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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10330662 No.10330662 [Reply] [Original]

>I'll have a diet Pepsi
>Is diet Coke OK?
Has this exchange ever happened?

>> No.10330679

I had this exact conversation with your mom a few hours ago

>> No.10330684

nigga why you wana fuck a 60 year old woman

>> No.10330691

No I just had this conversation

>> No.10330692


>waitress asks me what would I like to drink
>I'll have a sprite
>we only have 7up
>it's okay they're basically the same thing
>waitress says - sort of

What the fuck do you mean "sort of" it's a fucking lemon lime lemonade and unless you're some fucking lemonade connoisseur you couldn't even tell the difference. That bitch really pissed me off

>> No.10330699
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>Ask for coke.
>We have pepsi is that ok?
>Any other colas?
>No, just pepsi.
>I will have unsweetened iced tea then.
I fucking hate pepsi, super sweet sterile medical instrument tasting cola is not good.

>> No.10330705


Yes. Most customers don't care, but those that do will order another drink. I don't know why Pepsi, 7Up, and Mountain Dew aren't more popular at restaurants. It's always coke products.

>> No.10330706

There is noticeable taste difference to me, 7 UP is better. When will palatelets ever learn?

>> No.10330715

>pop is fine dining

>> No.10330716


But is there really that much of a difference that it would make you decide to drink something else entirely if your preferred brand of lemon lime lemonade wasn't available?

>> No.10330725


>> No.10330727

Ginger Ale is better than 7 Up

>> No.10330737
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I agree. Step aside, superior ale coming through.

>> No.10330754

Flip Coke and Pepsi around and yes it does happen. My grandparents have a huge grudge against Pepis for some reason, and will tell the waiter/waitress no if they say "Is Pepsi okay?"

>> No.10330761

10/10 taste

>> No.10330782

>be eating at shitty small town diner with gf after camping
>waitress comes up and says hey
>asks what we want to drink
>my girlfriend says water
>im to weak and the sugarjew is too powerful to resist
>I say "I'll have a coke"
>waitress looks up after writing down extensive order on her notepad
>"a water and a Pepsi okay"
>walks away before I can say anything

straight up fuck her and fuck Pepsi did I ask her for a Pepsi? what kind of fucking garbage pail human doesn't have the decency to ask a fine gentleman like myself if a shit tier alternative was okay.

>> No.10330784

I can't tell the difference I don't think and honestly I've never tried, but in all fairness they are made by different companies so they are different in that way

>> No.10330785

>a water and a Pepsi okay
>actually can I just have a glass of water
Problem solved

>> No.10330793


I wanted a crisp coke come on now

>> No.10330794

My sister gets the Dew at restaurants while the adults order the appropriate beer, wine, or water with lemon because of alcoholism. She is 35

>> No.10330801

That is what you get for drinking the sugar jew. If you want something with taste m8 you gotta carry a flask on you.

>> No.10330803

that's the point of the thread, Pepsi blows so why do restaurants carry it? people never want pepsi over coke

>> No.10330811

La Creatura.

>> No.10330818

>implying you wouldn't tie her up and smash her with ur dik

>> No.10330824

I prefer Canada Dry

>> No.10330827

i kekd

>> No.10330829

>This really rustles my jimmies.
Calm down autist

>> No.10330841
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>Implying I am some kind of nigger.

>> No.10330848


>> No.10330859
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>I'll have a diet cola
>"Is Pepsi okay?"

>> No.10330864

ur a fukkin retard m8

>> No.10330865

No, because my taste is not shit enough to ask for any type of cola.

>> No.10330871
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it's only racemixing when women do it you moron

>> No.10330880

I am a 75% La Creatura myself. I know more about race mixing and /pol/ than you ever will.

>> No.10330927


>> No.10330988

Yeah I had a patron ask us what drinks we had she asked if we had pepsi I told her no we do have coke though, she asked again "but do you have pepsi", no we do not, theyre both cola and they both taste similar enough

>> No.10330992


When I was in grade 12 my friends family invited me out to dinner with them and they said no to coke because they're pseudo-hippies and say Coke destroys the rainforest and supported the war in the middle east. They explained this to the waitress and it was really embarrassing.

>> No.10331029


>> No.10331050

Nobody has ever asked for Diet Pepsi.

>> No.10331057

liberals blow

>> No.10331104

Is battery acid tasting non sweet cola better?

>> No.10331154
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Step aside colalets.

>> No.10331179

>yes server lady I will have your freshest microbrew cola? what? you only have national brands? FOR SHAME

>> No.10331213
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>be me
>order a rum and Coke
>is Pepsi okay?
>brings me a Coke and Pepsi

>> No.10331370

>hottie comes to take order
>i will have your number and tap water
shit never works, why is it so hard

>> No.10331646

Where do I get barrel aged ginger ale without hfcs?

I would absolutely turn down Pepsi if I ordered coke. If it comes to that I'd take water desu

>> No.10331658

In Australia KFC only has Pepsi brand soft drinks.
Is this a worldwide phenomenon?

>> No.10331664

No, i dont think anyone has ever ordered a diet pepsi.
What the fuck is a pepsi anyways? Da fuck was that marketing team thinking?

>> No.10331672
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Why is this so funny?

>> No.10331673

in texas, all sodas are referred to as 'coke'
>what kind of coke do you want?
>dr. pepper

>> No.10331733
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>Asking for Pepsi at a restaurant that serves Coke products

Why would you do this?

>> No.10331741

oh wow an anime poster asking retarded questions how unusual and out of the ordinary

>> No.10331770

Subversion of expectations is literally humor 101 you mong

You're right, better scope out the taps when you walk in

>> No.10331772

Yeah, sure. Diet Pepsi is actually alright. Diet Coke is doo doo.

>> No.10331790

i get tired of ordering coke and them explaining they have Pepsi. just which ever of those drinks you have.

>> No.10331809
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I'd rather just have coffee

>> No.10331817


>> No.10331839

>Publicly humiliated by a waitress.

>> No.10331981
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>> No.10332034
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>>I'll have a diet Pepsi
>>Is diet Coke OK?
>Has this exchange ever happened?

Yes, my 15 year old nephew won’t drink Pepsi even though it’s essentially the same thing as Coke.

But then kids nowadays are a bunch of pussies…

>> No.10332081
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>My grandparents have a huge grudge against Pepis for some reason

Probably because they're racists and remember that Pepsi was specifically marketed towards the coloreds.

>> No.10332094
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There is actually a difference, diet coke is sweetened with aspartame whereas pepsi is not. Aspartame gives me a headache, ace-k and sucralose do not, and taste better to me.

>> No.10332100
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>> No.10332101
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>I prefer Canada Dry

The military base Canadian forces were based in during Dessert Shield / Storm was nick-named "Canada Dry".

>> No.10332119

>In Australia KFC only has Pepsi brand soft drinks.
>Is this a worldwide phenomenon?

Yes, fast food companies sign contracts with either Coke or Pepsi to only carry that company's pop.

>> No.10332176

>b-but muh free market capitalism.

>> No.10332214

The whole your mom thing is so deeply entrenched with the idea of fucking that I literally couldn't comprehend this post for a few seconds and thought you had posted some nonsensical shit.

>> No.10332217

both are shit

>> No.10332229

ive had this, and then i asked for diet sprite

>> No.10332244

Fun imagining your dumb ass watching her walk away and silently fuming because you're incapable of calling her back.

>> No.10332260

>is Circletine okay?

>> No.10332269

Fucking this holy shit it took me a straight minute

>> No.10332290

I _________ your mom

>> No.10332296
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Can we talk about how KEKED all restaurants are? Why the fuck do they all let these companies control them?

"If you carry Pepsi, you cannot carry our brand"

What the fuck is this? I'm seeing it in many fucking grocery stores too. it's the most fucked thing.

>> No.10332302

Are you twelve? Did you just realize this

>> No.10332309

No, I've realized this for years. That doesn't mean it's ok.

>> No.10332333

Welcome to western capitalism. It's how your whole world works. Grow up

>> No.10333425

No, real western capitalism would involve companies carrying products from competing brands and if anyone tried to force an exclusivity contract on anyone else, everyone would send their armies of child soldiers to wipe out the families of the offending corporation for violating the NAP

>> No.10333506
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>> No.10333739

Why do you have such stupid expectations?

>> No.10333854
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How can wh*Te colas even compete?

>> No.10334232

Because most restaurants use a Coca-Cola brand soda fountain and coca cola is about to let you put Pepsi through their machine. Pepsi makes their own soda fountains too.

>> No.10334272

top lol

>> No.10334314

I don't get it

>> No.10334326


>> No.10334383
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The joke is that I didn't actually fuck OP's mom I just had the conversation, breaking one's expectations of a "your mom" joke

>> No.10334394
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>> No.10334401
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I see you are a man of culture as well

>> No.10334426


I used to play that song all the time with a couple of friends in middle/high school who were into punk, but we didn't have a singer so I never appreciated the lyrics until now. It was still really good to jam out to.

>> No.10334471

For me, its Sangaria Ramune.

>> No.10334490

The only sodas worth drinking are root beer and cream soda.

>> No.10334497

Pepsico bought a ton of fast food restaurants to increase their market share and the sold 'em off back in 2001-2003.

>> No.10334563
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>Fine gentleman
>Drinking sodey pop
Big think.

>> No.10334569

Nah because coke doninants the restaurant market so everyone default asks for coke.

>> No.10334809


>> No.10335324
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>ordering soda at a restaurant

None of you are so fat that you actually do this, do you?

>> No.10335351

Well to be specific there is a difference. 7-up is made with natural lemon and lime oils while Sprite is artificially flavored.

>> No.10335499

fucking based.

>> No.10335515

*sips black coffee and tips fedora*

>> No.10335727

It's called WATER, faggot. Give it a shot sometime.

>> No.10336059


>> No.10337334

gay opinion

>> No.10337739

Literally the worst soft drinks. Root beer being the most vile drink ever concocted .

>> No.10337743

I get diet. No calories, maximum tast(TM)

>> No.10337849


>> No.10338602
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>> No.10338608

*sips cum

>> No.10338623
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>subversion of expectations is literally humor 101 you mong
No it is not, and that's not why the joke was funny and if it were the only purpose of his joke, no, it wouldn't be funny. Half you booger eating snobs didn't even catch the joke.

>> No.10338629
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>> No.10339324

>ew that greasy guy asked for my number
>and he ordered tapwater, not even mineral water, he must be poor.

>> No.10339370

I enjoy a good peppy with a slice of go'za.

>> No.10339553

>Diet soda
You might as well not drink it at all you stupid fucking wop

>> No.10339610
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>visitng cousins in dep American south
>go to lunch
>something to drink?
>I'll have a Coke
>what kind?
>Grape Nehi
>she brings me an Orange Crush
>eat lunch
>life is grand

>> No.10339614

>grape nehi
yes bitch

>> No.10340090

go back to detroit

>> No.10340601

I heard that Pepsi employees aren't allowed to purchase Coke or else they get fired. Or maybe it was the other way around.

>> No.10340712

Pepsi is too sweet. Coke is perfect.

>> No.10340724

Cone literally tastes like corn syrup

>> No.10340754

Yea, i love cone.

>> No.10340772


>Not responding DR PEPPER or, alternatively, CHEERWINE(if you're a carolinafag).

Carpetbagger get out reeeeeeeeee

>> No.10341041

> people never want pepsi over coke
I do, coke is too sweet.

>> No.10341266


>> No.10341270

Jesus imagine being he person that posted this

>> No.10341279
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that's why I don't drink cone

>> No.10341734

Put me in the results

>> No.10342493

your mum is made with artificial flavours

>> No.10342585
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>I'll have an artisinal spring water please
>Is TaB ok?

>> No.10343433
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>i'll have a fanta orange
>did you know fanta was made in nazi germany because they couldn't make coca cola?
Yes dad, everyone knows. Fucking stop sharing these little anecdotes to try and seem smart

>> No.10344746
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>the coloreds


>> No.10344898


>> No.10344935


>> No.10344995
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>> No.10345059


I personally don't like Pepsi because it gets me bloated way more than cola, they put way too much Co2

>> No.10345839


>> No.10345978
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Best fucking cola hands down.

>> No.10345998

>order coffee
>it tastes like burnt warm water

>> No.10346987

Y-you got asked by OP mums if you wanted diet coke?

>> No.10346997
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>I'll have a Coke Zero
>Is Cola Oh! okay?
>Where the fuck am I

>> No.10347043

I don't get it but yeah it happens

>> No.10347311

big if true

>> No.10347318

underrated post

>> No.10347328

Coke > Pepsi

>> No.10347333

yes it's a long story

>> No.10347612

>>Is diet Coke OK?
If you show me your tits, yes.

>> No.10347905
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Go jack off somewhere and them come back with a clear mind, you horny bastard

>> No.10347976

your armpit sweat will do just fine