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10362724 No.10362724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is fluoridation responsible for the soy boy epidemic?

>> No.10362734

No, weak little shits like you are.

>> No.10362740


>responsible for the soy boy epidemic

Nah, pretty sure it's a reddit meme.

>> No.10362746


>> No.10362749

People raising their kids properly is the reason for the soy boys

>> No.10362780

its all the contraception pills girl take these day they are full of estrogen. The women urinate half the stuff and it goes through the city filtration system. Right now I'm drinking a 1L bottle of tap water...

and folks that why I can't grow a beard and have a small penis

>> No.10362790

No. But it might be related to an uptick in hypothyroidism in some areas.

>> No.10362791

It's the meat and dairy, unironically.

Look it up, they are full of mammal hormones identical to human estrogen. It's the reason there are a bunch of soyboys and girls are developing at earlier ages.

>> No.10362802

>Every vegetarian I know is a soyboi
>Every meat eating milk drinking country boy I know is a mountain of a man
I mean I know it's an anecodte but why is it always true.

>> No.10362809


>> No.10362818

I'd think soy would actually be the culprit behind the soy boy epidemic, but I might be somewhat out of the loop on this meme.

>> No.10362824

I got a pic I made up just for the retards like you, fighting psuedoscience with psuedoscience. Not to mention our body is desgned to filter and metabolize those animal xenoestrogens as needed since we can produce them ourselves, whereas it isn't with unknown phytoestrogens.

>> No.10362827

>I mean I know it's an anecodte but why is it always true.
Unironically false, vegans have on average higher levels of testosterone than meat eaters.

>> No.10362835

Unironically wrong, there's been actually no study linking an increase in estrogen to soy consumption despite all the fear mongering.

>> No.10362843

Estrogen and such junk in our water from e-pills is. also the age when people have kids is also a factor, rotten eggs and stale sperm is not exactly the best to go with when it comes to children.

>> No.10362859

You rural poverty morons are on one hand, tragic on the other hilarious.

You're the dumbest fucking people trying to sound intelligent. Stop talking.

>> No.10362877


>> No.10362891
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1570, this kills the soyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither likely causes it. But it's even less likely to be meat and such.
Here's my cited meme science list.

>> No.10362901
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>> No.10362914

>The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.

>> No.10362923
File: 77 KB, 494x938, phyto foods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's quite a bit of info to absorb in just 1 minute of my posting. Care to proffer a rebuttal?

>> No.10362927


Have you met the average retard living in the city?

There is literally no difference.

>> No.10362952

>No method(s) listed
I don't believe soy causes soyboyism.
But need links to the actually studies, not some meta abstraction.

>> No.10362960


You typed that. Do you think anyone considers you an adult?

>> No.10362961

lol could you be an angrier homo?

>> No.10362966

ur mom considered me an adult last night LMAO

>> No.10362970

nah, it was democrats

>> No.10362974

Everyone in this thread are worthless children, and you all know it. You're fucking kids playing pogs. Unworthy humans. Read what you've written and feel the shame you should feel.

>> No.10362987

One of the scientists goes on to contradict that title in a study promoting soy protein diet for suppressing androgen expression to help prevent or treat prostate cancer in men, all without effecting estrogen levels.

>> No.10362991

Sweet ad hom. Did I touch a nerve?