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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, 20180404_152317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10401878 No.10401878 [Reply] [Original]

sup /ck/

just dropped my knife on my foot at workand severed the tendon in my toe. on my way to surgery.

whats the worst injury youve had on the job?

>> No.10401922

I got hit in the leg by a 6 ton runaway UNIMOG.

Oh, you meant /ck/ related.
I sliced my thumb open breaking down boxes once.

>> No.10401949

I got drunk on Saturday night and burned my arm trying to get potatoes out of the oven.
It wasn't too bad but the skin is starting to peel off and I popped a few water blisters yesterday.

>> No.10402024
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, 20180205_233409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ive got plenty of burns. i just move fast with little regard for my safety. i hate my body and enjoy geting burns, bit of a masochist. i get shit for it from my chefs

>> No.10402443

Fucking mad man

>> No.10402482


>> No.10402498


>> No.10402525

I do actually say that sometimes when someone asks what happened to my leg.
>I got mogged

>> No.10402529

There was a post a few weeks ago about a guy who stabbed through an avacado into his hand, someone's probably got it saved

>> No.10402550
File: 84 KB, 1001x667, pancake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is my tummy after I air-flipped a pancake with no shirt on (me, not the pancake)

Mate, those photos have been posted for a couple years at least.

Where'd that absorbent blue square come from? I don't know many people who keep those in their kitchen.

>> No.10402709

I blanked out and grabbed a baking tray full of cookies from the oven with bare hands for like five seconds before I realised that the extreme pain was from holding searing hot metal.

Second degree burns over 75% of my palms and fingers. Shit sucked. Was in too much pain to even consider taking a picture.

>> No.10402740

Chainsaw kicked and went straight into my leg, don't care though. Tough man jobs aren't for everyone. If I want to test someone I hand them a chainsaw and take them into the woods. If they can keep up with me then they are worthy of my time.

>> No.10402797

I took some skin off my knuckle while grating a carrot.

It hurt because I'm white so my knuckles haven't hardened over time from dragging on the floor while I walk around.

>> No.10402844
File: 58 KB, 713x476, 1377704979573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sliced my fingers opening a fucking box. I work in retail so I don't injure myself often. I did witness someone slice their hand open on a Deli Slicer I just sharpened.

>> No.10402946

In kitchen?
Heated a pot of soup on stovetop and forgot about it for few hours.
Came back to see it turned into smoking bits of charcoal in tar.
Brainfarted and tried to extinguish it by putting it in the sink and running cold water on it.
Bad idea.
Tiny droplets of scalding hot oil/tar flying everywhere.
Including my forearms.
Didn't hurt that bad, but I looked like a mustard gas victim of WWI.

At work?
Had a 200 lbs set of stairs dropped on my foot.
No brokens bones, but it hurt for several months.

>> No.10403202

you sound autistic

>> No.10403226

You seem like a retarded huh? poster.

>> No.10403277

I was raped by my McDonalds team shift lead.

I now test positive for HIV and I don't have no where near enough money for the faggot disease medication.

>> No.10403302

Are you a twink

>> No.10403315
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No. Straight guy. Really nerdy though.

>> No.10403344

Was the manager a normal dude or like a hulking prison rapist looking dude

>> No.10403363
File: 2.49 MB, 350x353, Mirror_Cake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I know what you're going with this.

Go to /b/ to read on some rape story. I'm here to talk about food, buddy.

>> No.10403365

When I worked retail I slit my wrist open with a box cutter. Went to hospital and passed out. Help my wrist with a towel after flooding a sink with blood, had consciousness until I passed out in ER.

>> No.10403376

More like you just made the whole thing up to be funny, but are so lazy you cant even make up some details to preserve the lie. I bet the only true part is the fact that you work at McDonalds, and you only wish a manager would find you attractive enough to rape you

>> No.10403386

what did they look like before they healed?

>> No.10403504
File: 130 KB, 1280x885, poses-1367416_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter if it is, you can google it as it's a common occurrence. Avocados are ruining human hands, they are but green fat, as obsessed over as fried food though it is fried too! I am fine with tempura batter but why asparagus spears, etc?

>> No.10404144

>ust dropped my knife on my foot and severed the tendon in my toe
How the fuck can that happen? I have dropped shit in the kitchen a few times, but even if it is just a butter knife or a spoon you bet I snap my feet out off way the before it has fallen three inches.

>> No.10404151

>I don't know many people who keep those in their kitchen.
I bet the pic was taken in the clinic, waiting for the operation.

>> No.10404156

Had a 6"x8" fryer grease burn on my abdomen while trying to drain and clean a deep fryer at a restaurant

Worked at a heavy equipment garage for a while and got knocked out by a 5' steel pry bar that slipped loose while under tension

>> No.10404225

Y'all need to drink less alcohol while cooking.

>> No.10404290

Nevermind getting your feet out of the way, what kind of shoes was this nigger wearing that a knife could just pass right through to the tendony part of his foot?

>> No.10404476

How about not being an attention whore by posting your pics on anonymous board

>> No.10404481

Don't post pictures on an image board?

>> No.10404495

I cut myself with a McChicken wrapper

>> No.10404510

i tripped over a sting line and fell into a pit

>> No.10404530
File: 52 KB, 1000x1000, aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work as a dishwasher in a restaurant
>pretty high class place
>the dishwashers are me, and a Mexican guy who is a member of some gang
>we work long hard 6 day weeks, 1 day each a week alone, usually Monday and Tuesday which were less busy
>one day talking to the Mexican guy
>he says he might not come in the next day because he has some 'turf business' to take care of
>ask him why he has to do this
>he lifts his shirt and points to a tattoo on his stomach
>'because of this hombre'
>points to the tattoo which is his gangs sign I guess
>it seems to be a snake, that has arms, holding up 2 triangles
>just looks fucking STUPID as fuck
>pic related, I tried to draw it from memory (I have made the background brown to show how it looked on his skin)
>apparently the triangles represent their 2 areas of turf and the snake is them
>try not to laugh
>later that day
>we are washing the last dishes for the day
>as I joke pic up one of the dishes
>has some sauce on it, some kind of red pasta sauce
>smear the sauce into a snake shape with two triangles
>show him the plate
>he gets mad at me
>pushes me down
>kicks the shit out of me
>tfw broke 2 ribs
>he never came back to work
>now work with a 50 year old Haitian woman, she is OK, sings slave songs

>> No.10404546
File: 599 KB, 595x842, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling, thing is that when you get burned you don't think it seem hot enough to permanently scar but it does somehow anyway.

>> No.10404560
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, le baby man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working pizza delivery
>used to wear these board shorts to work most days
>was getting out of my car with some pizzas for these people
>shorts somehow rip from pocket diagonally to crotch
>had to do that delivery with my boxers visible
>boss almost didn't let me go home and change
I don't even know how they ripped like that. Usually you'd think they'd rip in the crotch or at the butt or something

>> No.10404578

why were you working barefoot?

>> No.10404605

Y lie

>> No.10404612

>Reddit frog

>> No.10404617

if you were going to taunt him anyway you should have made the best of the situation

>not holding a chef's knife in your hand hidden under foamy dishwater and not stabbing the spic as soon as he lays hand on you

>> No.10404620

What the fuck

>> No.10404626
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oh wait, pic is the tattoo

>> No.10404689
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>> No.10404721


>> No.10404758

looks like it it holding two slices of pizza. What a retarded logo.

>> No.10404784 [DELETED] 

I donated $50 to a group helping refugees from Central America earlier this week. As far as I'm concerned this country would be better off Hispanic majority. Hard working pragmatic people unlike lazy entitled whites.

>> No.10404844

>Hard working pragmatic people
That's the problem, you gotta work smart, not hard. Whites have made the USA what it is today, a civilized advanced country whose wealth and safety inferior cultures want to take advantage of.

>> No.10404872 [DELETED] 

>you gotta work smart
The country needs "smart" workers (asians) and "hard" works (latinos).

What this country doesn't need is whites.

You had a good run, now please die.

>> No.10404912

>"smart" workers (asians)
LOL all Asians worker ants can do do is copy shit that white people have invented (Japanese excluded I'll grant you that). Name a single groundbreaking technological invention or advance than has come out of China for instance in the last 500 years, I'll wait.

>> No.10404942

astral navigation and The Gun

>> No.10404965

I said "in the last 500 years"

>> No.10404980

Fuck off samefag

>> No.10404982
File: 41 KB, 647x457, 1521048799208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been in a Mexican neighborhood before I see

>> No.10404989
File: 50 KB, 500x586, chop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The e-cigarette

>> No.10404990

it's fake as fuck

>> No.10405031

Jesus, you will rinse dishes again in three days.

>> No.10405036

>The dangers of a parmesan cheese harvester

>> No.10405072

Kek, Asians hate spics more than whites do. Don't lie, Pedro.

>> No.10405095

Not technically on the job but one of my coworkers beat me unconscious

>> No.10405131

Retard, they just copied it.

>> No.10405178
File: 1.40 MB, 406x720, Cheap_Abortion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Asians too. Except the Koreans.

>> No.10405208

>all those cuts too
You should think up a cool story. I have a 7 inch scar on my abdomen which I say was from a knife fight or biking accident, but I think I need a better one. (Had a nevus removed when I was 6 months old and it was critical enough that it left a scar that grew with me. Chance of skin cancer much greater now)

>> No.10405231

Sorry, but American born Hispanics are just as lazy.
Its poor people that have suffer, they have drive to better them self. No matter yje race.

>> No.10405262
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, so confus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10405360

I got shot by some mudslime lol

>> No.10405388

I'm like 0-3 for knife injuries vs potato peeler injuries because I underestimate it's power

>> No.10405399

I was being cheeky anyway
Fuxk those garlic eaters also

>> No.10405427

>sliced index finger to the bone on 3 separate occasions
>cut off the tip of a thumb
>cut pinky to the bone
>dropped a chef knife straight through my foot too
>forearms covered in burns
>got a little too uppity with an old cook once during a particularly busy service and got knocked the fuck out and concussed, broken nose
>some dumb fuck put his knife in the dish pit and I cut my wrist on it and nearly bled out
I used to work construction for a bit before going into cooking and I never got hurt so much as I have in the kitchen.

>> No.10405442
File: 191 KB, 1152x864, annBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut the tip of my left ring finger clean off while I was doing some prep. I wrapped it up and went back to work for about 3 hours, but the bleeding wouldn't stop, so I got sent home. Not exactly an exciting story, but the fact that they didn't send me home outright just reminds me why I don't work in kitchens any more.

Another one that happened to my friend was when I worked at KFC as a teenager.

He was cooking that night (there's a dedicated person who cooks all of the actual chicken "pieces", as opposed to just dropping stuff in a fryer out of a bag). At the end of the night, you have you clean each pressure fryer individually. While you're cleaning them you empty the fryer oil in to filtration machine, which is sort of a wide metal box on wheels. According to safety regulations, you're supposed to use a cover on the machine while it runs, but nobody ever did it in practice, because you'd think "nobody would be dumb enough to step in this thing full of hot oil". I'm not exactly sure how, but my friend did just that. Burned a hole in the top of his foot.

>> No.10406723

Thats why you are expect to wear the type of shoes that protect you from falling knives and other kitchen dangers (what is why they are also anti-slip).

>> No.10406740 [DELETED] 
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>I don't money to support a modern genocide
>I'm such a progressive racist

>> No.10406749

I was decapitated while boiling soup.

>> No.10407097

Not that guy, who wants to talk about a traumatic event?

>> No.10407106


>> No.10407320

>making egg fried rice
>get distracted while oil is heating up
>dump rice in without noticing the heat haze
>end up with myriad brown, tear-shaped oil burns on the entirety of both forearms

>> No.10407331

my wife managed to get second degree burns on her belly and leg while boiling water with a water heater. healed perfectly, no visible scars.

>> No.10407350

Did you died?

>> No.10407472
File: 24 KB, 366x380, 1522690778616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never got hurt bad myself but saw something nas-tay.

>Working in kitchen area of fast food restaurant.
>Couple of brain dead co-workers horsing around. Because fuck those training videos they make you watch? Amirite?
>Man merrily chasing girl around with a spatula. Man is fucking shift supervisor.
>Think "Wonder how long this will last?"
>Barely finish the sentence in my mind when it happens.
>Laughing girl trips.
>Falls into fryer with both arms.

So now the kitchen is filled with the wails of screaming thot holding out her fucked up arms.

They should have used THAT for the training safety video.

>> No.10407524
File: 73 KB, 210x200, 1522847654736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds fucking horrific

>> No.10407871

how was the aftermath?

>> No.10407906
File: 2.68 MB, 4032x3024, 20180405_162804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cheap ass rubber clogs. and it was a chinese cleaver, big heavy hunk of freshly sharpened steel. the shoes are tight enough on me you can see the blood bubbled up yhrough the cut. left a juicy trail on my way out, sorry for making the dishwashers mop up

>> No.10407925

damn, that must've been a sharp as fuck knife falling from quite the height

>> No.10407963
File: 3.17 MB, 4032x3024, 20170922_121845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the knife.

this is also now a chinese vs western knife thread. because i use both, but the cleaver is a hell of a lot more fun

>> No.10407983

>Use blade folded a million times
>Surprised when it cuts him down to the atomic level.

>> No.10407992


jesus fuck thats awful. respect hot oil. was there a lawsuit?

>> No.10408036

Never had anything serious happen to me other than some expected cuts and burns. I've seen some shit though.

>Hire a new kid
>overly enthusiastic as always. Constantly trying to impress
>end of the night
>You know how to drop a fryer?
>yeah, sure
>alright drop the fryers then I'll show you how to do the floors and you can go
>step outside for a smoke
>Hear screaming about a minute later

The fucking kid had opened the fryer up and shot hot oil all over himself. Had to load him into the truck and drive him to the hospital.

>Another new guy at a different place
>had a bit of experience but as it turns out not enough
>Trained him on woks the night a couple days before and he seemed to have the hang of it.
>he gets in the weeds and ends up catching a wok with a fair bit of oil on fire.
>puts the cover over it to put it out
>lifts the lid a little bit to peek inside and see if the fire is out
>flames shoot out instantly and catches him partially on fire
>had on of the dishwashers drive him to the hospital because we were busy and already down one cook and couldn't lose another

>Just me and a good friend prepping alone in the kitchen one night for a catering gig
>Just a few feet away but backs to each other working and shooting the shit
>I say something and he doesn't respond
>turn around and he is on the floor having a seizure
>Also slammed his head on the floor. fair amount of blood
>Grab a towel to put behind his head and check how bad it is.
>its not terrible
>maybe 2 minutes before its all over
>He is loopy as fuck and doesn't know what happened
>picked him up, dragged him into the truck and drove him to the hospital.

He had a few more seizures after that. Never did figure out what was causing them.

>> No.10408058

learn to jump, faggot

>> No.10408100

I only cook when extremely drunk (I cook every night)....I have a really bad habit of pulling a cast iron out of a 400-500 degree oven w/ no oven mitt

>> No.10408104

He might as well.

>> No.10408133

How hard did you throw that knife into your foot?

>> No.10408281 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 235592625_292c0520f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a white man, let me tell you how you think

>> No.10408402
File: 11 KB, 200x254, 4280-11941-20968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What this country doesn't need is whites.

>the race that's literally made the world what it is

>> No.10408477

>Doesn't matter if it is, you can google it as it's a common occurrence. Avocados are ruining human hands, they are but green fat, as obsessed over as fried food though it is fried too! I am fine with tempura batter but why asparagus spears, etc?
Wait until people start trying to open coconuts without machetes and a lifetime of skill!!

>> No.10408495

You realize that pic is probably a decade old at this point. How fucking new are you?

>> No.10408522

Not /ck/ related, but I once broke my little finger working in the warehouse for Best Buy. That was fun.

Fuck Best Buy though.

>> No.10408554
File: 42 KB, 500x500, liquid-nitrogen-gas-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know that feeling, thing is that when you get burned you don't think it seem hot enough to permanently scar but it does somehow anyway.
Given 7 years or so, then you'll figure out if it scars.

I had a 3rd degree burn mid-shin from a liquid nitrogen flask that tipped over on a workbench,-170F freezing temps cascaded off all my clothes, rolled off shirt and shorts, and down my legs, s'ok, but then some got between inside a workboot, a sock and my leg, and adhered a sock to the front of my leg holding the cold there until I could react and get it separated to sublimate.

Wearing water gel bandages, which were new at the time, still took nearly 6 months to close up the oozing 2" x 2" missing piece of flesh where I could see fat cells. Healed to a purple square of skin missing, square concave weird scar It was purple for a full 4 years, and nearly pink for 2 more years. Today, 20 years later, you can't tell where it happened. I'm very light skinned, so maybe a melanin difference and my avoidance of the sun is part of my healing process. I have heard you regenerate new skin head to toe every 7 years, so I'm amazed at the timing of it all.

>> No.10408561

>The e-cigarette
I thought that was Mexico...

>> No.10408569
File: 239 KB, 780x438, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once sliced my finger open with blender blades... it wasn't an accident... yea im edgy

>> No.10408578

Wrong, the blender blades were.

>> No.10408622

>these are the hands that touch and prepare your food
this is why i don't eat out

>> No.10408900 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 128x118, 20180405_231745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.10408915

Fucking faggot. I hope you lose your job.

Why were you barefoot at work?
Making some extra money letting your bosses see feet?

>> No.10408919

Did you tip 15%?

>> No.10408929


nigga I ain't clickin' that

>> No.10408939


>> No.10408941

I don't understand this. How do you even cut into your hand when opening an avocado.

Like, even if you're holding it when you make the first cut, the geometry just doesn't make sense. Are people trying to stab the avocado? Seriously what the fuck. I can open an avocado without hurting myself in like 3 fucking seconds and I don't even eat them that often.

>> No.10408956

>working in freezer
>co-worker dicking around and climbing the shelf
>tell him to get down
>co-worker jumps down while holding on to shelf
>shelf tips
>run forward to catch shelf
>make it
>frozen pork roast slides off very top and hits me in the face
I wonder now if I could have sued
Sorry, only pic I have

>> No.10408994

The types of infection you can get in a burn are serious business, the kind of infections that are antibiotic resistant, MRSA, staph, and some odd ones too like cellulitis. Anything that blisters has direct access to your blood supply if you pop it early too exposing you to sepsis (runners know this). And, what a pain it is for you to cover your wounds while in a kitchen, as I hope you are doing by law. Do you really enjoy wearing 15 bandaids, gauze and waterproof covering tape and changing that out daily with your showers with your collection of damage for fun? I bet you are the kind of creep that doesn't wear gloves or covers cuts. You are a locus of infection...absolutely disgusting. You should be pulled from service for anything on your hands or wrists. You get shit for it from chefs because you are showing them your utter lack of stable mental health. Exposing yourself to serious complications is stupidity.

>> No.10409070

guy slipped on the greasy floor running, tripped me and accidentally stabbed myself with a small knife

>> No.10409307
File: 257 KB, 1200x1723, ouchie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A knife bit me on Saturday.

>> No.10409315

post feet!

>> No.10409321

I used to cut glass and install windows a few years back. One day I cut glass for a customer and trying to be helpful I carried it out to his car never realizing that I had not put on gloves. I cut thendons in three fingers and exposed bone. I still have difficulty opening my right hand.

>> No.10409330
File: 50 KB, 600x615, Grumpy-Grandpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those finger lengths
Exactly why gay men shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen

>> No.10409369

how do we test if you are worth our time? your post doesn't show much potential.

>> No.10409593

Never saw her again and never saw him again. They came close to firing -me- because at first they wanted to nuke all staff from orbit.

Fuck Long John Silvers. It's dangerous enough in that kitchen without the beep-beep short bus dropping off new guys every week. Glad I left that line of work years ago. I hear it's -worse-.

>> No.10409603

>gay man
>those nails
>that mutant webbing
I would have guessed inbred. Soooo-EEEEE.

>> No.10409611

What are gloves?

>> No.10409622
File: 236 KB, 720x380, 1521061226026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10409640

If I walk in somewhere and see everyone is constantly wearing gloves I do a 360 and walk right back out the door.

>> No.10409646

please be safe kyky <3

>> No.10410013 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 235592625_292c0520f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a white man, let me tell you how you think

>> No.10410022

some people (mostly fools) stab into the ball in the center to remove it. If the knife isn't sharp, it will slide down the smooth surface, glide through the fat, and into your hand.

>> No.10410026

Not work related, but I recently broke a rib getting hit with an axe.
HMB is one heck of a sport, and left-handers are literally cheating.

>> No.10411373

>sings slave songs

Made me laugh uncontrollably.

>> No.10411421

>that pic
Does anyone have the original sauce for that? I've been looking for a while and can't find shit.

>> No.10412097

Australia Post in bottom right.
Maybe a poster for post office employees?

>> No.10412163

>implying the shift lead was male
women rape too tho, r-right?

>> No.10412559

sue your employer for not providing steel toed safety shoes

>> No.10412621

brain tumor

>> No.10412706

Nope. This was several years ago and he had tests run. He only had about 3 seizures within about a year or so and hasn't had once since. He is fine now.

>> No.10412756

well no because
*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus these things will just tear you to shreds

>> No.10412928

Anon, I have that exact knife.
Is it actually any good? Was 10$ at the Chinese Market.
It's heavy as fuck too, do you really use the thing as a chef's knife? I figured Chinese chef cleavers were on the lighter side tbqh.

>> No.10412999
File: 582 KB, 684x381, avocado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.10413999

I am pretty sure that is an actual cleaver, as in meant to be used on bones. I have never seen a typical all purpose "chef's knife" cleaver with that upswept tip of the spine and that hole.

>> No.10414213
File: 463 KB, 500x500, fasbender.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell my morbidly obese coworkers vagina most days. Actually I think it's the baby powder she's using as a feminine hygiene product I'm smelling. Still not good though. I haven't yet figured out a way to break the news. I know when she's on our floor.

>> No.10414263

>Freezing liquid

>> No.10414474

Heat or extreme cold, both kinds of injuries do very similar damage to skin and flesh.

>> No.10414498

I smile every time. I know his hand is wrecked for knife but that is a lesson learned. How fucking stupid can you be? If you've ever talked to an EMT you'd know that there's a terrifying amount of people that should be sterilized.

>> No.10415132
File: 2.44 MB, 2304x4096, IMG_20180407_211151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut my finger and only small part was not cut, day later it's starting to look like a dead skin, skip a week and now a new skin was on top of my deadskin and it still hurts when i apply pressure to it, should i see a doctor?

>> No.10415167

Never heard of a cold burn before?

>> No.10415195
File: 29 KB, 760x472, Mariachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>music starts playing
>snake uses tortilla chips to show off it's moves

>> No.10415225

stupid fucking frogposter
i hope you learned your lesson

>> No.10415645

ayayay my nachos are outta control

>> No.10415875
File: 79 KB, 335x420, dupree_lumberjack_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be Michelin star lumberjack
>"accidentally" chainsaw limbs now and then
>numales dont realize i do this intentionally to assert my toughness and alpha male position
>get new apprentice
>refuses to call me by my proper title
of Masterjacker
>sees fit to remind me that we get paid the same as everyone else
>decide to see if he's worthy of learning my craft
>throw a running chainsaw at him
>doesn't catch it
>dodges like a little bitch
>goes on some autistic rant about how I'm not OSHA certified
>show him how real men do it
>toss my running chainsaw up into the air
>catch it by the blade that was folded over 1,000 by a master Stihl sawsmith
>lose 4 fingers
>dominance asserted

>> No.10415901
File: 492 KB, 1537x1869, MOGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say MOGG?!

>> No.10415972

>Fuxk those garlic eaters also

Garlic is god tier. GTFO my board.

>> No.10415984

Ouchie oh no D:

>> No.10416047

I just now noticed the titty on this retard. My life has been changed foreber

>> No.10416215

The Chinese are pushing out scientific papers like crazy. They're making advances in all sorts of technology.

>> No.10416762

carpal tunnel

>> No.10416788

... which their hackers are stealing from companies' computers all over the world.

>> No.10416845

Opened a can of tuna whilst shit faced and damn near slit my wrist, giant ass cut all round the mound of venus on my palm.

>> No.10417171

My old roommate had a seizure while cooking at home and ended up dropping his whole hand on the open flame. He procrastinated going to the follow up doctor visits and it had some slight necrosis they had to cut off and around before doing a skin graft.

>> No.10417530

>ended up dropping his whole hand on the open flame
gas 0 induction 1

>> No.10417562

>wearing sandals as a restaurant chef

Amerilards everyone, wouldn't happen in a proper Haitian restaurant

>> No.10417622

dropping your hand on the induction stove would still burn you though

>> No.10417927

cant you just take the complaint to some department of the office (human resources i guess)?
t.never worked an office job

>> No.10417969

That's what I'm working out how to do. And of course HR was created by women for women. I'm looking for a way to anonymously leave this info with them. I don't want to be that guy, you know? And of course it's a sensitive subject.

>> No.10417989 [DELETED] 

>not wearing steal cut boots while on the job

your fault dipshit

>> No.10418084
File: 55 KB, 680x846, 1486964196838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send em a haiku or something
>it inflicts unease,
>for this lone stench i endure;
>roasty's fetid gash.