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File: 2.09 MB, 480x360, Bee Hive.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10393684 No.10393684 [Reply] [Original]

An indoor Beehive, free honey, looks nice. Would they be legal, $600 to &800 is quite a bit of money.
And where would you get the Bees, also you would need a Queen wouldn't you.

>> No.10393689
File: 275 KB, 1600x1064, DSC_0063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10393692
File: 152 KB, 800x600, indoor observation hive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10393695

These have been around for at least 30 years, probably much longer.

>> No.10393704
File: 96 KB, 1200x800, beecosystem_indoor_beehive_1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just discovered it, is it worth it, whats the maintenance like. I guess a cold weather Country might be out of the question.

>> No.10393707

Fairly shit idea, legality would depend on the area you live in, if you are in the states you can buy a package of bees (with queen) in a number of places and even get them shipped.

>> No.10393775

>An indoor Beehive
Reminded me of that one movie on MST3K:

>> No.10393784

You like having constant buzzing sounds in your home?

>> No.10393795

Never thought about that?

>> No.10393804

Like white noise? Might be good if you live on a busy street or near train tracks.

>> No.10393824

>accidentally hit it one day
>falls off wall
>you now have a huge, huge problem
If you want bees just get an outdoor hive

>> No.10393837

Apartment dweller?

>> No.10393839

There's no way in hell any apartment landlord is going to let you hang up fucking bees in your unit

>> No.10393872

Um yeah, never thought about that.

>> No.10393930
File: 82 KB, 650x500, bee yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do you service these without getting goddamn bees all over your house

>> No.10393977
File: 2.86 MB, 360x240, Hive.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They come apart..

>> No.10394030

>but the honey produced will pay for itself
What honey?
The honey trapped inside the $600 box you can't open without unleashing a swarm of bees in your living room?

>> No.10394209

>Not wanting a swarm of bees in your living room.
What are you, some sort of beta?

>> No.10394221

>$600 for a tiny hive
>The honey pays for itself

The hell it will, especially since this is marketed to stupid, trendy faggots. Good luck getting even a couple pounds out of it, if you don't kill your hive

>> No.10394227
File: 1.71 MB, 360x240, 1522597107017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also can't bees burrow in walls? They can probably burrow on the outside of the house and into the drywall then you have a massive fucking problem

You pretty much invite this shit into your house once the hive gets bigger than that little box they will dig through the walls to reach the rest of the hive and then your property is well fucked

>> No.10394235

Sauce on that webm?

>> No.10394250

Your childhood nightmares

>> No.10394253

A movie called"The cat and the fiddle"

>> No.10394261

I have serval concerns the first being how exactly do you harvest the honey. The second wouldn't it be hilarious if someone had this then during an earthquake it fell so the people are dealing with an earthquake and a swarm of angry bees in their house

>> No.10394269
File: 1.78 MB, 327x237, 1521757127807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it's bracketed into the wall so won't fall in an earthquake it is still one trip or projectile away from breaking glass and unleashing a swarm of pissed off bees into your living room. Would make a badass break in case of emergency for if your house gets robbed though

>> No.10394280

Just talk to someone who has a farm or something, ask if you can keep a hive or two there. You don't need to check up on it that often, most of the work is when you harvest.

>> No.10394377

The thought of some crazy mother fucker unleashing bees in his own home to prevent robbers is fucking hilarious. Goddamn crashing this plane with no survivors.

>> No.10394406

>people get stung
>some allergic genepool bottom dweller almost dies

>> No.10395013

that's pretty cool, but $500 for a box and some tubing seems excessive, why not just make one?

>> No.10395221

because 90% of the new and current generation has no idea how to be handy

>> No.10395245

A guy at work keeps bees, here in western Canada

>> No.10395263

You order the bees by mail. They actually mail them. ( baby chicks are mailed too).

>> No.10395270

Because schools cancelled shop classes because the unions are demanding so much money from the ever shrinking school budgets...

>> No.10395285

how much trouble is it so send someone a box full of live bees?
instead of sending idiots who dox themselves pizzas or qurans, why not a box full of angry bees?

>> No.10395290

I imagine the box would carry a warning about its contents.

>> No.10395291

That's a gif.

>> No.10395296

To be absolutely, 100% fair, even if you're pretty sure of your handycraft skills I'd still be wary of doing it myself because it's still a box of bees you're keeping inside.

>> No.10395298

Is it even possible to send someone a pizza now? Don't all places require a credit card or something when you order?
And why would it bother someone to get a free Koran?

I got doxed once and they went all out and swatted me. That was pretty unpleasant, but pizzas and books wouldn't bother me I think.

>> No.10395326

im 100% sure im not allowed to have this in my apartment

>> No.10395329

*disconects tube*

>> No.10395331
File: 175 KB, 798x1024, 1519237097144m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not one free koran, its 300 free korans. Knowing my friends and the shit I send them after a bender on the internet I imagine a box of live bees would be met with
>pfffft yeah right, I bet anon sent this with the sticker to spook me
>Lets see how many dragon dildos/chocolate skittles/Trump hats he sent this time

>> No.10395370

literally watching This Old House or the carpentry show with norm teaches you enough. even HGTV can teach you a few things
if you watched any youtube videos or googled it you can see how simple it is to make a set for bees to work in. its just layers of boxes with a few details and sills for the panels to sit in

but i digress, since this is no longer ck related

>> No.10395500
File: 227 KB, 512x512, 112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See proper location: >>>/out/1236173

>> No.10396591

Retarded hipster shit, have fun cleaning that thing and fighting parasites and fungus 24/7 before you die from contaminated glorified sugar syrup puke.

>> No.10396634

Yes, they open up. Which would let out the bees.

>> No.10397884

>no way in hell any apartment landlord is going to let you hang up fucking bees in your unit
Just explain to him that the bees only fuck in flight, not indoors. Problem solved.

>> No.10397898

>can't bees burrow in walls?
No, not really. Wherever the queen is, that's where the rest will stay.

You are just at much at risk of this hive dividing and the new queen and friends taking up residency in your walls as you are of a wild swarm deciding to invade your walls, i.e., not much.

>> No.10397902

It had nothing to do with unions, and everything to do with stupid kids shoving their hands into bandsaws.

At least my generation didn't drink laundry detergent.

>> No.10397904

Tfw I smash the glass

>> No.10398008

do it outside. whats the problem?

>> No.10398113

there was an always sunny episode about that

>> No.10398472

1. There is no easy way to extract honey from a unit like that. There's a reason why bee hive designs have evolved to the way they are today.
2. You'd be lucky if you got any honey from the first two years. You have to leave enough honey for them to eat and survive off of in the winter. You basically only want to extract any excess honey they produce.

If you're lazy and willing to spend money just go with the meme flow hive

>> No.10398866
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, 48M PJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um you would cover the Jar, Right?
This would great for my Boat.

>> No.10399492

If you have a place outside where you can work on your hive just put your fucking hive there in the first place.