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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10395662 No.10395662 [Reply] [Original]

Pig are living beings that deserve respect just like us. You wouldn't really eat them, would you?

>> No.10395699

I’m eating one right now.

>> No.10395798

I used to farm pigs, those fuckers won't hesitate to eat you, so it's open, fair warfare.

>> No.10395804

tough luck pork

>> No.10395809

They are monsters, and we have to prove we are the larger scarier monsters.

>> No.10395810


>> No.10395848

they have the intellect of a 5 year old and will nibble on anything in their range
try to run you over or bite you lower half
give them an iron chain to play and it will be eaten in 2 weeks

>> No.10395863

t. Troy McClure

>> No.10395868

I saw a pig kill and eat a full-grown chicken once
it was not a pretty sight

>> No.10395872

they are animals not children you brainwashed retard

>> No.10395878

toddlers are fucking animals too
we have a couple hundred of them, i know these
point your finger and its gone

>> No.10395879

you have clearly not spent time with either

>> No.10395888

>eating animals
Lmao, you fucking savages

>> No.10395892


I had 2 juicy pork chops today and will have some more tomorrow, also have a piglet stuffed in my freezer

>> No.10395915
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I'm a farmer. I've raised them, killed them, butchered them, and eaten them.

You can prevent this with proper training and "non-training". For instance, when you feed them you don't feed them where they can associate human beings as those who bestow them with food. Because that is how you get people injured/killed and thrust into urban legend.

>horror news from China

Who fucking cares?

>> No.10395925

no they are not
get away from your cult for a couple weeks and think about your life

>> No.10395930

>You wouldn't really eat them, would you?

Only unevolved cultures & races still need to eat meat.

Higher cultures and advanced races have all developed some type of veganism as a staple.

Only unevolved savages, niggers, & chinks still have meat based diets.

>> No.10396043

shouldn't have been born a pig if they didn't want to be sausage

>> No.10396054

>For instance, when you feed them you don't feed them where they can associate human beings as those who bestow them with food. Because that is how you get people injured/killed and thrust into urban legend.
Can you elaborate on this? I'm a city dweller, not a farmer, I've never owned animals. What exactly do you mean and why does this work?

>> No.10396371

I'd eat you if I have to. And your pigs. And I will piss on your bones to top off and cook off your dick to feed it to the birds.
Fuck vegans, you're belong to the soil 6 feet under if you love earth so much.

>> No.10396374

Pigs can be feed carcasses.

>> No.10396522

>Who fucking cares?
It’s a valid part of the discussion, you fucking hick. For instance, the rest of the world didn’t care when the WTC cane down, but it was of interest to us. (And humour.)

>> No.10396528

If you feed pigs so that they can see that you are the one directly responsible for giving them food, like filling the food trough right in front of them, they can associate you and all other humans as the source of the food. Every time they see a human they get fed. If you hop into their pen and they think you are going to give them food, but you don't give them food, they can attack and eat you. It is something that has happened in the past with large farms. Now some large farms have methods to ensure the pigs never associate humans with food in any manner. Normally, the farms that do that have had such occurrences in the past.


It was a larger problem in the 1960s-1970s when there was a pig farming boom, prior to the farm crisis.

Stop posting, kid.

>> No.10396539

>Just like you do.
That's quite the assumption, porker.

>> No.10396540

>Hindus are higher culture
The absolute state of vegans

>> No.10396728

I give them all the respect I'd give you. So, yes, I would eat them, but only if they're dead.

>> No.10396826

Shut the fuck up you retard

>> No.10397012

>spelling humor as "humour"
You're not fooling anyone, bong

>> No.10397084

>>10395662 I thank God for every meal. BTW He's personally allowed humans to eat meat (in the speech to Noah just after the Flood). Just live worthy of your food anon.

>> No.10397097
File: 2.87 MB, 270x360, welcome_to_india.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need a break from 4chan

>> No.10397124
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>Higher cultures
>Shits in the streets

>> No.10397175
File: 36 KB, 331x334, DD5B7AE1-96C5-4C9D-AAE9-DEC938CE2581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The unique is not bounded by such moral obligations to others as mutual respect for the living is a spook

>> No.10397280

Pigs wont hesitate to kill and eat other pigs if they are injured. Even they know they are delicious.

>> No.10397321

Respect is something that is earned, not given away freely. If I could earn the respect of humans by rolling around in my own shit all day, I'd be a whole lot more succesful in life.

>> No.10397372


>> No.10397707

literally biological robots