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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 600x450, addoction-11-1502473487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10344009 No.10344009 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up too drunk to do any of the things you planned edition

>> No.10344022


>> No.10344027


Shit, it's almost 6 in the morning and for some reason I haven't passed out yet. Probably just end up doing my grocery shopping right before the store closes and I shouldn't be driving anywhere.

>> No.10344037
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>wake up
>reddit discord is angry at me
>check my posts
>literally nothing
>go back to my day

>> No.10344041

>when you're on the verge of blackout drunk but want to continue anyway

>> No.10344050
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>wake up check posts
>no (you)'s

>> No.10344055

here have a (You)

I drank for 12 hours yesterday I was sooooo wasted haha :P

>> No.10344058

Sober for now 16 days... I have nothing planned today and will spend it thinking how much I want to go to the bar to watch the college basketball games

>> No.10344062
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>not just buying food and slowly becoming a fatass

>> No.10344063

>wake up
>remember i sent nasty texts to my coworker milf
>worry i said something bad
>rush to phone
>i did
>she actually liked it
>mentions shes gonna try to get me weed from her kid
>also sent me a pic
>lucky she is nasty like i am
sometimes it turns out ok

>> No.10344066

congrats, working out usually helped me stay off it. i would workout hard in the morning and feel too guilty to drink later. sometimes i would just go do cardio late and get back too late to drink myself to sleep. keep it up

>> No.10344110

it can be fun being a degenerate but you know, you are a degenerate in the end

>> No.10344174

last night i could feel myself starting to pass out so i got the best idea and made myself vomit.
then i passed out in my bed and woke up 12 hours later with vomit in my mouth
this has to be the rock bottom right?

>> No.10344177
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>> No.10344184


I'm sure we can reach even deeper depths. At least we're not shitting the bed, right?

>> No.10344187

i know, but you dont care when you are drunk

>> No.10344191
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>not shitting the bed yet
has al/ck/ gone maximum pleb?

>> No.10344196

its rock bottom for me
yesterday was pretty peaceful but the past month or so things have been pretty wild

>> No.10344197


>has al/ck/ gone maximum pleb?

Seems like it if you're actually proud of shitting yourself.

>> No.10344205

i've been constipated all my life so i don't think its even physically possible

>> No.10344231

Your rock bottom is vomiting?
Pretty shallow hole, imo.

>> No.10344247

I mean everyone has their own "rock bottom"
Mine was a day I spent dry heaving every 2 hours, and couldn't eat for 3 days. I had emailed an old girlfriend some real fucked up shit and cut myself pretty bad on a glass I dropped, plus I kinda shit my undies a bit. You put all that together and I decided "yeah, we gotta not be doin with this again"

>> No.10344304
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fuck this puritanical country, i want booze NOW, not at 1 PM, NOW

>pic unrelated

>> No.10344345

Congrats anon

>> No.10344369

piss poor planning, partner

>> No.10344375

no, my rock bottom is drinking daily for months.
blackout drunk everyday and smoking pack of cigarettes in like 2 hours every night.
i rarely leave the house while drunk so i haven't done any crazy shit, other than occasionally sleeping on my cars roof while the temperature is below freezing.

>> No.10344407

We doing a rock bottom thread? Let's party.

>drinking 24+ beers a night every night for last 7 months
>living with parents
>every 3rd or 4th night forget where toilet is (apparently) and walk into my dads room and piss either on the corner or a little onto him as he sleeps
>wake up so fucked with bits of pizza smeared all over bed
>don't change sheets
>mother drives me to liquor store because i can't walk and am too drunk to drive
>watches her 31yo son go through a carton in 5 hours and then ask her to drive him back to liquor store 3 mins before they close
>multiple trips to ER due to heart rate 170+ for hours
>pissed the bed a few times
>sitting in shorts soaked with piss because i forgot to pull them down at the toilet just then
>somehow still able to type. years on MSN messenger is my only living motor function.

oh and lets not forget waking up every day with that much beer in me i won't be sober til the day after in the PM. Right now i was going to be sober exactly 1 hour ago but 8 hours before that i drank 24 beers and am down to my last 2.

>> No.10344409

rock bottom is when you decide to stop digging, or die. You can always go deeper, anon.

>> No.10344494

Alright then.
>drinking a bottle of vodka every night for last couple of months
>living with parents
>changes clothes once or twice a month and sleep in them
>smoke a pack of cigs in a night
>had to throw my carpet away because i kept vomiting on it
>lock myself out of the house almost everytime i go out for a smoke
>"nap" on my cars roof occasionally
>weekly have some kind of psychosis
>friends terrified of me because i attacked one of them
>also drinking industrial ethanol if i run out of drinks
I'm pretty sure it could get worse.

>> No.10344498

Rock bottom doesn't exist. You can always go deeper sadly.

>> No.10344504


strong hand.

Let's delve deeper.

>medical for work required
>strong stipulation not to eat or drink for 12 hours beforehand
>go out the night before on the piss drink AUD $200 of beer in bangkok and take 3 viagra
>go to medical in morning some how
>bp so high they can't read it
>resting pulse rate 130 bpm
>eyesight so bad they had to check if the sign was lit up
>pass somehow
>back on the piss.
>not allowed to drink because helicopter to work requires zero alcohol policy
>drink a little bit
>wake up helicopter delayed until tomorrow 6am
>go out at 5pm for 'a couple'
>last thing i remember is being in a bar called "sunup" in china and them dragging me naked from the hotel with half my shit missing from the bag throwing clothes on me and being on the helicopter

>> No.10344526

Holy fuck why haven't they dropped you and have a do over?

>> No.10344543


>> No.10344791
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Just discovered some booze in my fridge. God I love this feel.

>> No.10344812

Quit drinking a month ago and my shits feel like bowling balls coming out. What do? My virgin butthole cannot take much more.

>> No.10344816

drink more water
add more fibre to your diet
less meat and more veg

>> No.10344859

Sometimes I wake up drunk and am actually productive. Boring tasks suddenly become bearable.

>> No.10344860
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Not an alcoholic like the rest of you. Is the withdrawals really as bad as you are describing it? I only drink on weekends, binging from saturday night to sunday afternoon.

>> No.10344866

Proud of you bro

>> No.10344910

I think you'll be just fine. Post more of those fantastic juggles

>> No.10344927
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>drinking from saturday night to sunday evening

>> No.10344940

nice tits

>> No.10345001
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>> No.10345410

Any anons have advice?
I'm on day 4 and the urges are always the strongest when I am driving home from work. Wat do?

>> No.10345424

>not an alcoholic
>drinks from the night before to the day after
lol, k.

>> No.10345448

al/ck/ has been pretty slow for the past week for some reason

>> No.10345455

>physical urge to go out on a fucking sunday night to some bar in order to drink and possibly meet someone new

is there a more useless feeling bros and how the fuck do I get rid of it

>> No.10345463

Fucking cock sucking phone have to force it to forget Wi-Fi passwords and disable autoreconnect this is like the third time my roommates router is going to leave a history of me browsing pol and then trying to act like I'm not racist by immediately searching something like "why is 4chan so racist" hahaha God I hate living in a world of snoopy liberal fucking normies and squares.

Multiple times it nearly connected to my works guest Wi-Fi while I was going to open this thread, my own piece of shit illuminati controlled phone trying to out me as a racist and alcoholic to all these fucking people, my square liberal jew roommate and my Christian boss. Holy shit it's things like this that drive a guy to drink. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.10345473
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12 PM, no job and crashing on a couch. Am going to get drunk once everyone leaves.

>> No.10345490
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>go to the local bbq bar just to interact with females
>they do the usual flirty tricks
>still fall for it and tip 5 dollars

>> No.10345500

Here nobody tips and it's not customary at all. I geuinely don't know how would I handle that shit. How do you even decide?

Life would be so much easier if I would just muster the balls to be a fucking normie and take like 5000 pics of myself, cherry pick 10 decent ones and make instagram or some shit. I oppose it so hardly and I can't even explain to myself why.

christ I need a beer

>> No.10345525

Spoken like a true drunk piece of shit.

>> No.10345533

Fuck off chad

>> No.10345551

You could have died choking.

>> No.10345559
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What are yall drinking this beautiful sunday to escape your feels

pic related. i’ve grown an affinity to pecan flavored whiskey.

>> No.10345562

Who actually opens up their wi-fi and looks at people’s browsing history? I didn’t even know that was possible?

>> No.10345567

Doing the next four days sober so water then later some tea and a dose of nyquil cough so I can sleep.

>> No.10345573

What about that had to do with being drunk?

>> No.10345583

Anyone who is tech savvy enough to care can look at the browsing history of everyone through their router. My dad was pulling that shit on me all through high school and I just stopped caring. But employers and roommates are worse because they'll start treating you different unless you're super careful what you browse over their router, I know from experience. This time I am trying my best to stay spotless and yet my phone has still tried to sabotage me so many times, I swear to God it's like having a narc on you at all times.

>> No.10345598

You made it an excuse to drink.
>My WiFi connections sucks . . . this is what makes people drink, therefore I'm not a drunk piece of shit.
Just keep lying to yourself, it'll make sense when you're shitfaced.

>> No.10345604

Right now some /alc/s are having an epiphany that their internet activity has always been snooped on. It's the real black pill. Stay frosty my dudes.

>> No.10345609

I don’t think most people are tech savy enough to do that anon. I would think most people wouldn’t think to do that in the first place. Your dad just sounds like a control freak.

>> No.10345614

You seem like a drag.

>> No.10345627

I work in tech and so does my roommate. Tech employers absolutely monitor their router histories or have a lackey doing it so they can fire cunts for surfing porn or watching YouTube instead of working.
The odds my roommate is snooping is 99%, whereas I had non tech roomies before who I was sure had no idea how to check their routers.

Know thy enemy, for his name is normie.

>> No.10345632

who gives a shit
I watch too much porn and google random shit

whoop fucking do

>> No.10345641

Everyone is a control freak and everyone is nosey. It is nice when you live or work with retards but it's becoming increasingly rare. It's not 1999 anymore.

>> No.10345644

>who gives a shit
Whoever owns the router you're using

>> No.10345658

Have you ever blacked out and woke up in the hospital or a jail cell? What happened between blacking out and waking up according to others?

>> No.10345670

Tldr: if you care about your privacy be careful what you browse over other people's routers and forget Wi-Fi connections including passwords and disable autoreconnect from your phones

>> No.10345693
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>gonna spend the next 5 days sober until i could go back to the cycle of drinking
>coworkers always praise me for my reliability
>then it hits me
>good friday and easter monday off
>gonna fucking be wasted the whole 4 day weekend

>> No.10345704

Once, jail cell. Cops caught me pissing on a tree.

>> No.10345708

remember how shitty work will be tomorrow morning if you get smashed its like 4 hours of fun for 8-10 hours of shit. buy some bomb ass food or sweets and just grub like a fat shit

>> No.10345716
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We're all gonna make it lads. I believe in all of you.

>> No.10345718

So true about getting wasted. It's just never worth it.

>> No.10345727

also i like building legos when sober to keep my mind busy its simple and engaging enough at the same time just put on some tv show or something you like in the backround

>> No.10345760
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Shit is pretty good

>> No.10345793

Yeah. I was wasted and Police wanted to help me or some shit idk. I refused (I knew they wanted to stick me in a cell overnight), I started pushing them and shouting at them to fuck off. I got stuck in a cell anyway and I'm pretty sure I pissed myself whilst out. Had to pay a fine.

>> No.10345802

So many replies to alcohol threads, are most chefs alcoholics?

>> No.10345826

your mom

>> No.10346535

haha fucking losers

>> No.10346541

spot us a beer lads

>> No.10346588
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>buy case of 7% beers Sunday morning
>drink all day without eating
>enjoying my degenerate life
>pass out at 8 PM
>wake up at 1 AM just in time to take the dog out for a shit
>pissed that all the stores are closed and don't have anymore beer left
>check the fridge and realize there are still 4 pints left to hold me down until the store opens

Anyone else know this glorious feel ?

>> No.10346607

>4 pints are enough to hold you down until the store opens


>> No.10346624

I wish you weren't an irresponsible dog owner, m8

>> No.10346634

How do people just 'discover' alcohol??? I know where my alcohol is and how much I have at all times and can't imagine just finding anything.

>> No.10346638

The store opens at 1:30AM

>> No.10346643

lmao fucking mutt

>> No.10346645

>not discovering it in your parent's liquor cabinet in grade school

>> No.10346649


I love my dog and he loves me, my dog is the only one I have never let down

>> No.10346651

being blacked out and going out to the store. had my friend drive me. also when i blackout i tend to plan ahead. sometimes i wake up to pre-boiled eggs on my counter.

>> No.10346662


I have a bunch of handles, flasks, and random metal water bottles stashed all over the place because if someone comes over by surprise I don't want all that shit laying out. The problem is that I hide things when I'm drunk so I never remember where everything is, and usually just end up buying a couple new handles when I get close to running out whatever's right in front of me.

>> No.10346721


My father is an alcohol, once he goes on a bender you only need just a little bit to keep yourself functioning and feeling drunk. Everyone knows this.

>> No.10346725

Finished a bottle of wine I still had from last night. Time lie in bed and listen to A Confederacy of Dunces audiobook.

>> No.10346784

i have to sell my computer. good news is i have takers, bad news is i have like seven of them and may have priced it too low to begin with. not sure how to proceed.

feels nostalgic as fuck going through old files and photos, looking for things to save before i wipe the drive. i'll miss this fella. sometimes i think i feel more sentimental about physical objects than actual people. probably a sorry reflection of my life right now

>> No.10346794

>also when i blackout i tend to plan ahead. sometimes i wake up to pre-boiled eggs on my counter.

I know what you mean. I clean like crazy; I'll get blackout drunk after cooking all sorts of stuff and clean the shit out of the kitchen, sweep the floors, do the dishes, etc. I'll wake up the next day to a spotless kitchen, which is very, very nice.

>> No.10346802


What do you use to wipe your drives? I tried creating a bootable USB with DBAN but it just wouldn't boot and I literally had to stick magnets on my HDD before the cops came.

>> No.10346805


I just made a pot of linguine with bolognese and I know it will be soggy but I know hungover me will love it, started cooking and drinking and when I drink I just don't want to eat at all.

>> No.10346809

Nice fire pit, anon

>> No.10346818

i was planning on just reformatting it with the built-in disk utility. truthfully, i hadn't really given the "how" much thought yet

>> No.10346820

I'm always interested but nervous to see what I cooked for myself the night before and where I'm going to find the evidence.

>> No.10346967

Got an appointment at the doctors 7:15 on tuesday. Every time I take a sip my chest feels tighter and tighter. I want to be put on some kind of alcohol blocker but am paranoid that I will be put on some kind of list if they give me the pills. Does the DVLA take your license away if you are addicted to the drink? I managed for 3 days this week to stay off but had started to get the shakes and so immediately went back to the bottle. Anyone here tried and succeeded in quitting before? The three days I had is the longest amount of time I have had away in over 3 years.

>> No.10346974
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But you're still drunk when you wake up, never planned anything, and that isn't your counter.

>> No.10346984

Why do you guys drink?
For me, It's crippling anxiety and loneliness.

>> No.10346988


I drink so that I don't have to think about why I drink.

>> No.10346992

This is going to sound autistic, but I think entirely too much. I have very rapid thoughts about anything and everything throughout the day, constantly analyzing and dissecting every single thing, and luckily this made my career get a nice lucrative start, and I'm good with people because I pick up on many cues. Unfortunately, it's very tiring, and in the evening I need to make the thoughts stop.

>> No.10346995




>> No.10347045

that's why I have anxiety. can't stop brain. I envy dumb people, I really really do.

>> No.10347089
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Hard to believe I bought this 24hrs ago

>> No.10347132

Yeah I can read (You)s mate thanks

>> No.10347152

I hate drinking when I'm hungover. My tongue feels swollen or something.

But nothing worth doing is easy.

>> No.10347155


Is that Popov? I had to stay late at work the other night and missed all the liquor and grocery stores, so the only thing I had was half a handle of Popov for the night and it tasted terrible and gave me a headache like I hadn't experienced in years. I'll spend 2-3 dollars more for my seagram's, thank you.

>> No.10347164

>roughly 2.5 liters in 24 hours

I have to say that I'm pretty impressed, anon
The most I've ever dranken in 24 hours was 1.5 liters and I thought I was really pushing myself

>> No.10347166
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Popov is 15/handle where I live.

This is only 10/handle

>> No.10347175

thats fucked

>> No.10347183

<$5 in the bank account. contemplating whether i want to ask a friend to lend me some cash or just shoplift some shit.

>> No.10347186

If you get arrested you can't drink on probation, Be smart.

>> No.10347195


Damn, that's expensive. I usually get Seagram's for $15 a handle, Popov is $11 or $12, and generic local brands like yours are $8-10. I've stopped even trying bottles that are $10 and under at this point, and only gave Popov another try a month or so ago because people here kept saying how it was the cheapest drinkable vodka, but it was just undrinkable for me.

>> No.10347212

Fuck, in Canada a 1.14L is ~30 bucks minimum

>> No.10347216

I know, Being an alcoholic in the North East is expensive.

I drank popov for years, I just switched to a lower cost vodka because I honestly couldn't tell the difference in taste after a few shots so I don't give a shit.

>> No.10347219
File: 38 KB, 620x480, CE4E583D-7D97-46C2-A831-9F042F4D10F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

Rip liver

>> No.10347229

Fuck, I'm glad I never moved to Canada lol.

I was honestly considering it, My sister moved there years ago for work.

>> No.10347241

Yeah, the price is expensive, but at least when my liver fails, the state will look after me and get me a new one pro-bono

>> No.10347247

Iktf to a lesser extent. I live in Washington state and our liquor taxes are the highest in the U.S., and it's not even close. Any fifth of liquor costing more than $10 before taxes is less cost-efficient than a sixer of strong craft beer.

>> No.10347256

I don't want to live that long, But it would be nice to have free health care. I broke my finger a couple months ago and that bill was 900 dollars

>> No.10347278

>I broke my finger a couple months ago and that bill was 900 dollars
What the actual fuck.

I also broke my finger once. I didn't go see a doctor though. I just stopped using it for a year

>> No.10347279
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>Work graveyards
>Can't get to sleep during the day
>Drink to get myself to sleep
>Weekend comes
>Don't get to sleep until like 8pm despite drinking
>Have work tonight in 3 hours but have been awake for 16 hours so far
>It's like this every single weekend

>> No.10347291

Your life must be a living hell.
You can't really sleep properly when you're drunk.

>> No.10347305

Mine was bent the other way. It looked bad man lol

I was hammered it and even still hurt, It hurt like a mother fucker when I woke up.

I tried to tape it to two pieces of wood I cut but it hurt even worst, Had to go the the ER.

The worst part was they wouldn't even give me pain meds because I was too drunk. They just numbed my hand for 2 hours and put my finger in a brace.

>> No.10347362

btdt but to tell the truth I miss it sometimes. Drinking with coworkers at the bar at 0900 or just getting errands done while everyone else was at work. But, yeah the sleep schedule screws with you.

>> No.10347374

To relax and enjoy whatever I'm doing more, working, or cooking, or shitposting or watching stuff. But mostly the relaxation, which unfortunately leads to more anxiety later unless I exercise.

>> No.10347390

Yeah, I'm a ginormous pussy when it comes to asking for help from others, though. Doesn't help that they know what I'd spend it on, too. I think I'm beginning to exhaust people's patience.

>> No.10347407

>asking for money
>going to jail then not being able to drink

I'd rather ask for money every fucking day of my life then not drink.

>> No.10347429

Guys how do you deal with withdrawals like anxiety and shaking and nausea?

>> No.10347441


>> No.10347442

More alcohol, Or benzos.

Marijuana also helps but not the the shakes

>> No.10347449

Masturbating. A lot

>> No.10347458

I might try valium, I did before but grew a tolerance to it. Weed for the nausea I guess.

Somehow I believe this, I get really horny when I'm hungover.

>> No.10347462

>been drinking half pint to a fifth of hard liquor on and off whole life
>drank about a fifth yesterday and was literally throwing up all day at work today
>probably threw up around 10 times

How does shit like this randomly happen? I have had withdrawal, and hangovers before, but what puzzles me is how I could get so ridiculously sick with such a normal amount.

This happens rarely, but when it does, it is pretty hard to handle.

>> No.10347472

Sometimes I get a lot of dry heaving/gagging after drinking even like a bottle of wine. And I can drink like half a bottle of vodka and not be that drunk.

>> No.10347476

Did you take a break right before?
You lose your tolerance but you try to drink what you used to

>> No.10347506

No, I have been drinking a half pint to a fifth a day for about two weeks now, which isn’t really that bad for me. I’ve even been eating somewhat normally.. I guess I can count my blessings. I’ll take throwing up for a day over withdrawal any time.

>> No.10347518

I've had similar issues. One time, I remember I had been drinking mostly the same as I had been every other day, just went a little hard for the weekend or something... I vomited bile 10-12 times the next morning and couldn't keep anything down for hours. The worst part of constant vomiting is that you desperately need to eat, but can't.

>> No.10347572


Smoke weed guys.

>> No.10347602

Tolerance will sneak up on ya.

I literally remember when 3 or 4 shots had me shithoused. Although it was nearly 10 years ago....

I know.

>> No.10347613

I'm so glad I only started drinking AFTER I graduated from college
I never would have made it if I was like myself now

>> No.10347631

Believe it or not yes but the degree varies I’ve worked good industry for years and the majority of line cooks I’ve worked with get smashed on the job just some are really fucking good at hiding it

>> No.10347632

Why do you say you would've have made it? Also how the fuck do you not drink in college? College is like alcoholism 101

I started drinking when I was 17, Daily when I was 21-22.

I'm 28 now.

>> No.10347633


I am an alcohol. It takes me a full 24 case of beer to get through an afternoon to evening.

It's just too fuggin expensive

>> No.10347640

I'm not American so we don't have that weird college culture thing
People just went to class then went home

>> No.10347643

wish i could say the same

t. dropout

>> No.10347647

>I am an alcohol.
Me too, mate, me too

>> No.10347653

You know what's great?
Being drunk and eating food.
God it's so good.
One more drink then I'll make myself a sandwich

>> No.10347655

>before the cops came
Story time what’d you do?

>> No.10347700

They had a warrant to inspect my HDD because they thought I had CP on there.

>> No.10347712

Would you get time for destruction of evidence?

>> No.10347723

Always nice to know the kind of people I share these threads with.

>> No.10347734

If you did have CP, You should get the rope or bullet

Nothing cures pedo's besides a good ol' fashion .45ACP to the melon

>> No.10347735


>tfw been drinking a minimum of 12 beers a day for years and now my farts smell so rancid that even I emergency exit the room

>> No.10347761

I just hope my dreams arent too psychotic tonight since I'm not drinking. Last time they were a mix of horrible shit and imposdibly perfect. I kind of want to just flatline into one of the perfect ones.

>> No.10347831

so what did you have that you didn't want them to see
also wouldn't that be obstruction of justice regardless of if you had any or not?

>> No.10347841

I just didn't want them to see my shit.

>> No.10347847

That's fine and dandy but that's still destruction of evidence

>> No.10347980

anon... this isn't a normal thing for you is it?

>> No.10348026
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Almost exactly the same as you.

>> No.10348033

Tomorrow I'm going to get an email I've been hoping for a while
I'm going to be accepted
Wish me luck

>> No.10348040

boy are you gonna feel gross later

>> No.10348045


I make 3 of those @ 55% in 3 hours of stilling.

>> No.10348047

sell shit on craigslist, "donate" plasma, sell gift cards, i've always kept afloat somehow when it seemed like i was one day away from losing everything

>> No.10348054

it's insane here. i figure in 50% of sticker price for taxes, and i just in general don't even buy liquor any more anyway. it's like all these dudes talking about how living in canada as a drunk is expensive.

>> No.10348083


I lived in the NE for awhile and found a liquor store that had store brand handles of vodka for $10 each which were actually palatable; I'd buy a case of 6 at a time, but after they recognized me they still wouldn't give me a discount for buying bulk. Then I moved to flyover land and Skol became my go-to for $11 a handle. Now I'm West Coast and haven't found a better value than Seagram's.

>> No.10348090

The worst hangovers are the ones where you’re so sick you cant even hold down water. You just have to hope your stomach can absorb enough until you throw up again, rinse and repeat

>> No.10348101


>More alcohol, Or benzos.

This, desu.


Valium and Klonopin are both amazing for WDs. Fortunately my doctor has never prescribed me enough for that to become a problem. Same with the horny first thing in the morning hungover, though anything other than masturbation or head is far too much effort.

>> No.10348106


Some of us are already paranoid enough about little more than getting a phone call.

>> No.10348119

Is 6am too early too buy booze? My sleep schedule is all fucked up and theres a bakery near me selling beer thats open

>> No.10348123

>barf water
>heave more water
>a little more water
>that's a little better

>> No.10348142

wish i could buy booze at 6am some days
booze stores up here close between 2 and 10am
but im sober for like a month so thats good i guess

>> No.10348172

I am really drunk now so I'm feeling a shitload of melancholy
I'm sad.
My tyrannical sober version of me doesn't allow for much expression.
I want to be something, lads. So I applied to the military. But they haven't replied for the last 6 months
I don't think I'm gonna be anything

If sober-me asks, I deleted this post

>> No.10348182

Answer me cunt

>> No.10348204

buy whenever the fuck you want nigger

>> No.10348213


>such a loser that even the fucking military doesn't want to talk to him

Thanks for the laugh, anon.

>> No.10348222

I applied for an officer position. They haven't rejected me yet.
Even if I have to enter as enlisted, I'll have people saluting me yet

>> No.10348233

Thank you for defending our country bro

>> No.10348253

It's all about me. I'm doing this for me and my feelings about myself.
Totally selfish

But though, for you, I'll come back here and post some pretty pictures and experiences and shit. Tell all my drunk friends how we can make it
Because if I get in, I will never need to drink again

>> No.10348261

Unfortunately it is.

But usually a handle a day

>> No.10348265

I’m gonna get your ass court marshaled

>> No.10348267


Everybody who joins the military does it for themselves.

>> No.10348273

That's true nowadays, but in past existential wars, it wasn't.
Plenty of people volunteered in WW2 to die for their family.

>> No.10348274

>Because if x, I will never need to drink again

>> No.10348277

No it's true! I drink because I'm bored and have no purpose
If I get accepted into the service, I will both have something to and have a purpose
So why should I drink?

It will save my life. For real.

>> No.10348280


Nah, he knows what he's talking about. If anything being in the military will mean you're getting regular exercise and are too busy to drink. I'd personally just go to rehab, though.

>> No.10348321

Rehab doesn't give me a reason to live and it doesn't make me less ashamed about how my father thinks about me.
I will serve. God damn it. I will serve.

>> No.10348365

you're drunk, fool

>> No.10348369

I am incredibly so
But still, my sober self is indredibly determined to be in the military

>> No.10348474

think it through a bit more, brother

>> No.10348489
File: 22 KB, 250x236, 1516215152025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's hard staying sober when you suck

some girl on /b/ recorded this (https://vocaroo.com/i/s1f4BQnKxzcR)) for me and now I listen to it every day with nannou 2 (https://youtu.be/3uhTwxqE4Co)) as background over and over and over while I'm drinking

I know it's retarded, but it helps man

>> No.10348491

I spent 10 years avoiding it.
My pop was military. It kinda screwed me up as a kid. He was never around and we kept moving.
I hated it.
He always told me not to join up.

But we had a few beers a few summers ago. We talked about it.
I realized that I had always wanted it. And he was ok with me doing it.
He's still ok.
I'm going to be an officer. God damn it. No matter what.

I don't lay roots down. I don't have many friends. I don't see my family often.
Send me away. I'm ok. I live being isolated.
I like rules. I like instruction.

I am ready. I want it. I have been denying that I belonged in the military all through my teen years and my early 20s. But now I know that it was always where I should have been

>> No.10348496
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>that recording

>> No.10348529


I'd highly recommend Bojack Horseman. It takes a little while to get going, but it has so much of those same feels, and might even make you laugh between the feels.

>> No.10348534

Do you cry while listening to it?

>> No.10348543

I'll check it out man

not really, it just feels good, like a warm pat on my back

>> No.10348552

You're not shitting alcoholic ally before it feels like lubed bricks coming out sideways

>> No.10348565

Drinking makes me shit come out easier

But lemme tell you this one time, years ago, when I didn't drink
Shat out a fucking apple. Seriously bigger than my fist. Bled after.

Drink water and eat vegetables,lads.

>> No.10348573

You are a mountain. You are a hundred miles high. All that your enemies place in your way—betrayal, lies, poison—you devour and become stronger. You are invincible. Those that try to hurt you will turn silent and will bow down. For what can people do to hurt a mountain? (They Look Like People, 2015; dir. Perry Blackshear)

>> No.10348574


>bled after

I hate to break it to you, but water and veggies isn't going to help with that. You need to train your sphincter.

>> No.10348577


>he thinks it has the same effect when it's not read aloud by a 20 something grill

>> No.10348579

Within minutes of taking a double shot, I start to feel it, the warmth and looseness.

Same for caffeine, i'll feel it very quickly. I've got a fast metabolism so I'll feel it quick but the buzz will wear of quickly enough too.

>> No.10348582

I can feel it after the first sip of a mixed drink.
It must have been less than a single shot. But I can feel it.
It's like... My heart starts beating again. For real

>> No.10348584

In the movie it is. I couldn't find a clip though

>> No.10348587

It was a constipation thing, so yeah, absolutely, water and fiber would have made a difference.

>> No.10348592


I was subtly suggesting looking into getting a prostate massager. Also work on your PC muscles for when you have the opposite problem. Overall a better shitting life and a better sex life.

>> No.10348618


>Prostate massager

Gay as fuck. I bet you eat pussy too bitch.

>> No.10348647


What's wrong with eating pussy? I love it when I'm into the person it's attached to. How can you enjoy most foods if you don't enjoy pussy? Serious question. The expression that a food item is "better than sex" is ironic, don't you know?

>> No.10348687

This is a real thing. I'm about 98% sure my neighbors are doing this to my Wi-Fi. Some people have nothing better to do with their lives than delve into other people's personal lives.

>> No.10348707


I made a thread earlier that had nothing to do with alcohol and someone randomly posted some pasta I wrote like 4 years ago about how I was a drunk. Really creeped me out.

>> No.10348731
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Whats Al/ck/ drinking tonight? For me its icehouse edge

>> No.10348732

Agree eating pussy is GOAT.

Somehow I woke up without a hangover, so I have no excuse to why I am just going to stay in bed and shitpost.
All I want to do is drink, I think I might run out and buy a model plane or tank to make just to keep busy.

>> No.10348789

good luck anon

the military is a breeding ground for alcoholism in the US. i've gone to a lot of AA meetings with veterans in them. not saying it can't be beneficial for you, but be careful thinking joining the military will automatically turn your life around. a lot of domestic and overseas positions have the capacity to drink daily, especially officers.

i have a serious problem with eating pussy in that i often gag when doing so. i have an unusually strong (or weak? whichever means it's more prevalent) gag reflex, and the pussy of literally every woman i've gone down on has tasted like nickel. it's not their fault, my long term partners have all been hygienic and whatnot. i honestly hate it, would much rather feel confident pleasing my partner that way

>> No.10348825

Another weekend wasted /ck/.

Was drinking lightly all week then binged hard on thursday/friday/saturday. Now sitting here sipping a beer to avoid the WDs and praying I'll be able to sleep soon.

Same as last weekend.

I thought I'd be able to moderate if I picked up some vodka but, for the 1000th time, i could not moderate.

This is it boys. No more liquor for me. It's a personality fault with me - when I indulge I overindulge, whether it's junk food or alcohol. Solution is to just not keep it around, so no more buying liquor period.

>> No.10348833

i have the same thought, but buying liquor is straight up as/more expensive for me than buying beer, and beer is way more convenient.

does it make sense for me to start only buying liquor?

>> No.10348902
File: 131 KB, 425x282, drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get blackout drunk last week
>walk to the gas station and buy shitty burritos
>no microwave
>put them in oven at 400degrees
>fall asleep on kitchen floor
>wake up at 5am to fire alarms going off
>burritos are burnt to shit and on fire

i think i should buy a microwave

>> No.10348922


Sorry about the pussy thing. I've really been into eating pussy with everyone I've been with. The only exception was one girl with arby's tier meat flaps. I enjoy a good bush, but wading through an outer layer of skin that's folded in on itself is kind of gross. Same reason no grill wants to get within 20 feet of an uncircumcised dick.

I've only had sex once in the last 2 years and after going through a box of condoms and then having her say "fuck it" lets go raw I still wasn't able to cum. I didn't keep track but I think I got her off around 8 times with my mouth. She was dry as a desert when we woke up in the morning and still asked me for one more time. How is it that I can get a girl off that many times in one night but get tired and lose my erection having sex? She stopped talking to me after that night. She also had a live in boyfriend, so I'm not sure how to take it.

>> No.10348925


If you want to risk seriously fucking up your life, sure. Liquor is extremely hard to moderate, also because it seems like such a small amount of liquid and it takes a little while to hit. Then when you've had a couple your inhibition mechanisms break down and suddenly you've finished half a handle.

>> No.10348926

But you can mix liquor into any drink that you have and it will only be sus if people smell it

>> No.10348927


If you're pass out tier drunk just bring them to bed with you and eat them as is when they're thawed out in the morning.

>> No.10348931

Ah man i have had a few nights that i think a handle will last me a week, but then it only lasts me 1 day

>> No.10348936

enjoy your herpes and hepatitis

>> No.10348949


Nah, we'd both had std tests before sleeping with anyone else other than each other, just coincidentally. I've never had sex with anyone who I wasn't already friends with, and find the idea of messing around with someone who isn't at least a friend of a friend kind of creepy without getting to know them first.

>> No.10348955

i've been doing stovetop drunk cooking of canned beans and dropping chunks of cheese in and it's been pretty good to me. although when i went to cook sober my cheese was ripped to shit so it made it hard to cut.

>> No.10348958


This is exactly how I got to the stage I'm now at.

> Oh, if I have a few drinks my gaming sessions are more fun
> I don't want to ruin my diet or bank account, let's do clear liquor instead
> Well might as well buy handles at a time, save money that way
> Now drinking a handle every other day when I drink

Thankfully my drinking is still contained to weekends for the most part, but I think the only solution is just to stop buying liquor or only buy it in 375ml bottles at a time so I can't possibly fuck myself up too much.

>> No.10348975


Canned beans are best right out of the can with a spoon at room temperature when you're so drunk you think eating an entire can of beans is a good idea.

>> No.10348999

>you think eating an entire can of beans is a good idea.
b-but i eat entire cans of beans while sober...

>> No.10349006
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i've done that a few times but my comfort food is bean burritos because i ate them most of my days of childhood because my family was poor as shit and my parents spent most of our money on coke/weed.

so now if i'm coherent enough when i get home i do:
>good amount of tomato based salsa in a pan until sizzling
>dump in can of pic related
>let sit for 2 minutes and then pour in shredded colby jack
>stir up until hot and eat with a bunch of flour tortillas

all the while i'm drinking lone stars and doing shots of mescal or cheap northern lights whiskey if i'm broke

>> No.10349020


Well, at least you didn't inherit the coke problem. Do you smoke?

>> No.10349023

Don't do that. You'll just end up drinking more and stronger stuff. This is like someone with a xanax problem wondering if they should do heroin to save money and time

>> No.10349042

i used to but i don't anymore because it makes me too anti-social. my parents never drank because my dad had 75% of his intestines removed (from stress related ulcers from being a prison guard, and a botched surgery) and my mom never really liked alcohol. i think me never learning how to drink responsibly and it being such a taboo drug in my house ironically drove me to it. i hate coke and weed just seems like a waste, but being drunk makes me so social and happy until i'm hungover and i want to drink more. i also work in a bar/restaurant so i'm always around booze and all my friends are service industry so they just want to drink all the time. it's definitely a love/hate relationship.

>> No.10349046


>ike someone with a xanax problem wondering if they should do heroin to save money and time

That's literally what's happening in flyover land USA right now, except I don't think you know what Xanax is.

>> No.10349052


I'm BoH and just drink alone at home like a healthy individual

>> No.10349058

mentally ill family members screaming for hours

>> No.10349065

i will usually go out after work and have some drinks until the bars close with my other FoH and then either go drink more at their place or come home and drink til i pass out.

>> No.10349073


Maybe I'm just a weirdo, but working BoH I just say "see you tomorrow" and rush home to get drunk in bed.

>> No.10349086


This is why i'm pissed as fuck at all our retard leaders for the "abstinence only" education bullshit. We've seen that it's fucking retarded for sex education and it's retarded for drug education as well. My "drug education" was "don't do drugs, look at these scary images of the most fucked up people we could find.

Drugs are out there and are gonna get used by people and if people don't know jack shit about drugs except "if you do way too much you'll end up fucking you life up" then they're not prepared for the trap of addiction.

If can start out really innocent and subtle and then before you know it you've developed a habit that you just can't quite kick, and that habit gets progressively worse until you're a full on addict.

If we taught people stuff like that some drugs, if you overdo it once, will temporarily rewire your brain chemistry to not only make you want the drug again but to make you much less likely to be able to resist. Also tolerance to the good effects but same response to the negative effects.

Fuckin bullshit man.

>> No.10349088

nah, i used to work as a line cook and have no idea how to conversate with anyone, always upset me when the qt waitresses would try to joke or talk to me and i just had to laugh it off and not say much then go back to being a quiet awkward fuck, Im pretty decent looking but fuck my social skills have crippled me from having any real friendships my whole life. so i did the same thing and drank home alone, trying to get off a 7 month binge, today was my first day sober in weeks, wish me luck

>> No.10349092

BoH is definitely different because ya'll aren't getting tips and you don't see the fuckers out on the floor. i drink with some of the sous chefs and a few guatemalan line cooks, but my adrenaline is usually flowing from dealing with a bunch of strangers and assholes ya'll never see. i need a drink to calm my nerves after all that and to complain with everyone else about tables. bartenders usually hook it up as we trade war stories about awful customers. they come in and i give em free food and i go and they give me free drinks.

i spent all of my highschool years smoking weed and never going out, but the last 10 years of my life i've been working as a server and it's helped me become way more social but also i'm spending most of my income on alcohol. i'm 27 and pretty much at the point where i either go back to school to escape or accept being an alcoholic degenerate waiter who hates everyone not service industry.

>> No.10349093


Our president is a manchild celebrity with alzheimers stuck in his glory days of the 80's when D.A.R.E. was a thing. He literally suggested anti-drug commercials being the best possible solution just a couple weeks ago.

>> No.10349100


>my adrenaline is usually flowing from dealing with a bunch of strangers and assholes ya'll never see

I usually hide and/or report dumb tipping threads because I know what the industry is, but holy shit FoH needs to get punched in the face every so often they are so out of touch with what's actually happening in the restaurant.

>> No.10349106

you need to come out more. front of house is over stimulated by i have the best times with back of house because ya'll talk shit between each other but you aren't as reservered. i love coming back on the line and talking tons of shit with the line because you dont' put up with shit. you have to hold your tongue so much being a server that we want to let it go when we're off.
ask that qt waitress for a drink after the shift next time and just let it all out. most servers are pussy fucks complaining about dumb social shit, you're a god damn soldier putting up with the same wage and hot temperatures no matter how slow we are. flex some nuts on the waitresses and they'll jump your dick for sure.

>> No.10349122

i think it depends where you're working. where i'm at now BoH and FoH is pretty close and we go for drinks together at least twice a week. most BoH can't deal with dumbass tables or sometimes making $25 a night for a 7 hour shift and a lot of FoH could never work on the line without killing themselves.

i hate the us versus them mentality in relation to that in restaurants. if everyone is a fucking soldier and realizes we're all working hard then it makes it way more fun and easier. if BoH comes out i'm always buying you drinks.

>> No.10349133

wew lads I had a rager this weekend thought i'd share. I got absolutely blastedd

>> No.10349136

how many times did your boyfriend fuck you in the ass you stupid troll faggo

>> No.10349154


The place I work is a small chef/owner run place with the kitchen basically in the dining room and the animosity of the BoH towards the FoH is as strong as anywhere I've worked. I'm not saying I haven't hooked up with a couple of servers, but they are so out of touch with how much harder we're working in the kitchen.

>> No.10349168

i'm sorry dude but maybe you should jump ships. BoH who can make big moves do way better. i'm at a place where we all get full dental, vision, health, and a 401k with %50 match. i've never worked at a restaurant with that and we're part of a larger restaurant group but the city i live in is all larger groups competing with each other.

if you're a cook/chef with your salt then you can move somewhere new that will pay you for that. all the metro areas are blowing up with restaurant jobs and places to fill with people who are passionate or at least knowledgeably enough

>> No.10349179


My last place was like that (I even had vision), but I moved and needed a position fast. Coming up on a year now and can't afford to move again yet and have burned all my bridges with past friends anyways.

>> No.10349197

why'd you move?

>> No.10349289


A girl.

>> No.10349337

Sorry, but that's a fucking retarded analogy. Maybe something like moving from klonopin to xanax is comparable. It's not like the jump from beer to liquor fundamentally changes the type of drug you're consuming, and both can be dangerous

>> No.10349348

Loving that alcohol sleep where
>wake up
>eyes are somehow more tired than before

I feel like my eyes were bouncing around under my eyelids all night.

>> No.10349351

Been rolling around in bed for over an hour and still cannot sleep. I tapered a bit today, but I didn't expect the 3-4 drink decrease to have such an effect on me.

Have some sleeping pills with melatonin and tryptophan and shit, I'll try a couple... But I already know it's going to be a very long night.

>> No.10349353

That makes me nervous to hear, because I was going to half to 1/3 my alcohol intake starting today.

>> No.10349357

That is legit the worst beer I've had in a long time.
Too many memories of getting a tall boy for 1.50$ at the gas station and trying to chug it in a parking lot before work just to feel ill on the last 20% and having to throw it out.

>> No.10349358


Alcohol not only induces insomnia but it also inhibits REM sleep, which is the type of sleep that actually restores us. It's not surprising that you can't sleep / feel like shit even when you get sleep.

>> No.10349364

I've heard that quite a bit
And believe it since a hear about a bunch of people having sleep problems here.
hell someone posted their sleep issues not 2 minutes after me.

Only way I can get to sleep is either copious amounts of booze or wear myself out with exercise and doing chores all day.

>> No.10349366

can anyone explain to me the taste difference in scotch / bourbon / rye ?

>> No.10349372

bourbon is good
scotch has too many flavors
rye is strong

>> No.10349378


I could but I'm drunk and don't care enough. Scotch is really diverse, but tends to be more mellow than bourbon or rye. Good bourbon is the best, and rye has a rye edge to it.

>> No.10349380

what scotch would you recommend?

>> No.10349382


as long as you're drinking you won't get good sleep even if you lay in bed in and out of consciousness all day.

Make sure not to underestimate the damage that alcohol does to your body's rhythm. Alcohol, while helpful for inducing sleep, will prevent you from getting good sleep leaving you exhausted. Then alcohol withdrawal will produce the opposite effect and induce insomnia, keeping you from sleeping. Withdrawal also produces anxiety, along with all the other horrible side-effects, which further couple to prevent you from sleeping.

You will not sleep well as long as you're drinking heavy, but you can definitely go back to sleeping well if you stop drinking. You don't drink because you can't sleep, you can't sleep because you drink.

>> No.10349385

None of them
I don't care for it
Like >>10349378
said it is really diverse.
Maybe a local liquor store might be able to help you if you just tell them you are a noob wanting to get into scotch.
Last time a friend brought over scotch it was something called Smokehead and it tasted of Smoke and Dirt and whiskey.
every sip had a different flavor and It was odd.

>> No.10349388

One Scottish, the other two are American.
Other than price there is no reason not to drink Scotch

>> No.10349390

Besides personal preference.
I don't like Scotch
but love bourbon and rye

>> No.10349393

Bourbon uses a corn mash that gives it a sweeter and full-bodied flavor
Rye uses a rye mash that makes it drier and has a kick to it
Scotch is really diverse and each bottle is made different but it has less of a bite than the other two.

>> No.10349396

10c has been deposited into your account

>> No.10349398

You act like its impossible for someone not to like scotch.
I'll take cheap vodka in a plastic jug over any of it though since its cheaper.

>> No.10349418

A lot of people associate the peat flavor with scotch, but in reality most scotch is unpeated or weakly peated. Scotch is very regional, and even intra-regionally can be very diverse. Bourbon tends to be more caramely, for lack of a better description, but it's also difficult to make sweeping generalizations. Rye has a spicy kick to it, compounded by the fact that higher proof rye is generally considered better.

>> No.10349434


I think this sums it up well.

>> No.10349443

>>implying a 100 dollar bottle of bourbon tastes worse than a 100 dollar bottle of scotch

>> No.10349450


Different anon, but at that price point it really just comes down to preference.

>> No.10349464

you're basically just betraying yourself as having grug-tier taste at this point, man. how the hell is anyone supposed to compare a $100 bottle of whisky from one region of the world compared to another without actually tasting the two?

>> No.10349473

I never said that?
I prefer bourbon to scotch
What in my post possibly said I don't like bourbon?

Was it the less bite part?
I like the bite of bourbon
Damn anon you're drunk go home

>> No.10349531

>not stealing this shit right off the bat on your 13th birthday

Get on my level pleb

>> No.10349550

What you talking about I'm on probation and I run through a case a day. Police don't have the time to start monitoring a drunkard who passed out on his neighbor's couch by mistake on new years eve

>> No.10349562

What's a good gin that's cheap? I usually just get vodka but I'm looking to spice things up because I have some seltzer water

>> No.10349565

Did you know its not actually withdrawing from alcohol, but its the buildup of your bodies defense chemicals to counter-act the depressant effects of alcohol? Thats why you sweat and feel high-strung. Tapering just lowers the effects of those aforementioned chemicals while your body returns to normal.

>> No.10349633

Well, I did it again. I had a good time and didn't send any embarrassing texts, but I spent too much money and I'm still sitting here hungover and getting anxious about things that I said/did. Hold me bros.

>> No.10349635

Been drinking everyday for last 7 months, today's day 2 and I feel weird, do I have to worry about seizures at all?

>> No.10349636

Day 2 of me quitting cold turkey*

>> No.10349655

not if it was just 7 months man, no seizure risk.

>> No.10349659


Although if its cold turkey you are gonna feel really weird/bad for a bit.
It'll pass, don't worry man.

>> No.10349662

Beefeater or Gibson's which is even cheaper if you can find it. Around $6 a fifth over here and it's better than some mid-shelf gins.

>> No.10349663

I've heard a lot of anons recommend Beefeater. I'll probably pick some up later, thanks

>> No.10349666

Why not try tapering? Yes, you aren't at risk of seizures but the palpitations, sweating, etc aren't great and can be avoided. I've cut it down to one beer a day from a fifth of vodka per day.

>> No.10349671

I can second beefeater. its the best middleshelf gin there is.

>> No.10349805

just clocked 1 week lads, cold turkey off of
4-6l of beer a night for 10 years (with the odd few weeks sober here and there). Detox was worse this time around, no seizures but heaet palpitations, insomnia, sweating like a dog etc. Felling pretty good now but boredom is a thing. We gonna make it

>> No.10349826

nice one bro - read books man, anything by hitchens, for something lighter try john birmingham axis of time trilogy, matthew reilly scarecrow series

>> No.10349833

Boredom is honestly the only thing that keeps me drinking. It also doesn't help that alcohol makes nearly everything more enjoyable

>> No.10349850

Yeah that's not gonna happen if you are a drunk. Be prepared to have no life and be called at all hours of the night over dumb shit. Also have fun being the DD everytime the command wants to go drink but doesn't want to send the wrong message to the enlisted folks so they make you drive instead.

>> No.10349875

thanks for the recommendations man.. i'll check em out. One great thing about boredom is getting shit done. More productive in the last few days than i've been in months

>> No.10349882

*only great thing

>> No.10349904

no probs bro, if you're really in the shit hit up john birminham axis of time trilogy 0 a quick google search will suffice. cool shit if you like miltary hilstory(WW2) and modern day tech. fuckin saved my ass a few times. luck man x

>> No.10349916

same dude as birmo and books but read them with your fave music, for me it's;youtube it; better than goin to church noel gallagher - good shit mang

>> No.10349930

any aussies up now? if not where you from lads/ladies?

>> No.10349932

ah noel of oasis.. used to listen to them back in the day. will check the track out. Hope i can get to the point where i can have the odd beer with mates but i am a one leads to binge/blackout kinda guy when out and love smashing beers solo at home. need to rewire my brain cause the health implications have been getting harder to disregard. thx again mate

>> No.10349947

shit man i've resulted to driving up and down the coast for 3 hours a day to fill in the time, then spend a couple hours cooking dinner, then i drink. better still but still fuckjed bros

>> No.10349956

it;s not a track but a bootleg of brilliant acoustic noel songs. IT"S LIMNE THIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmKCJpT1UWY

>> No.10349965

man i know how you feel. i drink every 2 days so my head stops hurting. but dude look up at they sky - at those stars if you can - that's why we're here - to go back to space. so given that we can't physically go back, jump up there in your mind my son. rock, space, you, gravity, endless space, go nuts my man

>> No.10349979
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Is smirnoffbro still with us or is he kill?

>> No.10349980

hey man where are you? i've recentlt kicked an opiate habit and have replaced it with boozer every few days? i smash it solo just likle you say just wanna know your deal - cheerss, ausguy

>> No.10349982

last time i was here he was a,live but offline, can anyone confirm?

>> No.10349993

i'm in singapore mate, been here for a couple years now.. haven't had much experience with opiates but would advise being careful with booze man, its a slow yet slippery slope. I have been getting intense cravings and even 7 days off am still feeling pretty shit. its taken me a decade to admit i am an alcohol. Cheers, from a fellow aus bro

>> No.10350001

Because I've been counting calories and holding myself accountable for what goes into my body, I almost never get to drink anymore.

The amount that I was drinking in order to get as drunk as I wanted in the past was anywhere between 1500 and 2500 calories. That's more than I eat in a day now.

I do miss getting drunk, but every night when I don't drink and then wake up to realize the world didn't end, it gets a little easier.

>> No.10350003

meant to say well done on kicking the opiates.. have had mates hooked on.benzos, valium etc. and shits tough to come off of. Guess am saying dont crutch for too long with alcohol cause it'll grab ya. all the best

>> No.10350014

This was part of my reason for quitting. Plus I work 21-7 in a dry camp so it feels like a waste to drink too many of the days off.

>> No.10350016

I just don't eat anything on friday and saturday when I know I will be having a dozen beers (2000 kcals roughly).
First and foremost because I don't want to look bloated, second because I get the nastiest shits if I drink after food, and third because of the total calorie count being retardedly huge as you said.

You can bypass the faggot calories by just drinking hard stuff.

>> No.10350017

brother may i say fro austown that booze is a shittonne easier to kick than opiates. and i get i don't know you or situation but do not ever touch opiates unless you are prepared to fuck with the absolute worst things you can possibly imagin eother than ytour kids benig killed in front ofyou

>> No.10350018

My favorite thing used to be getting drunk and binge eating. I was probably downing 4000 calories or more two or three nights a week. No fucking wonder I was such a mess.

It was fun, but I felt like I was dying constantly.

>> No.10350024

cheers man i could see the bad shit coming before it got too bad - what you do fort a living in singapore?

>> No.10350037

man i was the opposite, 2000-3000 cals daily on booze and about 500 cals on food and none of it real. how are you now?

>> No.10350042

I feel kind of bored. I've lost interest in food. I used to eat for recreation and entertainment, now I have no problem skipping meals and I actually feel guilty when I put something in my body that I know I shouldn't.

I have a daily allowance of calories that I track whenever I eat something. if I go over the limit, I stop eating or go to the gym to get some calories back. That's all I've been doing for a month and the weight is just melting off of me. I feel great.

But, yeah, it's pretty boring.

>> No.10350051

that's called alcorexia, my friend

not that there's anything wrong with that. but that's what chicks do

>> No.10350056

hey man just went back and read your OP - where you from in aus originally and what do you do for a living? I fell your words man i did it tough for a decade but now i'm killing it. hope you're ok up there

>> No.10350069

dude nice work, it's a weird way oif doing it but i get it - i dropped back from bein gnightlyu wasted to every 3-4 days and my sleep schedule and appetite came bak like ravenous whores man keep it up it get's easier brother/sister/robot

>> No.10350077

same, could drink myself into a stupor on litres of beer and the eat a copius amounta of mcdonalds? pizza hut etc. i am pretty fat but i should be properly obese the way i carry on

>> No.10350083

Well it's kinda silly to sleep a *exia label on it when you do it once or twice a week but yeah I get the gist.
I don't really know how calorie-dense are chick drinks like coctails and shit but I doubt its as bad as slamming a dozen+ beers.

>> No.10350084

i broke the day up between driving, reading, music and an episode of a decent show, granted i was not getting off booze but i'm sure you coul dapply this. hour by hour, eventually you get tired then fall alseep. after a week or so. but it gets better man. good luck

>> No.10350086

i'm in tech sales.. its weird i've managed to hold it down on the workfront. a couple companies ago i was getting written warnings for showing up to work reeking of alcohol, failing to show at office after benders on OS biz trips etc. nowadays i think they may be suspicious but i haven't been called out. if sales numbers are good you can get away with a lot

>> No.10350094

haha nice man i'm in hotels so i get the whole international excess dynamic of life - seriously though man push that cart till the wheels come off, unless you're unhappy, then i shall suggest that you go home, or go elsewhere, or just sort it the fuck out man. Check this out: http://philalawyer.me/stories/ten-percenter-part-1

>> No.10350097

Luckily I've got a wife and a dog to keep me busy. They're needy enough that I can sort of forget about my own bullshit whenever it's hard to resist temptation.

>> No.10350104

My degeneracy has reached such an intense level I don't know if I can care or ever really redeem myself in any way. I don't think I'll ever lead a normal life. I'll probably never live in my own house, probably never marry. Never have like a real career.

>> No.10350116

shit man lucky imagine having to harness that sort of restraint but by yourself - hope you, the wife and dog are doing fine x

>> No.10350130

My wife actually wants me to eat more.

She says to me all the time, "I miss the old you," which is a shitty fucking thing to say. But I get it, she wishes that I was still carefree and fun.

>> No.10350140

Then be more carefree and fun, in bursts and spurs if anything. I know very well how easy and without actual awareness you just sort of become complacent and lazy in a relationship and I know how much of a drag even the tiniest effort seems when you are in a routine but.. do it anon.

>> No.10350157

For instance, when we go to our favorite diner, I used to just order a bunch of shit off the menu and eat everything without even thinking. Now I take out my phone and calculate the calories, talk to her about what i should and should not eat.

She's sick of hearing about it, she worries that I'm not enjoying life anymore. She used to see the fun part of overindulging all the time, but never had to feel as shitty and sick as i did after a binge.
and she's been skinny her whole life, so she has no context for how bad it feels to be fat or how good it feels to change

>> No.10350167

ah brother those feels, when you drop the booze and whatever else you may be on your appetite comes back crazy like a crack whore, but you need to stop. So if you're not prepared to stop then you need to tell her cos she's onto you man - and unless she's the coolest chick in the world you're gonna lose man. but if you do. I'll be here, we'll be here, but it's neveer gonna be her - so make a fucking call buddy - luck x

>> No.10350169

Counting calories on a date night dinner seems about as romantic as picking your nose. Either do it in your head or just wing it.
I completely understand you however.

>> No.10350183

australia agrees

>> No.10350186

I know, I know. I try not to spoil the fun. If someone cooked, I'll eat what they made. If people are drinking and having fun, I'll have a few too.

it's just so easy for me to get carried away with food and booze, sometimes the best thing to do is turn it all down

>> No.10350267

Tried but I just always end up drinking more than I told myself I would. I feel like just not having any in the house is the best way at this point

>> No.10350321

where is everyone? geographic like? ....x

>> No.10350331

Im the 7 month guy but im in SE wisconsin, what about you?

>> No.10350347

Perth Australia - booze is expensive as fuck here: $30 handle of rotgut or same price for 24 case of beers at 4.8% - that's if handlemens 700mls - i can"t recall. love you alcks"s x

>> No.10350396

bro you still up?

>> No.10350416

SE america bro you ok?

>> No.10350536


>> No.10350605
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if i drink a pint of whisky a day am i going to die?

>> No.10350619
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Why is it right when I get home from the store with liquor, after not drinking for a week, I crrrrrack open the bottle, take a wiff and it's FUCKING GOOSEBUMPS AHHHHHH THA BESSSST

>> No.10350657


nothing beats sipping on a glass while playing some terraria and listening to some good tunes. fuck me

>> No.10350708

Everyone dies eventually, so yes

>> No.10350847

so where does it hurt anons?

>inb4 muh heart because she left me boohoohoo
i wanna know if my body pains are alcohol and smoking related or other shit because im in daily pain here but i drink a fraction of what you cunts claim too and recent blood, ecg, x-ray tests say im in normal parameters

>> No.10350852

Yeah, whats the concern?
slept for 4 hours and cant go back to bed, shit sucks

>> No.10350861

im the 7 month bro, my liver started feeling sore which is why i want to stop, i went to the doctors the otherday for my deviated septum and they took my pulse and blood pressure, pulse was at 102 and blood pressure was pretty high too, im only 21 so they kinda gave me a weird look when i told them no when they asked if i was nervous

>> No.10350884
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I've passed into a different phase of alcoholism guys.... I used to drink tons just to blackout and be gone, now I'm so used to withdrawaling, I've started living for the dreams. It's a roulette wheel whether I get nightmare/fantasy, but the good dreams are so real and amazing, I never want to wake up. It's better than real life. I drink to fucktard status just to get back to WD dreams..... what the fuck have I become...

>> No.10350987

I don't get proper WDs aside from the dreams. I know what you mean though. I wish I could just sleep and dream constantly because that reality is so much more appealing. Even the zombie dreams and ones full of sick and decay.

>> No.10351030

drinking cider mixed with vodka. the drunkness creeps upon you nicely

>> No.10351070


pulse 60-70ish bp 110/120-60/70ish so im there going alright hearts ok despite being nearly 40 and hammered down the cigarettes and booze but...
armpits pain, spleen pain, lower back pain, right side neck pain, wake up both hands numbmb and tingling...
its a real ok ive ragged my body and it hurts but all tests say im ok so what now?
im not boozing like some people in these threads claim but ive lied to a doc about daily consumption and still seen them raise eyebrows and recommend stop drinking but "tests" say im ok
ah fuck it

>> No.10351088
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>> No.10351097

i'm about to blackout so i wanted to tell you guys how much you have not helped me.
please argue me about something.

>> No.10351107
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How have we not helped you if you're about to slip into the whole of no worries....

Son, just let it burn. drink up, it's worth every drop.

>> No.10351118




>> No.10351745

I love my beer farts.
Once i used it as a defence