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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 184 KB, 700x933, disco6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10356496 No.10356496 [Reply] [Original]

I live in New Jersey. A common cuisine in diners here is "Disco Fries" which is basically seasoned fries, gravy and melted cheese. This shit is delicious. Anyone else had the privilege to try this?

>> No.10356498

Bro, look up poutine.

>> No.10356509

why the fuck is it that everytime any american state tries to replicate poutine they just fuck it up or make it nasty?

like fuck dude just make fries and put on some gravy or demi and some curds, why they gotta be crinkle cut faggot potatos and, god forbid, that rancid american 'pre-shredded' cheese

>> No.10356512


>> No.10356514

This isn't poutine retard. The cheese is melted

>> No.10356517

In all reality its really just a poor man's poutine, but its nice to order when its 4AM and you are hammered.

>> No.10356520

Go fuck yourself cheese is meant to be melted
Disco Fries > Poutine

>> No.10356521

For some strange reason, the diner across the street from me run by Greeks has it on the menu and I live in Georgia. Never knew where it originated

>> No.10356524

>I can look at OPs pic and tell whether the cheese was pre-shredded
Wow Canadians must be super smart

>> No.10356528

I live in Upstate New York yet I've never heard of "Steamed Hams"

>> No.10356529

yeah, and curds melt dipshit

pre-shredded cheese is fucking disgusting, they don't even sell brick cheese in most of your grocery stores amerilard

>> No.10356533

Bet you $10,000 those Greeks originated from the tri-state area and moved away when things got expensive as fuck and they were afraid of race riots.

>> No.10356540
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I've lived in NJ for 30 years and never heard of them.

>> No.10356543

>they don't even sell brick cheese in most of your grocery stores amerilard

They do, but its convenient to buy pre-shredded and the same price.

Surprised, usually it is an american who is all autistic and posting angrily over nothing.

>> No.10356545
File: 65 KB, 1000x750, Disco_Fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curds don't melt its just gobs of stupid half melted retarded Canadian cheese KYS

>> No.10356548

President's Choice brand pre-shredded cheese is sold all over Canada. And I don't know what shitty ghetto grocery stores you went to in the US but I assure you most of them do sell brick cheese.

>> No.10356549

You probably call it pork roll too, fucking south Jersey hick.

>> No.10356554

not my problem you half-melt your curds retard
pre-shredded has additives 75% of the time and it sure as shit isn't the same price
americans arguing over food quality, genuinely hilarious

>> No.10356555

>picture clearly shows melted cheese

>> No.10356559

Europeans don't put frozen cheese on their poutine you retard.

>> No.10356561

Literally never heard of this bullshit.

>> No.10356563

post your local diner.

>> No.10356564

Those are disco fries

>> No.10356566

with poutine, hot gravy poured over the fries melts the cheese.

>> No.10356567

You can't just say "seasoned." That's not informative at all.

>> No.10356572

>not my problem you half-melt your curds retard
Every Canadian poutine is like this you retard

Yes because they are disco fries you utter piece of shit

>> No.10356573

I do.
Go to NYC if you love it so much, fucking yuppie.

>> No.10356578

that's really weird because i live in canada and my curds are melted when i melt them because that's how that fucking works faggot

>> No.10356579
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My man, they are quite literally the same price for shredded or not shredded.

>> No.10356584

So it's just shitty poutine?

>> No.10356586
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, DISCO FRIES!- A New Jersey Classic!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disco Fries > Taco Bell Fries Bel Grande.......> shitting diarrhea on fries > poutine

>> No.10356590

Its so easy to know when someones from fucking south Jersey, and they always bring up m-m-muh NYC.

>> No.10356592

Philly here. I hate this shithole but at least we have mega fries at *every* pizza place

>> No.10356599

>implying all you faggots didn't steal this staple food item from the northern English

>> No.10356603
File: 45 KB, 748x372, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is normal poutine. Fries and globs of cheese you dumb fuck.

>> No.10356605
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had them once at a local pizza joint. Was pretty good, but you`re definitely hyping this shit up, OP.

but fat sandwiches though, that shit`s delicious and worth the heart attack.

>> No.10356610
File: 132 KB, 1000x750, Mega Fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mega fries

>> No.10356614


They're alright.

Back when they had the fat trucks in New Brunswick next to the bus stop somewhere near college ave, i was shithoused from stealing booze from frathouses and literally spent the rest of the extra cash I had on a second fat sandwich instead of a train ticket home.

Those were the times.

>> No.10356617

It's (town name) diner. They just have regular non covered in bullshit fries. I've lived in New Jersey since I was a baby and I have NEVER seen this shit.

>> No.10356622


>> No.10356623

what town name?

>> No.10356632

We just call these "loaded fries" up here in new england, although there's usually sour scream involved too.

>> No.10356639

All of Canada, breh.

>> No.10356647

Ah, Swedesboro. You caught me. I am from SJ. And we don't eat those bullshit fries.

>> No.10356649
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"Seasoned" is usually just pic related on the fries unless it's a more homemade concoction of salt, paprika, onion powder, garlic powder etc.

Most of the time if you were to see "seasoned fries" at a restaurant you'd know what you were getting without needing specifics.

>> No.10356654

It's an Albany expression.

>> No.10356656

>melted cheese
Fuck no

>> No.10356660

Canada doesn't melt it you dumb fuck canuck

>> No.10356663

I've had them and they're unironically delicious. It almost made up for having to live in New Jersey.

>> No.10356681

i don't feel like that would even be worth the extra calories, as mild as sour cream is. it doesn't seem like it would do much for the dish, it wouldn't contrast against it at all

>> No.10356687

Pfft he says he lives and Jersey and only has one diner close by.

6/10 diner and menu, at least its open 24/7.

>> No.10356699

Why are you all getting so mad over this?

>> No.10356707

Because we're all socially retarded.

>> No.10356709

Everyone always gets mad over everything and slings insults at each other isnt that how this works.

>> No.10356710

This is cultural appropriation of a Québécois dish. Please check your Anglo privilege.

>> No.10356740

Hey, I picked the closest one. I typically eat elsewhere. Admittedly its pretty mediocre. Incidentally, that's why I eat elsewhere.

>> No.10356760

Bro, this is 4chan, haven't you ever been here, it's half banter and half people getting upset at banter and actually getting mad.

>> No.10356768

because these fucking stupid canuckistani leaf faggots keep lying about our disco fries. also I'm not mad

>> No.10356814

we're not talking about failed continents here, kids.

>> No.10356822

discos fries are in every diner in PA, NJ, NY in my experience

>> No.10356824
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>Thinks canada is a continent

WHoly shittu

>> No.10356857

>thinks poutine is canadian
french name means french trash.
just like quebec.

>> No.10356865

So, are you saying Quebec is a continent? Are you saying France is a continent? Help me out, here. I need to know what to ridicule you for.

>> No.10356875
File: 249 KB, 248x459, bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to know what to ridicule you for.
He's lived a life that led to posting on /ck/.

>> No.10356879
File: 2.86 MB, 1080x1080, Pork_Belly_Disco_Fries.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck poutine

>> No.10356924

New Jersey is a le 56% shithole. Quebec is based. Québécois girls are some of the hottest qt3.14s around.

>> No.10356928

>sad afterthought gravy
could do better

>> No.10356932


You have to eat at Meme Bros. Dude!

>> No.10356941


Europeans don't ear poutine.

>> No.10357004

Look, you ignorant moron, there are people talking about shit they don't know anything about in this thread. They're acting like they know, when they've never fucking eaten poutine in their life. It's a Canadian invention. It's not fucking American.

>> No.10357037

Naw,it's pretty good, slight tang with the salt, fatty bacon and fries and cheese. Try it, just like a dollop or two on top. It's like sour cream,on a baked/loaded potato.

>> No.10357060

been eating this in scotland for like 15 years?

yes i'm fat.

>> No.10357068

yeah, no shit dickhead, poutine is rancid shit garbage. Of course that jizzy afterbirth of a dish comes from canada
Disco fries are top tier.

>> No.10357202

All the grease trucks are gone now, so you have to go to the pizzerias where half of them suck ass at making them

>> No.10357214

It's just a worse version of poutine.

>> No.10357219

Bacon cheese fries are literally everywhere even in bumfuck, nowhere.

>> No.10357236

Poutine is disgusting. Gravy is disgusting in general. Nothing about pic related looks appetizing to me

>> No.10357364

It's pretty bad when is cold or room temperature

>> No.10357411

Its essentially the exact same dish. Who cares.

>> No.10357468

canada is a continent.

The continents don't mean anything so you can make up whatever the fuck you want. I claim that canada is a continent, and non-canada is the other continent.

>> No.10357513

We have them in Connecticut in every Greek owner diner. I am assuming Massachusetts has them too. I also live in a town with a French Canadian population so I can get regular poutine if I want. Both of them taste pretty similar. It’s fucking potatos with gravy on it.

>> No.10357525

this. in fact, I hate potatoes in general and condiments and cheese. Cooking in general is gay

>> No.10358620

cheese curd goes on poutine.
not cheese.

>> No.10358630


>> No.10359170
File: 74 KB, 935x621, irishNachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WARNING!! A new Challenger Approaches!

>> No.10359221

Actually, I have lived in mass my entire life and have never seen disco fries

>> No.10361039
File: 589 KB, 2272x1658, rfl_20855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Njfag here, live on the shore and nothing beats disco fries and boardwalk pizza
Or anything from Midway

>> No.10361044

Dirty Guido

>> No.10361048


>> No.10361076

what's the purple stuff on them?

Also i made potato nachos once (not with fries though, with roasties)

>> No.10361200

What's boardwalk pizza?

>> No.10361206


naild it, bro

>> No.10361214

Pizza you get on the boardwalk?

>> No.10361216

>Cooking in general is gay

I think one man sucking another man's dick is even gayer.

>> No.10361219

>simpsons.tiff ?????

everyone else ITT has rly bad reading comprehension

>> No.10361227

What a sad fucking thread.

>oh man so glad we have CHEESE FRIES only to be found here in my local dive that nobody knows about. One time we even put BACON on them omgomgomg

>> No.10362965 [DELETED] 

Grew up in NJ, never heard of that disgusting flyover tier garbage.
On topic, California probably has the best statewide cuisine. Actually know how to use fresh ingredients. it's the italy of America.
I don't call it neither cause I don't eat that trash.

>> No.10362969

>California probably has the best statewide cuisine
2/10 bait

>> No.10363136

also it's a fucking sub not a hoagie or whatever the fuck you people call it

>> No.10363264

fresh curds are illegal in the US I think. Most of the greatness of poutine comes from the cheese even though they're all important.

>> No.10363280

Shoot Wawa kids on sight

>> No.10363284

Purple? You're eyes are messed up. Anyway that's corned beef, bacon, cheese and french fries. Irish nachos

>> No.10363371

New Jersey does, even see them put chicken on it.

>> No.10364098


fucking roasties

>> No.10364130 [DELETED] 
File: 490 KB, 1253x1600, IMG_1704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you don't have Disco Fries chips you gaylord

>> No.10364214

I've lived in several states across the US, none of which were in the northeast, and every place I lived had fries with cheese and gravy, but they weren't called "disco fries", they were just called gravy fries or fries with gravy and cheese. Atm, I live in NorCal, and the diner down the street from my house serves fries with gravy and cheese, plus a bunch of other kinds of fries, like chili cheese fries, garlic fries, loaded fries (fries with cheese, bacon, sour cream, and scallions), poutine, and of course plain fries and just cheese fries.
Anyway, yeah, fries with gravy and cheese is pretty good. My favorite will always be chili cheese fries, though.

>> No.10364817

>Live in New Jersey

I can't wait to get legal weed and just munch on disco fries while stoned

>> No.10365284

I live 30 minutes from Albany and you're full of shit

I love diner food and have been to dozens along the Hudson and never seen disco fries on the menu. What part of ny are you claiming has these?

You can get raw milk curds in the US with minimal effort. Fresh is not an issue

>> No.10365304

it's like poutine, except the roux base is dj cum

>> No.10365313

You can, though, if the cheese isn't melted.

>> No.10365319

Jacques BTFO

>> No.10365327

I'd rather some gabbagool

>> No.10365339

audibly kek'd

>> No.10365344
File: 218 KB, 500x1008, takeout_menu_2016_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love diner food and have been to dozens along the Hudson and never seen disco fries on the menu. What part of ny are you claiming has these?
Not him but my shit diner in Queens NY has it.

>> No.10365352

admittedly I used to live close to Hawthorne, and they had a sick sandwich place called Bogie's Hoagies but I gave em pass because it was clear they were doing it for the rhyme scheme

>> No.10365358

quick reminder that Stateline Diner is the best diner in the tri-state area

>> No.10367043

Explain yourself

>> No.10367089

Reminds me how overpriced that goddamn city is. Glad I moved the fuck out.

>> No.10367118
File: 554 KB, 1280x975, 1516139270002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw jeez

>> No.10367253

>muh taylor ham

You're a degenerate

>> No.10367289

I do not even know what diner that is, but that is obviously just their entree page of the menu. This page is always overpriced because they have to offset the cost of a diner stocking shit no one wants to order at a diner.

Guaranteed shit like a hamburger is going to be about 10.95, may 12 for a specialty burger.

>> No.10367342

Having had poutine and disco fries, disco fries are way better. Sorry, cheese curds suck ass.

>> No.10367363

NJ here, never heard of disco fries. Been to many diners.

>> No.10367380


>> No.10367398

no, it softens the curds but they still stay intact

>> No.10367603

Why can't South Jersey go and stay go

>> No.10367623

Its the result of seepage of being too close to Philly and Camden. They get brain proglemz :DD

>> No.10367632

No, but some friends from NJ turned me on to fried calamari. It was some big family thing that I got invited to, they were like try this out, so I did, and liked it a lot.

When fried calamari is done properly it's spot on excellent.

>> No.10367649

Fucking camden, isn't that crack central and murder capital of the USA?

>> No.10367672
File: 57 KB, 280x262, 1422667978709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burgerlanders arguing about poutine

>> No.10367688

I made carne asada fries a few days ago, that shit was pretty fucking great.

>> No.10367696

Isnt that canadian thing?

>> No.10367809

>I do not even know what diner that is
Georgia Diner


>> No.10367941

But it's literally Canadians arguing about disco fries. Can't you read?

>> No.10367958

>I live in New Jersey

My condolences...

>> No.10367999
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>> No.10368061
File: 381 KB, 700x1400, takeout_menu_2016_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was more or less spot on that the on the price of the burgers.

This is about median prices for a diner burger in the 5 boroughs, not to say there aren't cheaper places.

>> No.10368078

Thats burger alone though. I have been to places where the deluxe option was cheaper. To be fair the diner I selected is "famous" in Queens and they have jacked up their prices for years. A philly cheese steak deluxe which was my go to as a teenager was like $8.95 now it's about $12.

>> No.10368090
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>> No.10368101

Yeah, I'm know there are cheaper places but I wouldn't be surprised by these prices, I just hope it'd be worth the taste.

places can really leverage themselves on their notoriety and I'm sure the price of running a business has gone up overtime.

>> No.10368196

Georgia diner is "famous" because you get insane amounts of food for cheap or used to. Thats not the case now. Surprise they sold off one of their two locations but are playing it off as a quality consolidation thing.