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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10329835 No.10329835[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You shouldn't drink alcohol because it's actual poison that just makes you fat and temporary retarded, but one day, permanently retarded. Don't you love your liver anons?

>> No.10329836
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I really need to quit.

>> No.10329848


Alcohol users are pure degenerates.

>> No.10330037
File: 200 KB, 2000x1396, 1513347271254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuh uh.
One cup of Henny's, got me feeling good
Two cup of Henny's, got the dick on wood
Three cup of Henny's, got me stumblin', whoadee
Four cups, yeah, now it's a party!

>> No.10330161

and morons from /pol/ like you are pure cancer

>> No.10330172

I love my liver, but I love a good beer as well. If they get better at n/a beer I'll switch to that happily.

>> No.10330175

>muh degeneracy
You have to be 18 to post on this site.

>> No.10330178

Yeah, everyone that dislikes drunks is your /pol/ boogeyman.

>> No.10330197

They're just as bad. Any reasonable person can see the downside of alcohol and simply abstain from it. Vocal retards and zealots are the ones who try to put people down for indulging.

>> No.10330201

But yet, you need me to measure your life against.

>> No.10330202

No, but everyone who uses the
>everything I don't like is degenerate
meme is.
You could use a number of actually valid arguments but would rather use a moronic buzzword, good job.

>> No.10330227
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>hurrurr le degenerates xDDD
>le boogeyman meme

yeah, you're from /pol/
fuck off back to your containment board retard

>> No.10330249

There is a difference between enjoying a small amount of alcohol and being a drunk. I drink maybe twice a month during social occasions and have at most 2-3 drinks. A small amount of alcohol actually has health benefits. Stop being a retard.

>> No.10330421
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OP is right, it actually disturbs me how many people on this board drink alcohol regularly. You shouldn't drink because you want to "have a good time". You shouldn't drink because it's socially acceptable, and you shouldn't drink because you just want to escape the situation. The human body does not require any amount of ingested alcohol to function. Only 10 percent of the alcohol you actually drink actually makes it to your brain. The rest is processed within your liver, because it's actual poison. It destroys you liver, and gradually erodes cognition and thought processes within your brain. You're literally slowly making yourself fat and giving yourself ADHD. Why would anyone fucking do this to themselves, just for three hours of not being able to correctly feel sadness? It's not worth what it takes away from you. Leave drinking to the stupid and naive normalfag.

>> No.10330433

Plenty of famous intellectuals were alcoholics

>> No.10330448

I guess you dont eat onions, peppers, or any other regular food thats slightly toxic right?

>> No.10330449
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ITT: Mostly adults with childlike worldviews

>> No.10330456

drinking is my greatest pleasure.

>> No.10330485

You realize that there's a massive difference between the toxin potency of refined alcohol and a pepper right?

>> No.10330498

I was against alcohol when I was a kid too, I used to tell people how great weed is "it's just a plant from the earth" type bullshit, then reality hit and the drink helped.

>> No.10330499

To be fair, they were already destined to be incredibly intelligent individuals. The average normalshit can't really afford to lose the additional brain power.

>> No.10330511

how can I love my liver if I hate myself?

>> No.10330514

me too, breh

>> No.10330521
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Allow me to translate your post
>In hindsight, I was naive as a child because I used accam's razor and based my views on alcohol on what was known and what people told me, because I didn't know any better, despite the fact that what they were telling was actually right. Now, as an "intelligent" adult, I'm smart enough to known that everyone drinks, anyways, and that somehow makes it okay.

>> No.10330567

Who are you referring to?

>> No.10330568

>biggest board
>containment board
this is a political site now whether you like it or not, take it up with leftists who ban everything they don't like and driving dorks like that here

>> No.10330680
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>> No.10330695

>destined to be incredibly intelligent
No they weren't. They just found a purpose and devoted their life to it. They could have easily been a failure.

>> No.10330702

Well obviously, they had some kind of genetic disposition to be able to process information differently from regular people.

>> No.10330707
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>most popular board
>containment board


>> No.10330731

Maybe. I doubt they all had some genius gene in their body though. Most just vigorously studied whatever it was they decided to make their life's work

>> No.10331097

>Leave drinking to the stupid and naive normalfag.
People told me the normalfag life sucked, but I've been happier than ever.

If you moderate your intake and eat a whole food plant-based diet the damage to your body is pretty minimal.

>> No.10331108

It is a containment board, newfag. It just doesn't work very well because the moderation is trash.

>> No.10331113

yeah, but it attenuates my autism

>> No.10331116

Small amounts of alcohol is perfectly fine and does not damage your body or mind. Heavy drinking and binge drinking does.

Occasional alcohol consumption has health benefits in fact. Stop being a retard.

>> No.10331122

Two drinks of less than a pint per week can't be that bad desu, I've only started doing this recently.

>> No.10331129
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>Red wine gud for da heart memer thinks he can call someone else a retard
You realize that you can much easier aquire the same benefits just by eating healthy right?

>> No.10331139

I'm not even talking about red wine you tard, and no, just eating healthy does not actually give the same benefits of occasional alcohol consumption.

Any kind of alcohol helps lower your rate of heart disease and stroke because of having alcohol in your blood, it helps blood flow through all your veins and vein permeability. It is literally the effects of having an occasional depressant to relax your arteries and what alcohol does to your veins while in your blood.

Stop being a fucking moron.

>> No.10331150
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>calling me a newfag
>implying there is a rule against "degenerate posting"

I know your mother's phone number. Want me to tell her how much of a naughty boy you are?

>> No.10331155
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>Alcohol lowers rate of heart disease
>Having alcohol in your blood is a good thing
We've got a live one, boys

>> No.10331161

Occasional consumption of alcohol can health benefits. I literally don't know what your argument against this is other than posting memes.

>> No.10331163


>> No.10331174


>> No.10331177


>> No.10331230

Why is anyone even paying attention to the anti-alcohol people itt, when they have no friends, are virgins and have nothing worthwhile going for them? These points show there is something wrong with them, so why are you even wasting time entertaining them?

>> No.10331259

>Occasional alcohol consumption has health benefits in fact. Stop being a retard.
Health benefits for people living the standard American lifestyle, yes, but for "health freaks" (defined as people who get at least 30 minutes of exercise and eat 1 (ONE) serving of vegetables a day) it has no effect whatsoever.

>> No.10331270

Ok, show some evidence for what you're saying because I already posted a study that supports my position. You're just talking out your ass.

>> No.10331279

Keeps me on the edge, need it for survival.

>> No.10331282


>> No.10331293

[verb dih-jen-uh-reyt; adjective, noun dih-jen-er-it]
verb (used without object), degenerated, degenerating.
to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate:
The morale of the soldiers degenerated, and they were unable to fight.
to diminish in quality, especially from a former state of coherence, balance, integrity, etc.:
The debate degenerated into an exchange of insults.

Stop being text book degenerates

>> No.10331310

Also I am confused by what you mean for 'standard american lifestyle' when linking a UK study. The UK is nearly as fat as the USA.

>> No.10331322

>I am confused by what you mean for 'standard american lifestyle' when linking a UK study.
>those with poor health behaviours (little exercise, poor diet and smokers)

>> No.10331335

>when they have no friends, are virgins and have nothing worthwhile going for them?

this isn't a valid insult on 4chan

>> No.10331345

Alcohol is enjoyable as fuck. I can’t really imagine paying >$100 for a meal and drinking soda with it.

One thing I don’t understand though is people who only drink if their aiming to get wasted.

>> No.10331346

stop being textbook cancer, redditor

>> No.10331351


>people who only drink if their aiming to get wasted
>he thinks we're aiming at something

>> No.10331353
File: 15 KB, 447x378, 158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excited to turn 21
>gonna get drunk!
>see some dude comforting his girlfriend while she vomits on the train station platform
>why do people consider this fun?
>swear off it before hitting 21
>realize I have no idea what hard liquor tastes like
>friends just turned 21 so we get rum brandy and vodka
>picture related
Alcohol is one of man's greatest inventions.

>> No.10331362

They are fox and grapes faggots. I know someone in real life that doesn't like to drink so he doesn't want other people to do it either.

>> No.10331365

Well, the study doesn't seem to think among 'health freaks' there are negatives to moderate alcohol consumption. I am still not sure what the problem is.

>> No.10331374

>CONCLUSION: The cardioprotective benefit from moderate drinking does not apply equally to all drinkers, and this variability should be emphasised in public health messages.

Did you even read what I linked?

>> No.10331377

It's not an insult, it's who you people are. You don't ask children or the mentally handicapped for their option on economics, for example.

>> No.10331388

Did you not read what you just posted?

The benefits do not apply equally. The study did not conclude that there were health risks to 'health freaks' associated with moderate alcohol consumption.

>> No.10331399

it's not a valid reason to disregard someone on 4chan, either

i drink alcohol every day, btw

>> No.10331405
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>accams razor

>> No.10331414

I only aspire to outlive my parents, it would make my mom very sad if I died and even though she's done some bad stuff to me over the years I love her very much. Once they are gone I could give a shit if my liver gets up and walks off leaving me to die

>> No.10331417

I never even said that you retard, go back and read my posts.

>> No.10331470

It's a valid reason to disregard people anywhere. This isn't your safe space.

>> No.10331517

no it's not, and no it's not

>> No.10331540
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Dumbass normalshit.

>> No.10331547

Whatever you say, little man.

Dumbass subhuman who can't even do a simple task.

>> No.10331663

Will I become this retarded if I keep drinking?

>> No.10331671
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this, normies plz leave. Also OP, I know it's bad for me but it's fun for a night or two to indulge.

>> No.10331692

There's no way *you* can possibly become more retarded, Anon. Don't worry about it.

>> No.10331716

we would literally still be animals without alcohol. ethnogens created man.

>> No.10331740
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I am not merely killing off brain cells. I am systematically weeding out the weak ones.

>> No.10331899
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>OP brings up good points about why alcohol is bad
>It makes you fat and retarded over a period of time
>Alcohol drinking degenerates flock to this thread to disprove him
>Not a single person can actually generate a good reason why alcohol is a good thing
>Drinkers instead call non drinkers virgins and children, this proving OP's point
Really gets those neurons firing

>> No.10331923

nobody seriously thinks alcohol is a good thing you stupid moron
the thing is nobody cares, and nobody cares what stupid 12 year olds like you who just discovered /pol/ consider "degenerate"

>> No.10331930

Just like weed, alcohol only slows down development of the brain. It doesn't actually kill any brain cells. Unless of course you, you know, drink yourself to death.

>> No.10331940

Completely abstaining from something like alcohol is ridiculous. Yes, if you are a degenerate who can not control yourself or if you have some other health issues, abstention may be the best option for you. But you are more annoying than the typical militant vegan or health fad freak at this point.

>> No.10331941

Alcohol doesn't make you fat though, only eating more calories than you burn makes you fat. That statement makes as much sense as saying fruits and vegetables makes you fat. The only thing that can make you fat is yourself.

>> No.10331950
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>Implying I'm from /pol/
If you browse 4chan for long enough, you're gonna hear the word "degenerate" at some point or another. I'm using it because it's the only word fitting for the situation, you filthy alcohol guzzling degenerate.
>Alhol dseont gill bianr sells, ecksept, yuo no, wen it deos
That is some spectacular logic, anon. I'm glad your making so much progress. I'll tell you what, you're gonna die one day, so you might as well kill yourself now.

>> No.10331973

I don't mind other people drinking as long as they can manage their intake and know when to stop.
I have friends I refuse to be around when they drink because they will get so fucked up and then I end up having to babysit them the rest of the night.
I also see people who time after time get so fucked up to the point that they can barely stand up and get into their cars and drive home.
Bottom line is DRINK RESPONSIBLY or don't drink at all.

>> No.10331974

>Mariana Cordoba
Rest in peace, beauty.

>> No.10332004

Now you two are just OVERFLOWING with testosterone, aren't you?

>> No.10332008

That would be telling.

>> No.10332037
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>come into /ck/
>this is the first thread I see
How is this even a discussion? Alcohol is bad for you.

>> No.10332042

I am going bald.

>> No.10332144

I actually do have high test levels but that because I work heavy physical manual labor jobs.

>> No.10332174

>Completely abstaining from something like alcohol is ridiculous.
What the fuck? What is ridiculous about that?

>> No.10332390
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"Never trust a man who doesn't drink."

- Winston Churchill, arguably the greatest statesman of the 20th century. Join the adult world, faggot.

>> No.10332420

Grow up, manchild.

>> No.10332442

Because how far do you take it? Do you refuse to eat anything which was cooked with alcohol at some point, but which was extensively burned off (for all practical purposes, completely burned off)? Do you avoid all yeast products? Do you refuse to eat any kind of fruit that is not ripe directly off the tree and not over ripe by one day?

>> No.10332456

Oh, and I'll add religious reasons. I may not agree with it, but I certainly understand it.

>> No.10332461

He's obviously talking about not drinking alcoholic beverages

>> No.10332472

I got the hardest working liver in Wisconsin. What do you think? The little bastard could probably lift weights, it's so strong.

>> No.10332480

I never saw the point in drinking so I never started
I don't understand why people who do drink get so aggressive over fact that I don't

>> No.10332497

Because we use it to numb ourselves in place of real coping skills, and you saying you don't drink is like saying you live a healthier and happier life than we do, which is probably true but puts us off anyways.

Same reason obese people will chide people who are trying to lose weight for bringing a salad to work for lunch. We are self-destructive, and to excuse ourselves of guilt we delude ourselves into thinking our behavior is the norm and that anyone who's escaped the cycle is the misguided one.

>> No.10332498

I do drink, but you're a pathetic addicted retard if you think abstinence is "ridiculous". Ironically, you both have a lot of growing up to do yourselves if you actually think alcohol consumption is in any way a sign of maturity. I hope for your sake you're just falseflagging to make drinkers look like obnoxious morons.

>> No.10332499

Yes, and I'm saying that is still a ridiculous statement to make. I understand that some people need to draw a line for whatever works for them, but then to take the sort of attitude that is displayed in this thread, particularly buy the post that I was responding to, it is ridiculous.

>> No.10332503

Follow the replies, asshole.

>> No.10332507

Most would have had "genuis genes" as well as genes that predisposed them to hard work and perseverance.

By the same rite some of the genes linked to intelligence are also linked to depression and poor impulse control and as such it makes sense that some of the most prolific people would also be the most prolific drinkers. For them the calculus is pretty simple, they feel like shit and this substance will make them feel better for now while not really bringing them down significantly because they're already so far above the average drole that they fucking want to die.

A hundred years from now people will be talking about how the people of the here and now were so superstitious and why the fought so hard to reject the idea that our genetics are the biggest singular factor insofar as determining how we actually do the human.

>> No.10332513

>You shouldn't live because life is dangerous.

>> No.10332530

all evidence suggest moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial
Rather misleading to refer to it as poison, it takes a considerable amount to have negative effects, much more than actual poison's, and in fact more than a lot of chemicals that are considered healthy, like most vitamins

>> No.10332586

ITT: Mudslimes

>> No.10332593

>Friday night: bottle of wine
>Saturday night: 6-8 beers
>Sunday night: whatever is left from Saturday night
I've cut way back since I started my new job. I was drink every night while unemployed. My gut is shrinking and I don't wake up with pain in my stomach.

>> No.10332598

Quit being pedantic. Beer is a shit ton of liquid calories and is just as bad in soda; just like with soda, when people say it makes you fat, they mean that they make it easy to get fat. Wine isn't much better and even the lower calorie hard spirits actively make you hungry.

>> No.10332603
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Getting drunk is one of the few things I look forward too in life currently. That, and graduating college. Just drank a big can of Fosters and a big can of Busch ice, good beer.

>> No.10332611

I hate alcohol but can't get weed right now. When I have something to smoke I quit drinking and lose lots of weight, get lots of energy and go /out/ heaps. Alcohol just makes me mindlessly play Vidya and watch TV and it sucks.

>> No.10332616

I'm not sure why you think I didn't. Probably because you're a total retard, as evidenced by you conflating alcohol consumption with maturity.

>> No.10333049

if you enjoy drinking but don't because you're afraid of the consequences, you've sold your soul

>> No.10333066

i drink because i hate my life and am doing whatever i want till i run out of money and jump off my balcony

>> No.10333920

I keep saying I'll stop once I get back into my phys and sort my shit like I had it in the army.

That was 8 years ago though and I'm bouncing between shitty jobs.

>> No.10333936


>he thinks he can go back

Fuck, I bet your dumb ass even voted for Trump.

>> No.10333937
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I'm a bong

>> No.10333955


I bet you voted for May.

>> No.10333972

My constituency is a joke, the Labour MP could drive around telling people how he will rape all their babies and still get in. It's impenetrable.

The Conservative candidate was a qt though because she's shagging some guy with connections/interests to the party who is 30 years older than her

>> No.10333984

Your comment doesn't even make sense. What can't he go back too and what does Trump ( a man who refuses to drink alcohol) have to do with it?

>> No.10333997


Trump has nothing in common with his base, dum dum.

>> No.10334008


>> No.10334010

To the days when he was disciplined and in good physical condition. Are you new to English?

>> No.10334015
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this desu

Just feels like I'm floating through life. Nobody seems to give a fuck

>> No.10334017


It's funny because the entirety of the UK other than London is flyover, and London is basically the European equivalent of fucking Chicago.

>> No.10334030
File: 82 KB, 694x620, tumblr_oko18vUH6J1w329z4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full of vapid rich cunts and empty houses owned by Saudis and Chinese
>Not flyover


>> No.10334042


You apparently don't understand what Chicago is.

>> No.10334058
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I do, the aspect I'm arguing is London being the only place of interest.

Edinburgh is basically what London should be.
The UK is basically shit once you go South of York

>> No.10334068


To keep the analogy thing going (and I've lived in the UK and parts of the continent for a decent amount of time, in spite of being 'murrican), that's like an American telling a bong that the South is the cultural epicenter of the US.

>> No.10334076

1 glass of wine or 1 beer have many benefits on many of your organs (heart, bladder, kidney, etc.)

>> No.10334079



Yeah, it staves off the dt's for around 20 minutes.

>> No.10334081

What is this based on?

Culturally the South is a cesspit. Literally go to Edinburgh and the streets are cleaner, people are nicer and it looks nice.

London has done nothing but develop for the past 200 years beyond it's capacity. It's like New York. It's all grey and dirty. Outside the British Museum I would tell anyone to stay clear.

>> No.10334083

An association between moderate
drinking and lower risk for CHD does
not necessarily mean that alcohol itself
is the cause of the lower risk. For example,
a re v i ew of population studies indicates
that the higher mortality risk among
abstainers may be attributable to socioeconomic
and employment status, mental
health, overall health, and health habits
such as smoking, rather than part i c i p a n t s’
nonuse of alcohol (Fi l l m o re 1998).

>> No.10334088


It sounds like you're agreeing with me, but don't realize it.

>> No.10334091

London does not represent the South. You might as well look at the ghetto parts of Glasgow and presume the whole of Scotland is like that

>> No.10334094
File: 60 KB, 750x503, 1521739528947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but the pot and coke and molly and acid and shrooms and amphetamines are cool still right?

Fuck you

>> No.10334101
File: 2.52 MB, 1862x2333, 1519133117677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yeah, thinking about it....

Imagine London being 'the best the South has to offer', now compare it to Scotland's best or say Yorkshire (York).

It doesn't compare.

I live in a shitty ex mining town in Durham but in 5 mins walk I'm in gorgeous rolling countryside or a 10 min drive to something culturally/historically interesting.
London was fucking concreted over in the 80s for property developers.

I have seen nice areas in the South, I was in the army so was all around Surry a lot.

But the surrounding counties are full of tacky cunts too. They're ruining the area.

>> No.10334104


I haven't seen coke or acid for over a decade, but I've also spent the last decade on here pretty much every day. The other ones are definitely still cool.

>> No.10334117

London is most definitely not "the best the South has to offer", that was my whole point. Try Cambridge, Ely, Oxford, Bath, Norwich. If you're after natural countryside try Dorset, Cornwall, Norfolk. You seem to have a very sweeping opinion of the whole of the south based on a handful of bad experiences

>> No.10334118

Here's a reason: it tastes good and makes me feel good and I'm a fucking adult that can make my own choices. I guess the most important thing is it means I'm not a self-agrandising, insufferable cunt telling people how great I am for not drinking.

>> No.10334131

there's nothing cool about meth or weed. Pot is utilitarian at least but meth is bullshit. I see little difference between double wide tweakers and tech stock portion tweaks out west.
Acid might not be real anymore, we have convincing fakes that are decent enough to pretend are ok.
Cocaine is the name of the game tho, where have you been?
gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang

>> No.10334151


>immediately assumes meth

You've lost the plot, kid.

>> No.10334170

I understand what you're saying, but I personally think that's a cop out for a lot of people who just don't want to try because they didn't have the "right" genetic make up.
Eddie hall is a solid example of someone who beat out genetic superiors with extreme dedication and hard work.
LeBron James is genetically gifted but also devotes his entire life to basketball. I guess I just don't like the attitude of, well they have the right genes so it's easy for them, and that's the vibe I get from a lot of jaded people who simply give up without giving an ounce of effort towards anything in life while professional athletes and intellectuals are continuously pouring their entire beings into their work.

>> No.10334221
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Why don't we make something less harmful that people can use to give themselves permission to loosen up? Has anyone been charged with rape for fucking someone drunk on placebo cocktail?


>> No.10334310

Sure, do what you want to do and try your best, but understand that some things are impossible for you insofar as there will very likley always be someone who's better than you even if you put in more effort than them.

Just because you don't like how something sounds doesn't make it factually wrong. The world isn't nice like that, sometimes reality is a bitch.

>> No.10334517

>getting offended because not everyone wants to drink themselves into a coma every time they drink alcohol

>> No.10334782
File: 83 KB, 645x614, 1521464126941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A small amount of alcohol actually has health benefits
>A small amount of poison actually has health benefits

>> No.10334805

everything is poisonous quantity is what matters

>> No.10334832

>I don't know how to do simple searches

>> No.10334837

You shouldn't take medicine because it's actual poison that just makes you fat and temporary retarded, but one day, permanently retarded. Don't you love your liver anons?

>> No.10334860

Of course there's someone better. No one is ever the best anything. Humanity is constantly progressing. However, dwelling on some genetic difference won't lead you to discovering something some "genetic genius" may have overlooked. That mentality is very toxic.

>> No.10334890

stop being textbook autism, faggot

>> No.10334997
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Alcohol is a meme.

>tastes like ass (don't even try to correct this, it's either rubbing alcohol or watered down coke and you know it)
>gives you a hangover
>bad shits
>bad for liver
>mood swings

>> No.10335315

I'm not saying dwell on it? Where the fuck did I ever say that someone should dwell on it?

Seriously, fucking quote me. If I said that I didn't intend to.

Just acknowledge it and move on. People need to accept the fact that there's a good chance that being the best at something isn't something that is possible for them and do the best they can regardless, becuase trying your hardest and then blaming yourself for not trying hard enough when you don't beat the other guy that is trying just as hard as you and is just going to be better naturally is just as fucking toxic as saying to yourself that there is no point in trying in the first place because he's better.

We live in a world where we really don't have to be the best, and that's fucking wonderful. To a reasonable extent we have designed a world around us as to where survival of the fittest isn't a rule for us anymore, becuase pretty much everyone alive can survive and thrive as they are, regardless if they are from the best stock or the worst genetic abominations that were ever popped out of some bitches cunt.

Is it nice and flowery and motivational? Fuck no, it's really not, again reality ensues. However that isn't a reason to deny that fact because some people might get discouraged.

You play with the cards you are given, but if you just close your eyes and throw the cards on the table hoping that it's going to work out every time then you're far more likley to lose then if you carefully consider your choices and make the best plays you can in the given situation. Does that mean sometimes your best option is to fold on a hand? Yea sure, but there are also a lot of times where you can still win with a shit hand.

Pick up poker, you might learn something about life.

>> No.10335325

t. underage

>> No.10335478

Previous studies that showed that moderate drinking of alcohol was healthier than abstention failed to take into account that many of those who abstain were previous alcoholics who's health had already compromised by their previous drinking. When that subset it's eliminated, the relationship between drinking and death rate becomes linear - the more you drink, the poorer your health and the higher the death rate.

>> No.10335862
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>All these butthurt Al/cuck/holics being mad that they're being called out on their mental retardation

>> No.10336187
File: 582 KB, 966x913, 1519691014587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Al/kek/holic thinks he can call someone else underage

>> No.10336339

If you love your liver then why aren't you giving it the exercise it needs?

>> No.10336807


i think u need a drink anon.

you'll never get to tell your kids you got so shitfaced you broke your beer glass at D&B put the pieces in some random blokes beer and pursued to drink from it. Then causing security to chase you because you started to piss on the pool tables' legs. Yeah..I'm back to only drinking >2 daily since that's the amount for me where my health isn't at risk.

>> No.10336816


I honestly did acid the following evening not knowing if I would feel my intestines rupture from the glass. Moments like that make me content that I spent some time back, funding a home audio system. I don't get how you can't enjoy some drinks. Wine is probably tastiest followed by, beer, and (for me) vodka.

>> No.10338237

I want to ducking die

>> No.10338248

You're going about it the wrong way then

>> No.10338310
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>mfw someone tells me they don't drink

>> No.10338324

You literally just proved his point by calling him a dumb insult. You sure the alcohol hasn't fried your brain yet?

>> No.10338325

You're saying that just because someone else drinks means that it's ok for you too as well?

>> No.10338327
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The more you complain about Trump, the dumber you look.

>> No.10338612
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Just use it in moderation.
Your BAC should never go above 0.06


>> No.10338636


What exactly are people like you defending? The right to a boring-ass life? I can't believe you faggots are fucking virtue signaling about alcohol. Alcohol has been a part of human existence since time immemorial and you faggots are acting like you're in fucking MENSA for being teetotaler grandstanders. If you don't want to drink, fine, if you do, fine. It seriously doesn't matter. Everyone has a different definition of happiness and success. If you're on this board bragging about how you don't drink you're probably a retard for completely unrelated reasons.

>> No.10338639

Every drink of alcohol kills brain cells and they never grow back, just so you know.

>> No.10338647


That's cool. Being on this board does the same thing.

>> No.10338659


>tfw you hit .10 and hit "normal"

>> No.10338750

Hey, I actually agree. Finally someone who feels like me.

>> No.10338755

Not literally true, though.

>> No.10338804

>Why would anyone fucking do this to themselves, just for three hours of not being able to correctly feel sadness?
This DESU.

I finally understood that I use alcohol as an escapist tool for when I don't feel good enough.

The problem is that as a Belgian, our whole culture is about beer. The only reason why half of my friends are my friends is because we share an alcohol consumption routine.

I've limited my alcohol consumption the last month and it's been going pretty well (limiting the amount of drinks and only drinking light beer). I don't know if I will ever be able to fully stop though. Also it's much harder to survive parties where you aren't having fun if you don't want to get drunk.

>> No.10338836


>three hours of not being able to correctly feel sadness
>three hours

Try 10 years. Dumb europoors once again losing the plot.

>> No.10338905

If you've been drunk these past 10 years to suppress your sadness, try not drinking for a while and see how that goes

>> No.10338920


What a dumb thing to suggest.

>> No.10338940

>Don't you love your liver anons?
if i loved any part of myself i probably wouldnt be drinking

>> No.10339148

are you me?

>> No.10339202

jesus drank wine and so should can you!
wine is good

>> No.10339683
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>OP calmly explains in a completely in arguably way why alcohol consumption is bad
>Butthurt Al/cuck/holic goes completely defensive and calls OP a retard and a faggot, proving his point yet again
It's like clockwork

>> No.10339708
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>no one else could possibly behave similarly

>> No.10339716

I drink alcohol because it tastes good

>> No.10340211

I mean realistically it has more to do with socioeconomic status. Twin studies in low income families only accounted for 8% genetic influence, while in high socioeconomic status it was around 75%. Having access to resources that can enrich your mind can help greatly, letting people reach their full genetic potential.
For the most part genetics doesn't influence more than nutrition and environment because people do not have time to read and hone their skills.

It's pointless to argue about this. The point is an individual who has a self defeating attitude will not succeed. Yes, you should do what you're best at. However, if you stop doing something because you fail at it, then come to the conclusion that you're not that smart. That is what you will become.

>> No.10340355

>Twin studies in low income families only accounted for 8% genetic influence, while in high socioeconomic status it was around 75%. Having access to resources that can enrich your mind can help greatly, letting people reach their full genetic potential.
Source now

>> No.10340386

The 2 years I was sober were amazing, after I got thru the 6 weeks of hell.

>> No.10340444

*tips fedora*

>> No.10340450

Found the soyboy. We're all super impressed by how calm you are.

>> No.10340861

Name one

>> No.10340872

Mark Twain

>> No.10340905

Not everyone can't stop themselves after two drinks.

>> No.10341535

i came here looking for /alc/. I found this thread. fuck you puritan faggots.

>> No.10341565 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 92933B63-5B34-4820-89EA-7D7A4C5D94EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mark Twain
nice try

>> No.10341583
File: 453 KB, 1488x918, DAD3C08D-C654-41AD-94CE-484EB58A08EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mark Twain
nice try

>> No.10341674

Really, thanks cuck!

>> No.10341683

>I'm more intelligent than Mark Twain
*Tips fedora*
Fuck you too Al/kek/holic

>> No.10341687

>When alcohol makes you it's bitch

>> No.10341704
File: 12 KB, 876x451, 1474081178444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck, it's a total shit show in here. OP here, I made this thread like two days ago and forgot about it because my computer had to restart. Half of you idiots are completely missing the point of my post, it's not about not drinking to look down upon drinkers, or to flaunt some kind of superiority, or just to inflate your ego. It's about not drinking because it's bad for you! Why is everyone so fucking defensive?

>> No.10342624

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.10344124

my kryptonite is sugar.

i count calories

and I have about 3 beers a month

but a third of my carbs are sweets.