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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10408228 No.10408228 [Reply] [Original]

Well /ck/? Do you take your coffee black?

>> No.10408238

I can't take a 'man' seriously if they add sugar or cream to coffee

>> No.10408239
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>> No.10408240

I like my coffee like I like my men... cheap and oily

>> No.10408243

splash of cold milk to get it just below scalding

>> No.10408245

>adding 1000 calories to your morning go juice

who gives a fuck what it tastes like

>> No.10408263

men don't care about coffee. Its literally the most female oriented drink around, even more than La Croix

>> No.10408500
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>regular guy
What guy? All I see is a sissy twink squirrel boy.

>> No.10408513
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>> No.10408516

If I'm drinking it with breakfast, I like it black. If I'm drinking it after dinner, I like it with milk and sugar. If I just randomly feel like having a cup of coffee, I like it with half strong coffee and half milk.

Limiting yourself to only one method of preparation is the ultimate example of a false patrician.

>> No.10408520

You're not a man for drinking something. Your can still be a complete man baby and drink your coffee black

>> No.10408524

why would you drink coffee after dinner?

>> No.10408530

drinking black coffee is peak grandma behavior
Drinking not black coffee is little sister territory

>> No.10408532


the best way to drink it is by flavoring it with hot cocoa mix. no extra sugar or cream needed.

>> No.10408550

Black is patrician
Sugar is fine
Milk is a bad choice but I'll accept it if you must
Cream is for people who never grew up

>> No.10408558

>not exclusively playing Stardew Valley

black coffee forever

>> No.10408572

what if you use sugar, milk and cream at the same time?

>> No.10408588

Actually a pretty common practice when having guests

>> No.10408604

Light roasts you drink black
Dark roasts you sweeten

>> No.10408648

This is very common at restaurants and my family always did it growing up. They would make regular and decaf so people could choose which they wanted after dinner. I grew up in New England.

>> No.10408678

Both of my grandma's always did this, but never knew any younger people to do it. Thought it was just an old-timey thing

>> No.10408694

Your testicles retreat into your body and become a uterus

>> No.10408696

stop posting pictures that make my nutbladder hurt.

>> No.10408713
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>> No.10408728

this is not funny my nutbladder really hurts

>> No.10408742
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>> No.10408745

wait so by that logic regular guys are not men... this blue squirrel faggot must be stoned as balls

>> No.10408748

16 oz of Kona 2 tablespoons of sugar splash of half and half Bliss

>> No.10408785

>no extra sugar or cream needed
You realize those instant cocoa mixes are powdered milk, sugar and cocoa powder, right? Or were you saying "no extra", rather than just saying you add cocoa mix to be cute? I've resorted to shit like that when I was younger to make total ass coffee palatable.

>> No.10408797

In hot coffee I think sugars/syrups taste bad. Like maybe if you put a tiny amount it would be okay but just the taste of sugar and hot coffee is bad to me. I do like coffee with low-fat milk but again using higher-fat like cream or half&half it just tastes gross to me.

In iced coffee I don't mind adding more stuff like sugars, syrups, fatty milk, etc.
I like cold-brewed coffee with a teaspoon or so of maple syrup.

>> No.10408808

Only when it's weak and watery like most people brew it. I usually make mine fairly strong (1 tbsp coffee to 1 oz. water) with cream and a pinch of salt.

>> No.10408818

Just a splash of cream to make it silky smooth :)

>> No.10408922

are you me

>> No.10409803
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Yes and no. I enjoy coffee with stuff in it, but I've also been just eating coffee beans straight as well. Had a black coffee yesterday with breakfast.

>> No.10409862

I think it's playing off of the whole "men don't like sweets, that's girly" thing Japan does, like even Japanese people can acknowledge it's more of a stereotype than actually reflecting people's tastes.

>> No.10410024

cream and sugar plz

>> No.10410034

Yeah. I stopped adding sugar because of acne (it helped) and then one day we were out of milk so I just had it black and it was fine. It's weird that people bring attention to it sometimes.

>> No.10410056

You are a bad person and you should feel bad.

>> No.10410057

Black with one sugar. I started preferring less and less milk till I decided I don't need the milk at all.

>> No.10410099

Your taste buds are broken if there was no difference between coffee with sugar and black to you.

>> No.10410101


>coffee + milk + sugar
>coffee + milk

Of course there was a bloody gradual difference in taste.

>> No.10410103

Depends on where I'm getting it from. Black or 1 cream, 1 sugar at the most.

>> No.10411153

Heartily agree. But usually only a bit of creamer in the dark roast for me.

>> No.10411173

I don't think I've put anything in my coffee for years, I prefer the taste black.

On another note, I had some good ass french press not too long ago, anyone got info on how that all works?

>> No.10411179

I like my coffee like I like my men...I don't

>> No.10411181

How what all works? French press?

Grind your coffee coarse so it doesn't slip through the metal mesh, dump it in, dump hot water in, mix, let sit for four minutes, strain and serve.

For patrician coffee, pour it through a paper filter after you french press it.

>> No.10411190

Nice, I'll have to get some stuff for that, any recs?

>> No.10411208

>coffee beans smell amazing and complex and pleasantly toasty and vibrant and delicious
>every sip of coffee I have ever had tasted like wretched stank and the smell/taste of it pervades everything, to the point where I can taste coffee in a beverage that was stored in a carafe that stored coffee at any point in its fucking lifetime

Same thing for alcohol, everything from pissy lager to everclear tastes like something thats gone bad (because it has), or in the case of stronger liquors "something thats gone bad that someone poured rubbing alcohol and/or nail polish remover over"

>> No.10411236


Growing up I used sugar and creamer...ever since about 20 though it's all black for me.

>Mfw friends tell me Starbucks coffee sucks and they load up all theirs with cream and sugar regardless

>> No.10411248
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Forgot my face

>> No.10411359

Starbucks coffee does suck. They know 99% of their clients are going to smother it in sugar, cream and flavored syrups. McDonalds unironically has the best coffee of the big name chains outside of gas stations

>> No.10411368

MCT and Butter for me thanks.

>> No.10411390


It used to be. I liked McDonald's coffee like...10 years ago. It's changed since though and it's not something I like anymore.

>> No.10411398

I'm a coffee fag, but I agree about alcohol. It all tastes like shit. People pretend it tastes good to appear as though they aren't just hard drug addicts. Literally the most tolerable alcoholic drink is PBR.

>> No.10411405

It's solid if they don't let it fester.

Shut up nigger

>> No.10411669

I drink it black, but the way I brew coffee it always winds up with a bit extra, which I save in a thermos until its enough for another few cups. When its cold like that I like to add milk and a few ice cubes instead of having to microwave it.

>> No.10411783
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Literal queer detected.

>> No.10411785
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>90% coffee + 10% unsweetened almond milk

>> No.10411843

I usually drink mine black, but if i do add anything its just a little milk. I never add sugar because i think sweet coffee is gross

>> No.10412030

Are there any good burr grinders if i usually just grind enough for one cup of coffee at a time?