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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 300x141, 300-australia-canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10345742 No.10345742 [Reply] [Original]

worse food than even america and the uk

>> No.10345768


>> No.10345773


>> No.10346093

sounds like you've never had snag or some poutine... pathetic
see ya later, hater

>> No.10346100

sounds like you've never had shag or some pootie-tang... pathetic
see ya later, hater

>> No.10346104
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All colony food is bad

>> No.10346109

Canadian food isn’t awful, it’s just not amazing either. I have been to many places on earth and I still think we have the best overall beef quality. I don’t think we have the absolute best beef on the planet, I just think our worst beef is a lot better than the average beef in most places.

>> No.10347666

You're a brainlet when it comes to food, I can tell by the way you think American and British foods are not good. It's the quickest telltale sign

>> No.10347737

Phillopina. However it's spelled.

>> No.10347755

chicken salt is the best

>> No.10347839

I don't expect northern countries to have great cuisine, but what is Australia's excuse?

>> No.10347859

Australia is a desert filled with things that evolved for the sole purpose of killing you dead.

>> No.10347860

>nanaimo bars
>butter tarts
>montreal smoked meat

Canada is certainly no culinary juggernaut but it has top tier "comfy food for a frozen day" dishes

>> No.10347876

>>montreal smoked meat
i think this is more of a jewish thing... there are a lot of them in montreal.

>> No.10347879

Maybe but you can get montreal smoked meat countrywide. Pastrami seems to be the more 'jewish' version.

>> No.10347883
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Australia is the world's trailer park

>> No.10347889

pastrami and montreal smoked meat are not the same thing

>> No.10347942

They probably don't have enough farmland to grow much more than the basics

>> No.10347952

I guess that's why most of the world imports Australian wine, beef, seafood, lamb, cheese and beer.

>> No.10347964

>and beer
I can assure this is not the case

>> No.10347971

Japs love James Boags

>> No.10347981

Americans might take your wine cheese and beer but that's more out of interest than consistently needing it

>> No.10347988

Its also out of convenience. I'm not American but we get lots of Australian beef imports here despite a thriving cattle industry just because its cheaper

>> No.10347998
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eh most of our food is standard british/american fare, like even marmite predates vegemite by 20 years
but we do have some unique dishes, like the single serving meat pie, the lamington (plain sponge cake dipped in chocolate icing and rolled in coconut), fairy bread is something that is given to children at childrens parties even though it is pure sugar it is given more significance than its flavour holds.
sausages on bread/sausage sizzles are literally just quick fundraiser food because everyone loves a bbq but it still tastes pretty great.
hell the tim tam is just a chocolate bourbon biscuit coated in chocolate, and I mean its a great bikkie and the tim tam slam is great but there really isn't much we can offer the world as far as unique food goes
so like, don't worry we're self aware

>> No.10348005

smoke meat now available in berkeley california.

>> No.10348027

>the grass is always greener...
and you unironically think that building a wall will make you great again? nigga, plz.

also, fuck off we're full.
i mean, fuck off we're shit.
yea that.

>> No.10348037

Toronto is about as diverse as New York. It's adopted cuisine, but you go walking down Danforth Ave. and every block you'll get a new global cuisine.

You should see that fucking place during the world cup.

>> No.10348041

Toronto is the pride of Ontario, which is the equivalent of winning a gold medal at the special olympics.

>> No.10348053


I want to get mad, but all I do is laugh cause its true.

>> No.10348145

Japan buys shitloads of Australian lobster, salmon and oysters, shitload of Australian farmed fish and lamb goes to the EU

>> No.10348148

Pastrami can't even hope to compare

>> No.10348193

I don't know what Canadian food is. Poutine and maple syrup?

>> No.10348207

Canadians mostly subsist on Tim Hortons and A&W

>> No.10348208

No, glass and lead paint. I live 2 miles from Canada and they think they are the greatest people with the greatest nation on earth. They love to virtue signal as the Chinese and Goatfucker cock slides into their unlubed assholes.

>> No.10348295

>Tim Hortons
canadian here
tim hortons is shit
don't fall for the memes. they've coasted off the image of of being hon hon hon canada eh for ages and now they just think they can flap a hockey stick around and make a roll up the rim commercial or two while selling everyone garbage, squeezing franchise owners and paying their staff dogshit.

>> No.10348311

Maybe, but Australia isn't even in the top 40 of beer exporters. Fucking Namibia and Vietnam send more beer worldwide. The only Australian beer most of the world recognizes is fosters, and good luck finding it anywhere

>> No.10348316

That’s the liberals. Conservatives are deeply ashamed of what our country has become. We are proud of our beef, our beautiful land, and our ability to withstand some of the coldest winters experienced anywhere people live, but we are no longer proud of our nation or our nationality.

>> No.10348318

Also Canadian here.

Tim Hortons is shit. Disgusting really. And the Canada patriotism shit does get annoying. But the reason they're successful is because its so crazily cheap, not so much because they shove a maple leaf on everything.

>> No.10348322

Hey buddy, don’t go around insulting Timmies like that.

>> No.10348331

Then you havnt met a true Canadian. a true Canadian patriot will welcome anyone in, but canadian values come first. Were a dying breed, and Trudeau is funneling our tax dollars into paying for familes of 9 muzzies that have no business being here other than a free ride. Vancouver is all chinese now, and we are being displaced in our own country, and every progressive cunt in ottawa has their head so far up their ass that they cant see that our country is getting weaker by the day.

>> No.10348332

You find those people everywhere though. I live next to the US border and they're some of the smuggest people on the planet as well.

Here's a tip, if you find you're meeting assholes all day, chances are you're the asshole

>> No.10348344

We're currently in the process of selling our farmland to the Chinese because we're idiots.

>> No.10348345

I agree whith the tims basher. Their donuts are shit, you can tell they aren’t made fresh, they are getting smaller and smaller, their dark roast is tolerable but regular coffee isn’t half as good as McDonald’s, and they got rid of both the walnut crunch and the blueberry fritter. I would rather go to McDonald’s and get a sausage and egg McMuffin, or a coffee and danish or muffin, all 4 of which are superior to any breakfast sandwich, coffee, and pastry offered at Tim hortons, and for lunch I could go to subway and get a foot long sub for the same price as some half foot chewy baguette with a few slivers of meat with a little lettuce and tomato. There is literally no reason to ever go to Tim Horton’s unless you like sitting around watching Muslims spend 3 hours drinking a medium coffee.

>> No.10348347
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>> No.10348395

not only are they not the cheapest coffee, there's cheaper that tastes better

I don't even know what to say to you man, if you think the way to fight back against getting displaced is to fight against progressives god bless you but you're only ever going to see shit get worse

>> No.10348417

>not only are they not the cheapest coffee, there's cheaper that tastes better

Right but its a convenience thing. Tims are fucking everywhere. You can reliably get a cookie and a coffee or whatever for less than 3 dollars no matter where you go, and thats really the only time you should be eating fast food, when you need a quick pick me up.

Again Tims is gross, but they get by on cheapness and convenience

>> No.10348423

fair enough, if you're on the job and that's what you got I'm not gonna shit on any man who just wants to get right in the morning but if there's almost anything else around I'm gonna go for it.

>> No.10348430

>but if there's almost anything else around I'm gonna go for it.

Me too, and like I said I try to stay away from fast food, but if my options are between Tim Hortons and say Starbucks, I'm going to take the 2.85 coffee and cookie over the 6 dollar comparable at Starbucks

>> No.10348440

We have more problems than progressives i know, but they’re the ones inviting them in with open arms and trying to disarm us at the same time. Progresssives arent the ones forming grooming gangs or fully displacing populations though. At least the chinks dont mean any harm, theyre just opportunistic, since we dont seem to like breeding or filling our important job positions here.

>> No.10348476
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>shit-talking fairy bread

>> No.10348569

I'm really not difficult with coffee and Tim's is the only one I can't stand.
It's quite telling.

>> No.10348679

All unique "Canadian" food is actually Quebecois food.

>> No.10348688

>thinks they are the cultural leaders of Canada for putting cheese curds and gravy on French fries
Kill yourself

>> No.10348697

>t. Jean-Luc from Sherbrooke

While its true that a lot of the more widely known Canadian food has origins in Quebec, a blanket statement like that is a stretch and you know it

>> No.10348713
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>all quebec food is poutine

>> No.10348795

The saddest part is that Tims has elbowed-out nearly every other coffee/donut place in Canada, assimilating more and more every year. Coffee Time used to have the best donuts. You could taste and feel the difference in quality. The donuts were clearly hand-made, the "Boston cremes" were filled with real Bavarian cream. Unfortunately, nothing could compete with the patriotic emotional appeal of Tims. Once Tim Hortons became one of our very few modern cultural icons, it seems there was just no more room for regular coffee/donut shops.

>> No.10348814

There's still a lot of individual shops and regional chains. They just charge more, but they do tend to be of higher quality.

>> No.10348820

But America and the UK both have amazing food. Why are you using them as some kind of negative comparison?

>> No.10348836

Because hating on British and American cuisine is a meme perpetrated by trolls and 17 year olds who want to appear cultured.

>> No.10348843

huh, sounds like it's really gotten to you...
great thread, man

>> No.10348844

>thinks anyone knows or gives a shit about anything else that comes out of Quebec
Once again kill yourself

>> No.10348849

buttmad ontarian detected

>> No.10348851

I didn't make this thread, excellent shitpost though

>> No.10348866

Fuck you. Ontario is like English Quebec. Still better than Quebec because they aren’t French, but not by much. It’s too bad only Quebec got to vote if they left Canada. If the whole country would have had the chance to vote, we would have dumped your French faggot asses.
>we want our independence
>we still want to use Canadian currency
>we don’t want to repay you for any of the roads you built
>we will charge you tolls to use the roads you built
>we will require lots of aid
Quebec is by far the worst province for taking funds compared to what it pays in. I don’t care how many mudslimes you guys shoot, I will always hate you.

>> No.10348868

Is this your first time on /ck/

>> No.10348872

Pavlova is a fucking trash dessert, "mate"

>> No.10348873
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>> No.10348877

Oh wow, another smug French fuck. What a surprise. Enjoy your pity land and Indian blood, faggot.

>> No.10348891
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>> No.10348900

>anime poster
No surprise there...

>> No.10348959

No, I just form my own opinions based on knowledge and experience.

>> No.10348965
File: 307 KB, 200x100, C23BF926-AAF8-4538-81E4-C86A8BCC1EDC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon thinks a cuisine that uses a great variety of oriental spices and chinese cooking technique is somehow worse than the cuisine of a former penal colony of a country that has a dish called “toast sandwich”

>> No.10348968

>nanaimo bars
Hey what's in a Nanaimo bar?

Hell's Angels and strippers

>> No.10348972

heh heh, well you know

>> No.10349000

Fuck off flip. No one likes your food or your hairy ladyboys that can’t afford hormones.

>> No.10349035


>> No.10349089
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>t. butthurt leaf with the shittiest cuisine

>> No.10349113

>t. Butthurt flip with the shittiest country and knows every woman in his country would marry literally anyone if it meant a ticket out of the Philippines

>> No.10349984

It's honestly true. For the most part our food is pretty much identical to American food (that is, garbage) but America actually has some good regional dishes too like clam chowder, apple pie, cajun dishes, various BBQ styles, texmex dishes, etc, whereas we've only really got poutine which is tasty I guess but nothing to write home about. You can certainly get great food in Canada but nothing about it will be Canadian.

>> No.10350009

Don't forget Kiviak.

>> No.10350025

What's with the anger towards flips? Were you scammed by some cheapass looking hooker or cheated on or something?

>> No.10350075

>I have been to many places on earth and I still think we have the best overall beef quality.
Having never been to Argentina, Colombia, or even Brazil and had money to dine well in Miami which imports from there and also has its own cattle farming, I guess you could assume Canada ranks. Or maybe you've never been to a top 25 US steakhouses. I'm pretty sure it's decent in Canada because I've traveled alot too, but Canadian beef needs aging for being hay fed half the year.

>> No.10350078

>Maybe but you can get montreal smoked meat countrywide. Pastrami seems to be the more 'jewish' version.
Anti-semetism renamed it in Canada. Nothing more, nothing less. It's the same recipe.

>> No.10350099

Well, you don't seem to understand regional dishes. Canada has one that is truly unique, acadian culture in the maritimes, the "Rappie Pie" which is very labor intensive. As a foodie, I liked it, but my traveling companions took a pass after one bite. It was a bit like a custard, truly gelatinous amazing texture, and the homeyness of a chicken pot pie.

>> No.10350109

We've only been a country for 100 years. Also some of the best restaurants in the world are on the east coast

>> No.10350135
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top fucking kek being this butthurt
And I’m not even a flip

>> No.10350141

Either it’s self hating flips larping as westerners or retarded americans and leafs who thinks it’s still WWII and probably confuse them for being slant-eyed nips

>> No.10350378

A real man eats Vegemite poutine

>> No.10350966
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>> No.10350989

Pavlova belongs to the Kiwi's, cunt.

>> No.10351024
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This. Australians huff petrol while on smoko.

>> No.10351042

Only heard of Australian wine.

>> No.10351065

if you actually dont know, theyre made out of chocolate and butter

the secret to making the chocolate on top behave how it does is that butter is melted into it. no joke. the base is also usually a pressed crust.

i made fairy bread once as a kid just because it seemed reasonable to put icing on white bread toast as a snack, since white bread is basically already cake

its gud

>> No.10351072
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name any Canadian phenomenon that isn't actually just from Quebec

>> No.10351095

australian wine is considered cheap table wine here, they sell it at the depanneur

toronto is as (((diverse))) as new york, yes, in that it is a nigger and pajeet infested hellhole in the middle of a province that only matters because the eternal anglo moved parliament there after getting spooked by frenchies in montreal

>> No.10351103

Tims is popular because they're fucking everywhere.

Also they're one of the few places that won't make a fuss about you ordering 60 donuts and ten litres of coffee at once. They're mostly popular among students and office workers for that reason, they're a better catering service than coffee shop

>> No.10351106

>Colony food is bad
Quebec, Mexico and the South say hi.
Not to mention compare Southern food to British food, and Mexican food to Spanish food. The Colonies absolutely shit on the motherland

>> No.10351124

>toronto is as (((diverse))) as new york, yes, in that it is a nigger and pajeet infested hellhole in the middle of a province that only matters because the eternal anglo moved parliament there after getting spooked by frenchies in montreal

It's amazing how you dirt people even find a way to make a living. I know you're unemployed somewhere but who the fuck even gives you enough money to have food and a place to squat?

>> No.10351135

>who the fuck even gives you enough money to have food and a place to squat?
bombardier and softimage and warner bros and ea and ubisoft and eurocopter

>> No.10351153


Boeing, the Blackburn Group, Hyrdo One, ManuLife, Royal BANK!

You're too much of a piece of shit to have a career worth a shit. Every jew, 'pajeet' and darkie you see is better than you.

>> No.10351166

ontario is probably the only province that literally no one else in canada respects. there's banter and nationalism among the others, and even BC is trying to separate, but ontario is the only province that I've consistently seen hatred for. you import tons of immigrants for no reason who end up just raising the crime rate and then exporting gang bullshit to the other provinces, and are essentially america-lite in culture. kill yourselves immediately

>> No.10351180

Quebec is far more hated than Ontario. It’s like the one thing every English province agrees with. Even people from France hate Quebec and québécois.

>> No.10351184

You forgot The Netherlands.

Herring is a top level delicacy though, some hotpot recipes are pretty decent and some pretty nice local made snacks, everything is else gruel. Bloody gruel. Even the Brits have a better cuisine.

>> No.10351192


You stupid cunt. BC has so many chinese it's called Hongcouver. Ontario immigrants INTEGRATE but you wouldn't know that because you're probably some stupid quebecois twat who hasn't left his trois rivieres shitbox.

Don't talk if you don't know.

>> No.10351201

>Ontario immigrants INTEGRATE
true, they release their rap albums about murder and rape in english rather than in arabic, so it's ok

>> No.10351209


I didn't realize how fucking stupid you were. Look at what you just typed. Imagine other people reading that.

>> No.10351303

When I travelled around the US in an RV for a year I met a lot of people from quebec (they seem to love RVing in the US and were by far the most common canadian I met) and they were universally cool as hell. They'd be drinking by 10AM and liked to hike, fish and do /out/ shit. I have nothing but fond thoughts for the Quebecois.

>> No.10351313

oui oui moi bumhole oui

>> No.10351323

t. Quebecois

>> No.10351330
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>canada mentioned
>immeditaly turns into ontario vs quebec shit-flinging
it's all so tiresome

>> No.10351613

no it doesnt
its just eton mess
neither australia nor nz own it
nz doesnt own kiwis either
they're chinese gooseberries

>> No.10351804

Fuck off wog

>> No.10352086

The roads you built are absolute trash. They make russian roads look fancy.

>> No.10352110

FUCK ontario

Gang de fifes.

>> No.10352127

eat merde, frog boy

>> No.10352381

I'm anglo, chink

>> No.10352391

>Bad food

>> No.10352515

Donairs are unique and they're from Halifax

>> No.10352517

I am from Ontario I don't disagree. The GTA basically represents Ontario to everybody else in Canada. Even though much of Ontario is NOTHING like the GTA. The Northern parts of Ontario still holds parts of Canada that are still Canadian. Little to no immigration, people respect Canada and it's rural/frontier way of life. People say Quebec is "hated" but I like Quebec and Quebeckers love of Quebec. People hate Toronto more then Quebec believe me.

>> No.10352523

>Canadians mostly subsist on Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons is more of an addiction and convenience now then it is anything else. It's garbage now. It's no longer even Canadian so I avoid it expect when getting coffee for co-workers.

>> No.10352769
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Stroopwafels & all cheese & beer would like to have a word.
Also Apple pie.

>> No.10353270
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>> No.10353278

All the pizza places in BC have it. Also buttered chicken on pizza.

>> No.10353292
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How can Americucks even compete?

>> No.10353306

>worse than america
too far anon, too far. no one will believe there's worse food than american

>> No.10353308

Halifax and Alberta

>> No.10353317

really now?
european countries in general have better than canada.

>> No.10353456

D’eons rappie pie is made not even an hour away from my home, never actaully tried it but the french blood in me says that i should.

>> No.10353514

I meant they originated in Halifax, I know they have them all over now

>> No.10354280
File: 245 KB, 1200x796, 1200px-Flickr_bokchoi-snowpea_4266923676--Roast_peameal_bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peameal bacon is good shit

>> No.10354294

You've got some good produce, and are kind of getting into using it, but the drawback is Australian restaurant culture is lacking. Kinda similar to Ireland, where your average citizen was dirt poor for a long time and you shipped off the good stuff, so now you have all this food and no idea what to do with it.

>> No.10354309

>Australian restaurant culture is lacking
eh thats not really true, we've got plenty of awesome restaurants, we just don't have unique dishes

>> No.10354373

>watch some cooking TV Channel
>show with some dying old italian man is airing
>it’s about Australia
>but...about abbo cuisine
>almost all dishes are just different kinds of meat and some scallops cooked in different ways from other cuisines
>literally none of the ingredients used aside from the meat are native to Australia
>it’s as if the show tries so hard to justify abbo cuisine despite being non-existent
>”we wuz cooks, wyte dog”

>> No.10354378
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macadamias are native to australia
also we do this with our burgers and they're pretty great

>> No.10354608

not in terms of deserts or beer though.

>> No.10354784

wtf is unique about shaved meat from a spit on flat bread with sweet sauce and veggies