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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10379753 No.10379753 [Reply] [Original]

How do I eat spicy food without having my ass explode a firey death 8-12hours later?

>> No.10379809

You learn to enjoy it as part of the experience.

>> No.10379828

Chug some milk up your ass

>> No.10379835

try probiotic supplements

>> No.10379841

Drink milk during or just after. Dairy contains caesin, which is a protein that loves the long hydrocarbon chains in capsaicin and helps neutralize the burning.
You might get wicked smelly toots but they won't burn as much.

>> No.10379859

paracetamol and methamphetamine

>> No.10379927

Eat it regularly to increase anal tolerance

>> No.10380760

Lots of dairy

>> No.10381539

Chase it with some ice cream

>> No.10382597

dude just turn gay like i did. your butthole looks like and open shotgun wound after a while and your nerves down ther all die and you stop feeling anything

>> No.10383218

identify as a nigger

>> No.10383224

you don't

>> No.10383337

>be white
>Really love spice
>So much so that I feel it's a problem
>Want to order some fresh Carolina reapers
>Can only find dried ones
>Wanna make a sauce
This is a painful struggle when everyone I know is white and thinks a jalapeno is hot like bitch get your pasty face out of my sight if you think that shit is spicy
I wish jalapenos tasted good. I'd be more fond of them if they didn't taste like shit unlike habaneros which taste sweetish

I can't handle anything sour though so I get laughed at for being unable to eat a Granny Smith apple. Shit is way too sour for me. Even that shitty lemonade that just tastes like lemon water is often too sour

>> No.10383346

use peppercorn, no cayenne.

>> No.10384277

remove seeds and internal membranes, that will remove a lot of heat, leaving behind the flavor of the pepper.

>> No.10384317

Yeah, fuck people who can't handle spice. ruined my cousin's chili last family get together cause they complained about it. Everyone went on how spicy it was, but it had no heat to it at all.Like it was impressive how neutered this once mighty chili had become. Like somehow despite it being fresh, it no only lacked spicy hotness but actual heat. It was a sad experience

Of course I like spice a lot so this is a biased account. sure the chili was good but it wasn't hot enough for me. but to be fair the last time someone tried to step to my spice level in my family they ended up in tears chugging water.

Also jalepenos are amazing mini bro, they just need to be pickled, fried or cooked in someway. I had a jar of pickled jalepenos once that were sweet like candy for some reason, and they were the best peppers I had solo. Not at all hot, but enjoyable.

AND I CAN'T GET THEM AGAIN CAUSE THEY WERE A PRODUCT OF A GREAT AUNT OF MINE OR SOMESHIT FUCKING UP THEIR PICKLING! Honest to god think she put sugar instead of salt in their brine. But fuckin godamn they were amazing

>> No.10384347


>> No.10384389

smear peanut butter around your anus before and after taking a shit.
the peanut butter will absorb most of the capsaicin, leaving your ringpiece fresh and soft.

>> No.10384451
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>use peppercorn, no cayenne.

don't you mean, peepercorn?

>> No.10384459

>helps neutralize the burning.
only in your mouth

>> No.10384467

You need to numb your ass
I took a chili, cut it open and rubbed my finger inside it
Then i rubbed my asshole, used some lube and stuck it in
Then i rubbed chilli on my BBC dildo and put that in as well