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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 133 KB, 1422x806, hot-spicy-food-1kh53c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10413580 No.10413580 [Reply] [Original]

Ill say it before, and I said it again.

Spicy food sucks.
Only tough guys trying to prove how tough they are "like" spicy foods.

>> No.10413608

Stupid hot shit like atomic is actually retarded. But if you think normal spicy stuff like normal hot wings or spicy asian food is bad you need to stop eating so much childish shit like chicken tenders and cheeseburgers and eat good food.

>> No.10413632

I do eat good food. I eat great trucking food. Sophisticated shit that a grown up eats. Some spicy foods, if the heat also adds flavor that you can't get from anything else is acceptable, But just pouring chili pepper into my goddamn crab bisque without even mentioning it on the menu is down right unacceptable.

>> No.10413636


>> No.10414448
File: 26 KB, 250x300, 66A8CEB4-929F-403D-B1F1-C8E5EF7D5B87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell would you put chili peppers in crab bisque? That’s some “I have no clue what I am doing” shit right there.
I love spicy food. Peppers have distinct flavor profiles the work with many foods.
Some foods are meant to be spicy and hot as it is part of the culture. This may be due to a genetic difference which causes a different perception of taste and heat sensation.

Crab bisque would benefit most from black pepper and maybe just a pinch of powdered Serrano, if you wanted a little mouth heat.

>> No.10414452

>trucking food

>> No.10414464

There are people who are sensitive to certain tastes. I know people who are super sensitive to sweet things but can eat straight habanero with no problem. Same with bitter and salty things.

Maybe >>10413580 is sensitive to hot peppers. To them, the flavor and heat is overpowering. If I had to guess,I would say that OP likes sweeter foods like desserts and fruits like apples and bananas as well as foods that are rich with cream.

>> No.10414467

Perhaps some people like it and can pay for it and you have nothing to do with it?

Consider that. I would fire your ass if you were cooking for me and told me that I did want a little bit of hot pepper on my dishes.

Get the fuck out you arrogant sack of shit.

>> No.10414490

If the food sucks send it back. Nobody would expect spicy bisque. Doesn't mean spicy is bad, just that not everything needs to be spicy.

I must admit that although spicy =/= manly I wlll laugh internally if you bitch about a spicy dish being spicy.

>> No.10414495

That is definitely the case with things like peppers over 500k scovilles. It is for a sense of achivement. You get tons of people who pretend that they do not feel anything.

With lighter spiciness, it is genuinely enjoyable to me.

>> No.10414505

Maybe because someone like it that way.
And if that person is the one paying the bill then who the fuck are you to complain?

You fucking faggot!

>> No.10414511

I eat raw chilis for the rush and high it gives me.

>> No.10414514

As opposed to what you eat?
Don't denegrate other peope. It makes you look like a moron. Truckers are pretty cool people.

>> No.10414518

!= in fact. What stupid school did you learn that it's =/=?

>> No.10414548 [DELETED] 

Hello fellow smart rick & morty science, fan I assume he meant ≠ which is visually approximated with =/=

Most normies dont' know what != means, also it's incredibly stupid to encourage != when <> is 1000% faster to type

>> No.10414589

Go back to the >>>/g/hetto.

>> No.10415332

Spicy food can be good
But often people go full retarded with spiciness

>> No.10415363

Spiciness is degenerate, spiciness is anti-white. I don't mean to say that in any trivial way. In what it represents, spiciness is degenerate. What it means to spice up your food is to cause yourself agitation. To agitate your tongue. To cause you pain. To cause you a sensation, this new sensation, you might start shifting in your chair like "aah! that's hot!"

Here's the thing about spice, once you go from spicing food to making food spicy you've crossed into the realm of degeneracy. You're gonna be welcomed by Arab sheikhs and fucking la cucaracha dances. I don't mean this as a joke. If spicy food is something you enjoy then it's a sign of a degenerated spirit.

And it's these mud races that are so obsessed with spicy food, they're obsessed with agitation. They live in these climates where it's just sand, blowing in the wind. Or they might live in a muddy tropical forest where it's all gooey and slop-slop everywhere; it's constantly changing. But in the far North, what do we have? We have ice. There we have a true symbol. A way to orient ourselves, I suppose you'd say.

Spice is really a symbol of total decadence. If you enjoy causing pain to yourself, why is that? It's a thirst for total agitation that these lowers races are so much more... It's so much more sensual than the Hyperborean race. And it's not a plus. Hyperboreans have the true strength. Ice is strong. Sand you can just throw it to the wind, or you know... Disgusting... you can step on some mud, throw it away. You cn disperse it easily. But you have to smash ice.

So don't eat spicy food from a fucking salsa bowl, drink from the cool ice of your hyperborean ancestors.

>> No.10415379
File: 19 KB, 200x200, MildBobbySauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know what you need my man

>> No.10415395

you are a very bored, repetitively uncreative human being

>> No.10415606

>Only tough guys trying to prove how tough they are "like" spicy foods.

1) you are objectively wrong. I enjoy spicy food because it tastes good. Eating stupid spicy shit is just fun for me sometimes.

2) Women have a higher pain tolerance than men, so if anything these people you claim to exist would be proving their femininity, not their masculinity.

3) You're an arrogant egomaniac who has completely lost touch with reality

>> No.10415616


>> No.10415738

You definitely don't need chillis in your life if you're already this anally agonized.

>> No.10417727

What's wrong with you

>> No.10418296
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x720, no soy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is op the same soiboi that was complaining about how chili peppers in asian food were too tough to eat .

>> No.10418340
File: 162 KB, 1808x996, dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no soy hippies
Should be "no somos hippies"

Should have stayed in school, roastie

>> No.10418412

>what mild spicy flavor is good for
Adding some bite to savory dishes, giving some contrast to creamy, sweet, and fatty dishes. Helps the other flavors stand out more.

>what moderate spicy flavor is good for
Masking the taste of shitty base ingredients. This is not necessarily a bad thing because sometimes your base ingredients suck and spice is an easy way to make it taste good anyway.

>what super spicy flavor is good for
Getting clicks on youtube challenge videos and causing horrible pain and discomfort to masochists.

People who go out to expensive restaurants and order their food with 5 star spiciness are fucking degenerates. Do you not actually want to taste your food? Have your taste buds been so destroyed by eating spicy food that you can't even fucking taste anything else anymore?

>> No.10418422

>tfw no skunk gf to press her anal glands into my nose and mark my face

>> No.10418478

>>what super spicy flavor is good for
>Getting clicks on youtube challenge videos and causing horrible pain and discomfort to masochists.
>People who go out to expensive restaurants and order their food with 5 star spiciness are fucking degenerates. Do you not actually want to taste your food? Have your taste buds been so destroyed by eating spicy food that you can't even fucking taste anything else anymore?

Personally, it depends on what kind of resturant. If it's some Caribbean-style resturant than fuck yeah I'm gonna get the hottest thing on the menu. If it's an authentic Italian joint, then probably not.

I see eating super-hot foods as a way of pushing my limits and entertainment. I don't do it all the time of course, but if something has a nasty reputation for being spicy I'm going for it to experience it myself.

My tastebuds are just fine, btw.

>> No.10418491

Hottest I go is red sauce at tbell! even then I gotta make sure to watch it

>> No.10418620

Slow your roll, /pol/. If I want to eat salsa made with vegetables grown by my own hand in my own garden, and spice it with habanero I grew myself, I'm going to fucking eat the shit out of that salsa. I'm going to enjoy the fruits of my labor, and there isn't anything degenerate about it.

>> No.10419832
File: 96 KB, 692x773, 0487DC1A-3CB5-43DD-AF67-7A388D7F673F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans eat horseradish, radishes, black pepper...among other things.

Furthermore, older European dishes have spices, but once they became affordable to the lower classes the upper class rejected them as a part of high society.

>> No.10419837

What movie is that? It looks funny.

>> No.10419841
File: 139 KB, 988x1059, 1523162358275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If IIII want my crab bisque to be HOT, that's my riiight as a MAN. I am a MAN and I want my food to be HOT.

>> No.10419931
File: 214 KB, 1200x907, 1515694380476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stormcuck can't handle spicy food
>spiciness is anti-white!

>> No.10419982

Spice "burning" my tongue =/= pain. It tastes good and is a good feeling in one package

>> No.10419988

This is 100% true deesu

>> No.10420609
File: 127 KB, 403x1500, b81+NSYxYJBL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why do I do it in the privacy of my own home and don't like interacting with people, especially eating in front of them?
hurts so good.

>> No.10420646

I'm an anti-social NEET and I like spicy food.

You are probably right to an extent. I would imagine a good portion of spicy food "lovers" - at least a quarter of them - are just doing it for the man points, but that's not the case for all of us. It's already been proven that the capsaicin in spicy food releases endorphins and has limited application as a painkiller (funnily enough), so the case for people liking spice in their food isn't completely bogus.

>> No.10420732

An hero amerimutt

>> No.10420735

Problem Child 2

>> No.10420746
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spicy food is pretty good in my opinion. Sure the spice can also be a flavour killer, but not if you do it right.

>> No.10420756

Of course we had to make this political...

>> No.10420943

I love ridiculously hot food. I enjoy growing the hottest peppers, & cooking with them (mostly for myself) often. Except the ghost pepper. It has lots of heat, but a shit flavor in anything other than my bear meat chilli.
>Trinidad scorpion is delicious with fish
>Carolina reaper is great with almost anything
And who the fuck doesn't like scotch bonnets on their ham & cheese sandwiches?

>> No.10420996

Makes you feel good about yourself. and you had to mention it on 4chan.

>> No.10421003

spicy food is amazing, the hotter the better. i always feel good after i eat something really spicy, especially if i'm sick or congested

i grew ghost peppers last summer, i thought the flavor was pretty good but i ended up with way more than i could actually use. i might try growing scotch bonnets and bird eye chilis this summer since they are a pain to find where i live.

>> No.10421028

>Makes you feel good about yourself
no shit retard, it's like your brain releases endorphins when you eat spicy food

ITT: insecure soyboy faggots who cant even handle a jalapeno that cant understand why some people appreciate spicy food

>> No.10421057

we can all handle jalapeno. we just don't see the need to brag about it.

>> No.10421124

no one is bragging, you insecure faggot

>> No.10421129

You sure? Looks like this guy is >>10421028

>> No.10421138

Holy shit I haven't seen this pasta in a long ass time.

>> No.10421139

i don't see any bragging, looks like i'm just making fun of you

>> No.10421142

Low-effort troll

>> No.10421151

My first post in this thread was >>10421129

>> No.10421153

im sure

>> No.10421165

>surely nobody could have grown up eating flavorful foods, nah they must be lying about being able to "handle" an extremely common vegetable
Where's the food desert thread? Is it already archived?

>> No.10421175

what the fuck are you even talking about? you seem like you either have literal autism or never learned how to read or write properly. please don't reply to me again.

>> No.10421218

Stuff you have no experience with because you were raised in one. Bragging about being able to handle perfectly ordinary flavors like the spiciness of a chili is similar to saying "specialty bread" to mean bread that isn't wonder bread, or "craft beer" to mean beer that isn't bud light.

>> No.10421232

There's more soyboys complaining about people who love to eat spicy shit than people actually bragging about eating spicy shit

>> No.10421234

yeah because Asians are so tough