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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10373400 No.10373400 [Reply] [Original]

What did you eat today /ck/?

>> No.10373402
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>dino tendies
>bbq sauce


>> No.10373426
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>> No.10373428

So far 3 eggs with hot sauce, 2 pieces of buttered toast and had some tea to go with it. Might hit the local chinese buffet for lunch+dinner, i’m feeling saucey

>> No.10373433

Just a bowl of Oreo-os so far

>> No.10373434
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>> No.10373439
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A double cheeseburger, medium fries/soda, 7 microwaveable taquitos, and a bag of cheetos.
Fuck my life.

>> No.10373442

these actually look so fucking good right now

>> No.10373450
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Made some gyros. wish I had a grill to get that chicken thigh nice and charred, but my living situation requires minimal cooking equipment,

>> No.10373466

gut & günstig dino tendies are goat.

>> No.10373509

7-11 food. Taquitos, hot dog, mini tacos, slice of pizza, some chicken wings and a Mountain Dew Slurpee. No I'm not fat, I eat one huge meal a day and stay thin. I used to be obese until I found out about the one-meal-a-day diet about 3 years ago.

>> No.10373516


>> No.10373523

Ham and swiss on whole wheat

>> No.10373542

Two cups of greek yogurt with a few tablespoons of chia seeds. I'm not on a diet or anything, just tired of always feeling sick.

>> No.10373556

I haven't had dino tendies since I was about 12 but now I really want some

>> No.10373561

100g whey protein in shake with 12oz milk, some OJ and frozen fruit
big fuck-off bowl of granola
Salad w/feta and grilled chicken

>> No.10373574
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Spinach salad and some fattier bites of a ribeye my gf didn't eat. Had a couple cups of great coffee and went for a swim this morning. It's been a great day

>> No.10373581

you went for a swim? are you retarded? it's like 45 degrees out.

>> No.10373597
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Dude if you're going to eat one meal a day why the FUCK are you choosing to eat shitty 7-11 food?

>> No.10373603

a big stinky pile of shit!!!

>> No.10373606

scrambled eggs?

>> No.10373611

>he heats his girlfriend's table scraps
do you change her kid's diapers too?
service her bull?

>> No.10373618
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>letting food go to waste because /pol/ makes you insecure about doing things for women

>> No.10373620

>Dude if you're going to eat one meal a day why the FUCK are you choosing to eat shitty 7-11 food?
Because I can.

>> No.10373627

Leftover philly cheesesteak hamburger helper topped with 1 oz mozarella, 3 cups of coffee (soon to be 4), 1 fried chicken breast that was marinaded in pickle juice. About to go to the store and grab a 12 pack of bud light, might hit some weights

>> No.10373629

you're probably at least a little bit overweight. there's no such thing as "wasting" food. just throw it out next time. let it go, it's not the end of the world. you don't need to eat other people's literal garbage just to avoid "waste"

>> No.10373634


oh and i'll be eating 2 whiting filets dredged in italian bread crumbs and fried in olive oil with yellow rice for dinner, might grab some sunflower seeds while i'm out

>> No.10373646
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Well I can too but I respect myself more than that. I guess you don't.

>> No.10373652

>peanut butter sandwich
>1 large navel orange
4 hours later:
>2 slices of cake

I had diarrhea after the cake.

>> No.10373655



>> No.10373663

>Doesn't understand that weather is different in different places
>Doesn't understand that indoor and heated pools exist
>Doesn't understand that people sometimes enjoy a refreshing cold swim

>> No.10373669

>Doesn't understand sarcasm
autism, the post.

>> No.10373678

>Well I can too but I respect myself more than that. I guess you don't.

*with a slow southern drawl*
I suppose your right.

>> No.10373738

i had a bowl of french onion soup left over from last night.

>> No.10373764

You're beyond pathetic.

>> No.10373768

A crunchy seafood burrito and Tsunami fries from Pacific coast tacos.

>> No.10373784

>I respect myself too much to enjoy myself
K. If he likes it, who fucking cares?

>> No.10374007

I made myself 2 eggs and 3 strips of bacon for breakfast, and then I had a turkey sandwich with arugula and pickles for lunch. I'll probably make homemade marinara and sausage for dinner.

>> No.10374020

>he thinks thin is the only thing that matters

You're going to die of a heart attack and/or a collapsed lung by 40.

>> No.10374044

Fuck these cunts you are a good guy.
Merry Easter love Barry x

>> No.10374057

well I was gonna fast as part of intermittent fasting but then a coworker broguth me indian frybread from the res with honey so I was like ok I guess I'm not fasting then I meant to fast the rest of the day but I smoked weed when I stopped by my place while I was out and since I was lightly baked I accidentally ended up buying six different kinds of salad and pasta salad from the grocery store which I ate some of cus I had the munchies. accidentally as in I remembered I was gona fast after buying the stuff. good stuff though, greek salad is the shit when high. well back to work now bye.

>> No.10374185

so? it's not like I'm getting out of this alive.

>> No.10374365

Turning this thread into my food journal. I've since had
1 slice of whole wheat toast w/butter and jam
1 small chocolate egg
2 slices turkey bacon
2 hot wings
A small amount of potatoes with hollandaise

>> No.10374451

mushroom goat cheese and kale egg muffin
a grapefruit
a sandwich with avocado and some greens

>> No.10374491

why though

>> No.10374543
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I broiled the steak for 10 minutes and let it sit for 10 minutes after. I was okay, but slightly too cool

I used a Montreal steak seasoning sauce out of a bottle before searing it - turned out around medium, which is what I like

How can I improve? I don’t make steak all that often so I make a lot of rookie mistakes

>> No.10374602

reverse sear works well for me. put it in the oven at 225 until the internal temp gets up to 115-120, usually an hourish for an inch thick steak. then let it rest for a few minutes, then sear in a hot pan, 30 secondsish per side, hit each side 2 or 3 times, then let it rest again for 5-10 minutes so the juices dont leak out when you cut it.

i try to salt my steaks the day before I eat them, but an hour before cooking makes a good difference.

>> No.10374632
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Made falafel and garlic sauce thinking I had flatbread. Ah well, falafel salad was good

>> No.10374636

stop eating falafel, that's what the bad guys want you to eat.

>> No.10374639

3:30am - apple crumble and ice cream
9am - coffee
1pm - pizza
8:30pm - beef, mushrooms and rice

Pretty good day

>> No.10374722

all there was in the pantry was chickpeas and spices. It was yummy

>> No.10374764

>chickpeas, peas for chicks.
show us your boobs.

>> No.10374912

The mini tacos are great, 8 for $2 and it's only like 350 calories

>> No.10374932

A package of shortbread cookies
Two soft tacos from Taco Bell

>> No.10375244

chicken caeser salad, grapes, bbq chips, and making broccoli cheddar soup from a can and oven fries for supper

no wonder im 200+ lbs

>> No.10375250

Fish, because I'm not a fucking heathen.

>> No.10375371
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>Throwing out food, much less steak because you're insecure as fuck
You're a grade A mongoloid and I wouldn't have sex with you

>> No.10375403


>> No.10375411

mmm, a nice sauce sampler

>> No.10375414

if they're right, how are they the bad guys?