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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10336260 No.10336260 [Reply] [Original]

What am I supposed to do with this? Everything slides apart when you pick it up, god forbid you try to bite. And the firm hot dog texture is practically lost next to the quarter is a pickle that barely fits on the bun. This is Portillo's, mind you. People defend this.

>> No.10336300

Look's great, you must be a limp-wristed pussy.

>> No.10336334


>literally the only good thing to come out of chicagoland

You're supposed to eat it in like three bites. You literally just pick it up, nom nom nom, and you're done.

>> No.10336341

any real sausage joint that isn't a shit chain will put twice that amount you fucking nit, just eat it. god forbid a couple pieces of food get on the table or, god forbid, your washable hands. poor baby.

>> No.10336360

>nobody says anything about it tasting good
I suppose I'm supposed to LARP as a construction worker while I eat this too, huh? Just goes to show how this is all about 'atmosphere'. Sure it's fun to make your restaraunt look like a subway station and to overload your hot dog with snappy dressing, taste doesn't matter half as much as bragging rights.

>> No.10336362
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>> No.10336370

you got a hotdog at a fucking chain
if you expected anything above what a construction worker would eat you're actually fucking retarded.
>hurr why does my mcdonalds not taste like it come from a restaurant?!?
>my burger king patty is thin!!whattheufkc it's called burger king they are suposed to be good burger?!?!????
kill yourself dude

>> No.10336380

throw it out and get the italian beef, faggot

>> No.10336382

I want to know if chicago hot dogs are just overstuffed spicy veggie rolls and if these are actually supposed to be a superior type of hot dog or just a nostaligic lunch for city workers and hipsters who envy their credibility.

>> No.10336384
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>> No.10336397


They have a really well balanced flavors and textures, but they're still just fucking hot dogs. Don't over think it.

>> No.10336431

oh yeah they're just a special kinda hot dog. like it's a meme and a meme only, they're still surpassed by basically any sausage
sorry that your meal was so disappointing

>> No.10336457

Okay cool, thanks. Yeah it was a good lunch desu, not bad for 2.99 but I guess I was overhyped. I really did like their fries tho I might go back for fries and an italian beef roll tonight.

>> No.10336512

Looks pretty good my melanin affluent friend!

>> No.10336711
File: 26 KB, 348x348, polishboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago dogs are okay. I like the flavors but I only want one occasionally. If you have a hard time with that, however, never come to Cleveland and try a Polish Boy.

>> No.10336795
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>never come to Cleveland and try a Polish Boy

I've driven through Ohio a bunch of times but never stopped anywhere other to get gas, yet literally every single time I got pulled over by the cops and harassed on the fucking interstate. Fuck Ohio.

>> No.10336806

Ohio Highway Patrol are the worst. But there are a lot of small towns and villages that also make basically all their money running the most sneaky and vicious speed traps you've ever seen. Try not to ever need to be in Ohio if you can avoid it. On the bright side, we make good beer (because you have to be drunk to tolerate living in Ohio).

>> No.10336811

Pit you're fucking phonedown and use both hands buddy

>> No.10336812

Knife and fork...

>> No.10336815

imagine getting this buttblasted over your shitty sausage

>> No.10336837


>speed traps

It wasn't even speed traps. They would just be like, "do you know why we pulled you over?" And then make some shit up like I was veering over the line, while conveniently passing two cops. It's just because I had out of state plates and slightly tinted back windows. One time they even brought in a drug dog when I refused to let them search my car and put me in the back of the police car while they wasted 45 minutes finding nothing.

>> No.10336852

Oh, I know how obnoxious Ohio patrols are. I'm just saying that there's also a fun local extra headache added on.

>> No.10336856

is 'Go cuisine the ultimate soyboy repellent?

>> No.10336872

The working class food is.

>> No.10336899


Every "soyboy" image I've ever seen is taken from Chicago. They're basically flyover normies who want to be hipsters and are so insulated from the outside world by the food wasteland they're surrounded by that they literally take all their ideas from instagram and have no clue how bad their taste is, but have a crazy unwarranted sense of pride about it.

>> No.10336968

>realize that most of chicago's cuisine is basically Tasty-tier abominations with no sense of presentation whatsoever


>> No.10337015

written like a true soiboi

>> No.10337023

don't abbreviate things

>> No.10337155

Chicago dogs not sold at Portillo's are bad to mediocre. Portillo's is basically peak hot dog, the best a hot dog can be. But at the end of the day its still a hot dog and even a mediocre sausage will be better.

The only truly good Chicago food is the deep dish pizza. Thin crust is objectively worse than nearly all other styles, and I assume is only popular because the choices here are limited to the 2 types and deep dish is too expensive to get for parties.

Italian beefs are soggy trash made with garbage bread. Leave beef sandwiches to cities that can make them like Philly.

>> No.10337197
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, Portillos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disrespecting the greatness that is Portillos.
Also this >>10336300

>> No.10337242
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You just shove the whole thing in your mouth. Should be fairly easy with that facial expression your type always seems to make.

>> No.10337248

Thin crust is my favourite. I'm gonna order one right now. Gluten. Free.

>> No.10337296

Or you can not speed and follow the damn rules of the road.

>> No.10338703


>> No.10338742

Cleveland is a fucking hole.
The absolute worst city I've ever been to.

>> No.10338783

>flyover normies

Why are /ck/ coasties sooooooo obsessed with middle America?

>> No.10338786


>> No.10338791


You don't seem to understand the "obsessed" thing. It describes people who come from the shit parts of the world and always insist that they're somehow better than the nice places they know they'll never be able to visit.

>> No.10338817
File: 38 KB, 770x682, italian-beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only truly good Chicago food is the deep dish pizza


>> No.10338832

Have you tried not being brown?

>> No.10338838


I lived the first half in my life in a place where everyone gets a tan because it's paradise. Now I kind of miss it.

>> No.10339262

Looks like a disgusting variation of a cheese steak

>> No.10339340


>> No.10339526

the subtle troll to this is the part about the pickle

>> No.10339547

Italian beefs are barely like cheese steaks. Firstly, an Italian beef can be served with cheese, but that's not the default, secondly, a cheese steak is cooked on a griddle and an Italian beef is slow cooked and then sliced, chopped, or pulled, and commonly dipped in a sauce made from the cooking juices. Thirdly, nobody puts delicious giardiniera on a cheese steak. The Italian Beef is the superior beef sandwich, but Chicago has nothing that compares to the roast pork sandwich from Philly.

>> No.10340274

Am I not supposed to have the pickle on the bun?

>> No.10340326
File: 318 KB, 740x486, baget_opening_740_486_s_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vietnamese banh mi > all your american meme sandwiches

>> No.10340374
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I feel like a lot of people underestimate a good hot dog. I don't mean the 8 to a plastic pack next to the bologna hot dogs. See a good butcher. They're really good. I prefer a hot dog over a different type of sausage sometimes.

>> No.10340388

>>Chicago dogs not sold at Portillo's are bad to mediocre.
Slow down. Not that Portillo's isn't good, but you great hot dogs are fucking everywhere here. They're our signature street food for a reason. Wiener circle, Wolfy's, Superdawg, Dog House, Jim's. The list goes on.

>Italian beefs are soggy trash
You say that like it's a cirticism and not the whole fucking point.

>Thin crust is objectively worse than nearly all other styles
Are you even from here? Only foreigners give a shit about the deep dish vs other pizza meme. They're different dishes for different occasions, as you yourself admit. Chicago has it's own take on regular pizza too ('tavern style') which you'd know.

And you don't even mention jiburitos. Fuck off larper.

>> No.10340426

>nom nom nom

Get. Out.

>> No.10340480
File: 211 KB, 1732x974, 20180324_010852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chi food thread?

Who /breaded steak/ here?

>> No.10340523


>> No.10340572

Basically a beef schnitzel with red sauce, mozzarella, giardiniera, folded inside an italian roll.
Common at italian counter serve places here.

>> No.10340594

This sounds like something a person who degreases their pizza would complain about.

>> No.10340604

I lived in Chicago for 30 years and I've never heard of it.

>> No.10340613

What neighborhood? I think it's mostly a south side thing.

You know what a mother in law is?

>> No.10340619


have you ever been formally diagnosed with autism or is everyone in your life just comfortable assuming you've got it

>> No.10340628

>tfw I was talking with a south sider
kys scum!

>> No.10340629

No but I was told I had ADHD as a child. Regardless I didn't know if there was supposed to be anything really special about a chicago hot dog or not.

>> No.10340640

let me guess, you're larping from the north suburbs.

>> No.10340654


>living anywhere in fucking chicagoland other than the north suburbs

>> No.10340663


>you don't even mention jiburitos

Nobody actually eats those. You might as well have said bbq or tacos, both of which are more popular than your banana sandwiches.

>> No.10340668

Oh so now it's chicagoland and nobody who lives in the city where they sell the hot dogs counts.
What is with you?

>> No.10340671

nope. I white flighted from chicago years ago

>> No.10340674


so dont pretend you live in chicago or act surprised when you don't know local shit, lol.

>> No.10340682

>Nobody actually eats those.
t. never been anywhere on the west side

>> No.10340684


>they don't have portillo's in the suburbs

>> No.10340688

>i've been to a suburban portillows, I know chicago hot dogs


>> No.10340709


It's a fucking thread about Portillo's, retard.

>> No.10340728

south siders have short attention spans from the decades of inbreeding

>> No.10340730

Thread's about chicago dogs in general, retard.
And this thread of conversation started because you or some other suburbanite didn't know what a breaded steak was.

>> No.10340932

this is all flyover food

>> No.10340978
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>this is all flyover food

>> No.10341091

>Tfw the best Chicago style dog I've had was in Wisconsin

>> No.10341502


Confirmed for limp wristed pussy who doesn't like hot dogs yet buys them then feels the need to tell people.

>> No.10341504

you eat the pickle on the side, not with it

>> No.10341507

that's where most of them are

>> No.10341548
File: 1.75 MB, 1219x862, hork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder you're all such doughy, thick lumps

>> No.10341630


>> No.10342135

Never have I seen someone so autie that they eat it with the pickle spear still on, there's already relish.

>> No.10342533

Literally never seen anyone take it apart. Why would that even occur to you.

>> No.10342750


>country so poor that one of its most recognized food dishes is made with stale bread

Vietnam, get your shit together man. Also, stop naming your dishes like they're fucking grocery lists. No one wants to eat bo vien cu hahn ot chuong.

>> No.10342862


I eat the pickled green tomatoes separately at Superdawg, just because they tend to fall off anyway if they were even on the dog when you opened the box..

>> No.10342895

you eat it, you dumb nigger.

>> No.10342910

You must be way far out in the fucking burbs if you think italian beef comes with cheese you dumb fucking suburb scum. Tell me more about your amazing life in bolingbrook or lake zurich .

>> No.10343087

where's the ketchup?

>> No.10343558
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>hes from the city
and you brag this?

>> No.10343702
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>> No.10343776

>living in an american city
No thanks Jeff