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10379139 No.10379139 [Reply] [Original]

restaurant serves a dish with over 3 times the recommended daily allowance of salt.
>cheddar's cajun pasta

>> No.10379152

>government regulating consumer and business interaction due to concerns over personal health based solely on the lifestyle choices of the individual and "recommended" by a federal agency
Literally unconstitutional.

>> No.10379160

should the restaurant be required to list sodium content on its menu so consumers can make educated decisions?

>> No.10379823
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>falling for the "salt is bad for you" meme

>> No.10379831

If you made your recipe follow health guidelines for salt it would be bland.

>> No.10379847
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>New Orleans Pasta
>a bunch of numbers
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10379876

If you’re so concerned about the nutritional value of your food, then go home and cook your own meal. Restaurants do not have any obligation to make sure their menu is catered to your needs.

>> No.10379883

>lifestyle choices

>> No.10379904


If you're worried about your sodium intake then it should be up to you to do the research. And you should know in advance that most restaurants salt things fairly well and you should be looking for a heart healthy icon next to the menu-item or telling the server you are on a lower sodium diet.

Restaurants cannot prepare dishes that are healthy and safe and satisfying for all people regardless of age, gender, genetics, fitness, or existing conditions without people informing the restaurant of any special needs in advance. It is up to you to take care of your problems.

>> No.10379925

No, what OP is talking about is in the purview of governments, as they are there to insure safety and security of the public health and wellbeing.

>> No.10379986

People are the government. The government is not some magical entity.

If you think the dish is too salty then don't eat it because no one is forcing you. Having some overbearing force telling people what to do in their private lives is pretty much the definition of authoritarianism.

>> No.10379994

>their private lives
restaurants are open to the public.

>> No.10380036

A private transaction between a business and individual not intending/causing harm to either party or others, nor crossing state lines. I'm no lawyer this would be local jurisdiction only and then it would probably still be thrown out.

Drink some water with that salt. A disturbing amount of Americans are clinically dehydrated and restaurant dinner portions are more of a crime than the sodium content than you'd piss out if you were drinking enough water. But that's all discrimination based on your height, age, and level of physical activity.

>> No.10380064
