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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 390x400, burger king speaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10330690 No.10330690 [Reply] [Original]

*yells order into speaker before employee starts speaking*

>> No.10330701

It's about establishing dominance first.

>> No.10330709

*starts saying order without even fully stopping the car yet*

>> No.10330713

>"does everything look correct on the screen?"
>the screen isn't even on

>> No.10330718

*raps order*
Big Mac..

>> No.10330735

can i have...
... a minute?

>> No.10330743


>> No.10330746

>roll up to the window
>automated thing the store chain recorded goes “hi would you like to try the ____?”
>say “uhhh no thanks”
>the worker then hears me and say “what? I didn’t say anything.”
>”uhhhh ok gotta go”
>drive out of drive thru lane and never come back to restaurant

>> No.10330749

This, wageslaves need to know their place.

>> No.10330753

can someone please explain the significance of this animation?

>> No.10330766 [DELETED] 


>mumble order
>get order right

>speak clearly
>get order wrong

>> No.10330769
File: 1.31 MB, 2941x3000, OUCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drive up to screen at 65 mph,
>Go past screen have to back up.
>Take out 12" subwoofer and blast it at the screen with order for 5 minutes straight.
>Drive up to first window and throw wad of cash at window.
>Drive up to next window and blare on the horn and yell at the employees for my order.
>Collect order.
>Take off down street at 155 mph.

>> No.10330770


turn on the closed captioning. The video is saying that McDonald workers are monkeys that don't speak human tongue.

>> No.10330796

>totally trashed from a night of drinking and screaming into my mic playing BF4
>hop on bike and ride to Whataburger because they're open 24/7
>cold as fuck outside, or at least it was cold for Texas
>peddle on up to the drive thru because i assumed that the counter wasn't open
>talk box greets me
>can i uhhhh
>"sir are you on a bike"
>i uh...
>"bruh you need to be in a car to use the drive through"
>"also aren't you cold? come inside" can hear him mumble "what the fuck" before turning off the intercom
>horribly embarrassed i just peddle back home in shame

>> No.10330804

*Barely heard, muffled mumbling into a microphone*







>> No.10330806

Drive through speakers aren't motion sensitive. If you aren't in a car they won't know you are there. They only know if someone is at drive through if the speaker hears the sound of an engine.

>> No.10330808

>be drunk as fuck
>dont own a car, but the doors of the establishment are already closed
>walk between cars to order from drive-thru

>> No.10330820

*orders the cheapest thing on the menu*
*pays with a $100 bill that doesn't even have a blue strip*

>> No.10330825
File: 92 KB, 310x310, the confusening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a camera

>> No.10330828

>orders the most expensive thing
>tries to pay with a check

>> No.10330834


not every drive through place has outside cameras. not every drive through is equipped with monitors near the registers. A bell sounds in the employee headsets when the speaker picks up the sound of an engine that lasts more than 2-3 seconds.

>> No.10330835
File: 177 KB, 400x300, bill sunglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order 4 different things each with different instructions for what you want added/removed
>spend 5 minutes at the window checking the food before you drive off

>> No.10330839

There's a sensor under the pavement that detects the metal in the car

>> No.10330851

you ya know you could just install an incredibly cheap camera so employees have an idea of who is ordering what because it's 2018 and we don't need anything more convoluted than that because cameras are very very cheap

>> No.10330852

Nigga you could've easily went in and chilled, probably would've gotten some free food and shit. I'm in South Texas so most Whataburger's (fast food workers in general) here don't care after-hours. Also it's fun too watch people get in fights around 2AM.

>> No.10330857

jeez woman you need to lurk more

>> No.10330869


you're assuming that an employee is always going to be at a register staring at monitors. Having an audio cue allows employees to be able to take orders while bagging orders . The audio cue lets employees know when a customer is ready to order while the employee is doing something away from the register such as cleaning dining room or getting supplies from the storage area/fridge/freezer.

>> No.10330873
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 86B22E06-DFCB-4F9B-B668-EFA7CE9572BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*quotes old interbutt video*

>> No.10330874
File: 28 KB, 268x228, 158789844133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked at a drive thru. I have some stories.

>Be me
>Pretty dead night, nobody's really been going through
>Talking to buddy when headset beeps
>"Hi, what can I get you today?"
>No answer
>Still no answer
>Repeat again
Fast forward 5 minutes, assume the sensor is fucked and forget about it
>Manager runs in saying we have 10 cars in line
>Suddenly hear honking
>Not consistent honks, just one long ass honk that never ends
>FINALLY person drives up
>"Why didn't anyone take my order?!"
>Check speaker, it works fine
>Still wonder why one wouldn't just drive up if they apparently can't hear the speaker

>> No.10330879

You sound like an absolute moron

>> No.10330881

Fuck I hate those retarded things. I haven't seen one in at least a year thank God. Whatever braindead piece of trash thought of that deserves to be raped repeatedly.

>> No.10330886

lol you watch family guy too?

>> No.10330904


>repeat 3 times
>still no reply
>customer ignores you until they figure out what they want

>> No.10330911

What fast food place have you ever seen where they don't have at least one person dedicated to drive thu orders? dumb fuck. Also a camera would more efficiently work as a motion sensor to begin with. What about wind and other loud shit? You could still have an alert tone with a video motion sensor.
a video feed just makes sense in every way and it's what they use

>> No.10330924

I don't do that.

>> No.10330925


Having a dedicated drive through employee doesn't mean they never leave the area. There might be a dedicated order taker during breakfast and lunch rushes , but early morning, afternoon, night shift, and grave yard shifts may have less people (only one person for fryer and grill, only one person for drive through and front). The person taking the order is also the person who has to make the drinks and bag the food.

>> No.10330926

No way dude, a camera would be too hard, instead we need to install magnets and shit in the ground, a microphone to listen for engine noise and an infrared sensor to look for engine heat, all this gets piped into a server that processes the information using the latest in machine learning software to send a beep to the drive through if it thinks it detects a car.

>> No.10330930


they make camera's that beep whenever they detect motion in a specific area, they are easy to setup and cheap.

Source: I setup a couple for my houses security system.

>> No.10330935

>The person taking the order is also the person who has to make the drinks and bag the food.
which is why it might be helpful to know which car you're dealing with ON THE MONITOR YOU"RE LOOKING at

>> No.10330937


it depends on the restaurant and if it's okay with the regional manager.

>> No.10330957

don't talk shit about dunkey

>> No.10330978

>ayyo can I get a fuckin' uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.10330982

ive always wanted to do that. just dive up, yell "ill have a number 1, thanks" and then pull right up to the window where you pay.

>> No.10330998

>being this much of a picky fuck
why do people do this? i understand doing that at an actual sit down restaurant but for fast food? at that point, just make your own damn food.

>> No.10331006


only do this if there's no car behind you. They want to know if you want it as a combo, what size, what kind of side, what kind of drink. If you do this while cars are behind you they have to take your order at the window while holding up the car behind you. The customer behind you gets all upset and demands free stuff.

>> No.10331012

I do it all the time because I don't like ordering through the stupid speakers, I prefer to order by talking to the person in the window directly so there are no mistakes made. Plus it's a pain in the ass trying to understand those shitty speakers.

>> No.10331025


If a car pulls up right after you and pulls the same stunt it can complicate things. It's not uncommon for customers to say their order and pull over without employee ever getting a word in. While a customer is talking to you at the window they are being yelled at by a customer through the head set.

>> No.10331037


it's not just the customer that's yelling at the employee, but also the person in charge wondering why their drive through employee is putting a customer on hold. Kitchen likes to make the order as quick at they can to things going. They like to hear your order through their headset so they can prepare everything as quick as possible.

>> No.10331046

god damn, that's a blast from the past

>> No.10331052

sucks to be them, but as the customer I prefer to order face to face and that's what they are going to have to deal with

>> No.10331063

>order over speaker at BK
>they fucking always forget something, need to go back in anyway

>> No.10331178

>itt: too fatass and lazy to get out of the car and walk into the fastfood trough to place an order and complain about the process to accomodate their laziness.
Never change /ck/.

>> No.10331212


>finish work
>want to get dinner for the family
>too tired to walk up to counter and get food
>order food
>something goes wrong with the order I paid good money for
>minimum wage employee tries to guilt trip me into feeling sorry for them when it was their fault they screwed something up

>> No.10331238

lol @ all the bottom of the tier wage workers who are getting so uppity in this thread. You have literally the lowest job in the US when it comes to respect, people literally make fun of you if they know you work in fast food, it's worse than being a garbage man or even a sewer worker you are at the very bottom of the work force.

>> No.10331262

t.amerigoblin who cant wait the extra 10 minutes to eat his 5 big macs

>> No.10331272


I treat fast food workers like they are; scum.

>> No.10331288

>Your are scum.
>But I am still going to eat the food you serve.
Nigger what?
You look down on people who staff a position that you as a consumer rely on to get your food?
Are you retarded?

>> No.10331296
File: 236 KB, 580x563, 1ECAE82FCB7F4757922B43B820328C8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcworker detected

Get to bed soon, Ill be ordering my mcmuffies bright and early tomorrow ;>)

>> No.10331316

>work a shitass non-union job where I'm too worn out to walk from a parking lot to a counter and back again to obtain my family's daily ration of pig slop
>bitch about the worker serving my pigslop who's worn out from slaving at a non-union job
You have no one to blame but yourself. That worker is in the precise situation you are, cuck.

>> No.10331358
File: 7 KB, 200x169, 1781579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pull up to the speaker
>Immediately greeted by super peppy grill: Hi! Would you like to try a<insert whatever high margin bullshit we're pushing this week>
>Uhh. No thanks. I'll take a number 3 with a Coke
>Completely different person: Go ahead and order when you're ready
>mfw the fucking recording got me again.

>> No.10331541

Awww yes! Now the kids just throw soda on the McWorker. No style.

>> No.10331556

>just throw soda on the McWorker.


>> No.10331603
File: 9 KB, 183x200, angry paper peach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>employee's speech is incomprehensible
>ask them to repeat it
>"that'll be $10.99 at the window thank you"

>> No.10331668

>ask him to repeat what he said
>he does
>get mad

Are you a woman?

>> No.10331699

the incomprehensible speech was the start of the exchange, i hadn't ordered anything yet.

>> No.10331707

>"welcome to ___ how are you today"
>"good thanks, and you?"
>"great what can I get for you"
But you can hear the absolute lifelessness in their voice
I feel bad every time

>> No.10331726

956 here. You?

>> No.10331732

you should cheer them up some more by giving them a nice long chat about how your day is going and what you have been up to and what you are planning on doing for the rest of the week.

>> No.10331742

>hi what can I get for you today?
>(order food)
>ok and would you like to donate $1 to st judes cancer kids today?
>no thanks (please dont cum in my food)

>> No.10331745

>*automated message plays that ends with “go ahead with your order”*
>”Yesh, could I gets a-“


>> No.10331765

What places do this? Don't think I've ever been to a place that played an automated message.

>> No.10331766

361, Just how Mestizo are you?

>> No.10331785

The Popeyes on base at Ft Hood

>> No.10331796

>"Hi, what can I get you"
>A small Original Chicken Sandwich meal, no lettuce, with a Cream Soda no ice, and a side of Buffalo Sauce"
>*Order comes up correct on the screen*
>"Anything else?"
>"No thank you"
>Get food
>Soda has ice
>Can live with the ice I guess more germs won't hurt
>Original Chicken has Lettuce
>Their lettuce tastes funky and smells awful (I hate their lettuce so fucking bad)
>Taints the entire meal

Every FUCKING TIME. It's gotten to the point where I check before I leave the parking lot cause it's wrong literally 75% of the time.

>> No.10331805
File: 51 KB, 400x474, E1EC8084-55DE-4AAD-A1C2-C6BAD983B332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”Your fork and straw are in the bag”
>they’re not in the bag

>> No.10331813

not when they ddos u

>> No.10331825

>hi what can I get for you today?
>(order food)
>ok and would you like to donate $1 to st judes cancer kids today?
>please don't cum in my food

>> No.10331833

>>hi what can I get for you today?
>>(order food)
>>ok and would you like to donate $1 to st judes cancer kids today?
>>only if you cum in my food

>> No.10331850
File: 63 KB, 598x900, 1CD67DDC-2084-4D77-A1B8-EDC5B366093F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That’ll be $14.99 plus tip

>> No.10331851

Me and some friends skipped class one time in high school, and decided to get high and go to Taco Bell.

We were in the drive thru and had a brilliant idea. We scrawled on a scrap of paper "Speaker is not working right...please yell order VERY loudly so we can hear you. Sorry for the inconvenience!", and taped it to the order speaker.

We ordered and scarfed our food down in the parking lot, and then ran inside, ordered more food, and then sat down near the front and waited.

It only took about 30 seconds before, audible in the entire restaurant...


This happened 4 or 5 times before poor LaQuisha at the window screamed back "WHAT THA FUCK IS GOING" while we were dying in our seats

>> No.10331857

They can't even hack the gibson. Fucking plebs

>> No.10331868


Why do people keep complaining about retail/food industry workers sounding or looking lifeless? You are not the only customer they are dealing with. They are still people and they get tired repeating the same thing all day and being treated like trash. They are not always going to fake a smile or preppy attitude for everyone for 6-8 hours straight. If you are off-put by a fast food employee not being super happy to see you, why expect them to be super happy after dealing with the 50thcustomer that day?

>> No.10331882

Former 361, 956, currently Houston here.

What kind of Texan doesn't understand that Whataburger is 24/7?

>> No.10331883

My hooker is always happy to see me and I know she's already made 50 other guy bust a nut. Checkmate atheists

>> No.10331887

Lol I always tip 0.

Same guy everytime too

>> No.10331889


as a sex worker , 50 is a high number. 10 is usually the max per day.

>> No.10331955

Do you take it in the poop shoot?

>> No.10331960

unnn *tss* unn unnn
big mac
unnn *tss* unn unn
big mac
i need a double number 7 and hold the lettuce
dont be frontin son no seeds on the bun
we be up in this drive thru order for two
i gots a cravin for a number 9 like my shoe
we need some chicken up in here
in this dizzle
for rizzle my nizzle
extra salt on the frizzle
dr peppa my brotha
anotha for your motha
double double super size
and dont forget the fries

>> No.10331964

I have a guy who orders every week and never tips, after the first few orders I started messing with his food everytime, usually its just a little snot or spit, but sometimes I go a bit further like rubbing little bits of do shit in.

>> No.10331971


>> No.10331975


>> No.10331984

>Say my complete order in one sentence
>*uhhhh can you repeat that*

>> No.10331993


>to repeat an action over and over, expecting a different outcome each time, is surely the definition of madness

>> No.10332403


>> No.10332478
File: 15 KB, 152x219, youbestbejokingnigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say order clearly and slowly, and in an order I would imagine the worker would most easily enter my request
>almost never get anything in my order wrong

>> No.10332522

if it's the same guy it's pretty much guaranteed you've tasted his bodily fluids at this point

>> No.10332714

Thx for writing the lyrics we used to try and imitate it in high school. That was 12yrs ago.

>> No.10332777

Have you ever been in a drive-thru? There's a line for a reason, dumbass.

>> No.10332830

This shit right here and it's only this one BK that does it. They forgot something twice in a row and when I called them they didn't answer the phone. The only other BK near me are much further away.

>> No.10332842
File: 165 KB, 500x500, donut-demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"would you like to dona..."

>> No.10332850

would rather be homeless/die than work at a Mcdonalds

>> No.10332867
File: 601 KB, 1600x1143, okay dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing burger run for family, somewhat complicated order but nothing ridiculous
>give order clearly and slowly
>they repeat it but get something wrong
>correct them
>they repeat it again but get something else wrong this time
>this happens twice more
>can hear the guy getting seriously frustrated
>eventually just drive away, circle around the block and reenter the drivethrough
>different person answers, gets everything right the first time

>> No.10332906

>i need a double number 7 and hold the lettuce
I need a double cheeseburger and hold the lettuce

>> No.10332907

>Ordering food for multiple people from the drive through
>ordering multiple orders that require special instructions
you're the one at fault here

>> No.10332941

>employee is payed to do a job
>fucks it up
Its all on the employee

>> No.10332989
File: 115 KB, 200x200, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10332990

>"Welcome to X, how are you doing tonight?"
>Go into a long explanation of how I'm actually doing that night
God I'm so lonely

>> No.10333009


>> No.10333021
File: 713 KB, 3840x2160, 1393531957887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pull up to the window
>Cashier is someone you knew from Highschool

>> No.10333026

>virgin drive through vs the chad walk in

>> No.10333040

>Ask for no mayo on my baconator multiple fucking times to make sure they understood
>still get mayo on my burger

this only happens at wendys, and they are all white too.

>> No.10333078
File: 53 KB, 960x577, 1515021982209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's their way of saying you have to go back

>> No.10333135

I usualy just scratch my ass and swipe it to the crust

>> No.10333175

Do your fucking job.

>> No.10333180


>> No.10333207

*intentionally leaving out words so they think the equipment is malfunctioning*

>> No.10333418

Why isnt there a menu before the box and at the box. You can know decide while the person in front of you is ordering.

>> No.10333490

It's called "humor".
Something that non-autostic nuero-typicals enjoy.

>> No.10333886

*goes to drive through while intoxicated and makes order with very slurred speech and long awkward pauses*
*pulls up to the window before finishing order and orders more food at the window*
*gets food*
*ask to make another order*

>> No.10333910
File: 5 KB, 259x194, 8B720D65-7B09-4664-BBF9-79114A835A3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.*

>> No.10333951

>tfw I have a fetish for sexy pizza boy bodily fluids
Keep it up wagey, maybe cum on it next?

>> No.10333990


I always found it kind of sad that he never got the chance to go inside and fill up his large cup at the soda fountain.

>> No.10333999

You don't have to be amused by everything that was intended to be funny. A lot of jokes are just bad. Such as this one, for instance.

>> No.10334110

i cant relate to any of these stories because i havent gone to fast food places since I was 15 because im not a fucking faggot

>> No.10334149

>hi what can I get for you today?
>(order food)
>ok and would you like to donate $1 to have st judes cancer kids cum in your food today?

>> No.10334157

You're a faggot aren't you?

>> No.10334176

>goes out of own way to confirm autism

>> No.10334178

>hi what can I get for you today?
>(order food)
>ok and would you like to donate $1 to have st judes kids cum cancer into your food today?

>> No.10334594
File: 23 KB, 605x328, 34850235992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's your fault that the wagecucks can't handle that what you want is more complex than a small fry

>> No.10334647

>call in order to store
>drive past the speaker and menu and just pull up to the window
>people never understand that no one working here knows you're there

>> No.10334690

>hi would you like to try our double whopper?
>uhh no thanks
>can i get a diouble whopper with fries

>> No.10334729
File: 2.24 MB, 375x300, BLM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have clinical OCD
>typically cant speak unless I do a 5 - 8 step routine
>on good days its sometimes only 4 steps
>but it's never less than 8 on tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays
>routine consists of repeated syllables, extended "mmmm"s, hand gestures (I've managed to make these seem casual), lip palpitations or outright stutters
>various symptoms alternate but I've noticed the hand gestures always land somewhere in the middle
>havent been able to sort out a pattern, as losing focus means I have to do all of it over again
>these 5 to 8 (or 4) steps sometimes also need to be repeated 4 - 8 times each
>this means talking to anybody is essentially a toss up of half a minute to several minutes before I can say anything
>this happens once per sentence; I can say the entire sentence after, but it's once per sentence
>if I randomly have to do one of the long ones for you I will always have to do that exact number and pattern
>sometimes this happens on the phone or in a drivethru
>employees think no one is there, someone's playing a prank, etc.
>have to go into the store every time I care enough to get fast food
>have to put some wage slave through the agonizingly awkward process of me having to exercise my OCD before I can do anything
>most fast food places dont have automated service yet so I can put in my order in 10 seconds
>never feel like an actual human being

>> No.10334756

You should probably get some help, snowflake.

>> No.10334768


>> No.10334785


I moved out of that area, but I'll admit I miss seeing fights happen at 3am at Ultimo Taco. Their food was pretty good too.

>> No.10334794

babby's first post?

>> No.10334816

>peddling on a bike
New Jersyan here, do they really do this in Texas?

>> No.10334820

>lookup menu online
>practice ordering
>record order onto cellphone
>pull up to drive through
>play audio clip

>> No.10334834

What the fuck

>> No.10334846

I just thought of something sad, do some of you losers work in fast food and come to /ck because you think you are cooks? I sure hope not, because you are the not cooks, you barely even work with something that could be called food, to call a fast food worker a cook is like calling a janitor a sanitation engineer, it's just sad.

>> No.10334847


>> No.10334871

>Do you want to try our new super awesome sauce? Teehee

>> No.10334887
File: 99 KB, 720x602, 1515472678348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 something year old McMommy calls me sweetie after she gives me my receipt

>> No.10334906

There is an actual magnet that alerts the employees along with cameras at McDonald's (corporate stores with double drive thru)
Also fuck the portable POS they had us using; it was a ahit show.

>> No.10334920

>hi welcome to Burger King may I ta-

>> No.10334924
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1445916809781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to McDonalds drive thru at 2am with buddy
>"Hi how are you doing tonight, may I take your order?"
>"Yeah can I get the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
>Give my friend the thumbs up
>He pulls down his pants and I roll down the back window
>He presses his ass against the speaker and lets out a roaring fart
>Drive away
>Get Burger King instead

>> No.10334929


>> No.10334950

This disturbs me greatly.
>Shopping for pet food and supplies
>card reader askes if I want to help dogs with heart disease
>Maximum donation
I really was heart broken but why am I gushing my heart out on an Alasken bobsledding forum?
Copious amounts of alcohol.

>> No.10334967
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like you

>> No.10334968

>currently Houston
I'm so sorry...

>> No.10334992

>be working the drive thru
>Chad from the high school football team pulls up in a porsche

>> No.10335003

>have clinical OCD

Stopped reading there.
Off yourself already you fucking defective.

>> No.10335009

Fucking delete this...

>> No.10335020

>somewhat complicated

no, you're a faggot and ordering retarded shit at a drivethru. just learn to make burgers; it's not difficult.

>> No.10335033

I've had this happen it was hilarious because me and a couple of friends were in the car together and someone took a snapchat of him giving us our orders and they shared it with everyone from the school.

>> No.10335040
File: 67 KB, 577x556, zero orangutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope something terrible happens to you and your friends.

>> No.10335042



>> No.10335052
File: 24 KB, 400x600, what the fuck, you faggot pleb get away..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, you're in school and he's working a job and you're saying that's embarrassing?

Just try not to live on mommy and daddy welfare till you're in you're late 20's there, kiddo.

>> No.10335057


>> No.10335059


i drive a prius which stays in battery mode in any fast food drive thru so this is false

>> No.10335065
File: 77 KB, 473x501, 1511190249115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snapchat exists
>While you're still in School
Looking forward to your 18th champ?

>> No.10335066


fuck off cuckwage manager nobody has sympathy for these dumbasses who dont realize a fucking grocery store deli job pays over $10 for entry level positions and is 10x easier and more laid back and less stressful

>> No.10335067

lol we knew him from high school and we are all now in college while he's working as a loser in Wendy's, of course everyone is gonna make fun of him for getting stuck in one of the shittiest jobs I can think of while we are all out partying.

>> No.10335070

partying on mom and daddy's dime kiddo; I hope you're not getting a 'meme' degree cause life's gonna hit you in the face like a brick.

>> No.10335072

you serious

>> No.10335076



>pull up to one of the top 5 chains
>*bleaearaer / legit shenequa black lady voice* HAY WELCUM TO MAI MACDONALDS CAN I INTEREST U IN (insert latest meme meal they're shilling this month)
>*immediately cut to mundane dreamer female tone and volume much lower than the recording* hi order when your ready

>> No.10335078

This better be bait, going to college while mommy and daddy pay for it is nothing to brag about. That guy is working hard and making the best of his circumstances. You and your friends sound like total fucking cunts.

>> No.10335079

>pulling up to a mcdonald's

how fucking fat and retarded are you

>> No.10335083


dude garbage and sewermen make fucking bank

>> No.10335090

that's gay

>> No.10335155
File: 50 KB, 198x210, 1521473245410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order food
>is that it
>didn't even say anything

why are you gonna say "my pleasure" when i don't say shit? EVERY place here does this.

>> No.10335159

Prius drive through master race. Represent!

>> No.10335170

this has been mentioned a lot, seeing as you're illiterate it makes sense you're one of the retards that somehow falls for it

>> No.10335365

Drivethrough orders get priority, though. You're dumb if you go inside when you aren't required to.

>> No.10335463

/o/ here. get the fuck off >my road before i run you the fuck over

>> No.10335466

big if true

>> No.10335470

not him but i've had snapchat since 2012 which was my senior year of high school so he's not guaranteed to be underage

>> No.10335502

>doesnt post 8 times

>> No.10335538


>> No.10335588

fucking kek

>> No.10335590
File: 227 KB, 900x675, loserlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how do fast food workers even stand what they do without killing themselves? I would be so embarrassed if I had to work at a fast food place and anyone knew about it, I don't think I could even wear the uniform outside.

>> No.10335599


Peer pressure. The job is stressful for everyone, but you want to stay strong as to not look like a weakling in front of your co workers or customers. If you are working fast food is usually the most convenient choice for you at the moment and you really need the money.

>> No.10335624

>so how do fast food workers even stand what they do without killing themselves?

Because most of us are in high school? I'm a senior, 18 and it's frowned upon of course, but everyone is in the same boat. All my coworkers are in high school, even some of my managers. Nobody gets a good job at this age without experience, so nobody gives a shit.

>> No.10335671

people who are lifers in those kinds of jobs either have mental deficiencies or like how it frees them from any responsibility or effort, even getting fired from one of those jobs doesn't matter at all since turnover is so high they can just jump to a different identical job they can squeak by on with just below minimum effort

>> No.10335672


Not everyone lives next to a place with no skill labor that is also hiring.

>> No.10335721

Why are food service employees such sociopaths?

>> No.10335763

I had something similar happen.
One of the people on my end of operations started to have a visible mental breakdown and this led to a viscous interdepartmental rivalry. The other side of operations feared and hated us just because of -his- shit. Finally one day he got his ass fired. Finally.

As I was going out to take my smoke break a woman from the other half of the department walked up to me with a smug look.

>"Are you gonna follow your little buddy out the door?"

I explained the guy was never 'my buddy' and the question was pretty damned out of bounds.

Nearly two decades later I came across her working in a chili restaurant. Automation had caused her to get pink slipped. So yeah, this lady who was a total bitch to me got to take my order. lol

>> No.10335789

One time I had my ass hanging out the window and mooned the people inside at the pick up window. One of them noticed I had a little bit of doody stuck to my ass hair so they wiped me. Nice people.

>> No.10335932

>ask for a chicken sandwich with no mayo
>get a burger with mayo

>> No.10335994
File: 40 KB, 960x720, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he gives you a discount and a free frozen drink

>> No.10336028
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1505716803629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have loads of extra fries 2 minutes before close
>Stoners in the drive thru ask for free water
>Give them the fries
>Tfw King of the stoners now

>> No.10336063

>go to taco bell
>all of the employees are stoner goofballs
>pull up to get my order
>bro do you need more tacos?
>bro, like, fucking uhhhhhh, I messed up another order so just take these extra tacos
god bless them

>> No.10336118
File: 200 KB, 764x512, 1503956797753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats me everytime.

>> No.10336122

Do you know how annoying it is for us when you faggots "need a minute" decent people with iq above the functional retard level know what they're getting before they come, you're holding the line up for everyone then we get blamed for the slow service. I think I speak on behalf of all fast food workers when I say fuck you, you indecisive faggot.

>> No.10336169

>drive up
>Uhhhhhhhhhh how can i take your order dude
>"Sup my man I'll have a number 2 combo with the tea"
>Dude your voice is amazing i love you
> Wtf my voice is absolutely nothing remarkable
>"Thanks man"
>Drive up, see the dude poking his head out the window
>Rips a fat vape
>Fuck bro, sorry didn't mean to puff at ya...wanna hit it?
>"I'm... I'm good man, thanks"
>RIGHT ON I RESPECT YA, Here, drink's on the house!
>Burger has store bought greens and tomato on it, meat has proper seasoning on it, fucking delicious. He's working alone at a night shift.
>Go back the next day to thank him and his ass is fired
Thank you Wendy's stoner, your burger was awesome.

>> No.10336176


I kind of like it when people need a minute to order. Gives people time to finish making orders, restock, or clean something.

>> No.10336183


>> No.10336185

Fuck you nigger I don't know what's on the menu and i want to try something new. Also don't talk about IQ when you're working fast food, buddy.

>> No.10336209

maybe if the menu signs were a bit further back I wouldn't need 15 seconds to read them at the fucking speaker

>> No.10336276

it's a fucking McDonald's or Burger King or some other fast food shit. it's pretty mich the same menu everytime and it hardly ever changes

>> No.10336292

I don't eat there often enough to remember the menu dude. Don't forget to change your tampon.

>> No.10336575


>> No.10336579

I make over 11 an hour at my joint and I'm being groomed to be a shift manager, I'm not some dumb shit fast food worker they just pick up off the street, you probably live in your parents basement, don't judge me faggot

>> No.10336602

I hate when you get the fuckers with like 6 people in their car ordering. Or I've seen fuckers go up and order a large pop and thats it, there should still be death by firing squad

>> No.10336752

I'm making 17 an hour fixing people's computers but nice try dipshit. Enjoy your dead-end low paycap job with shit tier benefits.

>> No.10337042

Have you thought of just writing it down, maybe pretending to be dumb (unable to speak)?

>> No.10337189

Wear a jacket lmao

>> No.10337247
File: 102 KB, 700x700, 1521740921223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanna use a coupon do I tell the person at the ordering microphone or at the pay window?

>> No.10337254


Tell them at the speaker because sometimes the coupon only works with certain sizes. If you request a large combo and the combo is for a small combo they will have to change the order at the window.

>> No.10337805

you forgot it needs internet as well

>> No.10337865
File: 23 KB, 300x309, redhate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Will that be everything?"
>Actually, could I also get a small strawberry shake?
>"The ice cream machine's broken"
>Oh, okay, I guess that will be everything then.

>> No.10337887

>implying I need to cuck myself with a union
>not just beating the shit out your boss when he doesn't meet your demands

>> No.10337888

I know we're anonymous but I felt kinda mean writing that earlier. Sorry.

>> No.10337894

>expecting a free conversation
fucking /ck/ommies

>> No.10337898

because they believe their minimum wage shit tier job means something

>> No.10337924

*hands you a single bag*

>> No.10337983

BK actually has motion detectors that make a beep into the mics they use so they know whe you're there
t.worked 2 months at bk

>> No.10338083

>so how do fast food workers even stand what they do without killing themselves?
actually would've been dead if i didn't find a different job from fast food

>> No.10338110

Then go inside you stupid bitch fuck im gonna have to kill you

>> No.10338142


>> No.10338196

>Be me
Why do people say this? Who the fr*ck else are you going to be? The d*rn pope?

>> No.10338228

I park my car and go inside just so I can use the machines and not have to speak to anyone.

>> No.10338236

i hate you. i hope someone slowly beats you to death.

>> No.10338238


>> No.10338359

>I accidentally filled up a med-I mean a large Baja Blast instead of a medium, do you want that
Best late night crew

>> No.10338452

do you have a website

>> No.10338462

I worked at wendy's for three years when I was in college and funny enough the only time someone's food got messed with a manager did it. This rude nigress would always come through at 2 am (we closed at 2) demanding everything be cooked fresh and always had an attitude. She pissed off the manager one night and she rubbed her tortillas all over the fryer.

>> No.10338473

>automated recording advertises new menu item
>say no out of habit
>actually wanted to order it but now I have to get something else

>> No.10338491

So stop using the drive thru, asshole. Do the wheelchair-confined expect to use stairs? Do epileptics expect to go to raves? Do the morbidly obese expect to be allowed on elevators when they exceed the weight limit? The drive thru isn't for people like you. It's for people who can make their order done quickly.

>> No.10338496

Tyler Durden.

>> No.10338573

Is there anything more annoying than when someone lies to you so they don't have to do their incredibly easy job? The only chic fil a in my town serves everything except soup and ice cream during breakfast there just might be a wait period. Walk in and order a spicy deluxe at like 7am like I've done multiple times "oh sorry we don't serve that during breakfast" says the new dumb spic girl worker. Literally walked out to my car and ordered it off the phone app and she had to walk it out to me. I just don't understand how you can be that fucking lazy.

>> No.10338661

Yeah, I was wondering that too


>> No.10338666
File: 23 KB, 324x371, 10237770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spics are lazy and don't work

>> No.10338675


>> No.10338772

It's 4chan dude, I live for the bantz, don't apologize

>> No.10339067

Why are you posting commen sense

>> No.10339082

Is drive-thru culture an american thing? I hardly see it here in Europe.

>> No.10339180

Yes, its the product of our automotive culture and our convience culture. Sad really

>> No.10339206


>> No.10339211

listen, i need you to go half coke, have diet coke. cause i'm on a diet. now take that six peice nugget and throw 2 of them away.

>> No.10339248

I imagine it to be a mexican woman.

>> No.10339258


where the fuck do you live?

>> No.10339318

>Taco Bell app comes out
>Decide to try it out for the 10% off coupon
>Pull up to window to get it
>"Duuuuuuuude! My manager loved your order!"
>Wait what?
>"Yeah man! People been ordering crazy shit all day online but your's was just our normal stuff. Here this is on us as a thanks!"
>Get 4 free tacos

Good times

>> No.10339367

How much is she getting paid everyday?

>> No.10339371

Because no one's fucking paying them.

>> No.10339373

Currently at Montana's BBQ. What's the best shit there to order?

>> No.10339385

>Alright uhh, shit. Fuck. Goddamn look at that... I'll ummmm, jesus. Ah fuck me. Ok. Ummmm. Ahhhhhhhhhh...... Well... Actually- no wait. Fucking hell... uhhhhhhh

>> No.10339421

>People who order fresh or something overly complex

Literally why are you even coming to a fast food place? The stuff is all garbage that's going to kill you quicker, I hope people don't actually eat it for the taste. Not to mention how fucking overpriced every place is now too.

>> No.10339473

Sometimes I go to certain ones just to interact with an attractive woman.

>> No.10339497

>me: i'll have a whopper jr. with no ketchup and that's it
>employee: is that everything?

every fucking time

>> No.10339562

>Go to Jack in the box
>Wait 5 minutes for them to respond
>"uhh, can i take your order"
>Yeah, can i just get an order of two tacos and a dr. pepper?
>"we...uh...dont got taco lettuce"
>Nevermind then, ill find something to eat at home

>> No.10339593

You tell them at the window because they will rip you off or give you less fries or whatever if they know you're using a coupon

>> No.10339613

>no ketchup


>> No.10339672

>Needing the prompt
Who gives a fuck. Just shout what you want and hopefully they will get it mostly right.

>> No.10339922

>Drive thru at Sonic
>Order the supersonic burger with tots and a strawberry slush
>Recieve order and pull away
>Drink is poorly mixed with almost no strawberries
>Decide fuck it and don't go back
>Wait to get home to start eating
>Heavy traffic because accident
>Get home
>Open bag
>Fries instead of tots
>Food is barely luke warm
>Open burger wrapper
>There is no patty
>Anger surges and contemplate driving back and complaining
>Remember the traffic
>Place is 5 miles away
>Eat my pattyless burger and fries with shitty drink in shame

>> No.10340230

You didn't need the shake anyway, fatty

>> No.10340272

if they are attractive, they are not working at a fast food place

>> No.10340313

Well not in your shitty flyover state

>> No.10340371

Just write it down and give it to the cashier Jesus fuck

>> No.10340377

Have you tried meditation ?
Can't you just practice mentally to just speak without wasting time ?
If you can imagine yourself doing it without fuss, then you can do it for real. Reality is a illusion.

>> No.10340383

tried that once and it didn't work, had to get into a stranger's car to order. 20 year old me wasnt smart

>> No.10340384
File: 30 KB, 300x250, IMG_8570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go thru drive thru
>order s LARGE coffee

>> No.10340428
File: 7 KB, 216x233, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me get a number sixx

>> No.10340528


>> No.10340603
File: 88 KB, 530x640, 1516890635498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and maybe you can actually read their lips to boot

but no. we can't even have things like this. and cocksmokers talking about flying cars.. how the fuck would you order if you were flying those things?

>> No.10340666

Because people change their mind constantly and it's the only thing that stops you dumbasses from adding things at the window

>> No.10340694

You can use naughty words on this website, you dumb nigger faggot.

>> No.10340883
File: 27 KB, 680x680, 1516065604560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking hate these motherfuckers who say this. I usually stay silent when they ask me that stupid question

they can fuck right off

>> No.10340900


A lot of miscommunication can happen at drivethrough or they might have not been there when you started declaring your order. They are just making sure everything is right or else they end up getting yelled at the window.

>> No.10341111

it could be interperted that 'that's it' was for the hamburger itself and not the complete order

>> No.10341286
File: 99 KB, 575x735, mojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to local taco Bell, usually order the five dollar cravings deal and a quesorito
>Tell them I want chips and salsa instead of cardboard twists
>They say ok, give me them anyways and I can't go back in because I have to get to work
>Do it again a couple days later, same thing
>Try again but state that they gave me the cinnamon twists last time when I didn't ask for them
>"Okay, if there's ever a wrong order like that you can come back inside so we can get your order right "
>I tell them I shouldn't have to come inside every time you guys fuck up
>They fucking give me those shitty cinamon twists again
>Have time to go in and tell them, black dude behind the counter walks up and I start to tell him they keep getting my order wrong but he cuts me off before I can finish with the same shit the window lady gives me, gives me the chips and salsa
>He walks away before I can finish saying they're deliberately getting my order wrong at the window so I throw the twists on the ground and walk out
Good thing theres a ton of taco bells around here, they probably spit in my food now

>> No.10341297


I just said hey she said hey back, but she was clearly ashamed. Personally, a job is a job.

>> No.10341532

Sorry kid but cussing just ain't my thing.

>> No.10341631

these fucking things can be avoided if we had fucking working speaker prompts or hightech speaker systems with or without touch screens to accurately modify our orders. these fucking drive thrus need to get updated

how are we supposed to advance constant orders with these primitive speaking machines imagine the hard of hearing

>> No.10341652


it's their job to ask. They hate upselling promo items, drinks, and deserts and they hate having to repeat orders they clearly understood, but they have to do it.

>> No.10341654

Never before have I seen this kind of understanding on here. /ck/ really is something else.

>> No.10341658

I always say I need a minute.
Anyway I don't give a shit I'm going to take my time picking a treat food.

>> No.10341679

Do your job

Do your job

Do your job

>> No.10341708


>do my job

"Thanks for choosing WcDonalds. Would you like to try the extra big mac? "
"would you like to make that into a combo?"
"Would you like to make that combo a medium or large?"
"Do you want to add a drink or dessert?"
"Would you like to make a $1 donation to a charity? You get one dollar off your next combo purchase."
"Is everything correct on your screen?"
"Your total will be $9.69. Thank you! Pull over, please!"

>don't do my job
>"Thank you for choosing Sooubway, what can I get for you?"
>"OKay, just the sandwich or combo?"
>"What size?"
>"Okay your total will be $4.09 at the window. Thank you!"

>> No.10341715

Not that, I just hate the faggot complaining about people taking their time with their order as if they would leave their station any earlier

>> No.10341720

I've honestly never seen a restaurant of the two big fast food chains in Europe not having a drive through if they aren't in a mall or something.

>> No.10341729


Order taker is usually responsible for keeping their station stocked and cleaned as well as taking care of front others and bagging orders and making drinks. If someone is taking a long time to order they can slow down the speed of service.

>> No.10341933

>I just drive right up to the window to order!
>this is better and smarter!

I PROMISE you, each and every time you do this, the employees say to themselves "What a fucking retarded idiot, he can't even use a drive thru properly"

>> No.10342499

that guy got drunk. he'll be angry again tomorrow.

>> No.10342537

>hi what can I get for you today?
>(order food)
>please don't cum in my food

>> No.10342545

talking through a microphone or talking in person wouldn't make the person taking the order any smarter.

>> No.10342556

I've never heard of something like this before and I'm sitting here crying from laughter

>> No.10342587
File: 123 KB, 259x299, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2018.03.14-13-12-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of us are in high school

>> No.10342594

> working for a union
Dirty commie

>> No.10342623

No mayo on a Baconator??????

>> No.10342645

>calls for chinese
>just starts telling the order to the person without any establishing dialogue
drives me up a wall, bro

>> No.10342660


>> No.10342856

Wait it up, wagie.

>> No.10342859

>implying anyone should bother establishing a dialog with the mantis people

>> No.10342969
File: 45 KB, 409x409, comfy neet pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brothers

>> No.10343018

wagekeks are scum

>> No.10343066

it's not necessarily picky
if you want one burger with no lettuce, one with no cheese, one with extra cheese, and one with ketchup and mustard, that's 4 changes right there
as for checking, in my experience if you don't check it you *will* find about half your food is the wrong shit even when you order directly off the menu

>> No.10343075

>I prefer to order face to face
>while in my car
please choose one

>> No.10343115
File: 181 KB, 300x344, hey wagaroo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about the cucked man, why does he clean my shit?

>> No.10343146

>hi what can I get for you today?
>alright please pull up to the next window

>> No.10343153

I see what you're doing and I want you to know you should go fuck yourself

>> No.10343165

I don't have it anywhere near that bad (especially now) but I know how you feel, compulsion is a bitch, it's like you're a slave to some alien part of your own mind

>> No.10343251

Haha, I don't think so. That would make me a pedophile. Stop lying.

>> No.10343342

>orders the made up vegan version of a regular item

>> No.10343375

You wanna see my tip? *unzips penis*

>> No.10343422

fuck i wish i were the speaker

>> No.10343428
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 1518119708181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get to drive thru window
>hey I remember you, you were here yesterday
>haha no you must be mistaken..
Gotta find a new fast food restaurant.

>> No.10343439

>implying the boss would hire chad instead of giving him his position

>> No.10343462
File: 393 KB, 342x342, 1495929415352.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10343911


>> No.10344044

How do you get the simplest lyrics wrong

>> No.10344056

>Pulls up to burger king
>Asks for a big Mac
>picking up audio
Holy fuck you're dumb

>> No.10344073

>tfw go out of my way to contaminate all the gluten free products

>> No.10344078

It's one thing to have a chuckle, but to lampoon him via Snapchat is a fucking bitch ass move. Enjoy that extra helping of special mayo next time

>> No.10344094

Druggie customer power ranking
>Adderall students
>Heroin homeless
>Literal AIDS
>Drunk people

>> No.10344095
File: 45 KB, 409x409, IMG_8573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>late night shift
>old grumpy bastards come in demanding decaf
>who the fuck has decaf this late/early
>mix whatever is left of the hours old batch with regular
>turns out they have heart problems and can't drink caffeine, later told
croak bitch

>> No.10344256

Stoners are awesome customers. You can tell them it'll take a year to make their food and they'll not bat an eye.

>> No.10344594

Unions are fucking trash. You're such a fucking loser for being pro-union.

>> No.10344744

true beaners are hard workers but anyone who has been "americanized" are lazy

>> No.10345547

how did you get away without getting hit throwing food on the floor where there's nogs?