho cheese lovers who love a lot of that goo style cheese.

Some people like that, it's actually something I've thought about, I tend to like every thing from Taco Bell because I'm just like that but some people are more picky. Some people like saucy, some like cheesey, some like beefy, I like it all myself, but this burrito is clearly for the cheesey lovers is what I took away from his review.

>> No.10416183

i have only ever watched his firstest reviews
but i opened this one up
and what in the fuck
he is an official weirdo
i wanted to give him a break but he is a weird weird dude

>> No.10416194

He's well articulated and not a fat slob. Hes the best fast food reviewer on youtube

>> No.10416211

an autistic guy who dresses up in a shitty suit and tie who reviews fast food and buys too much into his own shtick? yes it's just a meme.

i seriously doubt people go out to popeyes for butterfly shrimp or tacobell for a chalupa because reviewbrah weaves a verbal tapestry about them.

>> No.10416221

I bought the culver's buffalo chicken tenders because of him

>> No.10416222

I mean, I do. I legit trust review brah to think something gross is gross because he's not a fat fucking slob who enjoys every slop o shit that passes their maw.

>> No.10416239

Sometimes though he has issues, so I don't always trust him.

For example, he will always give cheese fries a bad review, simply because he does not know how to eat them. People who are experienced with cheese fries know the method is to use a fork, but he does not know this, thus all the cheese and toppings slide off as he tries to pull fries out individually, he would have liked these products if he had been informed on the proper method of consumption

>> No.10416253
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>> No.10416337
File: 126 KB, 768x1024, This is Running on Empty.... food review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This plus every other fast food reviewer is unbearably obnoxious. Basically there are no good options.

>> No.10416344

Based Reviewbrah

>> No.10416360

His food reviews are great, informative, and accurate.
Why do you think otherwise

>> No.10416359

does he have autism or something? he seems really weird, especially with insisting on always wearing suit.

>> No.10416380

what's this all about?

>> No.10416386

His dad admitted to being a Joey's World Tour fan.

>> No.10416387

he's a special boy. a real human bean

>> No.10416397


Go away, reviewbrah

>> No.10416403


>> No.10416406

He is massively autistic or heavy case of Asperger. Not only that, but he didnt even start puberty until he was like 17 or some shit. before then he still looked and sounded like a 12 year old. He had to have a medically induced puberty so that right there has probably fucked his body and his brain for life.

>> No.10416415

There's a reason he's branching out. He knows the food review meme can only last so long with this new audience. In my opinion, he's developed an ego, and thinks people will give a shit about short wave radio nonsense in 6 months.

Ideally, he steals the concept of Review! with Forrest Mcneil and just reviews anything. It would work with his personality so well. Reviewbrah reviews esoteric things with autistic detail. It's gold.

>> No.10416416

shut up you stupid bitch

>> No.10416421

It's time to stop posting, Melonhead

>> No.10416426

>medically induced puberty
That's a real thing?

>> No.10416431
File: 20 KB, 208x240, do you have a single fact to back that up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He had to have a medically induced puberty

>> No.10416434

usually used for people with sex disorders like hermaphrodites or rare cases like swyers syndrome where their body produces no puberty hormones

>> No.10416435

Yeah I think so

>> No.10416439

can't believe he almost has a million subscribers

>> No.10416445

its now a gay circle jerk meme "omg hes god lolol XD" all the faggots from leddit/faceberg. his reviews were always shit though, he "cant taste the cheese" no matter how much cheese is on something, and his severe tism makes him not like "greasy" food. thats a trait with autismos apparently, even ulillillia was this way, he "degreases" pizza with paper towels. I thought some of reviewbrahs videos were kinda interesting, seeing what a neet autist does in his spare time, his videos about shortwave, but yeah his food reviews are pointless.

>> No.10416449

Wasn't he was killed by that Vegas shooter.

>> No.10416450

I hate seeing so many shitty meme channels rake in the views, while good channels who actually do their best to supply good information only seem to lose viewers.

>> No.10416462

>good channels
Name 2.

>> No.10416463

You either have to be amazing, or amazingly shit to be worth views these days. Because reviewbrah looks like his mommy dressed him for a funeral combined with his his 'tism he has a certain palpable irony that pervades all of his content.

>> No.10416491

go to his channel. go look at his earliest videos. he is like 17 in those and he looks like a 12 year old. he also talks about his syndrome in some vids and i bet a quick google brings those up too.

>> No.10416495

And joey is so disgusting to watch its a spectacle.

>> No.10416499


At least he dresses up and gives an articulate opinion. I hate all the pig disgusting fucking slobs just stuffing their fat faces.

>> No.10416501
File: 29 KB, 480x480, d8b4463866a9f84b19999a2f7a765631db05b569_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His syndrome?

>> No.10416521

His suits are nicer these days. Once he's 35 he will be rolling in pussy.

>he is like 17 in those
He started when he was like 10 or 11. He's only about 21-22 now.

>> No.10416524

He was 15 in 2012

>> No.10416531

pls no

He's like the last true youtuber from the early days when people did one take videos.

>> No.10416547

He's 40 years old, you retards. He's shown us his rigorous skin care routine, it's how he looks so young.

>> No.10416563

Brothers Green are barely able to get even 1k thumbs up on their latest videos, no matter how educational, like how to make your own bone broths. Even though they have a million subscribers, nobody cares anymore, people like to watch this dumb shit. Oh, and for another good channel, foodwishes of course.

>> No.10416602
File: 12 KB, 286x112, 1517976004601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who's behind this thread

>> No.10416607

where you find this out?

>> No.10416612

it's his head canon

>> No.10416623

is his channel named after what he does right before having sex?

>> No.10416629

>Brothers Green
>mtv kikes
dropped. Foodwishes is good but he also gets a fuckton of views.

>> No.10416635

He likes lettuce in burritos. Fucking trash reviewer.

>> No.10416638

>lettuce in burritos
do americans really do this

>> No.10416640

he has deleted the videos, not my fault. its all true though. he is 15 in his early videos yet looks and talks like an 8 year old. he even says "gween" instead of green among other things. you can even go through his old vids and see the gaps where he has deleted stuff. the idle mind series jumps from 2 to 8.

>> No.10416645

You're out of your fucking mind.

>> No.10416664

>English translation of German and Ashkenazic Jewish Grünfeld
tbqh though I wasn't really calling them kikes, I was just slandering them for being associated with MTV.

>> No.10416667

Eat shit, faggot. He is a genuine person in a world of fakes.

>> No.10416675
File: 58 KB, 800x600, tacobell_burrito_supreme_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Supreme style, aka lettuce, tomato, sour cream added

The lettuce adds nice grean texture

>> No.10416697

>you can even go through his old vids and(...)
I COULD do that, but I don't make a habit of obsessing about some child on Youtube.
I don't know how old you yourself are but I'm sure it's not too late for you to get a life if you get off the sofa and give yourself a kick in the ass.
You'll be glad you did.

>> No.10416700

Not anymore though, afaik. They were long gone before MTV became an SJW shithole.

Still. They're a 100x better channel than shit like review brah. I've actually learned stuff from them, so I'd watch them even if they were wearing a kippah while cooking.

>> No.10416704

>He says, hunched over his keyboard on boards.4chan.org/ck/thread/10416108/his-food-reviews-are-terrible-are-people-even

>> No.10416707


he is aspie as fuck but also very self-aware; he knows exactly why people enjoy his reviews.

>> No.10416712

>he has the thread names in the URL

>> No.10416715

>Reviewbrah becomes popular
>Suddenly /ck/ hate him

>> No.10416717

Theneedledrop? Or the report of the week?

>> No.10416720

Ah, I see. I was just going off what I saw in the wikipedia summary. Maybe I'll give them a shot then.

>> No.10416740


His penis is the needle. He drops it. He has a small penis.

>> No.10416750
File: 13 KB, 480x475, 9acf4ac3-1bdb-48a2-b5f6-565ff4713f2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10416754

fuck off you bitch queer. you have such a holier than thou attitude but are doing the same exact thing. "i dont make a habit of obsessing about some child on youtube". you are doing the same thing exact thing except instead of making fun of him, you are defending him.

>> No.10416783

Normies should not be able to enjoy the things I became a ugly, smelly recluse for enjoying only 5 years ago. In fact, they should not even be able TO enjoy them, because my tastes should be more refined than theirs.

>> No.10416799

>Reviewbrah reviews esoteric things with autistic detail. It's gold.

Honestly this is his best quality
The fuckin purified VS spring water video was great

>> No.10416805

Around three or four years ago he stopped doing actual reviews and started doing "fooood review *knowing wink at audience*". The second he became self aware and bought into his own meme was the second it went downhill.

>> No.10416822

Hopefully he realized that's the road he should go down. He seems to be branching out, but only into things he already likes.

>> No.10416840

That was the best


>> No.10416904

Is he a virgin? Serious replies only.

>> No.10416919

>"Hey, everyone, Report of the Week here for a hooooooker reeeview!"
>Today we will be comparing your run of the mill 20 dollar street corner hooker with a top of the line 500 dollar escort."
>Car accelerates to street corner as he rolls down window.

>> No.10416962

>Lonely Reviewbrah messages one of the countless thots who say they want to fuck him in his comment section to go on a date
>omg XD no I was being ironic ew LMAO *screenshot noise*
>Another entire pizza and masturbation session for reviewrbrah tonight.

>> No.10416963

this guy has been awful since reddit found out about him just like everything else

i miss the days of reviewbrah getting only 500 views on each video

>> No.10417033

He doesn't masturbate

>> No.10417053

Prove it, ReviewBrah.

>> No.10417059

No, not really.
I spent two minutes replying to a post I spotted on /ck/ and now I'm spending to more replying to your reply to that.
I don't go through the guy's video catalog to see if there are any missing.

>> No.10417062

>Press Ctrl+S
>It still doesn't work.

Why am I always the fool? I did it right.

>> No.10417071

ck always hated him, even before he got adopted by reddit, kept calling him a FAS baby. pol and fit accepted him more and he moved there for his asspats.

>> No.10417072

This actually happened.

>> No.10417073
File: 218 KB, 2896x1448, thot patrolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In your dreams, roastie.

>> No.10417079

Spoilers don't work on /ck/ newfag

>> No.10417080
File: 321 KB, 571x667, 1441396771869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only some boards support spoiler tags, namely ones having to do with you know...stuff that has spoilers.

>> No.10417085
File: 193 KB, 1771x909, 1470377399804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying he cares about those thots

>> No.10417099

Yes but then Dr. Freeman used the Lazarus pit to revive him but unfortunately it caused him to develop severe autism ad a side effect further proving we have no right to play God
But yeah I play his videos in the background when i clean or do dishes

>> No.10417118


He has low self-esteem, thinking any attraction is sarcastic. He may be right, but it's still sad. This is how I lost the chance at losing my virginity 2 years earlier.

>> No.10417126

He's 100% an aspie
t. Another aspie

>> No.10417132
File: 31 KB, 600x375, 555cumonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brothers green

>> No.10417151

He has the type of autism where you're autistic enough for it to be an issue but still high functioning enough to know you have autism and constantly be self aware about it.

>> No.10417153

Well, first 4chan pushed him quite a bit, then he had a couple of videos that went viral and now reddit loves his shit.
He'll probably break 1 million subs in a month or two.

>> No.10417166

>He may be right
He's definitely right in cases like this.
That doesn't mean he assumes all compliments are sarcastic. It just means he's not retarded enough to take obvious bullshit like that comment seriously. There are autists on YT who really would think the whore meant it.

I don't think he as autism or asperger's syndrome. Probably just a touch of schizoid personality disorder. Something a fellow can live with certainly.
I don't watch his videos but I wish him the best. He seems to be doing quite well moneywise; even if each person on Patreon is only giving him one dollar that's over a thousand bucks a month.
And we all know some are giving more than one dollar.

>> No.10417195

Honestly I like his videos, he seems like a genuine person putting out genuine content.