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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10414974 No.10414974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a baker at Wal-Mart and ever since I started I've been plagued with yeast infections, both oral and vaginal. Has anyone else have this problem?
How can I stop it from happening without quitting my job? I don't have any other employment options right now and I have a child to take care of so I can't afford to lose this job. (His dad isn't in the picture)

I feel humiliated and defeated,. My vag just constantly breaks out into a itchy frothy mess and its screwing with my love life.

I tried to cover my hands with longer plastic gloves but somehow it just keeps coming back. Any advice is greatly appreciated

>> No.10414989


>> No.10414990

stop touching your coochie while you are working you filthy slut

>> No.10415006
File: 12 KB, 256x200, 1522790493578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaasty bitch.

>> No.10415043

I do! All the time...
Can't say I never have but do u have any idea how bad a yeast infection itches?
If I don't scratch I will go bonkers. I always scratch with my gloves on btw so it's not that gross were all human we all do it
Like I said it should have gone away by now
Serious replies only I feel bad enough as it is :/

>> No.10415047

How about you don't ask the most autistic website for medical advice?! Go see a doctor, holy shit.

>> No.10415067

My cousin has autism and he's the sweetest person I know. Please don't say that like it's a bad thing .
My mom sees the same doctor I do and I'm to embarrassed to go. There has to be a home remedy to get rid of it...? I heard lennon juice might kill some of it but it might also kill the good bacteria in my cooter

>> No.10415075

I would be sincerely concerned that you are immunosuppressed for some reason.

>> No.10415079

Why? What does that mean?

>> No.10415082
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Kys, fucking baiting asshole. Your thread is shit and REEKS of bullshit. I don't know why I'm responding to your babbling, suppose I just want you to know what an imbecile you are. Again, Kys

>> No.10415084

I am genuinely scared of the idea that this thread is serious

>> No.10415095

Some women can have recurrent vaginal yeast infections secondary to a poor vaginal biome for a myriad of reasons. But oral yeast infections usually occur only with some kinds of antibiotic therapy or if you are immunosuppressed meaning that your immune system isn't strong from chemo, some types of drugs like corticosteroids, or some diseases like HIV/AIDS.

>> No.10415098

Wtf if your not gonna help them don't respond at all asshole. I hope you never very thrush or a infection like this, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
I wish I wasn't serious because yall aren't being helpful AT ALL you are just being RUDE.
It won't even let me delete the thread for some reason even though I keep clicking delete

>> No.10415108

Nystatin is the most common antifungal treatment for yeast infections. You need to go see a doctor.

>> No.10415110

put a clove of garlic up in there

>> No.10415111

it's your bf.

>> No.10415116

I think I understand what u mean but I've had these yeast infections since I've been at the Wal-Mart bakery and before I never had one. I never did chemo or cortisteroids and I don't have HIV/ AIDS, I know because I got checked 11 months ago for it because of a scare.
I used to party but I stopped after I knew I was pregnant. I don't think I am immunosuppressed or else I would be sicker?

>> No.10415119
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Virgin bait. Women don't get yeast infections due to envoirement.

>> No.10415121

In case this isn’t a bait thread, just go to the doctor. It will literally not hurt even if you and your mom share a doctor, just tell him to keep it between you and him
Either that, or see if there’s over the counter medicines at a grocer/pharmacy

>> No.10415123

Vagisil. Just buy Vagisil.

>> No.10415124
File: 36 KB, 600x419, fluconazole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread yeast =/= Vaginal yeast.


The #1 cause of yeast infections is chemical imbalance. Birth control is a huge contributor, with hygiene and innocuous product use coming in second. Antibiotics will almost always cause a candida flare up.

I'm not even going to read this thread, which is surely full of shit. My suggestions:

1) Get off/try to change your birth control
2) Wash less. Yeast infections are gross, and most women overcompensate and make things worse with vigorous application of cleaners where they DO NOT BELONG
3) Change to a milder, scentless or nearly scentless soap. DO NOT buy those bullshit pH balanced body washes.
4) Change toilet paper brands
5) Change laundry detergent to scentless
6) Change your clothes (especially sweaty underwear) as often as possible. Commando in loose shorts is the best for home. I don't wear jeans anymore for candida reasons.
7) Try applying plain yogurt way up there. The lactobasillus is what you're supposed to have colonizing your ladybits.
8) Go to the fucking doctor, normal women can get fixed with one fluconazole pill.

I'm a chronic candida sufferer. My doctor even had my blood tested thinking I was diabetic and my blood was too sugary to avoid the bastards. I'm on the lowest dose birth control available, so unless I want to risk getting pregnant (haha, like sex is an option with this shit going on) I'm fighting an uphill battle all the time. I got three fluconazole pills and still got candida within 3 months, which is unreal.

>> No.10415126

Will this really work?
I can't go to the doctor. Me and my mom have the same doctor and I don't want her to find out
I haven't really been dating since I started getting these infections. The first time it cleared up I started seeing a guy I met on Tinder but like a week later I got thrush and he got grossed out

>> No.10415135

>Me and my mom have the same docto
Why would that matter? You think your doctor will tell your mom? Absolutely not: patient confidentiality is very very important in the medical profession, both as a matter of professional pride and also legally.

....And there's always the obvious alternative: go to a different doctor.

>> No.10415140

javascript:quote('10415116') Maybe, I dunno, it's odd about the oral thrush. You should still see a doctor.

>> No.10415150
File: 1.11 MB, 500x281, hannibal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us your CENSORED TITS or GTFO.

>> No.10415157

1) what does my birth control have to do with it?
2)I douche twice a day since I started having thern I didn't know it would hurt
3)I shower once a week because doing my hair takes to long and I have to go to work so its not my body wash
5) Why?
6) that's kinda gross I would think that would make it worse?
7) will okio's Greek yogurt work?
8) me and my mom go to the sane doctor and I don't want her to find out
Thanks soooo much for your advice
Our doctor is a family friend and the lady time I went to a free clinic to get tested for STDs I got a bill in the mail for $3,500 which I can't afford to get another one

>> No.10415162

This is some good advice if OP has a serious dilemma. You can also buy yeast infection medicine from any Walmart or grocery store in the aisle with the tampons, without a prescription, sail through the self-checkout and you're good. Yogurt is my favorite "home alternative" to real medicine.

I used to have chronic yeast infections when I was in high school and right after. It was horribly embarrassing. I read that the biggest cause is using soap on your genitals so I completely stopped washing my bagine with soap, the cool thing about it is that when it's got a healthy balance of yeast vs bacteria (both are supposed to co-inhabit the place) then it cleans itself and doesn't smell.

Pubes will still get dirty but if you trim or just wash with hot water you'll be fine, and change underwear every day, ONLY wear cotton underwear. After I stopped using soap on my genitals I never got another yeast infection and it's been at least four years.

>> No.10415169

You took it too far, anon. Be more subtle in your trolling.

>> No.10415176

That's hilarious but seriously you are one nasty, nasty legbeard.

>> No.10415187

Your vagina is a septic tank and smells like a fish kill.

>> No.10415188

Kill this thread already, I want my kitchen clean!

>> No.10415226

>will oiko's Greek yogurt work?
Yes, plain is best but vanilla works fine too. Obviously don't use fruit, chocolate, coffee, spiced, or other flavors.

>> No.10415235

>but vanilla works fine too
No it doesn't.
You have to use plain and without any added sugar. If you use a sugared yogurt it can make the yeast infection worse since yeast feeds off of sugar. You should know at least that much if you're posting on a food and cooking board...!

>> No.10415236

For fucks sake, your fucking cunt WONT clean itself. All those flaps will get covered in sweat and body fat which can ONLY get down with soap. You just aren't supposed to wash your vagene (inner tube), that's where the good bacteria is supposed to be. You ARE supposed to wash your outher cunt layers. All those people telling you that it's not necessary don't even know how soap works. Others will smell your cunt before you yourself will. Wash it. Just don't fuck the whole bar.

Also joghurt in your cunt is a fucking meme. There are massiv differences between those lacto bacteria you have in your cunt and those in fucking joghurt. It's another myth made by retards giving retard advice. Good lord, putting food up in there is more likely to fuck it up further giving place for even other bacteria to grow in there. Read some actual NCBI studies.

Just go to a fucking physician. If you'Re old enough to use fucking tinder to get fucked in your cunt, you're old enough to show that ham sandwhich to a doc.

>> No.10415254

>Single Mom
>No Options
>Love Life

What are you doing?

>> No.10415256

taking the bait this hard

>> No.10415257

>All those flaps will get covered in sweat and body fat which can ONLY get down with soap.
>body fat
I'm sorry, please educate me on how the outside of a person's body can get covered in their own fat.
Fucking retarded and clearly male. Every gynecologist will tell you not to wash with soap. Every single one.

>> No.10415270
File: 17 KB, 452x475, 1381179518440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) I said man, chemical imbalance. Estrogen is disturbingly dangerous yet important to the female body. Too much? Heart attack or cancer. Too little? Anything remotely near your sex organs are affected. Post menopausal women can have bladder control issues because there isn't enough estrogen to keep nether region muscles strong enough to hold it in.
2) Stop immediately.
4/5) Okay, 2 pounds of an average person's weight is the bacteria living on or inside it. Women have an ecosystem in their vagoo, an easily destroyed one. Antibiotics, strong chemicals, such as those used to bleach paper or add smells to soap, can kill the good bacteria that eat the fungi.
6) No. Wear leggings and cotton underwear and bring a spare pair of underoos in your purse in a ziploc. Let it breathe!
7)Yeah if it's plain and unsweetened or flavored
8) You're retarded

Are you seeing a pattern? Keep it dry, use less chemicals. Drinking bleach does not stop your shit from smelling, shoving all sorts of smelly garbage up your slot is not going to clean it. Invite those immigrant lactobacilli to do all the hard cleaning you can't wrap your head around. Go get real medicine too.

>> No.10415274

Based angry cooking qt

>> No.10415283

>skin produces sweat and fat and bonds with death skin cells to a with mass
>soap breaks up the fatty covering of that mass and mades it water solutible and therefore removable while showering

I'm a 35 year old woman. Gynos know shit. Most of them will still prescipe pre-pubertal girl the pill just even if they smoke, disregarding the long time problems for their health or envoirement. There are actual studioes out there you can read instead of mouth to mouth propaganda, you stupid cunt. Read them instead of believing shit online or people which made their degree 25 years ago and haven't read up on the current science. She only needs another diet and a presciption for actual starter bacteria to get it in check again, not some fucking joghurt ffs.

>> No.10415289

>My cousin has autism and he's the sweetest person I know. Please don't say that like it's a bad thing .
Why he a faggot tho

>> No.10415292

Did you just say that human skin "produces fat"?

Your credibility is zero.

>> No.10415297

>i'm embarassed to go to doctor
don't you know about professional secrecy?

>> No.10415298

Kill yourself right now, retard.

>> No.10415314

It may be the humidity, it may be the temperature. I'm no doctor, but I don't think that Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Schizosaccharomyces pombe can infect the female genitalia (unless you're working with sourdough, maybe?).
I would reccomend you to go to your gynecologist. You could use less warm underwear or use some clotrimazol for the infection without going to the doctor.
Good luck.

>> No.10415321

>I know shit about the human body, that is why I like to give advice on what to stick up your cunt and try to discredite those actually showing how my nonsense is garbage

>> No.10415336

So it's somehow my fault that you said "fat" when you meant "oil"?

As I said: Credibility Zero.

>> No.10415356

>hahaha an obvious non-native speaker doesn't use exactly the same terminology while we all know claerly what is meant
>hahaha gotcha
Imagine beeing that retarded and unable to stand to your own stupidity. Neck yourself.

>> No.10415358


>> No.10415374

It's still somehow my fault? Lol.

>> No.10415403

You don't wash your cunt, recommend fucking fuck to stick into someones vag and get all retarded claiming your skin doesn't pruduce fucking fats. Yes, you're stupid and willfully ignorant. Just fucking face the fact so you can better yourself an die a little bit less retarded.

>> No.10415417

>Gr8 bait

>> No.10415420

>love life
that shits over until that kid is 18 anyway. maybe forever if you refuse to see your doctor cause eventually youre going to just turn into a bread loaf

>> No.10415441

Oil is fat, you dumb shit.

>> No.10415442

I think you confused me with another poster. I'm male. My first post in this thread was >>10415292.

Your skin absolutely does not produce fats. It does produce OIL, but that's not the same thing.

>> No.10415444

Uh oh I just went to the store and got some chocolate yogurt. I put 5 tbsp up my vag... should I douche it out?

>> No.10415460

Don't ever put any yogurt with sugar up there. You're begging for worse bacterial infections that way.

>> No.10415470

Post feet.

>> No.10415473

AIDS from niggers.

>> No.10415481

Fat and oil are both lipids, the main difference beeing behaviour at room temperature and secondly where it's from (animal or plant). It's like going full autismo about the fact that the body doesn't produce "sugar" because it only produces glucose and no saccharose.

>> No.10415484

>I'm a 35 year old woman. Gynos know shit.
I'm sorry, you're telling me that you know better than a doctor because you read a wikipedia article one time?
>you should provide medical care for yourself instead of believing "mouth to mouth propaganda" from your fucking doctor
Go neck yourself. And stop calling other women "cunt," it makes you look like a bitter tranny. 35 year old "woman" yeah ok
Out of interest what color of shit is your skin?

>> No.10415490

>It's like going full autismo about the fact that the body doesn't produce "sugar"
The body does produce sugar because glucose is a form of sugar.
The skin doesn't produce fat because oil is not a form of fat, especially when speaking human biology, the two terms have very specific connotations.
You can't sperg out and call other people autismo because you don't speak english.

>> No.10415491

I have HIV but I was negative for AIDS and that word is so fucked up, don't ever say that again
I keep seeing people say this but I don't get why

>> No.10415497
File: 159 KB, 1024x576, vagina-bread-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn your infections into bread.

>> No.10415499


>> No.10415503

>I always scratch with my gloves on

>> No.10415536

Hi stinky! ;)

>> No.10415538

dude i love woman with yeast infections, it tastes so good eating them out!

>> No.10415545

Die, nigger.

>> No.10415556

Roleplaying is against the rules. Also

>> No.10415573

It tastes like Olive Garden breadsticks whenever I scratch and taste it

>> No.10415699

this thread is a stark insight into what the board as a whole would look like if it was populated mostly by females

>> No.10415837


>> No.10415860

she's get one if she stuck a mini baguette up her twat.

>> No.10415861

>I'm sorry, you're telling me that you know better than a doctor because you read a wikipedia article one time?
Studies in med yournals like NCBI which clearly tested the myths and cameto those conclusions. That's why you disregard the argument from authority.

>Out of interest what color of shit is your skin?
White as snow, also known as East Nordid+Baltid phenotype, cunt.

>> No.10415903

You are so, SO wrong honey.

>> No.10415924
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>> No.10415926

>7) Try applying plain yogurt way up there. The lactobasillus is what you're supposed to have colonizing your ladybits.
Yogurt have more Streptococci than lactobacilli

>> No.10415927

Wash your fucking hands for God's sake

>> No.10415935


Man, when are the Japanese gonna finish up on robotic wombs so we can just purge the earth of the parasitic monsters we call "women"? They're so fucking disgusting.

>> No.10415943

Actually, honey is anti-bacterial. so honey in cunt might work. At least it will look less roastied as it also contains peroxid.

>> No.10415945

>so honey in cunt might work
yeasts thrive on sugar

>> No.10415950
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>I feel humiliated and defeated

>> No.10415977

Do you have AIDS or some shit? You shouldn't be getting thrush in your mouth if you're healthy. Have you taken antibiotics recently?

>> No.10415999 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10416021

Stop douching, ya mook. You need the good bacteria to recolonize to keep the yeast under control. Yeast infections are terrible and I hope yours clears up.

>> No.10416032
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>> No.10416046

Women are biological vehicles for pure unadulterated Jewish lies.

>> No.10416061

Says the muh synthetic womb goy unwilling to sacrifice anything for a natural family and wants a foreign race to invent a machine so his overlords can select who will be allowed to procreate or send of to the reservations if they are unwilling to subscripe their offspring to the obligatory post-natal education Brave New World style.

Like pottery.

>> No.10416075

In the unlikely event this thread isn't bullshit, you probably have a weak immune system. Are you an uncontrolled diabetic?

>> No.10416079

There are 5g of pure sugar in unsweetened yoghurt.

>> No.10416095

>pirate chink womb-bot specs
>3d print self a womb-bot
>put cum in womb-bot
>throw away daughters
Leaves me with more kids than you'll have- unless you count your wife's sons DeShawn and Tyronnico

>> No.10416118
File: 96 KB, 323x318, 1522682858753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have two sons, born from my womb. Nice try shlomostein.

>> No.10416130

>thought I was talking to a person
>turns out it was a roastie
Well, fuck me.
Imagine if dogs could post on the internet, a person would get halfway through an argument and then the other poster would be talking about licking their own asshole.

>> No.10416135

find a man so you don't have to work and have babies you filthy whore.

unless you're non-white. in which case just get in the oven

>> No.10416143

Liberal use of hand sanitizer then washing with soap and water would be best. Trim your fucking nails nasty shit always gets under them. Stop touching your puss-puss you smelly girl.

>> No.10416180

Yeast is impervious to hand sanitizer, you fucking autistic moron

>> No.10416182
File: 36 KB, 612x612, 1498664491249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An evolutionary succesfull roastie not hopping to get the eternal kike to give me heers like a silly little bitch.

>> No.10416219

Baguette =/= dildo

Problem solved.

>> No.10416233

Liberals using hand sanitizer is why we have all these fragile bubble boy allergy queens

>> No.10416242

And don't forgett multi-resistant bacteria.

>> No.10416255

>Liberal use of hand sanitizer

Stop making superbugs you OCD sperg

>> No.10416256

I carry hand sanitizer on my keychain next to my vark sauce keychain and I only have the flu and chlamydia

>> No.10416259

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baking yeast) ≠ Candida albicans (gut yeast that causes itchy cunt). Wear looser pants and wash your ass, moron.

>> No.10416265

Read the thread dipshit, bathing causes yeast infections

>> No.10416295

It doesn't retard. Using the shower head as a dildo might, but I hope nobody does that. Get some sopa on your cant and go through your outer labia and ass crack afterwards. You probably dripp ass juice towards your hamhole or wipe the wrong way.

>> No.10416455
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>> No.10416488

Superbugs are a result of people not properly taking their anti-biotic medication and causing the surviving bacteria to become resistant and over use of anti-bacterial soap. If you seriously think ethyl alcohol causes superbugs you are fucking retarded.

>> No.10416503

Put plain yogurt in it. And eat lots of it too. You're welcome.

>> No.10416510

Garlic is good for viral infections but plain yogurt is going to be your real savior.

>> No.10416527

Thank fuck I was born a patriarch.

>> No.10416554

>spergs who have never seen a vagina trying to critique maintenance

>> No.10416574

>have yeast Infection
>put garlic in bag
>open Amy's feminist sourdough garlic breadstick emporium
>Gordon comes and argues with husband Tyrone for tv ratings

>> No.10416576

>Oral yeast infection
You can get those?

>> No.10416586

It's called thrush and generally only people with serious immune disorders and malnutrition get them.
Garlic in the pooswa is good for herpes.

>> No.10417241

wash your hands. a lot. more than you think you need to. wear a face mask. also that bread is incredibly underproofed.

>> No.10417889

Get the anti-itch/bug-bite lotion from target

>> No.10417905


>> No.10417917


>> No.10417935

>There has to be a home remedy to get rid of it...?
Apply for other jobs while you're working.
Employers would rather hire someone looking for a change than someone who barely works.
Alternately, you could make some kind of cunt cheese and sell it to the LGBTQABCDEFGMENTALDISORDERZ+-< community for extra cash and fund research into why women make less money.

>> No.10417939

8/10 larp thread nice OP

>> No.10417953

yeast used for baking isnt the same kind that infects your body

>> No.10418207

Stop pleasuring yourself with stone-hard baguettes.

>> No.10418683

heat from the kitchen is warming-up your twat
Vagisil or similar
avoid beer, sugar, bread etc
Gold Bond powder

loose fitting in th crotch clothes
clean up quickly after sex or masturbating. yeast thrives on cum etc

>> No.10418701

no better way to spend a saturday night, huh?

be sure to join us for our ja/ck/ threads, they too are full of spicy bait

>> No.10419206

Alot of people get oral yeast infections, more than that medical school 101 bullshit you just spouted. Allopathic medicine for some reason doeant believe candida is a major problem, same thing with SIBO years ago and now its a recognised condition

>> No.10420143

literally epic bread

>> No.10420185
File: 73 KB, 960x960, Asperger King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried not being a fucking dirty slag? How about not slamming your filthy sausage fingers in your clam every moment?

>> No.10420194
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>> No.10420246
File: 127 KB, 817x656, 1519774834947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these replies to bait
allowing roasties on /ck/ was a mistake

>> No.10420426
File: 64 KB, 736x898, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lennon juice

>> No.10420434

It's called thrush in the vag too.