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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10393188 No.10393188 [Reply] [Original]

>proper fucking thread edition

>> No.10393195

sad cunts edition

>> No.10393198

Reporting for duty

>> No.10393199

Can you guys stop with your pointless drinking threads. It happens every single night. Do something productive like become a pianist and write music. You can still make yourself an actual part of society. God bless you guys

>> No.10393228

I tried not drinking much today (only 8 shots to maintain) and I was a fucking nervous dick all day. Anxious as fuck and short tempered all day

I yelled at my neighbor, My dog, And then cussed out some lady who called me who had the wrong number.

wew lad, I need a few more drinks to stay calm.

>> No.10393236

Fuck off plebbit

>> No.10393241

im gonna make an even more improper thread next time, fuck your autism and fuck tradition

>> No.10393246
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>> No.10393249

I do make music. For a living.
It can get tough, you know.
Sometimes I can't sleep at night and sometimes I just think it's a good idea to get a bit drunk to sleep soundly.
but I just can't gulp that stuff down. I wish there was something I can drink that won't make everyone laugh at me for being a sissy.

>> No.10393250

I'm trying but I hate reality and just want to flatline into my dreams and abandon this waking hell. I feel like a spectator in my life.

>> No.10393257

I feel you too. Went four days without drinking and out of no where this morning felt a lot of anger punching walls and and having a bipolar manic episode.

>> No.10393261

i feel like a lot of people are bipolar in this thread

>> No.10393266


I've lost pretty much everyone in my life, other than my mom (who I can't stand). Yelling at my dog would be a new low. (I don't have a dog.)

>> No.10393267

welcome to alcoholism. it's self medication for the depressed, lonely, and bored

>> No.10393291

I make a living with music as well, and alcoholism is kind of an occupational hazard. There's intense go time, then a lot of down time. You can drink through both without much consequence as long as you're not stupid about it. And even if you are people forgive you for it if your work is good. And they'll forgive much more than that. You can be a drug-addled wreck onstage or in interviews, looking like you just woke up under a bridge and no one will give you shit if the show sold out or the interview was good. If you're talented and lucky a musician is a job an alcoholic can actually manage to hold as long he keeps himself from going all the way to oblivion and missing gigs and the like. And even then if you're really good people will tolerate it. Look at George Jones.

>> No.10393293

at least you got dubs

>> No.10393297
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Wait 40 years. Everything will be fine

>> No.10393309

sounds feasible
reminds me of this seminal work by Delicious Tacos
>Rock star needed. Rock star. A rock star is a person who stays up freebasing until sunrise, whose herpes laden tattooed cock is never outside of some seventeen year old runaway. A rock star is a person who barely works forty minutes a day and then passes out in his own waste. Your job description is for a quiet drone who punches in early and meekly plugs numbers you dictate into an Excel spreadhseet. This is the opposite of a rock star. But “rock star” just means “something cool that everyone wants to be.” It means “exceptional.”

>> No.10393331


It would be nice if I could believe in dubs. At least I was team peanut butter.

>> No.10393334
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hmm you seem to be doing something right
but check these

>> No.10393340

In a predicament right now.
Gf of 7 years mom brokee up with her boufriend, and is now moving in with us as well as her 19 year old sister. Im only 21 and i dont want to live with her mother the rest of my life. She acts like she is incapable of living on her own cause of her fibromyalgia. What would you do? Thinking of leaving and starting new somewhere else

>> No.10393357

what's this team peanut butter thingy?

>> No.10393372
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It's winning.

>> No.10393379

>7 years
>not married
You obviously don't want her, so just move on.

>> No.10393404
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For me, it's PBR!

>> No.10393441

I am the Way, I am hope!


>> No.10393447

I want her, just don't want to live with her mother

>> No.10393449


Are you one of those people who make interesting youtube videos and then ruin them by adding terrible music that nobody wants to hear?

>> No.10393450


>> No.10393474

nope I just start with terrible music and get worse from there


>> No.10393503

i just got 43 stitches from punching a mirror when i was drunkmad...


>> No.10393510

we /metalfag/ now

>> No.10393516


>> No.10393519

Can we actually discuss what kind of stuff is good to drink? Whenever I start to drink something I feel bad about it because it just tastes bad.

>> No.10393528

Fuck off faggot, I play music everyday.

>> No.10393536

what do you think tastes bad

>> No.10393540

This is either the largest gathering of super depressed alcoholics or everyone is larping.

>> No.10393547

I wish, life isn’t really this sad for a lot ofkcmj people.

>> No.10393550

Drink vodka then.

>> No.10393554
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Quick question: Does Sangria need to breath?

>> No.10393559

Pics or gtfo

>> No.10393579
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as you wish

>> No.10393592

Pouring + swirling is enough air for most wine. Pretentious fags will argue with me, but it's 100% true.

>> No.10393594
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>> No.10393595

Bruh, how does a single punch fuck you up so bad you expose bone? I feel like there's more to the story, but perhaps you don't even remember all the details

>> No.10393597

lol you total retard. you'll know better next time won't you? and not die of stupidity? it's such a dumb way for us to take casualties

>> No.10393599

>wine needs air

i thought you just drink the shit

>> No.10393600

Glass is really really sharp.
Also he never said he only punched it once.

>> No.10393602
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it was a hanging mirror on the wall... i kinda blacked out before i did it. it was a big mirror 3x5' and it was way thicker than i suspected

ya im basically quitting drinking for a while. i get out of control cuz i drink too much and do dumb shit when i lose my temper

>> No.10393604

it looks like the fucking mirror won the fight

>> No.10393607
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safe to say it did

i go tomorrow to set up surgery cuz i cut a tendon. cant move my index finger at all

>> No.10393610

It doesn't need it. But it does make it taste even better.

>> No.10393615

that's not just drinking mate, that's severe self injury. you need to look after yourself. a little cut or bruise here and there is funny but you're sustaining serious flesh wounds for no reason

>> No.10393620

end violence against mirrors, now

>> No.10393623


Did you at least get some oxycodone

>> No.10393625

yeah. i remember my gf pissing me off and i kinda saw red. i would never hit her and i didnt so i went apeshit on objects in my house

>> No.10393631

but then what will I punch as a punctuation mark in discovering my masculinity

>> No.10393634

no i got tramadol. might get something different after surgery

>> No.10393635

i passed out on my hand bent backward and streched the tendons overnight. couldnt lift my hand for a month. good luck with the surgery

>> No.10393638

not that guy, but I have:

>required stitches twice from knife accidents
>fallen and broken some really expensive equipment I was gonna sell
>fallen and hit the toilet (twice)
>fallen down stairs uncountable times
>narrowly avoided DWI (real dumb move)
>narrowly avoided walking face first into a police officer while drinking a 40 and smoking a joint where that is prohibited, because shitfaced

if you're gonna party hard, you have to accept that there are consequences

>> No.10393642

That shit is worthless.

Complain it hurts more and get real opioids

>> No.10393643

thanks anon
i will tomorrow

>> No.10393650

on another note i had dino shaped nuggers today and that momentarily helped the pain

>> No.10393655

You can do better than turning to hard drugs Anon.

Never give up!

>> No.10393660

I accept the odd bump and bruise as a consequence of being a drinker. I still try to look after myself while I cook meals and stuff. I didn't grow up thinking 'lol if I burn my hand I'll get views hawhaw'

>> No.10393664

lol il be good. ive been thru hard drugs before and been off a long time. i just dont want this pain right now.

>> No.10393669

anything at all. I'm a total downer when it comes to alcohol. I kinda figured going to these threads will help me know what's good.

so far I've been kind of enjoying the mild Andy Player bottles and some tasty "alcomix", but the pale pilsen beers are horrible.

sometimes even that stuff tastes bad for me. I just don't know anymore. I sometimes mix that stuff with coke or sprite, just want to get drunk but I just can't gulp that stuff down sometimes.

>> No.10393671


after chipping my pinky after brushing against a stud i learned my lesson about punching things, i use my feet now

>> No.10393711

oh yeah great idea so you can like not be able to walk instead

>> No.10393715

rum and coke with lime?
vodka + any kind of fruit juice?

if you think alcohol tastes bad, find something that tastes good and then add alcohol. it's easy

>> No.10393717

boys I'm back in touch with my one-itis as a mate. I'm trying to look after her while she has a bad time without getting too attached again.

>> No.10393725
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I need a new beverage to drink lads. What do you guys recommend. Been drinking fireball whiskey shots and McGillicuddy's vanilla in pepsi. Need something that goes down easy and gives a good buzz.

>> No.10393729

you need a bag of shitty white wine. I mean literally a BAG of it

>> No.10393733

Saw someone mention rum, coke and lime. Any brand of rum come to mind?

>> No.10393741

captain morgan never dissapointed me

>> No.10393742

i've been on a bender this but today i've had like 5 beers and 4 whiskey shots and i hardly feel drunk
what's going on?
>brb making another whiskey double

>> No.10393752

posts are being made



>> No.10393755

youre not drinking them fast enough

>> No.10393756

your tolerance is fucked bro. it takes me like 8-10 shots worth to even feel anything. this is part of why I decided to quit.

>> No.10393760
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Seems like any 80 proof rum and the right amount of coke makes a nice 12% drink. Ill give it a try tomorrow when i dont have to drive in the morning

>> No.10393762

or maybe i should use something that's not part of my body, like my truck

>> No.10393766

at my worse i got to be able to drink 20 in a night and be standing fine, really idk for sure but i've been fine and had bartenders stop serving me

>> No.10393767

Side note, it will take me like 6 of these to get buzzes, jesus where did my high tolerance come from

>> No.10393780

I think thats youre alcoholism showing itself, bud

>> No.10393793

Even when i first started drinking it takes me shot after shot of vodka to even get started.

>> No.10393811

Two years. I miss her anons. I messaged her tonight halfway sober, but she hasn't been online on Skype in a month. She usually gets on every few weeks to say hi, while busy with the kid... I'm 2/3rds of the way between losing her, and my 25 year promise mark. At 19, I'd considered offing myself, but took a walk, had a few cigarettes, and relaxed. I made a promise to myself to stick around until at least 25, and see how I felt about life.

I feel worse than when she left me, because it's been two years of being constantly reminded nobody loves me, then watching from afar as she fell back into love with somebody else and had a kid. We'd planned 4 kids, and our house floorplan together. End me. I should've drank more. I'm sobered up laying in bed unable to sleep at this point.

>> No.10393815
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>that pre-bedtime beer

>> No.10393822

me rn bro

Although it'll probably end up being 12 beers.

>> No.10393832
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I broke up with my gf of eight years last year but it only really struck me when she moved on and found someone else.

I won't pretend to understand how you feel but time certainly makes it a little better.

>> No.10393833

I hope you get terminal cancer. Fuck off and die nigger

>> No.10393834


Newbie drinker here.
When do I know I've had too much?
I've had some trouble pacing myself, and of the three hangovers I've had they've been of varying strength and some have come on far earlier than I expected.
Coping tips?

>> No.10393836

Appleton Estate is pretty good and cheap.

>> No.10393857

avoid bacardi, it's one step above liquid drain cleaner

>> No.10393863
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It's 2 and I gotta be up at 8 but I'm gonna keep drinking.

>> No.10393876

I don't think I've ever let myself go to the point where I can say "I've had too much"

I've never really liked the idea of being completely, absolutely wasted anyway. The furthest I've got was really just vomiting into the toilet, and after that everything was okay,.

>> No.10393878

same but i gotta get up at 5:30 to work at 6

>> No.10393913

ugh day three of no booze and I still can't fucking sleep

>> No.10393914


Vodka. Stop drinking middle school girl drinks.

>> No.10393918

Are we gonna be okay tomorrow?

>> No.10393926


This, throw some in your coffee. It's got this nice, sweet, heat to it beyond just the temperature.

>> No.10393942

if its like the other times I've done this, it'll be fine. The hardest part is waking up if I do sleep. I stay busy enough at work that I can't sleep there, then crash when I get home. usually I'll drink for breakfast too just to keep things interesting. stims help if youre into that

>> No.10393975


I'm a real skinny dude ( 6'1, 125lbs ), so I have a low limit on what I can have before it turns into too much. Issue is my tolerance is good, so I'm either sober or sick, and finding the line between the two is damn near impossible. It's always the morning after that's the issue.
I vomit if I can, and that clears everything up, but sometimes the body just won't let me.

>> No.10393981
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>6'1, 125lbs
Holy fuck that is slim

>> No.10394006
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>6'1, 125lbs

>> No.10394032

Anyone else ever get horrible nerve pain after quitting? Last time I quit cold turkey I got no withdrawals but two weeks in had all kinds of fucked nerve pain in my hands and it felt like my back fucked up somehow.

>> No.10394037


I would probably be cold all the time if my obscene metabolism didn't keep me warm.

>> No.10394114

you haven't if you are wondering that

>> No.10394120

i've had nerve shit in my fingertips when I was on a retarded couple month bender, where i got to the point where i couldn't sit and drink 24/7 and started withdrawals

>> No.10394123


I mean knowing I've had too much and still have time to stop, not knowing I've had too much after I'm already dealing with having done so.

>> No.10394138

>takes at least 8 beers to feel a decent buzz

is my tolerance shot, boys?

>> No.10394139

jesus christ. a couple weeks ago i thought i drank glass at dave and busters. I got hammered and couldnt remember a thing. It was a friends bday. Glad I didn't drink any of the shards ( i poured into another glass after breaking the previous pint glass) or at least they came out safely. I was drinking 5-6 drinks a day before the weekend it happened. Now I'm drinking like 3-4 a day. 2 a day is the normalfag limit. So im getting close to being a normiee.

>> No.10394189

Watching Leaving Las Vegas right now. Fuck this shit, if if i had a prostitute that hot i would make her my fucking wife.

>> No.10394218

you could be a little overweight or maybe you dont realise like with any drug it takes a lil to metabolise, so take 3-4 shots and wait a lil

>> No.10394229

No youre just lying on the internet

>> No.10394234

Yep. I'm the same way. 130 pounds over here, and what used to get me going is now just wasted money.
Realized this the other day when I went out with a friend for dinner at a pub. I kept ordering beers after dinner, and he looked increasingly uncomfortable and forcibly excused us after my fourth. I was angry at how sober I was, because I hadn't gotten to the liquor store so there was nothing in the house.

>> No.10394236

>get drunk every night for the past 3 years
>suddenly have a huge project at work
>takes all my time, and it has to be good so I can't fuck it up
>up at 6 every morning, bed at 10 every night for the past few weeks
>have hardly drunk anything in that time
>project finished
>celebrate with drinking
>2 beers and 2 whiskeys and I feel drunk
>go to bed
>wake up with a mild hangover
Fuck, have I managed to reset my tolerance? Am I out of this shit? Prior to this I was drinking at least half a bottle of whisky a night and a good few beers. Didn't sleep well the first few days sober and had bad brain fog, but that cleared after day 4.

>> No.10394244
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>> No.10394262

Yeah it's shot ive been there

>> No.10394308

i only enjoy flavored vodkas mixed with soda. also i'm so fat (american) that i have to drink a lot just to actually feel anything. horrible

>> No.10394313

I quit cold turkey two days ago and feel like i was ran over by a car. Also feel nausea unlike any hangover.
When do the shakes kick in?

>> No.10394317

Do you guys know any good cocktails that contain bacardi/white rum and tequila? But only those 2 alcohols? (triple sec additonal I can also accept)

most cocktails I search for with these 2 base alcohols usually have vodka thrown in the mix

>> No.10394319


>when do the shakes kick in

Um, first thing in the morning...

>> No.10394322

i didn't drink yesterday and drank 6 beers today. that's a big improvement for me. i took naltrexone both days and i think it helped a bit, but my alcoholism definitely took over in the end.

one thing i will say about naltrexone is that it makes me more conscious of my physical impairment. the lack of euphoria makes one more conscious of how fucked up they actually are. i think i should probably continue taking it.

shakes are usually an early symptom. if they haven't occurred for you yet, you may just not get them

>> No.10394331


>it makes me more conscious of my physical impairment

That's because it doesn't let you feel the good effects of the alcohol. I honestly ended up drinking more when I tried naltrexone in an attempt to chase that good feeling. I guess it works for some people, but I hated it.

>> No.10394360

for me, i just didn't want to take it on days i was confident i would be drinking, which eventually led to me taking it never. basically the opposite of the sinclair method

>> No.10394365


Yeah, exactly. The whole point is that it allows you to drink, but you have to take it EVERY time that you drink, so eventually you're supposed to just stop associating alcohol with the euphoric feeling and lose interest. For me it was just like, "what's even the point? I'm wasting all this good liquor with these dumb pills that don't let me enjoy it."

>> No.10394374

If you're sad just listen to this.


>> No.10394388


If you like horses and want hardcore al/ck/ feels you should really check out Bojack Horseman.


>> No.10394410

Message some people on facebook, now i am regretting that. Fuck

>> No.10394449

dont remind me

>> No.10394453
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See, Sarah Lynn? We're not doomed. In the grand scheme of things, we're just tiny specks that will one day be forgotten. So it doesn't matter what we did in the past, or how we'll be remembered. The only thing that matters is right now. This moment. This one spectacular moment we are sharing together. Right, Sarah Lynn? Sarah Lynn? Sarah Lynn?

>> No.10394454

are you me

>> No.10394508


>> No.10394509


I got absolutely trashed last night but didn't do this. such a good feeling

>> No.10394510

one beer before bed

>> No.10394512

not really the point of the film

>> No.10394515

yea tolerance is reset. congrats. pace yourself now.

>> No.10394519

imagune watching Leaving Las Vegas and coming away thinking 'dude the prostitute was hot lmao'. Some people just have a protective layer of dumb armor that can't be breached

>> No.10394521


Exactly what I was thinking, but didn't seem worth saying.

>> No.10394522

naltrexone is very helpful. i take it also.

>> No.10394524



>> No.10394526

the point is being able to have sober days to avoid physical dependence

>> No.10394535


Yeah, that's the point of literally everything meant to get you to stop drinking, but with Naltrexone you aren't supposed to have any days where you drink without it, because it doesn't work that way. I was actually encouraged to drink, as long as I took a pill an hour before. I forget what the other medication they offered me was called but it apparently worked by making you feel nauseous if you took a sip of liquor and I said fuck that. Things are pretty bad, but I guess I still haven't reached the point where I'm that serious about quitting.

>> No.10394539

i dont fuss with the sinclair method. i just take two days worth at a time and dont feel like drinking those two days

>> No.10394542

i just use it to take breaks between days i drink. u could try that

>> No.10394543
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May you guys find courage to end your struggle and find eternal peace. I hope everyone here does OK.
Try it, I beg you. All life is suffering, and to end your suffering you must see the truth through meditation, by yourselves. Let no one tell you what is true and what isn't. Let only yourselves be the judge.
Because all life is suffering. We must end it, and not with a bullet because we don't know for sure what is beyond.

>> No.10394546


>and dont feel like drinking those two days

How does it make you feel like not drinking, though? All it really does is block the euphoric effects of the alcohol, not get rid of the craving.

>> No.10394548

Doesn't the naltrexone make you really sick if you drink while you're on it? My doc gave me a 30 day script for it because he wanted me to cut back but I've been too much of a chickenshit to try it

>> No.10394551




right I'm going the shop


>> No.10394553

>>10394535 its also good for taper days. try it if you want to taper. makes it easier to space them out. gl

>> No.10394556

it occupies endorphin receptors. i dont crave cigarettes as much either when on it. it doesnt silence that physical craving for you? its supposed to... not the mental desire to get drunk but your body craving it. like sweets

>> No.10394557


>because we don't know for sure what is beyond

There's no way to know either way, but I have unshakable faith that there's nothing beyond. Still, I've had some fleeting moments when I was truly happy, and however bad things get I think of how I'll give up any chance to experience that again if I go the way of the bullet.

>> No.10394558

no thats antabuse

>> No.10394575

You can experience happiness without the need of a bullet, a gf, a job, etc. And by happiness I mean lack of suffering of any kind. This is true happiness and it doesn't depend on anything

>> No.10394577

Is Johnny Walker Double Black shit?

>> No.10394586

Is it possible to get/stay sober when living with another alcoholic who has no desire to quit?

>> No.10394589

It’s alright, but overpriced. For that kind of money you’re entering the territory of some pretty comfy malts.

>> No.10394599

Anything is possible but do you really need to ask? Your chances are slim when you see someone else do things you like constantly.

Also >tfw drank a bottle of vodka and only get 2 hours of sleep every night before I spring back up feeling depressed and completely awake.
End this shit fuck sake

>> No.10394600

it can be done but would take a lot of determination

>> No.10394612


I'd highly recommend the movie "Smashed" with MEW and Aaron Paul.

>> No.10394613

wew lad, just been out for supplies and it's actually beautiful outside. I need to get back to normal somewhat and enjoy it soon

>> No.10394626

youre in a bad place.

>> No.10394629

Time for a switch to beer and a taper.

>> No.10394630

she was hot though

>> No.10394633



>> No.10394634
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>tfw alcohol doesn't help me sleep anymore
>tfw if I start drinking after 9 PM I'll be up until 6 AM, guaranteed and pass out and waste the entire fucking day

>> No.10394635

reading through these some of these stories has minimized my fear of dying (and the reason I think that I drink).

>> No.10394645

Something no one in these threads has. Literally stop buying alcohol. It's that easy.

>> No.10394648

>God bless you guys
Thanks mate, have al/ck threads in return

>> No.10394650

Get a fucking job you bum.

>> No.10394651

you figured it out, everyone in history who had drinking problems was just a dumbdumb and you've cracked it. yay for you

>> No.10394656

If you didn't buy any alcohol how else would you get drunk?

>> No.10394663

if you had total control over your impulses wouldn't you be perfect? you know perfectly well people do self-destructive shit even though they should know better, what are you getting at?

>> No.10394672

I'm in university, so the only downside to sleeping through the day is missing my classes. I've missed a couple quizzes, but never an exam (yet).

>> No.10394683

my boy

>> No.10394731

I can't believe the wanker with the bag box of 'sweet perry' is the only one keeping the thread alive. Get it together you guys.

>> No.10394746

Lol I wish my arms went full arthritis after my studies and s few years practicing

>> No.10394749

Thx Freddy love u

>> No.10394766
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y-you too.

>> No.10394774

Starting community service this week. Stole medicine from a hospital.
I'll have to be sober and shower etc. Maybe this will help me get back on track.

>> No.10394776

Always hug the horse Fred, it’s the only right thing

>> No.10394784

how are you feeling about it? are you used to working shitty jobs or is this going to be a new thing for you?

>> No.10394796

...wipes tear from eye ... thx Fred

>> No.10394821


>tfw became a true al/ck/ after not making it into the phd program based on trying to explain the will to power to the heads of the philosophy department despite knowing nietzsche backwards and forwards

>> No.10394829

If you’re in your 20s you don’t really understand Fred anyway

>> No.10394840


I'm in my 30's now, but even then I started my spiel by saying that nobody really agrees on how to interpret this, but here's some of the approaches and here's how I think it's best to tackle it...

>> No.10394843
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How long did you expect to live brothers?
I don't even see myself with 40s, it's not like I want to kill myself but damn... alcohol can kill you fast as fuck.

>> No.10394848


I joked around that I'd die like a rock star when I was approaching 27. Now I'm approaching 33 really don't know what to think anymore. I'm long past the point of going out like a rock star, but haven't set myself up to have anything other than a shitty life for however long I live at this point.

>> No.10394855

Fred’s horse will never be tackled.

>> No.10394857

M-maybe... getting married and sons will help?

>> No.10394864


It wasn't his horse; he just tried to stop it from being beaten to death.


My one real shot left me at 28.

>> No.10394878

That horse will never be touched. I swear on my graves. It is the one pure thing that will never know violence.

>> No.10394890

Im surprised every day that I wake up, I’m getting real tired of being tired and waking up, too.

>> No.10394896

Every day. “Why” I didn’t ask for this

>> No.10394904


Huh, I think, "what the fuck, I was in dreamland for who knows how long, why couldn't I just stay there forever?" Then I look at the clock and say "FUCK" because it's always either way too early or way too late to be waking up.

>> No.10394915

was gonna have a drink but my stomach is upset sometimes in the morning, but i got some coco.

>> No.10394918

Slammed a 12 of natty last night + 40oz hurricane + another 40oz of natty. My head is spinning hard as fuck. I can fall asleep remembering everything and feel fine. Then times like this I'll wake up dizzy. I don't get it. But at least I get my new car today. I gotta sad feeling it won't last long.
Need to start laying off srsly

>> No.10394924


>> No.10394927

congratulations. people are always almost wrecking me.

>> No.10394935

I hid 7 beers under my couch so one of my gfs wouldn’t notice me drinking.step it up senpai

>> No.10394938

Anyone here ever found that being consistently drunk kills the appetite, and then if you sober up for a bit you feel like you could eat a horse?
I'm on my second morning sober and it's kind of freaking me out how hungry I am

>> No.10394941

And then “how much longer do I have to put up with this”

It’s always too early for me. I cant remember the last time I woke up after 6am. Im probably going to check into the hospital this morning.

>> No.10394949

malnutrition mostly causing those cravings. i get the same way. take vitamins

>> No.10394950

Not even. I could have drank more but didn't wanna walk to the store at 1030.
That's what throwing me off. I've dranken much, much more than that, and woke up feeling better than this.
This wk be my 6th vehicle to date. The others I have all wrecked drinking. Each one ran off the road at night. Thankfully never hit anyone.
>one of my gfs

>> No.10394953

I've had that happen once our twice. I was like shocked when my stomach started growling. pretty happy.

>> No.10394960

lads I don't know how many of you live in Britain but dealing with life here is grim. everyone is fat and stupid and has seven kids. I'd murder them all gladly, but I also can't help but like them

>> No.10394963

>Tokyo drift the post

>> No.10394965

So it’s sort of like America island

>> No.10394973

it's just a big box of shit

>> No.10394974

Y hospital tho? So wasteful they don’t do anything

>> No.10394980

Brexit lads get your passport ready

>> No.10394984

I guess I’m just that tired, I’ll probably not even go because you’re right they’re worthless. Just want some xanax 2bh

>> No.10394986

are you drunk enough for this to sound great?


>> No.10394989

Can just call a shrink for a lazy Tuesday

>> No.10394992

Not lily m8s. Never her

>> No.10395000

she was a proper lass before she got into politics.

>> No.10395007

you can pretend this ain't comfy but why would you bother


>> No.10395014

Your wife or kids

>> No.10395062

>tfw been too busy working 6 days/week to keep up with al/ck/
miss you bros

>> No.10395084

Eat first and keep water with you while drinking. If you're drinking mixed drinks then use the water for thirst and your drink to keep the buzz. That or drink at least a sixer every night like me

>> No.10395120

will there be a nuclear soon?

>> No.10395123

*nuclear war

>> No.10395139

We can only hope senpai

>> No.10395164
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Okay, real talk guys. I went from drinking 2-3 nights a month to about 5-6 nights a week. I binge on a pint of 80% and usually eat some extremely bad shit I would scarcely call food, a lot of it. From this habit, in this last 6 months, I have gained like 40 pounds and I can feel it in everything I do. My stomach is a weird shape and I feel so drained. Every day, all day, anxiety attacks about heart attack or stroke. I wake up, can't eat anything, no desire to eat, no desire to play video games or watch movies, I am basically awake until 9 PM when I do it again. If I have alcohol to drink, I do nothing but think about it all day and my day is about making those daytime hours pass as fast as possible so I can drink and do it all again. Binge, eat, sleep for 3 hours and wake up miserable and half-awake until 9 PM again.

I have held the watch the best I could but now I am paying the price. Everyone I see, I think how fat and stupid I must be. Everyone I see who knows me, I think how disappointed they are in me and how I've gotten fat. I think it's time I quit, boys. I've quit before and the reason was I was so disgusted with myself that I'd hit rock bottom. I feel this place is familiar to me. I am going to make this the last week I do this.. I have to.

>> No.10395213

hope my dog pulls through at the vet lads

>> No.10395225

genuine best wishes to doggo

>> No.10395233

Also good wishes for your buddy, buddy.

>> No.10395235
File: 515 KB, 1488x2105, dogs make me cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck to pup

>> No.10395250

this pic has made me fucking cry lmao

>> No.10395256

much as we all love crying over doggos I think it's time to move on now

>> No.10395266
File: 105 KB, 191x249, Kojima ha ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pic has made me fucking cry lmao

>> No.10395294

science fiction ballads


>> No.10395301

come on you shits why is the thread so slow?

>> No.10395340

Going to try to quit cold turkey today. Been drinking every day for like 2 years, recently past few weeks I just drink until I pass out and wake up fully clothed with the tv still on. I have no job and don’t go to school and I feel like this is the first part of me getting my shit together. Gotta get on meds for my bipolar. Was on them before but still drank and it just made me batshit insane.

>> No.10395364

aaaah you motherfuckers aaaaahhhhh

>> No.10395372

talk to a doc. there are meds etc

>> No.10395376

Guy with the case of vodka is checking in 12hrs after thread started... It's like the rest of us, doesn't die, just keeps lurching

>> No.10395392


>> No.10395403

Hey, nobody up? Don't want to post a sober story, just checking in with the rest of the soldiers. Also, fuck captcha.

>> No.10395407

we're here

>> No.10395408


Thanks mate.

>> No.10395418

talk to a doc about naltrexone. works great for me. also taper down with beer. cold turkey is too hard on your body

>> No.10395422
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I'm on day 4. still can;'t sleep. I was awake all last night, kinda sorta fell asleep at 4 am and half assed slept till noon. Probably going to get back in bed because I feel like shit.

I'm in a similar spot, put on around 20 lbs and now people look at me strange.

>> No.10395428

you've got a war to fight


>> No.10395433

good job so far. benadryl can help with sleep

>> No.10395434

Need to find out if my quack will prescribe it for me.

Also, not keen on the taper

>> No.10395446

How does Naltrexone work? Will it stop me from blacking out?

>> No.10395469

I had a cup of coffee without my heart feeling like it's gonna explode.

On day 3

>> No.10395486

Back on the everclear boys, im almost looking forward to the gut pain, feel like i deserve it. least ive been passing out in bed......
how yall?

>> No.10395659

Keep up the fight. Hope is what we need.

>> No.10395667

Wish I had some. Illegal here, just on the cheap vodka by the case.

>> No.10395709

makes your jimmy thicker

gets your girlie in the mood quicker

>> No.10395739

Somehow I've kept a job for 5 years even though I go in hung over like a bum maybe 2 times a week. When you're good at what you do they tend to look the other way. Feels good.

>> No.10395771

What do you do nigga

>> No.10395773

how come you never say you love me


I miss my friends lads, I really miss people

>> No.10395793

I was sober for about a month. Eating clean too. I lost about 20 pounds in three weeks just by quitting booze and counting calories.

I've put all the weight back on in less than a week. I've been getting blackout drunk nightly for the last four days. I fucked it all up. I gave myself pneumonia somehow too, probably from passing out in a weird position or something.

I've just been so fucking stressed out about starting this new job. I am self-medicating with liquor and junk food and I feel like such an idiot. I really thought I was finally going to do it right and stop killing myself.

>> No.10395807

that was a good stretch. try to minimize the damage now

>> No.10395812

well for me it would be impossible
my roommates do molly sometimes and recently i realized i come off as antisocial if i don't have a BAC, so if there are a few people here i have to get a 6-pack

>> No.10395815

alcohol making people fat is a bit of a myth. liquid calories works differently. its why people who consume thousands of calories of vodka a day are often skinny

>> No.10395816

I know, I know. I'm probably exaggerating when I say I gained all the weight back in a four-day binge.

But I feel like shit again. And then the guilt makes it even harder to stop. I just need to go back to fasting, get addicted to hunger again.

>> No.10395818

this can't be true, can it? calories are calories, if i'm not mistaken

>> No.10395836

Just run a machine for deere. Its on a timed cycle and I get very little scrap parts and downtime. While having to manage 5-6 assemblers. Once you start managing younger people you hate 90% of them.

>> No.10395853

I had a job for three years, the easiest shit in the world at the most laid-back place I've ever worked.
I was good at it too, never made any mistakes or caused any problems.

I got laid off in December, have been floundering and suffering through shitty jobs since then. Fucking sucks.

>> No.10395862

nope.look it up

>> No.10395871

I'm trying to look it up and there's not shit out there to back up your claim lol why don't you look it up and come back with your research.

If "liquid calories" don't make you fat, what about all the poor people who live on soda and juice?

>> No.10395881

What landed me my job was my well worded resume.
When you apply to manufacturing job at least, go look at their website and add in comments from their own words. (safety, win win, maybe appreciating the customer). Fuck temp jobs for the most part and just apply for something even though you dont know the entire job.. they'll train you
Good luck man, low paying jobs have got to be hell.

>> No.10395885

Yep, it's kinda true.
Most alcohol is diuretic, the big problem is what you eat with it.

>> No.10395887



>> No.10395889

post irc, pls

why did you get laid-off?

>> No.10395891

I'm working from home now doing light tech support. It's great to not have to leave the house or be around other human beings, but I took a 25% paycut and it blows.

I kind of don't think I ever want to work a job that isn't done from home, though.

>> No.10395895

>Andy Player
>pale pilsen
wtf are you in the philippines?

>> No.10395902

Got laid off because the manager of the lab got promoted and they new guy they brought in to replace him wanted to bring in his own staff. It was a shitty fucking situation, but I had zero personal/social connections with any of the higher ups, so they had no problem letting me go in spite of my experience and loyalty.

>> No.10395910

>The relationship between alcohol and weight is the subject of inconclusive studies.

wow i'm convinced

it's literally the first line of the article lol

>> No.10395927

>zero personal/social connections with any of the higher ups, so they had no problem letting me go in spite of my experience and loyalty.
sucks, but that's how life is, it's more important to forge connections and scheme rather than work, because that's just how humans work.

>> No.10395935

Yeah, I really wanted to believe that it didn't matter that I never golfed with the bosses or connected with them personally in any way. I was naive enough to think that my good work made the difference. Shame on me, I guess.

I hope my old manager, the one who sold me out, is having fun sucking his masters' cocks and polishing their balls out on the fairway.

>> No.10395942

It's fine, we all have our own first rodeo. I used to work hard too, at first, I even believe in some moral virtue of "work", makes me laugh now, would say something smart, but I'm getting drunker, anybody has the IRC?

>> No.10395960


hard work gets you a good reputation so when all finance functions are outsourced to india, the big bosses say "yeah the rest of the plebs can go but we want to keep you on for various shit, your job will be the same shit but the pay is £10,000 less. we are offering no one else this opportunity you'd be a fool to say no"
>any chance of more money?
"no. job offer rescinded."
>alright. welp. been fun, cya.

>> No.10395968

this, desu, the naive people get fucked, there was this good article which compared the TV show Office with some dude's theory about how corporations work, it really shed some light on different types of workers

also post IRC, I didn't get drunk on a Tuesday to not speak to anybody

>> No.10395974

found it


>> No.10395981

no worries, found the irc

>> No.10395996
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This shit called gruit beer was legit desu. I didn't think it'd do anything else than ordinary beer but it did.

>> No.10396000

I'm autistic irl, so the prospect of forming a bond/relationship with my bosses and coworkers is pretty much impossible for me. All I can do is work hard, that's all I have to offer.

>> No.10396013


Alcohol may or may not make you fat. If you're drinking beer or shit with sugar in it, yes, it will contribute to getting fat.

In my case, drinking a fifth of vodka a day with diet mixers, it also made me fat, because I was constantly wasted and getting no exercise, even without really eating much food.

>> No.10396023

I'm an autismo too, desu, but I lucked out, since I work with just one other guy (my boss) and he's also a weird autistic fuck. I don't like him, desu, but he kind of treats me like his son (since his sons don't like him and I'm about the same age) so I play the position

>> No.10396028

I fucking hate my life so much, God I can't wait for the sweet embrace of death.

I just hope I'm hammered when it comes, Besides that...Idc how I die.

Getting hit by a car, alcohol poisoning, getting shot, stabbed, hell...I'd even take being burned alive in a car accident.

I just hope Im drunk and It's soon

>> No.10396050

anybody wants to talk? drunk and bored, desu

>> No.10396090

Chase shots with soda or whatever you want and do it with impunity. People aren't going to laugh at you if you aggressively do whatever you want while at the same time not drawing attention to it either.

>> No.10396133

how long has she been lying there?

>> No.10396134

I'm mega drunk and getting myself in trouble on facebook, how's you?

>> No.10396143

life is ok
sometimes its quite fun. like drunk listening to music or eating a tasty piece of chicken yum yum

>> No.10396151

230 pm, been on an 8 month binge, thinking about gettin more vodka for the hell of it. Regardless that my liver hurts. What do you fellas say?

>> No.10396159

tuesday, work tomorrow, have to sleep in an hour, not THAT dreunk, but still have a bottle of vodka

you have a discord? it's faggy, but it's useful

>> No.10396162

What'd you do on fb?

>> No.10396166


>> No.10396170

nothing too bad, just sending songs to grills and general shitposting. at this point I figure if they didn't want drunk messages they could block me so eh

>> No.10396172
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Tomorrow I go to a bar with a good mate.
I'm a regular here but I already need a gf or something, doing pretty bad since 4 months.
What entry lines do you guys use to try flirting? cat calling ain't good here kek

>> No.10396173

drunk shitposting is fun lets be honest

>> No.10396175

I've been out of work for 2 years. All of my friends have dream jobs at companies making way more than I ever did, because they have "connnections". I've applied to at least 200 positions with only a couple interviews that went horribly. All of these guys came to me in college for help to pass their classes.

I now drink a sixer every day of the cheapest beer I can get to drown the pain of my failure of a life.

>> No.10396176

voice chat on discord, cmon, I don;t wanna go to a bar again

>> No.10396179

If we were letters of the alphabet I'd put U and I together;)))

>> No.10396181

just remembered that I work in office until evening tomorrow , gonna drink more, wish me luck

>> No.10396183

how can one join the discord

>> No.10396186

I have creatyed al/ck before, gonna create again, just download it

>> No.10396189


downlaod app and come here

>> No.10396193

A 6 pack a day isn't the worst thing in the world.
Trust me though, you really want to keep it at that or lower if you don't want things to become really truly bad.

>> No.10396789

I've been to bed for a while and woken up in a hype mood. I hope you lads are all ok.

>> No.10396818
File: 29 KB, 499x430, 1515681851936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day 4 of sobriety
>sleep 40 out of the last 48 hours
Is thi...this what it's like to be sober, lads?

>> No.10396841

im okay, liver feels sore, so im drinking some vodka to make it go away:)

>> No.10396847

i wish i could do that, i slept for 4 hours during the almost hours i was awake when i tried quitting last time.

>> No.10396851

The first 2 days was me sweating and shaking for 48 hours, so maybe it'll work itself out

>> No.10396853

almost 72 hours*, felt like i was loosing my mind

>> No.10396861

How do you guys afford to drink everyday? I can't hold down a job for my life

>> No.10396863

i can still fall asleep thats a big plus. stayed up the last few days though, but thats once in a million. we are down to very basic stuff.

>> No.10396869


make your own. 2 bucks a handle.

>> No.10396870

You answered your own question. We hold down our jobs. Although i quit mine a month ago and cant decide if i want to go back to warehouses or cooking, i feel like cooking would work better with my school schedule.

>> No.10396872

i couldn't stand all the money going to it it, so i only really drink twice a month.

>> No.10396875

settlement money

>> No.10396877

I feel ya, but it hasnt stopped me:/ blown around 500 bucks on booze in the last couple months

>> No.10396897

for a while i just spent it all on other stuff before i could spend it on cigs and booze. seems to have worked. make sure to buy food.

>> No.10396899

I don't have a job. I'm running out of money by spending it all on alcohol. Hopefully when it all runs out it will be the trigger I need to finally kill myself.

>> No.10396907

>warehouse or cooking

No offense, but idk how you manage to stay in jobs like that for a while. I can't fucking stand it. I can feel myself getting so angry and irritated whilst I'm working I just have to quit my job there and then.

>> No.10396911

my drinking basically diminished my appetite, i make a big ass thing of taco meat or spaghetti sauce that lasts me a week cause i eat so little now, eat probably one meal a day, if that.
today i had one sardine and couldnt finish the rest cause the bone grossed me out, probably wont eat till tomorrow

>> No.10396930

kinda what happened to me, i worked in assembly and alone at my own bench. I built these wall mounted machines that produce aqueous ozone which was cool for the first couple months, but after a year of doing the same thing being stuck with the thoughts in your head alone i just quit. was the highest paid job i had so far but it was just so monotonous i couldnt do it anymore

>> No.10396932

yeah i still don't eat much, go days with not even feeling hungry.

>> No.10396959


I buy $14 handles of vodka, and usually drink around half of one a day. If I went out to a bar I could get a single decent beer for around the same amount.

>> No.10396973

you start getting worried, I haven't eaten in forever, am i gonna fucking die. kek

>> No.10396976


>> No.10396994



Make that, and you'll never drink alone.

>> No.10397003

make a new thread. I'll show you how to make booze.

>> No.10397009


>> No.10397063

sold a biz a while back, got at least a house down payment in the bank. got super depressed over it all though and got caught up in bourbon whiskey.

being an alky is real cheap even if you are poor though. $5-10 usd/day to be shitfaced

>> No.10397081

I work at my brothers business (salvage yard) and he knows I'm an alcoholic.

As long as I don't drink and drive or don't show up too hammered he doesn't give a fuck.