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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 585x397, common-allergens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10355658 No.10355658 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck i'm a cook, and fucking hate people with allergies what allergies does /ck have?

>> No.10355660
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>> No.10355661

None because I wasn't raised on eggos by helicopter parents

>> No.10355671
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>> No.10355704

>325.7 million population
>13 million estimated to have a food allergy
>3.99% of the population of the USA has a food allergy.

Evidently, I'm allergic to pesticides and sprays used on/in some types of vegetables bought from the grocery store. Like if my lips touch the outside of an orange or apple they start to itch and swell. Raw broccoli will make pimples break out around my mouth. Raw carrots will cause my entire mouth, ears, and throat to swell and itch like mad.

I ended up growing my own food and none of that stuff happens. Being able to eat anything I want, like raw carrots, it truly amazing. Though, there's a psychological aspect when eating carrots. The swelling was so bad, when eating the store carrots, that when I eat my own homegrown carrots I have the distinct impression I'm about to swell up. Nothing happens, but those first 5 minutes are still a bit nerve wracking, because the reaction to whatever is in the store carrots was near life threatening. It should be noted that cooked store carrots and broccoli doesn't affect me at all either. So, what ever is on/in them is destroyed by heat.

>> No.10355707
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None feelsgreatman

>> No.10355730

allergies are for snowflake-americans

>> No.10355737
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Sulpha and gluten, celiac

P darn good cook though so it isnt hard. Only thing that sucks is if you have company over for a week and they make a mess eating you'll probably get cross contaminated

I miss buns that don't fall apart though. Also fast food

>> No.10355743

(not sulphites)

It's used as a preservative in certain foods.
if I eat
>red wine
>cured meats
>cheap brands of juice
>cheap premixed alcohol
I will get horrible stomach cramps. It's not severe, might even call it an intolerance. Various packaged foods also contain sulphates which I always discover within 5 minutes, but I can usually just go vomit and avoid any other discomfort.

Also penicillin, cats, and dust.

>> No.10355758

I can't drink milk so I can't have yogurt or ice cream either. I'm good with cheese 99% of the time though. It hasn't really changed my life at all.

>> No.10355782

I had a bad reaction to sulfa drugs but non food wise.

>> No.10355820

I’ve worked in kitchens for years and I only ever feel pity for the allergically disabled. I feel you op, I want to hate them too. I don’t like how it feels when some smug cunt walks into your job and changes all the rules for just one stupid fucking order, but that’s all the job is anyways with every order. At least these chuckle fucks have a reason other than “I’m a smug cunt how is either too picky or too “conscientious” to eat the same food as everyone else”.

>> No.10355860

Probably raw honeydew melon and similar melons. I still them eat them though. It's just a little itch in the throat.

>> No.10356037

G6pd allergy

Means that everytime I eat mexican food it becomes a gamble.

>> No.10356051

Holy shit you are me except the broccoli, but still. Thank you for this

>> No.10356067

im lactose intolerant, its fucking annoying

>> No.10356083
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Tree nut allergy. I die more or less if i eat one. EpiPen gives me about 5-10 mins of breathing.

Not an asshole about it , I don't order desserts and never order anything where I have to specify alterations. If I have to think about it twice I don't order it period (was a cook for 2 years, fuck people who would put their lives in the hands of a minimum wage cook).

I think people who broadcast/revolve there lives around there allergy's are garbage people and hate them . I have lived in nut heavy country's Japan/Vietnam and ate my fill no problems , you just have to be smart on what/where you eat .

>> No.10356123
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I'm allergic to fake allergies
>At sandwich shop the other day
>lady asks for a lettuce wrap for a sandwich because she has celiacs disease
>shop no longer has lettuce wraps
>"Oh I'll just have it on wheat bread instead"

>> No.10356134

dude pistachios are next level you are missing out

>> No.10356156

God making me:
>hm I think I’ll make her favorite food shrimp
>haha and you know what I’ll throw in a shellfish allergy too lol

>> No.10356158

>Btw I'm a girl
Fuck off whore

>> No.10356189

you need to go back

>> No.10356200

Just some nuts and fruits. But it's not bad, I just get a scratchy throat and lips and even in my ears. But I eat small amounts anyways so my body gets used to it.

>> No.10356208

Hope the info helps. Also, for apples, I just wash the skins with soap and a plastic pot scrubber then rinse really well. That prevents any reaction, if I want to eat it with the skin. The apples from my orchard don't need that sort of treatment and don't affect me in any way.

The broccoli thing came after a lot of raw broccoli eating over the course of a few days. It doesn't happen instantly.

>> No.10356227

I have no allergies, unless you wish to include antiquated definitions for alcoholism, in which, I possess an allergy to booze.

>> No.10356229
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None, I've got a Chad immune system.

>> No.10356242

cant be that good of a cook if you cant cant find a way to substitute ingredients

>> No.10356260

I'm allergic to taro root. I get extremely itchy lips, tongue, and throat. I puke it up after a while then I'm better.

>> No.10356282

>prepare a meal for 97% of the world
>3% of the world refuses to eat on the grounds that the food will make them sick
>instead of making their own food they expect you to cater to their every whims when everyone else has 0 problem with that
Nah go cook for yourself and quit expecting someone who doesnt give a shit about you to care about you

>> No.10356289

man you'd hate my gf, she's allergic to paprika and chili

>> No.10356290

>at a restaurant
>make a salad
>some 1 says no croutons im celiac

>> No.10356322

I have a pineapple allergy, I think, always feel really shitty after eating it and it hurts my mouth to eat, always leaves rashes on my throat aswell.

This might sound fake, but my girlfriend has a beef allergy, I didn't believe her at first and I secretly started adding beef into food.
Even stuff like frying fries in oil that has been used to fry burgers before is enough to make her puke for 3 whole days or some shit.

>> No.10356364

> making pizzas
> ten minutes to close
> customer orders pizza with a tomato allergy
> fuck let's go wash everything that ever touched a tomato then run for fresh ingredients in the walk in and hope whoever prepped them didn't cross contaminate anything
> order voided shortly after receiving

>> No.10356381

I am allergic to glutinous potatoes and vegetables. I have the glutebeetus.

>> No.10356388

Hey thanks for cleaning it all thats thoughtful though

>> No.10356466

>be me
>picky eater growing up
>only food I've ever consistently eat was carrots
>come home from school as a child and pick them out of vegetable crisper
>eat the entire carrot, stem included
>develop allergy to all root vegetables in my teenage years
Kill me.

>> No.10356474

None, I just say I'm allergic to salt to piss off the cooks, I just add salt at the table.

>> No.10357602

Who the fuck is allergic to celery or mustard

>> No.10357697
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Food allergies are for the weak

>> No.10357699

Only dust and pollen my friend

>> No.10358321

I'm allergic to pomegranates but only fags put that in anything so it's never been an issue

>> No.10358327

it's not thoughtful it's required out of us because you happen to be the special snowflake that requires an extra step to finish your damn food.

>> No.10358352
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>used to work at a Panera Bread
>every day multiple times a day people come through the drive thru and tell us they're allergic to something
>manager has us clean cutting boards, wash hands, change gloves regardless of how busy you are
>usually find out their allergy is to gluten or dairy

>> No.10358382
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None and even if I did I'd eat that shit anyway.

>> No.10358404

Quit being a little bitch holy fuck

>> No.10358509


>> No.10358541

Not food thankfully but I'm severely allergic to dustmites.

>> No.10358547

imagine being this assblasted about cleaning a grill

>> No.10358579

I’m allergic to cats and dogs so I can’t have Chinese food

>> No.10358582

technically pepperoni.

shit fucks my stomach up fierce.

still eat it anyway its too good

>> No.10358631

Everyone always ask me how I live without it. I don't get it. Even the smell of peanut butter makes me nauseous. For whatever reason Chik Fil A is fine, but does give me indigestion. Otherwise, I carry an epi-pen

>> No.10358649

quick reminder it's not a real allergy if you aren't vomiting for the next 4 hours or it doesn't close your esophagus and air hole so you have trouble breathing

>> No.10358656

If we practiced eugenics there wouldn't be people who are allergic to food to worry about.

>> No.10358665

I was allergic to shell fish as a kid so my mom would feed them to me constantly until it went away. Muscles are my fav meat now.

>> No.10358685
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>you're not REALLY allergic unless you're an infirm genetic disaster like me hahaha

>> No.10358714

None because I'm not some weak faggot
There has to be some cause for all these soyish allergies

>> No.10358896

Mountain cedar. Fuck mountain cedar
>live in Northern Wisconsin all my life
>0 allergies up there
>move to Texas for work
>horrible congestion for an entire month in late winter/early spring

>> No.10358910

Peanuts + tree nuts.

Been allergic since I was 4 at least. Have to carry around Epipens and worry about some idiot killing me all the time. Had a fun time at Jason's Deli once when someone cut my sandwich with the same knife they had just cut a PB&J with. I noticed jelly on the edge of my bread, which probably saved my life or at least a fun trip to the hospital.

>> No.10358927

The refining process of fryer-grade peanut oil removes the proteins that trigger allergic reactions, making Chik Fil A safe. I still avoid it though; too paranoid that it'll somehow cause a reaction from a fuckup at the oil factory.

>> No.10358929

Many people have a sensitivity to certain foods and they call it an allergy, which it really isn’t.

>> No.10358935

i get hives, vomit, my mouth swells up, and my throat closes

is that a sensitivity

>> No.10358946

That usually means you are allergic to ragweed and bananas too...

>> No.10359105

Eggs. And I'm a patissier (or whatever you call it)

>> No.10359113 [DELETED] 


>> No.10359118

Anon I think your mom was trying to kill you

>> No.10359287



>> No.10359378
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My body only has an aversion to dairy products, but I can take pills for that. I love me some cheese...but I'm so used to not cooking or eating with dairy that it doesn't even bother me anymore.

>> No.10359398
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>cheese makes me shit my insides out but milk is fine

>> No.10359427

luckily almost none. especially food related allergies.

>> No.10359431

it eans you are a bitch

>> No.10359525

Same here but also with vegetables and leafy greens included. Only an issue when they're raw though. I can eat pretty much anything that's been cooked although tree nuts still irritate me in some baked goods.

>> No.10359576
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>love eating roasted jalapenos, bowls of salsa, and various peppers in general
>develope random allergy to capsaicin

>> No.10359586

None, because im not some disposable special snowflake that even natural selection wants to get rid off.

>> No.10359602

allergic to allergies. i have none. kiwi makes my mouth slightly itchy. hell, i dont mind raw wool on my skin, and niacin flush feels good.

>> No.10359650

Y-you can do that?

>> No.10359683
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Dust mites.
Imagine being constantly reminded every second you're indoors that you're breathing in hundreds of tiny bugs with every breath.

>> No.10359692

this is no joke but sometimes allergic reactions don't even happen the first time you eat or come into contact with your potential allergen. Your body can just betray you like that.

>> No.10359741

Milk makes me gassy and nauseous, but it's also a great laxative :3

>> No.10359815


But canned soup, especially cream of mushroom/celery/etc) irritates my bladder. I'll be peeing non-stop, trying to get the irritants out.

I think it's called "interstitial cystitis", but I've nevet been officially diagnosed.

>> No.10359842

Milk allergy is a code word for not white

>> No.10359857
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If I eat even a small nibble of something that was in the same box as any type of nut I go into anaphylatic shock, throat swells and cant really breathe, but as long as i'm not a moron and eat a whole bite of anything that could be suspect I'm not going not going to die or need to take my pussy epipen shot.

Fucking sucks, I hate allergy fags, I refuse to tell coworkers or anyone but really close friends about my allergy, I just avoid being a retard when I eat out. I fuck up maybe once every couple years, but its always my own fault, restaurants are pretty chill about listing nuts on menus. If I order a salad that doesn't state it has nuts anywhere on the menu I get sad when it comes, but I'll never send it back or make a stink.

>That feel when I'm too afraid to travel to south east asia for sexual tourism because of nut allergy

>> No.10359939
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crustaceans you motherfucker, and you don't need to hate me for it, I'm already salty enough about not being able to eat the god-food that is shrimp

>> No.10359979

I'm white and 80% Irish with lactose intolerance. AMA.

>> No.10360084
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No allergies, never gotten sick from food, haven't even puked since like 3rd grade, got my sea legs and never get dizzy on boats, never gotten motion sickness, never get nauseous, etc etc

>> No.10360092


So like he said.

Filthy fucking Celts still think they're white.

>> No.10360103

Cat dander, and I swear they know it.
Also, genuine celiac here, though ackkkchyually that's not an allergy.

>> No.10361416
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>faggot allergic to sugar comes over for dinner

Guess you're not getting any dessert then, you little shit.

>> No.10361427

I'm 6'2, hardly a genetic disaster

>> No.10361591

>Proud king manlet

>> No.10361614

none because i got to suck on my mother's titty like a true chad

>> No.10361682

>giving someone (you)s just for being a girl
you're doing what she wants, retards

>> No.10361732

I think I have minor allergies to pineapple, kiwi, and avacado. My mouth feels tingly and numb after eating them and I feel short of breath afterwards.
I still eat them because they're delicious though.

>> No.10362003

>>faggot allergic to sugar
That's not a thing my dude

>> No.10362035

> itt: soy boys talk about their cucked genes

>> No.10362052

I dunno but I can't drink milk without getting explosive diarrhea

>> No.10362143

>t. Ching Chong

>> No.10362168

None. But apparently i was allergic to citrus fruits as a kid. Or maybe my mother was an idiot.

>> No.10362172

that's it for food but it is a pain in the ass when I can't eat popcorn anymore and I love seafood

My non food allergies:
Cigarettes (Even 3rd hand smoke where it's in furniture will send me to the hospital)
Tree pollen (Also will send me to the hospital)

I get very anxious going outside even with allergy pills.

>> No.10362182

oh also dustmites and cockroaches but dust just makes me sneeze and get an itchy throat

>> No.10362195
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The only "allergy" I have is a reaction to Red 40 with allergy-like symptoms. I don't eat shitty processed poor people food though, so it's not an issue.

>> No.10362235

kek without modern medicine you would die from touching a nut or whatever crap you're allergic to. Get over it you're bad stock

>> No.10362372

I'm allergic to intolerance.

>> No.10362405

fuck you nigger faggot.

>> No.10362450

that's not an allergy
it's a normal mammillian mechanism

>> No.10362471

you don't have a pineapple allergy dummy
pineapples have an enzyme that will eat the tissue in your mouth which causes the rashes

>> No.10362491

it's literally impossible to be allergic sugar

>> No.10362502

My only allergy is to avocado, and it only causes a mild itch in my mouth.

>> No.10362869

It's just a fucking movie. God damn, anon.

>> No.10362902

None. Food allergies are god's way of telling faggots they need to die.

>> No.10363577

I don't think I have any. I mean, at worst, I have lactose intolerance, but it's not like I'm constipated and in need of frequent shits anyways.

>> No.10364400


>> No.10364404

Same here with the cooked part dude, I've always loved baked apples.

>> No.10364805

Agreed I've never seen or known a fellow celiac who would eat real bread.

>> No.10365164

I found out i was allergic to kiwis in a very unfortunate manner

>> No.10365381

None because generics

>> No.10365408

I think I'm allergic to something in most foods

whenever I eat stuff sometimes I get a runny nose

>> No.10365578


>> No.10365901

Old fish, prawn, and crab. Old as in not fresh.

>> No.10366097

Fuckin green peas of all things.

>> No.10366138

I have a sensitivity towards perfumes and there is some shit in my parents' house that makes me feel like I have a cold the moment I step through their door. No food related allergies luckily.

>> No.10366199

When eating fruits like ananas or kiwi my mouth tingles a bit afterwards, could be worse i guess.

>> No.10366212

Just gluten, uncooked carrots and uncooked jackfruit
The first one can be subdued for 2 hours through taking enzyme supplements

>> No.10366213
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>When eating fruits like ananas
>my mouth tingles a bit afterwards
That’s normal you drooling retard

>> No.10366246

Sometimes when I eat oranges my face will start sweating almost immediately, and the skin around my mouth will itch. This doesn't happen when I drink orange juice.

>> No.10366844

Bananas and avocado for me as well. Get that whole itchy/dull ache tingle. It's only developed over the last few years.
Kiwi send me into a sneezing fit and makes my face swell to fuck all.
Doc said its an enzyme or some shit and to watch out for latex because it's also in the same senpai.

>> No.10367723
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>Have the biggest hard on for Thai and Jap food.

>> No.10367731

lol genelets

>> No.10367758

Man I hate pesticides

>> No.10367763

Kill yourself

>> No.10367766

You kys faggot

>> No.10367780

I never felt this

>> No.10367791

today I had a couple with a kid, the mother was celiac and the father was lactose intolerant.

Thank god the kid was normal, drinking chocolate milk and eating a normal pastry.

>> No.10368156

I'm not allergic to anything I'm just a picky eater.
>t. someone who has never had mayo, ketchup, mustard, hot dogs, any seafood, chili, or alcohol

>> No.10368379
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My body can't process pork. Two days of pain minimum.

>> No.10368393

Thats ok pork is disgusting. Hams good though ur missing out on that

>> No.10368482

I'm allergic to Mondays.

>> No.10368634

I'm allergic to stupid people
By people I mean customers

>> No.10368678

Ant bites.

>> No.10368684

Pretty sure I'm mildly allergic to cats but I've never tested myself.

>> No.10368862

We should fumigate the planet with peanut dust.

>> No.10369178

That image though. Took me a while to figure out what I was seeing

>> No.10369881

>eat nutella like a madman as a kiddo
>around 7-8 have violent anaphylactic reaction from eating cashews
>allergy test happens
>now allergic to treenuts, peanuts, and fish

>years later, around 16
>cautiously test and eat a peanut choccy bar
>no reaction
>eat peanut butter like a fucking madman from then on

>years later
>actually a month or so ago
>ask doctor about getting another allergy test done
>"well you really shouldn't bank on them they're kind of bullshit"
>I could be able to eat fish, might have developed out of treenut allergy, but there is no way to tell besides gum testing/eating it outside of the hospital for a laugh

I hate it and everyone else does too and I have to ask EVERYONE who brings food at EVERY PARTY "does this have nuts? does dis hab nudds? dudishabnud?" like a retard, half the time can't trust their answers anyway because I can't trust everyone to autistically read ingredients like I do.

The obvious answer is just to not eat things at parties. I still wonder about nutella though

>> No.10369950

I have an egg intolerance,meaning I get stomach cramps and the shits every time I eat them.

>> No.10370405

cinnamon, spearmint, and coconut meat (but not coconut milk) are migraine triggers for me. it fucking sucks.

>> No.10370463

The only thing I'm allergic to is oysters, all other shellfish is just fine for me though.

>> No.10371664
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>12 am, half and hour til close
>Server comes to the window: "Anon, there's this guy with a cinnamon allergy, can you make a pie without it?"
>cooked apples are all prepped with cinnamon, and take like 15 mins to cook otherwise
>quickly make up some bullshit
>"Uhhh, yeah, but it'll take like half an hour to cook some apples and the pie mix without cinnamon..."
>send her off with the info as I go to help out Mr.dish
>Customer said it's fine.

>> No.10371677

and humans with actually good genetics have evolved past that hindering mechanism

>> No.10371738

I have issues when I eat MSG

>> No.10371934

I have a Banana intolerance, they make me poop.

>> No.10371975

Did you learn your lesson?

>> No.10372005

I have none of these.

I come and am very polite. And yet you never mention me. You don't care.

ALL you care about is bitching about customers that personally annoy YOU. YOU are a cunt.

Get over people being generally rude. It's part of the fucking job you child.

>> No.10372013

As someone who has made pizza you can shut you fat mouth.

>> No.10372017

Then you get a new job. Simple. Stop bitching.

>> No.10372022

>"I am polite"
>is a massive cunt
Hmm. a puzzle for sure.

>> No.10372023




>> No.10372024

Irish aren't white? Lmao you're a special kind of retard.

>> No.10372040


>> No.10372046

Fuck I hate when you foreigners post. Your English is atrocious.

>> No.10372052

You CONSTANTLY only bitch about people with allergies. You're not getting off the hook for that.


>> No.10372060
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Yeah, people who go to restaurants are real asshats.
I'm also just going to straight up say "we're out of apples" next time.
>inb4 "go buy apples, I'll wait."

>> No.10372063

maybe oysters? my throat started closing up after eating one, i know i had some after that or some "oyster juice" or whatever so i dont know if its an allergy or not.

>> No.10372071

uhhh its 2018 sweetie of course you can be allergic to sugar if you want.

>> No.10372112

None, but I'm afraid I might have one and not know it, get a bad reaction and then die.

>> No.10372120


Isn't it a bit insensitive to call someone who's allergic to sugar 'Sweety'?

>> No.10372143

High fibre or something like that basically can't eat any bean or fresh bread that isn't made from processed shit. I'll get painfully gaseous and constipated

>> No.10372147

Well I'm carrying the celiac gene and there's up to a 75% it'll end up giving me celiac. It's not an allergy it's an autoimmune disease

>> No.10372332

I'm allergic to apples (or the pesticide they use on apples, not sure). My lips swell and my mouth, throat, and ears get itchy and swollen. But this only started happening like a year ago.

I'm also allergic to the shell of shellfish. If the meat is cleaned well, I can eat it no problem. But I can't crack a lobster open and start eating. Don't like shellfish anyway though so no problem

>> No.10372350

People gay enough to be allergic to soy?

>> No.10372890

No food allergies, but pollen fucks me up in the spring.

>> No.10372939

cow milk gives me cholinergic urticaria
it's not a "real" allergy but it fucking hurts so I just tell people I'm lactose intolerant

>> No.10372952

The only thing I know I'm allergic to is painkiller

>> No.10373666
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Same. I'm trying to grow cantaloupes this year in hopes that my allergy to them is only pesticide based. If it is, holy fuck my life is gonna change so much.

>> No.10373681

I'm allergic to elm trees and the slightest bit allergic to dogs, although with the latter I've never really noticed any symptoms around dogs

>> No.10373697

None because I'm not fucking defective, I wasn't a fussy baby, and my parents fed me real food.

>> No.10373698

Oak trees get me every time. I walk outside and it's like a punch in the face.

>> No.10373714

>server comes up to the window and tells me a customer is allergic to rosemary
>immediately blurt out "that's not a thing! That doesn't exist!" and laugh
>customer heard me and got embarrassed and left

I constantly get people claiming to be allergic to bullshit. Allergy to onions? Nah, you're just a child who doesn't like delicious onions. Had some fuckers order tacos when they're allergic to corn or some shit, so no tortillas. They also demanded to see our recipes to check against all their other fucking allergies.

>> No.10373719

Lol fat angry line cook

>> No.10373730

Ha, yeah.

>> No.10373741

Ever tried lactose pills? My intolerance is limited to lots of toots for a little and some runny stool of I have a lot, but the pills totally clears it up. I take like 3 for one "serving" of dairy though.

Dairy also makes my face get lots of blackheads though.

>> No.10373765

U mirin?

>> No.10373816

>Being a racist bigot

>> No.10373830

Allergic to dairy. I'm not missing out since even when I force myself to eat it (rarely), I get acne.

>> No.10375107

I have no food allergies luckily. Dust and animal dander will fuck me up good though.

>> No.10375138

a very mild dairy allergy, it makes my nose stuffy and runny

>> No.10375150

if i drink a full glass of milk my throat starts to feel as though its swelling up. i can still breathe and swallow other foods fine though. does this mean im allergic to milk? can eat cheese as much as i like. had the same reaction once after some cottage cheese though

>> No.10377002
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People with peanut allergies should be gassed.

>> No.10377024


Are these like, regional/racial things? I have never even heard of people allergic to those until now

>> No.10377317

Nah, sulphates and shit are the sorta thing that fuck you up for years until a doctor tells you about it. I know a lass who was in a wheelchair because of them instead of sometimes needing crutches now.

>> No.10377319

Know this feel. Partner adores cheese and chocolate and it used to make him violently ill. Not Lactose-Intolerant, flat out allergic.

>> No.10377358

unironically allergic to soy

>> No.10377606

Peanuts. The day I discovered almond butter, I ate the entire jar.

>> No.10377644

I've never heard of a celery, mustard, or lupin allergy before.

Sufilte allergies are well known, that's why many bottles of wine contain a warning that they "contain sulfites".

>> No.10377737

You can be allergic to anything.
Allergies can randomly develop even for things you've enjoyed for years.

>> No.10378519

Why the fuck would you do that

>> No.10378531

>You can be allergic to anything.
Clearly. But that has nothing whatsoever to do with which allergens are common.

>> No.10378537

>pineapples have an enzyme that will eat the tissue in your mouth which causes the rashes

this. though that only applies to raw pineapple. The heat from cooking (or canning) will deactivate the enzyme. Similar enzymes occur in papaya and kiwi too.

>> No.10378544

To find out whether or not the supposed "allergy" is real or if instead the person is just full of shit.

What I find interesting is that most people who claim to have a "food allergy" describe symptoms which have nothing whatsoever to do with an allergic reaction. It's strange that people will swear up and down that they are allergic to X, while in reality they don't even know what an allergic reaction is.

>> No.10378550

No idea why but will pretty much shit my brains out an hour after I eat lamb.
Can still eat beef, goat, and venison with no issues though.

>> No.10378567

I have no food allergies that I know of, but I am allergic to cats. Which is a real pain because whenever I come back to my family home(like right now for holidays) my cat is there and I always struggle with ridiculously runny nose and asthma. Fuckin' lovely...

>> No.10378599

None, but too much red meat and booze will put me off my feet and in agony for a week

>> No.10378648

I have psoriasis which has been linked to gluten intolerance, but I don't have the willpower to go gluten free

>> No.10379036
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None, but i might be slightly allergic to nuts

>> No.10379049

>work at a sandwich shop
>have a lettuce wrap option
>people come in and start prattling on about their gluten allergy like it's an actual thing
>want to smack them in the face with a loaf of bread

Some cuck told me they couldn't have dairy or eggs and didn't want mayo (which doesn't have dairy), and told us we needed to use all-fresh everything for a 9 dollar sandwich. Boss is also a cuck so we had to acquiesce. Our bread is made with eggs though, so fuck that person.

If you have allergies and go to a place where the food is prepared in a common kitchen with those allergens, just eat a dick and die like nature intended.

>> No.10379062
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Cilantro. It tastes bad to me too. Found out in college after trying out some pho and then trying out some street tacos within a couple days of each other (itchy throat that made it hard to breathe).

>> No.10379068

>T. anally anguished irishman
You won’t be so lucky when I catch you you little green fuck.

>> No.10379164

>they couldn't have dairy or eggs and didn't want mayo (which doesn't have dairy)
Most mayo includes egg you egghead

>> No.10379168

Are you incapable of reading? I know that, but mayo doesn't include dairy, which is why I included that in the parenthesis.

>> No.10379185

Yeah but if the customer can't have dairy nor eggs then it makes perfect fucking sense for them to say they don't want mayo.
Also, what kind of bread is made with eggs that isn't brioche?

>> No.10379205

Just rinse your food?

>> No.10379207

They said they don't want mayo BECAUSE they can't have dairy or eggs, they're fucking retarded for including the dairy part because dairy isn't a part of fucking mayo.

>> No.10379212

Remove yourself

>> No.10379214

You are actually retarded.

>> No.10379243

Why would anybody do this? Just go on the Internet and tell lies

>> No.10379267

I am allergic to nickel, it gives me a rash if I get prolonged skin contact. In 1st grade my teacher asked the class if they had any allergies and I said "metal" because that was my child understanding of it. She did not believe me and said "we know who the class clown will be now" but I insisted and she got mad and sent me to the principal's office which I didn't know the location of so I just wandered around for 15 minutes before heading back to class.

>> No.10379277

Maybe for you, subhuman.

>> No.10380239

Depressed-fag here.
The only allergies I have are to anti-depressants.

>> No.10380255

Peanuts. Used to be allergic to tree nuts and almonds too, but those allergies went away when I was ~16. Still allergic to peanuts though.

>> No.10380378

You can do that for the sprayed on stuff like for oranges and apples, but you must use soap and a scrubber. For other foods the pesticides are systematic and actually a part of the plant and inside of the fruit/vegetable. You can't wash those off since they are inside.

>> No.10381943

wouldn't you be fine on fruits and such if you just peel the skin off?

>> No.10383380

Every girl on my Facebook has "celiac disease" huge coincidence huh? Like since its 0.5% of the population or something

>> No.10383407

A guy here became allergic to lobster randomly (im on the east coast and know a few fishermen) after eating a ton of it for years. I started to get dizzy and sick to my stomach from thc when i was around 22, used to be a pot head, even the smell of weed gives me a migraine now. This nurse i dated called it "toximia" or something. But tldr you can randomly get allergic/sensitive to stuff

>> No.10383598

> cant be that good of a cook if you cant cant find a way to substitute ingredients

They just sour because the Applebee's binder they get their chef (microwavin) instructions from specifes they must stop and wash their hands as part of the special meal prep.

>> No.10383741

im not sure i have any

>> No.10383770
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Over the past couple of years I started having some pretty severe reactions towards bananas. I used to eat them without any problems. It's a shame cus I like bananas.

>> No.10384210


>> No.10384454

Fucking peanuts
>Couldn't go to school with NUTRITIOUS nut bars
>Couldn't Make a quick peanut butter sandwich if I didn't have enough time to make a fancy lunch
>WAAAAAAHHHH anon i could DIE
frigg off and live in a bubble.