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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10357523 No.10357523 [Reply] [Original]

Since when is this faggot the authority on food? He couldn't even make a fucking burrito


>> No.10357539

He gained authority when you started whining about him having authority

It's all in your head anon

>> No.10357639

He also can't make a burger. Hes a shit rate chef with decent presentation. Of course dipshits dont know a fucking thing about cooking either so they all cum themselves when they see that bald fuck retard on some new video.

>> No.10357656

literally this

>> No.10357687

I wondered when someone would make a thread to bitch about this.

>> No.10357700
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>someone is small on youtube
>oh wow this is a good channel, you guys should check him out
>he gets a larger following
classic contrarianism

>> No.10357701

I love how they never mention his name so the threads don't get filtered

>> No.10357704

Literally fucking who? He looks like he'd come fourth in a David Cross lookalike contest.

>> No.10357712
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>> No.10357743

I never even fucking liked him to start so fuck off

>> No.10357803

He's right about the burger thing though.

The rest is him just watching random videos, and either being entertained or bored.

It's a dumb video that has no reason to exist, but not for the reasons that seem to have you autists angrily obsessing over him.

>> No.10357823


>> No.10357894

He makes youtube vidoes about food. Why can't he talk about other youtube videos about food?

>> No.10357933

>literally who

>> No.10357987


>> No.10358039

He also has child-like tastes, the guy hates cilantro and ricotta, and I'm sure many other common and delicious ingredients

>> No.10358082

>child-like tastes
>hates cilantro
I fucking love cilantro but I get that some people just have it in their genes to hate it since it tastes like soap. Has nothing to do with being immature. And I've only had ricotta once and it was a bad expierence so I say anything to that.

>> No.10358234

>and I'm sure many other common and delicious ingredients
unjustified assumptions are cool

>> No.10358242

Hi Babish

>> No.10358264

Go on reddit and type a comment that isn't circlerjerking how he is the most amazing cook ever and see what happens

...tl:dr: I'm a nigger faggot who goes to reddit

>> No.10358275

>It's popular so I hate it

>> No.10358304

He's a shit cook who doesn't know even the most novice of techniques and makes between 10-30 mistakes of basic cooking in all of his videos....then this faggot has the audacity to start a how to cooking channel (Basics w/ Babish)

Watch this cucks pasta video and tell me with a straight face he has the slightest clue of what he is doing

>> No.10358318

That isn't how burden of proof works

>> No.10358326

>how burden of proof works

<insert reddit spacing>

>Saying that unironically

please neck yourself faggot

>> No.10358347

The sky is neon pink. Look it up.

>> No.10358358

Shut up Babish.

>> No.10358373


>> No.10358385

t. Babish

>> No.10358399

cilantro ruins any dish that it's put into. ricotta is good though

>> No.10358412

>10-30 mistakes
if it comes out good why does that matter?

>> No.10358414
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>> No.10358416

So you admit that being compared to that faggot is an insult.

>> No.10358425

It was clearly intended to be one

>> No.10358426

>if it comes out good why does that matter?

Implying anything this soyboy cuck has cooked in his entire life actually came out good...go back to your hot dogs and ramen faggot

>> No.10359719

This is why I love /ck/. A bunch of fast food autists pretending they're the perfect cooks.

>> No.10359742

I think you meant to say fast food artists

>> No.10359746

Quit trolling. This guy's all right.

>> No.10359769

I loved that he completely sperged out in that video with Chef.

>> No.10359794

Yes yes very good

>> No.10359802

He's not and people are slowly realizing what a pretentious nu-male faggot he is like many of us have said all along. He has no charisma and relies on gimmicks - it gets old quick.

>> No.10359809


>> No.10359813

He cooks his own meals, shares with people, and the editing is okay. Don't be mad that you didn't come up with his youtube system before him.

>> No.10359828

> editing is okay
Not defending him but compared to the rest of youtube its supreme

>> No.10359834

More like binging with boobish xD

>> No.10359852

I like Babish. Seems like a cool guy who's successful doing what he wants to do. I don't like some youtubers. But I don't make threads about them. Because I'm not a tremendous faggot like OP.

>> No.10359873

t. mad faggot

>> No.10359878


>> No.10359886
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>have it in their genes

As i recall, that was proven false

>> No.10359889

Holy shit if you don't like this faggot then stop obsessing over him

>> No.10359892

sure sure. Whatever you say kid.

>> No.10359900

I didn't mind him previously, but he doesn't know who Matt Stonie is?

>> No.10359938

the jews are continuing to infiltrate the food industry I see. nothing new here.

>> No.10360313

I've noticed in his last few videos he is making more and more mistakes and just correcting himself in the voice over.

>> No.10360373

>don't mix shit into your burger because it ruins the texture
>don't put lettuce on top of the burger because it will wilt
...and putting it below won't do the same fucking thing but worse? gtfo

i hate burger autists

>> No.10360595
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the memes are coming to life

>> No.10360621

He's decent, but in the video with brad it was obvious he felt insecure in his skills compared to a trained professional.

>> No.10360655

I like his videos but yeah it seems that he lacks some deep experience.

His cocktail video was lacking in focus to the point of being useless.
>hey if you know nothing about cocktails buy 10 pieces of equipment then watch me devote 15 seconds each to every popular cocktail

>> No.10360665

I mean he's literally a video editor who likes cooking,
who the fuck is claiming he's an authority lmao

>> No.10360672

He obviously meant that you shouldn't put it directly on top of the burger. If you have a tomato or cheese between meat and lettuce, it's fine.

>> No.10360834

I like Babish but whoa that cocktail video was bad. He goddamn built his Margarita. It was embarrassing.

>> No.10360863

He's literally not even a chef. Just an average home cook who got famous because of his soothing voice and sexy forearms.

>> No.10360867

Yeah I picked up on that too.

>> No.10360882

Pretty much, he's just like all of us.

Except with a youtube channel, because voice and arms.

>> No.10360890

>>don't mix shit into your burger because it ruins the texture
He's actually right about that tho

>> No.10360901

Doesn't he mention how he knows Brad is the better cook, and how he didn't go to culinary school?

Babish knows he's an amateur, albeit more skilled than way most. I don't get why people get so assblasted over him.

>> No.10360905
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>arm tattoos
>"youtube celeb"

Life failure alert.

>> No.10360985

I wonder how people would feel about the guy if he lost the beard and/or wasn't bald.

>> No.10360990

The meme was based on real life you nigger loving faggot

>> No.10361017

No he isn’t. Salt helps the meat bind, it only fucks up if you overwork the meat. All the other shit is just personal preference

>> No.10361019

>life failure
>probably going to be making six figures soon with youtube money, his book, and merchandising deals

>> No.10361033

He made money off life failures. Hes one of their esteemed representatives

>> No.10361051

I would like him better if he didn't sound like he was talking down to you all the time. like you have absolutely no training whatsoever, what makes you think you're better than everyone else?

>> No.10361403
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then what does that make you, anon?

>> No.10361410

Says the mouth breather posting to a Laotian hentai board

>> No.10361446

Remember when he went shopping wearing his fucking apron, had never wrapped a burrito in his life, and fucked up a bunch of exotic meat so bad he had to trash the idea and make a le BACON burrito instead


>> No.10361463

>fucked up a bunch of exotic meat so bad
Yeah, because that's what they did on the show the dish was based on.
Half the "fun" in his show is fucking up dishes the exact same way the source material did.

>> No.10361483

he's admitted he never went to culinary school, he used to be a video editor for an advertising company. He's just a cook who knows how to make videos, literally admitted to not being a chef

>> No.10361486

Okay Baboosh

>> No.10361498

>Remember when he made It's Always Sunny dishes and fucked them up LMAO who could fuck up milk steak and jelly beans?

>> No.10361641

Why is it that the only people shilling this dude’s content are the ones that hate him?

>> No.10362277

E-celeb that the redditors that now populate 4chan are obsessed with.

>> No.10362307

How many children does he have?

>> No.10362314

is that really your metric for success

>> No.10362318

There are never any threads about him except hate threads and false-flagging threads to encourage hate threads.

/ck/ only knows hate.

>> No.10362322

None, I think. I'm fairly sure he's gay and his live-in roommate is his boyfriend.

>> No.10362340

Bon appetit fucks up simple shit by trying to be pretentious. Look at their Italian hero video, it's retarded.
I did get an easy recipe for Asian pork chops that is amazing with a couple tweaks from them, to be fair.

>> No.10362343

Caring about e-celebs at all is a reddit-tier fascination.

>> No.10362350
File: 76 KB, 470x264, Way ahead of you now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thousands of ancestors having children all leading up to you
>you go gay and don't have children

Top tier failure at life.

>> No.10362359

This. Threads about him are always like this:
Nobody else cares. He's a amateur chef with a gimmick whose videos have decent editing.

>> No.10362363

you can go back to /pol/ now

>> No.10362403
File: 604 KB, 1000x645, 1508591503891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /pol/ have to do with having children? You know that one thing you shouldn't be fucking up in your entire life.

>> No.10362881

Dude 95% of 4chan should most definitely be prohibited from having children. You haven't noticed?

>> No.10362950

By this metric mexicans and dumber impoverished americans must be the most successful groups in the west, huh?

>> No.10362988

that's not how you write 100%

>> No.10363133

You're a useless idiot making useless threads.
Here's another fucking (you), now drink bleach.

>> No.10363224

It's their obsession with it that makes it funny. They just can't deal with it, yet can't ignore it either. I think it's all they have.

>> No.10363239

>It's a dumb video that has no reason to exist
That's 99% of the internet.
Hell, that's 99.9% of the threads here.

>> No.10365073

nobody fucking cares you stupid moron

>> No.10365095

He's a home cook. He doesn't work im a restaurant, and he doesn't serve random people. You are placing him on a pedestal.

>> No.10365103

Because you found him 3 months ago when you first started posting here and he was already big.

>> No.10365960

>authority on food

That's the problem. What we need is some other asshat ripping on people's cooking, but I'm so glad this time there's someone going after online videos. Just felt like they were getting away with making food the way they wanted and making videos of it without any shame.

>> No.10366729

People with more children are more successful at life itself than people without children or even fewer children. If you don't know that and think otherwise then you are 10,000% deluded.

>> No.10367972
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jealousy is so sad.

>> No.10367994

I don't need kids to justify my existence