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10344277 No.10344277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is nutrition all broscience and literally zero percent science

>> No.10344286

It's filled with dum dums who couldn't hack a real science. Not trolling - these are bottom of the barrel people, btdt.

>> No.10344290
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but how do i min/max what i eat then if there's no real science behind nutrition

>> No.10344333

you go to an actual nutricionist

>> No.10344343

Redpill: all science is broscience

>> No.10344410

really makes you think....................................

>> No.10344413

Because there's a lot of suspicion towards "estsblished" nutrition environment, especially from the government....because they're often wrong and find out in a couple years.
Also, nutrition really varies from person to person. What works for a tiny 125 pound woman won't work for a 6'5, 200 pound man (and I don't mean calorically, I mean in the philosophic approach to nutrition).
So (justified) suspicion of official sources plus a need to forge one's own path leads to a lot of conjecture and oddball methods.
Also since it'll definitely come up, the people who bitch about keto are much more annoying than the people who advocate for it

>> No.10344424

What little real science funding there is mostly comes from the food industry and yeah you can guess the rest.

>> No.10344432

If you were a nutritionist in the 90s you have probably shot yourself by now, out of pure shame.

>> No.10344455

It depends on what you're trying to do.
If you're trying to maximize weight loss, it's calories in/calories out
If you're trying to bulk, protein is good.

>> No.10344465

I'll remind you of this post in 10 years

>> No.10344478

I'm trying to live a long and healthy life.

>> No.10344485

Drinking a lot tea helps.

>> No.10344486
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>posts on 4chan

>> No.10344515

Great, and calories in/calories out will still be the most reliable method of losing weight, as it has been for the last 50 years.

>> No.10344580
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because bros know bro.

>> No.10344583

4-4chan doesn't reduce life expectancy or quality of life unless you let it

>> No.10344596

Lol no it fucking isn't. Nobody but autistic fit fags count calories. Cico has been a massive failure.

>> No.10344598

>If you're trying to maximize weight loss, it's calories in/calories out
>If you're trying to bulk, protein is good.

>> No.10344603

>Also, nutrition really varies from person to person. What works for a tiny 125 pound woman won't work for a 6'5, 200 pound man (and I don't mean calorically, I mean in the philosophic approach to nutrition).
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10344604

> I don't know jack shit about nutrition other then random broscience so I'm going to bash the most reliable weight loss method
Ok fucker, just ignore physics.

>> No.10344613

>most reliable weight loss method
that would be keto not calorie counting.
But you'd really have to define reliable.

>> No.10344614

>> I don't know jack shit about nutrition other then random broscience so I'm going to bash the most reliable weight loss method
>most reliable weight loss method
>Ok fucker, just ignore physics.
99% of people ignore physics. Which is why nobody likes to count calories because they're not retarded or autistic.

>> No.10344627

How is counting calories hard? You get a fucking app, you type in what you eat, and it sums up the calories. You stay below your limit and you lose weight. I lost 70lbs counting calories, and I've helped a number of friends lose calories with it too. It's fucking easy as hell, it allows you to eat whatever you want without any pseudoscience bullshit, and it's effective.

>> No.10344631

Lose weight, not lose calories.

>> No.10344633

this, science is a meme

>> No.10344641
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Did I step into an alternate dimension or is everyone just trolling.

>> No.10344646

Because I don't want to have to consult my phone everytime I want to put something in my mouth.

>> No.10344647

Nah, you just stepped in on nutrition science, which is full of so much mixed information that no one can agree on anything.

>> No.10344653

Because the reality is there isn't nearly as much importance in food choices as people like to pretend. Sure you have real nutrition related problems like scurvy, but even the laziest, most manchild-est autists almost universally manage to accidentally ingest vitamin C one place or another before that sort of thing kicks in.
So it's basically a superstitious way non-scientific laypersons have to try to imagine they're controlling their future and ensuring the prevention of medical problems. Because it would be scary otherwise for them to accept that regardless of how they're getting their calories, they probably can't do shit to keep themselves healthy if they're genetically headed for problems.

>> No.10344655

Why would anyone disagree with cico.

>> No.10344657

Really, the app is mostly used for retraining your brain as to what a portion size is, and what is healthy vs what is not. I've been doing calories in/calories out for two years now, and I rarely actually log what I've ate anymore, because I just know what the calories are for most things.

My issue with other diets is that they straight up forbid certain foods, which causes people to fail and quit. If you tell me I can never have any of the foods I like again, I'll just choose to be fat. But if you tell me that if I just have a light breakfast and no lunch, I can have a cinnabun or whatever filth you want, well, at least I CAN do it, so I'm more likely to stick to it. The nice thing about calories in/calories out is that you can lose weight even eating like shit. I have a friend who has currently lost 35lbs eating filth like taco bell, because he still eats reasonable portion sizes.

>> No.10344660

Because we figured out nutrition a long time ago, but it is neither an easy answer nor an answer that is easily exploited for profit.
>Calories in minus calories out.
>Good balance of carbs, fat, and protein (particularly less carbs in the traditional western diet).
>Sodium, potassium, and water balance affects hydration.
>Get as many vitamins and minerals as possible from your calories.
>Stay active with both aerobic and anaerobic work.
>Sleep well and keep stress levels low.
Most other stuff is broscience and not worth caring about, but it does sell books and programs. If you are still fat or unhealthy after following these rules, you can fuck my sister.

>> No.10344668

>people don’t all fit into nice neat categories
>human body is extremely intricate machinery
>big food industries pay to make sure that their particular industry doesn’t get demonized (hint: sugar)
>”scientists” who announce what is good or bad to eat also sit on boards of those various food industries

Case in point, I did research some years ago on aspartame. It was pronounced safe or GRAS for human consumption. The woman who wrote the book on the science of artificial sweeteners and their safety also sat on the board of the corn or corn syrup industry and hence it created a conflict of interest within her but that’s the book everyone refers to when saying that aspartame is safe. I wish I could remember the name or her book.

>> No.10344675

>everything in moderation
>eat mostly whole foods versus processed
There. That is your answer.

>> No.10344691
File: 34 KB, 467x443, 8EDD43CF-C212-4D4B-B458-0D0AA0A2FDE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh ebil carbs

Flat earther faggotry

>> No.10344712

Because most of the numbers are broad averages.
If you want to "be healthy" just eat a varied diet of fresh foods, minimize refined carbohydrates, don't stuff your face and stay physically active.
That's it, that's all. No books, meme diets, supplements or anything needed.

>> No.10344765

>oversimplistic bullshit that doesn't account for the myriads of hormonal changes after weightloss.
yeah don't take this advice or advice on 4chan.

>> No.10344776

Including this advice.

>> No.10344779

Because you only read broscience sources and not real science sources.

Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, and everyone can eat food. That doesn't make them experts on nutrition.

Just do your research at proper sources and wa la.

>> No.10344792

yes, young buddha

>> No.10344837

This, every single RD or nutrition science program is nearly 100% women. This is literally ALL you need to know about nutrition science.

>> No.10344846

Because scientist is another word for "paid liar" and most of them come from a religious and ethnic background that is world famous for dishonesty, greed and manipulation.

>> No.10344886

>all broscience
I think you mean mommy science

>> No.10344896

most scientists are atheists though

>> No.10344950

What part of "paid liar" is hard for you to grasp?

>> No.10344957

>Great, and calories in/calories out will still be the most reliable method of losing weight, as it has been for the last 50 years.
Literally one of the most false statements you could possibly make about health & nutrition

>> No.10344959

You sound like someone who got butthurt because scientists quantifiably proved something you believe is objectively wrong.

>> No.10344962

So if scientists are liars, who do you go to for the truth?
Some pseudo science naturalistic mommy blog?

>> No.10344971

>Science is Jewish
Can you please fuck off with this shit

>> No.10344978

Sure thing, Prof. Rosenberg.

>> No.10344982

What is false about it? You eat less, you lose weight. This has been known for a long time, and is trivially true.

>> No.10344989

You've been indoctrinated into a cult and you're too stupid to realize it

>> No.10344996
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Go back to your containment board with that shit.

>> No.10344997

Your metabolism slows down and the long term success rate is under 5%

Fat people are better off eating nothing at all than doing the meme 500 caloric deficit shit


>> No.10345002

>Anyone who doesn't subscribe to my beliefs is a brainwashed fool! It's literally impossible to disagree with me, I'm objectively right all the time!

>> No.10345003

If anything a plurality of scientists in America are Indian. From my experiences, jewish people make up a relatively insignificant portion of American scientists
Are you just thinking of the WWII era when a lot of jewish scientists came over from Europe because they were being murdered and shit?

>> No.10345013

>eating less and exercising more is a meme

>> No.10345015

>being murdered
Hoooo boy.
Educate yourself.

>> No.10345020

t. noseberg

See you in the daily Jewish Pasta threads : - )

>> No.10345022

Stop not agreeing with me.
It hurts my feewings!

>> No.10345023

No, you've just been gaslit by your echo chamber into thinking that people who disagree with you are Jewish

>> No.10345029

Yeah, it is. There's been countless studies on this.

>> No.10345038

>Youtube as a source
Starvation only slows your metabolism by a small amount, because as it turns out, your body still needs a lot of calories to function. And I am not talking starvation, I am talking reduced calories, which does not lead to the huge metabolic hit that you are talking about.

>> No.10345045

Again, you're saying it's literally impossible for someone to not think like you unless they're stupid because a smart person wouldn't have a different world view than you.
The fucking ego on you, man.

>> No.10345046

why are you so afraid of ideas? are you a shitskin?

>> No.10345048

>Someone doesn't agree with me so they must be part of the opposition
Boy, sure sounds like a cult.

>> No.10345054

No, I'm saying you've sufficiently alienated yourself from reality that you can make retarded statements like you did.

>> No.10345057

Says the guy trying to bully and insult someone into not having his own world view.

>> No.10345063
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>someone doesn't agree with me so he is probably indoctrinated into a cult
Guess who sounds more ridiculous?

>> No.10345065

Again, trying to bully away the opposition.

>> No.10345069

The first few days of eating nothing your metabolic rate goes up and then declines with declining body requirements.

Constantly eating less calories actually does lower your metabolism as much as it can to meet your new intake level and can drop to over a half your normal BMR.

>> No.10345073

Can someone please expalin wtf modern scientists have to do with Jews? Jewish-American culture farm more emphasizes going into the arts or business than science and engineering

>> No.10345074

Your "opposition" is claiming science is Jewish

You are a brainlet who doesn't even understand the JQ

>> No.10345078

You have presented no ideas worth considering.
Your world view is objectively speaking false, and is incredibly intolerant. Intolerance should never be tolerated.
You literally call everyone who disagrees with you a jew. You make everyone who disagrees with you part of the evil outsiders and dismiss their opinion as false. That is basically the definition of cult thinking.

>> No.10345084

There's a group of people who segregate themselves in their echo-chambers to thoroughly that they just start saying that Jews are responsible for anything they don't like. Doesn't matter if they have evidence, its a meta cult which encapsulates their entire reality.

>> No.10345091

Telling people they only believe what they believe because they belong to a crazy cult is unironically gaslighting.

>> No.10345097
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Ok keep blowing your cover

>> No.10345101

Yeah except I was in those circles for a couple years as well. Wignats gaslight their followers as well.

>> No.10345103

wow.. i was just fucking around at first but you are seriously jewy.

>> No.10345109

the holocaust didn't happen, but I wish it did.

>> No.10345114

Seriously, for your own sake, you should get help. You are part of a dangerous cult of hatred that is incredibly destructive and will lead you to live a life of nothing but anger. You will throw your life away fighting bogymen that aren't there and will die having done nothing with your life. I am done arguing with you, as there is no point. Have a good day, and I hope that you get out.

>> No.10345115

People aren't this stupid right? R-right guys?

>> No.10345118

ok thank you for the advice :)

>> No.10345121
File: 60 KB, 634x413, 44C54EA100000578-4924842-image-a-44_1506509419888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chad Broscience
>Profound testosterone-fueled declarations based on natural philosophy, real-world experience
>Deadlifts cure most/all disease, especially melancholic humours
>Leads to a more complete understanding of the body-soul continuum and spiritual wholeness

>> No.10345122

jews are a plague upon this Earth.

>> No.10345125

I swear if they are kneeling to protest something I am going to be very upset

>> No.10345149

All I'm saying is, dumb chinese peasants eat literal dogs cooked in gutter oil and those people fucking forever. I don't think it's so much what you're eating as it is the portions.

>> No.10345161

kek. so wise... except you do not know me, so you just come off as a pretentious asshole. I shit post on 4chan about niggers, jews, shitskins, cumskins, pooinloos, trannies, americans, europoors and anything else that might trigger retards like yourself. it's just trolling and not giving a fuck. maybe it would be fun for you too if you were not all the way up your own asshole.

>> No.10345167

How does potassium affect hydration anon?

>> No.10345171

>"the typical westerner should eat less carbs" = "carbs are evil"
You're just the type of illiterate fool that would fall for a fad diet.

>> No.10345178

Potassium is an electrolyte that regulates the flow of fluids into and out of cells.

>> No.10345179

live forever*

>> No.10345184

Yes, sadly they are

>> No.10345242
File: 105 KB, 400x562, moooooooowwwwhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this world

>> No.10345261

They're kneeling in solidarity with the Negro Felons League

>> No.10345268

Pic related, it's what the virgin """Science""" looks like now. Science is nothing but underpaid soyboys and mystery meat brown women.

>> No.10345283

women still make up a tiny minority of scientists

>> No.10345289

Not in biological or nutrition science, which is what is being compared to broscience here

>> No.10345290

true scientists are apolitical.

>> No.10345324
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>> No.10345332

Science is a political movement.

>> No.10345334

>pol bogeyman
Seriously, for your own sake, you should get help. You are part of a dangerous cult of hatred that is incredibly destructive and will lead you to live a life of nothing but anger. You will throw your life away fighting bogymen that aren't there and will die having done nothing with your life. I am done arguing with you, as there is no point. Have a good day, and I hope that you get out.

>> No.10345339

Actually becoming aware of Jewish influence has had a very positive influence on my life. I stopped watching television/movies, cut back on video games by about 90%, and now my wife is pregnant with our first kid. I was on the route to full-blown bugmanism until I saw the kike named

>> No.10345341

(((Science)))TM is.
Science isn't.

>> No.10345344

>ironic projection
Ironic projection is still projection

>> No.10345352

why do Jews always recoil and get hyperdefensive when you call them out?

>> No.10345387

eh, depends on what you mean by apolitical
True scientists support policy backed by evidence rather than populism and bullshit like your Trumps and Bernie Sanders. No true scientist could ever be enthusiastic about either of our parties but they surely have stances on issues because many of our "issues" have true, factual answers

>> No.10345392

>truth and facts in 2018
Science now says men with y chromosomes can be women and their is no way to test for gender.

>> No.10345394

if by biological sciences you mean ecology and shit then maybe, but even that is doubtful. But when you get to the real biological sciences like Biochemistry and genetics it is still very overwhelmingly white and asian men
And nutritional science isn't science

>> No.10345399

>nd now my wife is pregnant with our first kid
what does this possibly have to do with jews?

>> No.10345402

because gender isn't a scientific term, in common media parlance gender just means "what you feel like" which is not testable and therefore not a scientific concept

>> No.10345407

Sorry meant sex.

>> No.10345413

Science is ((((Science))))©® you dumb ass. It's a political weapon, pure and simple.

>> No.10345412

That’s just as retarded. You’re literally falling for fad diet ketoniggery propaganda

>> No.10345414

Identity politics is outside the realm of science

>> No.10345422

why would you say that?

>> No.10345436
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> Why are bait threads always filled with trolls and literally zero percent actual content?

Same answer, because the people in each couldn't hack it anywhere else.

>> No.10345442

social science is not science
and identity politics in general is just trivial bullshit being used by Russia to divide us on things that literally do not matter at all

>> No.10345444

dude who coined gender theory was a literal mad scientist who made two brothers fuck each other and kill themselves

I'm not saying gender dysphoria isn't a thing, just that it's wrong tampering with prepubescent children's sex organs.
Even after transitioning, nearly half of them end up commiting suicide. There must be a better answer.

>> No.10345447

His wife's boyfriend is jewish

>> No.10345453

Let me give some context. The olympic committee is trying to decide if an athlete is male or female. The scientists shrugged and said "no way to tell".

So they can't set policy for athletes as science can't come up with a standard.

>> No.10345459

Jewish media overwhelmingly discourages having children, portraying them as nothing but annoying, inconvenient, and stressful.

>> No.10345461

It's not Russia dude, it's your own politicians who benefit from it.
Everyone's politicians are fucking corrupt to hell and back, Putin is just candid about it

>> No.10345462

no, its because the public cannot decide what they mean when they discuss gender. It is outside the hands of science

>> No.10345467

its both, but Russia literally pays people to go on social media and trick Americans into thinking identity politics matter

>> No.10345468

>discuss gender.
who is brining up gender?
This is about sex of the athlete.

>> No.10345469

benis = boi
lasagna = grill

trannies ought to have their own leagues.
It's not really fair to let a 6ft dude sans dick to kick abd tackle the shit out of girls on the court

>> No.10345475

I have some nutritional broscience to share. I learned this yesterday. I've been wondering about the taste difference between white and other-colored cauliflower. I bought some of the orange kind. It tastes slightly sweeter, with less of a bitter aftertaste. It also has more vitamin A from the beta-carotene content (orange, right?), but since vitamin A is fat-soluble, you have to eat it with fats to absorb it or some shit.

>> No.10345477

slavs generally do that. Poland sends out fliers to their high schoolers which specify how to exploit western governments for gibs, in bullet points


>> No.10345483

this thread has a lot of replies holy shit

>> No.10345484

>eat less carbs = keto
There you go again with your dumbassery.

>> No.10345508

I was going to try to purple one, too. It has anthocyanin, which has all kinds of mystical cancer-negating properties. Which is bullshit, I think. Unfortunately, all the purple heads seemed old and soft so I didn't buy any.

>> No.10345512

Not him, but how about not putting something in your mouth so often that it seems like a chore to pull out your phone every time you eat

>> No.10345529

I read on the internets that the orange cauliflower was a freak mutation that happened once upon a time in Canada. Then it was crossed with the white cauliflower until it became less retarded.

>> No.10345539

thats basically the nature of all domesticated crops. Most hardly resemble the natural plant we bred them from thanks to the accumulation of random mutations that we liked

>> No.10345545

Carrots weren't always orange.
You can blame the dutch for that.