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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10348021 No.10348021 [Reply] [Original]

What have you asked recently /ck/, did it turn out well?

>> No.10348038

I guess I'm too drunk to phone post. They are, baked batch number one of two, canele.

>> No.10348644
File: 46 KB, 800x450, cherrypie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they? Kinda look like tall donut palace.

I like cherry pie, wish someone would bake me one

>> No.10348683

you should bake a cherry pie anon

>> No.10348685


>> No.10348692

A french pastry, they are rather tasty.

>> No.10348696


>what have you asked recently /ck/
>did it turn out well

I've drunkenly started a number of threads recently, asking all sorts of different questions. Usually I wake up to yotsuba being mean again or just a red exclamation point.

>> No.10348775
File: 2.32 MB, 3024x4032, 04B33367-D5FD-490B-93E2-FD45938B957D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a cinnamon strudel that also contained the souls of the damned

>> No.10348781
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It got a little caramelized because the filling leaked, gonna thicken the frosting next time in an effort to keep it from doing that

>> No.10348785
File: 1.91 MB, 3024x4032, 573232BA-79A6-463B-A289-1D7156D0625A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came out great though! What’s the meme? Uma delicia?

>> No.10348818

Big slop

>> No.10349264

if you want a pie, you should bake one. Like the other week on my birthday I wanted a cake so i made one. No candles though :(

>> No.10349885


>> No.10349962


>> No.10350008

I'd eat it

>> No.10350011

did you use the tinned copper molds for those?

>> No.10350503

Yeah I did, I have 6 of them because they are best fresh.

>> No.10350507

I made a matcha souffle that came out very well

>> No.10350900
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Dont get to bake very often which is a shame since its so fun but I made these around the Christmas season; cherry Bakewell Tarts. Great stuff.

>> No.10350959

made breadpudding yesterday, it was really yummy

>> No.10350974

looks mighty fine, anon

>> No.10351566

Thanks, I personally sort of prefer them without the icing and cherry (makes it a bit too sweet) but this was for a sale, so the toppings made it look a lot more appetizing and yummy. Without a cherry I think theyre just called Bakewell Tarts or pudding?

>> No.10351922
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>> No.10353269

I ruined it like I ruined everything else.

>> No.10353340

What did you ruin?

>> No.10353482
File: 31 KB, 540x540, 1517250980905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even make it far enough to ruin something specific, was making pastry and the butter softened too much and fucked the whole thing, then I tried to make meringue from some egg whites I had extra and fucked that up too, basically flat egg white discs.

It was warm and humid today, so I have no idea what I was expecting but things didn't have to turn out like this.

>> No.10353504
File: 98 KB, 465x700, KillMeNow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I over-cooked four lambchops the other day. They were super thin lambchops and I wanted to try and sear them, then finish them in the oven, then make a pan sauce. Instead they just cooked to done and I sat around like an asshole. Although I did make a mint chutney that was great. I was getting tired of sweet stuff with lamb but mint pairs so well so I wanted to do herbal and vinegary. It's pretty fucking good.

>> No.10353519
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I'm hanging out with my family and my birthday happens to be during this time. I didn't really want a cake, but when I told them that, all of them lost their shit and my mom went into ridiculous hysterics because I didn't want a fucking cake. So now I have been forced into making a cake to the specifications of the rest of the family. For my own birthday. They all want a mirror cake. Any tips for making it look and taste good?