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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 500x388, 6172jb3vvRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10403578 No.10403578 [Reply] [Original]

>Cheap 50 cents per
>Tastes like buffet noodles
>takes little effort and no time to make
what other poorfag foods should everyone look out for

>> No.10403609


Not this.

It tastes good for sure. But it makes me wake up at 2am literally coughing up pure stomach acid.

Also, its a total pain in the ass to make. What with its 4 different combined sauce and flavor packets. Fuck that shit....just eat a cup o noodles

>> No.10403615

are you supposed to do something with this that i'm missing

I always just dumped everything in hot water and ate it like any other ramen

>> No.10403617

Yep. I used to love these as a teenager but they started giving me horrible acid reflux and weird shits as I got older. Can't do 'em anymore.

>> No.10403626

Nah man you're meant to cook the noodles, drain the water, then add all the packet stuff

>> No.10403629

Basic way to a great mi goreng
Noodles in boiling water
Take out of water once cooked
Put in bowl with dry ingredients mixed
Add fried egg on top like every viet and indonesian person would do
Boom, cheap meal esp when a pack of these noodles is like 10c if you buy it by the box

>Bonus pure indonesian madness edition
Add steamed shrimps and onions for the true mi goreng experience

>> No.10403652

Potato is love
Potato is life

>> No.10403686
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Where do you get this for 50c a pack? Too expensive on Amazon.

>> No.10403688

Chicken hearts.
My grocery sells them for a dollar a pound.

>> No.10403727

peanut butter

>> No.10403730

Pick one

>> No.10403735

Best cheap noodles around. Follow the instructions and they are god-tier

>> No.10403825
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>very fast to make
>cheap as fuck
>tasty if you aren't a pleb with shot taste buds

>> No.10403850
File: 38 KB, 450x450, 6CC34FE9-44D3-4666-A39B-8288A2E1F2A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shit ton of these bad boys
dont even have to refrigerate em.
you can eat em alone or if youre in a razzley dazzley kinda mood you can spread some cream cheese on a ritz, add a little piece of kipper and wala.

>> No.10404000

goddamn. thats real right there

>> No.10404002

Oats are the most bland thing in the world. They are the water of foods.

>> No.10404006

I put vark sauce on mine so I don't have that problem.

>> No.10404007

Just read the directions and follow them you fucking shitter. The only people who eat packaged shit and don't follow directions are boomers and retards.

>> No.10404008


That shit is terrible. And I have no idea what the fuck kind of buffets you go to, but they probably use cheaper noodles and than your 'straya shit.

>> No.10404011
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$.69/lb, versatile and delicious.

>> No.10404184
File: 140 KB, 1200x875, nissin-instant-noodle-soup-rind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to prefer instant soup noodles, because if you strain the noodles out and keep the water, you can cook rice in it.

>> No.10404245

>You can cook rice in water
Who knew!?!

>> No.10404279

>Water being bland
wew lad
I'll agree that oats without any added ingredient is bland as fuck though

>> No.10404300

not op but my friends and i bulk import about 500 packets at once, brings the cost down to about 20 cents per packet.

>> No.10404325

>cooking rice in preservative infested noodle water

Enjoy your cancer

>> No.10404329
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>50 cents gets you 2 kilograms

I cannot be beaten.

>> No.10404340
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Correction, oat flakes.
Actual oats are god tier and a great alternative to barley or buckwheat in savory dishes.

>> No.10404374

>Difficult to cook
>Heavy af
>Can't be stored for long
>Tastes bland

>> No.10404379

Which country your friends imported Indomie from?

>> No.10404380

America's obesity epidemic in a single post.

>> No.10404383

Indonesia, Nigeria, Croatia

>> No.10404392

Contains soy though

>> No.10404402

I would much rather throw 3 eggs in a frying pan, slap two slices of bread on top of them, mayo the top of the bread, wait for the eggs to cook, flip over, throw some cheese on top, real cheese, not American singles, and then shut it. Literally cost the same as your shitty pack of ramen or less and it actually tastes good and has protein. Not as many calories, but instant ramen calories (or instant fried noodles) aren’t much better than the calories you get from candy...

>> No.10404403

It's got a shitton of sodium brah

>> No.10404420

All of those are wrong

>> No.10404431

That means you’re getting a good deal, dumbass...

>> No.10404440
File: 77 KB, 800x800, instant-pancit-canton-hot-chilli-flavor-von-lucky-me-60g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eats indog shit
>not trying the superior Lucky Me Spicy Pancit Canton

>> No.10404464
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>> No.10404472

Wtf is that
Sounds like a shitty brand

>> No.10404479


Lucky Me is bottom shelf tier. Almost as bad as Indo Mie.

>> No.10404480

>Difficult to cook
Dude what? Boil in salted water for 20-25 mins. What's so hard about that you dense motherfucker?

>Heavy af
On the other hand, adding one potato to your meal is enough to get you satisfied, two to make you feel overly full. Also, are you telling me you can't carry 2.5 kg, wtf

>Can't be stored for long
Store them in the fridge and they last for weeks

>Tastes bland
Sounds like you never ate a single one in your lifetime apart from stuffing your face with fries

t. upset German

>> No.10404487

Shut the fuck up, the soy in the brain force is to balance out the mass amounts of Testosterone


>> No.10404493
File: 34 KB, 772x579, combino-spaghetti-mit-tomatensauce-und-geriebenem-hartkaese--1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costs 0.69 € and makes two people full, you can also add minced meat for a cheap bolognese. Pretty neat for when money's running out at the end of the month but eating this more than three days in a row fucks you up.

>> No.10404507

>>Difficult to cook
>>Heavy af
>>Can't be stored for long
a month isn't long?
>>Tastes bland
tastes heavenly for the price

>> No.10404533

Good. Glad that your friends avoid the Malaysian version

t. Indonesian
Looks shitty

>> No.10404541

What's the difference?

>> No.10404544

And what is the dark souls of food?

>> No.10404573

>You can cook rice in water
>Who knew!?!

I should have been a bit more clear.
While cooking the "Soup Noodles" you normally add a packet of seasoning and what not. They mix with the water to create a kinda soup stock for the noodles. Those flavors infuse into the noodles, but remain mostly in the water/liquid.
When cooked, you remove the noodles and have a bowl of nice noodles that are infused with a chilli flavor (my flavor of choice) and are left with a chilli liquid soup stock. Of you cook rice in that stock, it will absorb that chilli flavoring.

Now yes, I could just make a watery soup stock base to cook rice in, but this way is quicker, cheaper and you can get two, maybe three (depending on how much rice you cook) meals out of it, therefor making it a cheap thing, for poorfags.

>> No.10404673

There's no secret ingredient that make this noodle tasty, No fried shallot and also no chilli packet

>> No.10404674
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>> No.10404751

>Wtf is that
>Sounds like a shitty brand
>Looks shitty
It's one of Mike Cheng's favorite instanoodles
Whereas your indog noodles wasn't that much favored

>> No.10404759

>coping this hard

>> No.10404802


>> No.10404892

ramen is actually more expensive than normal pasta by weight and is nutritionally empty

>> No.10404894

>buying food on Amazon
why are americans like this

>> No.10404911

you can just crush the noodle in the packet and pour in the spices and shit and eat it like it was recess

>> No.10405012
File: 914 KB, 664x736, tesco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tuna: 14p a tin
noodles: 5p (?) a pack
fish: 1 pound for a large bag of fillets
pitta: 10p a pack
crab sticks: can't remember, but cheap

this + cucumber and tomatoes (10 years ago)


>> No.10405015

this. 2kg+ pasta bulk is cheaper than anything.

>> No.10405020
File: 196 KB, 1120x744, 02901_01_minuet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally 4 cents a kilo

>> No.10405070

>tasting the Malaysian made Indomie that has been exported to countries including flipland
Found the problem. The OG one is godly anyway

>implying that Indomie's owner also owns almost half of flipland

>> No.10405106


To be fair, it's barely food. Now that 6 pack of coconut milk I got off Amazon for $8, no regrets.

>> No.10405197
File: 52 KB, 640x617, 26992076_317721435413929_8119187070750481749_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you suggest a healthy meal within a safe budget range? Can add some meat as it's payday.

>> No.10405202

It's also borderline inedible on its own.

>> No.10405203

I swear nobody does that except me. I have no idea how people eat that shit with water

>> No.10405211

tfw croatian
Where do you get it from?

>> No.10405222

Rice and beans

>> No.10405258
File: 371 KB, 983x1062, IMG_20170926_105810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cabbage is inedible
Are you a literal newborn?

>> No.10405276

I dare you to eat more than 2 leafs in one sitting. Uncooked and unseasoned.

>> No.10405289

Why the fuck would I do that? When you said "on its own" I thought you meant as a meal's sole ingredient.

>> No.10405298


Even regular cabbage is easy, and napa cabbage is the boring flavorless alternative to that.

>> No.10405302
File: 97 KB, 640x958, gallery-1490122445-delish-tex-mex-cauliflower-rice-pint-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trips, but making pic related with gf.

>> No.10405305

You can eat raw shredded cabbage as a pallet cleanser. The japs do this all the time.

My weeb knowledge is lacking so I might be wrong on this one.

>> No.10405309

>worked at grocery store as a teen
>fat people basically only bought expensive junk
I'm just glad I'm not in the USA where people pay with EBT.

>> No.10405312

I'm not an indog retard, no one is selling your brand, perhaps that's why it's shitty mate.
Also holy shit who gives a fuck about some random shitty youtubers.

>> No.10405314

You’re as dumb as the average weeb.

>> No.10405316

Shredded cabbage is tasty you tastelet

>> No.10405320
File: 49 KB, 360x640, 25488996_1789509967735551_482266062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

food stamp day here in New Hampshire. I am sure that this song will be in heavy rotation.


>> No.10405335

ugh fuck off flip. flip food is the garbagest tier shit, basically on the level of ketchup spaghetti and deep fried pork ear

>> No.10405339

>brainlet shitting on delicious fiber-rich low-calorie yet satiating based cabbage

Fuck yourself.

>> No.10405422

>live in Canada
>what food has taxes on it is seemingly random
>for example a pre-cooked chicken does but a pre-made cake doesn't
I just don't get it.

>> No.10405445


You got me. Even though I priced it in US dollars, you obviously caught on to how chickens don't have legs in the US; they're just grown as boneless breasts.

>> No.10405453

He probably meant to reply to a different post.

>> No.10405463

powdered potatos

>> No.10405475

it has to be unprepared

that said ive never seen pre-cooked chicken have taxes applied. that must be provincial level fuckery

ive found that its either potatoes or rice that are cheapest, depending on exact sales/season/local stores.

i learned to do this from, i shit you not, EncyclopediaDramatica

leave it to a bunch of furry-obsessed internet bullies to teach a young kid real life skills like cooking

>> No.10405487

So many people told me they eat that shit like soup, that i genuinely thought that i was mistaken for eating it like that. Tried it once, didn't like it.

I just sprinkle the packets on the noodles and stir it for a bit. Tastes great

>> No.10405491

it seems cheap but you need to use so much of it that you may as well just get a full assortment of veggies at that point

>> No.10405498

yeah, drain the water, leave just enough so the powder gets wet and spreads properly, and put it back on the still-hot burner and stir until nice and combined

>> No.10405679


Growing up, this is what I did with all ramen. I'd drain the noodles and sprinkle the seasoning packet on them. I'd end up using a half packet of the seasoning, wondering if it was just an asian thing to make their noodles inedibly salty. It wasn't until I went off to college that I learned it was supposed to be a soup.

>> No.10405691

>It wasn't until I went off to college that I learned it was supposed to be a soup.
To be fair, you're only supposed to use 2c of water, not fill a pot up entirely. And some brands are saltier than others. And asians do just make their noodles that salty. Ever been to a real ramen place? salt city

>> No.10405742

I just recently discovered this and now I want to retroactively throw out all the Top Ramen I've ever eaten in my life.

>> No.10405849

How is a cake not unprepared?

>> No.10405856

Sorry, how is a cake unprepared?

>> No.10405863

i thought cakes were taxed, i misread your post

in my experience, cake is taxed but chicken is not. weird. must be provincial shit

>> No.10406175

Pork bellys the same price in serbia

>> No.10406227


>> No.10406235
File: 143 KB, 675x899, Parmesan-Roasted-Brussel-Sprouts-675x899[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brussel sprouts. Super nutritious, super cheap. Tasty cooked with some garlic, and they keep much longer than most vegetables.

>> No.10406501


this post >>10405335 was for you :)

>> No.10406599

actually, literally on that level because that exactly what they eat.

>> No.10406628

Make a soup. From anything*. It will be cheap and probably taste alright.

>> No.10406783

Brussels sprouts are disgusting

>> No.10406806


>> No.10406813

spotted the KND operative.

>> No.10406889

>eating liquids

>> No.10406936


>> No.10407040

>hey what do you eat?
>oh I drank some soup
>totally cool bruv

>> No.10407064

>tfw almost 40
>eats tons of sodium rich food all the time
>no heart trouble
>no cholesterol problems
>no digestion problems
Feels good man.

>> No.10407095

See you in the doctor's office in ten years

>> No.10407100

That's what people said to me ten years ago.
Still fine.

>> No.10407120

>50 cents
Bought a box of 40 for $12. You've been ripped off.

>> No.10407413

Could be the aberration between prepared in store and prepared off premises. In my experience cakes come in frozen and are just defrosted where as chicken comes in raw and is actually cooked in store.

>> No.10408528

No Asian supermarket in white-peoplesville. eBay even more expensive than Amazon for Mi Goreng.

>> No.10408546

I hate fucking with the packets. Couldn't i just get that stuff in bottles, or add whatever i felt like?

>> No.10408565

fucking PEROGIES you IDIOT

>> No.10409097

I concur, plain potatoes are disgusting.

>> No.10409098

sea food is disgusting you pleb

>> No.10409104

I fucking LOVE pierogies

>> No.10409138

I like to leave a little water in so it doesn’t get dry and sticky, and il put hoisen and cock sauce in for extra flava

>> No.10409387


>> No.10409642
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>> No.10409684

>I cannot be beaten.
Potatoes are also ~80% water while dried cereals are ~13%, or about a sixth of that. Cereals are cheaper when you take this into account, important when buying in bulk.

>> No.10409691

t. Palatelet

>> No.10409696
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>> No.10410959

la americana...

which tescos are you shopping at bruv

>> No.10411214

>touch of bacon fat
>sliced portabella
>Sliced onion
>fresh garlic
>Halved Brussels sprouts
>salt and pepper
I fucking love this shit with steak. Lightly fried the texture is amazing.

>> No.10411228

Got a recipe?

>> No.10411266


It actually doesn't have that much sodium. Literally any brand of instant ramen or broth noodles has far more, because the powder gets diluted by water so it has to be stronger. IndoMie has less than half the sodium of one packet of Shin Ramyun. This info is readily available no reason to be a retard.

>> No.10411344

>in board full of americans
Do you really expect they can read?

>> No.10412579

You making fish kebabs with this m8?

>> No.10412597

>pasta with chorizo
>potato + onion soup

>> No.10412728
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>> No.10412923

except that I'm hungry right now not 30 minutes from now

>> No.10413609

>Literally cost the same as your shitty pack of ramen or less

Woah, must be nice. Where do you live?