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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10329950 No.10329950 [Reply] [Original]

Are these people retarded? Not only do they eat the exact same thing for an entire week, but they brag about it and post their shitty meals online. Eating the same thing every day is something toddlers and spoiled brats do, not fully functioning adults.

>> No.10329952

why are u bothered so much by what other people choose 2 eat

>> No.10329956

If you're on 4chan and can't relate to that I suggest you go back to plebbit

>> No.10329957

You're the retarded one. Prepping is about doing the work when you have time and reducing decision making during the week, not eating the same thing every day.

>> No.10329958

it is annoying yeah
i can see how someone who is doing it for eother bulking or cutting can benefit from it though but if it's just for the sake of making it for a work lunch then idk
eating the same thing for lunch gets boring

>> No.10329959

I would love to have the skill and resources for proper mealprep. Don't care if it's the same chicken breasts and carb+veg side for the entire week

>> No.10329963

so the only reason you're being ornery is because you're on the 4chinz and that's what all the cool kids do here?
Sounds like you're the one that needs to go back, buster

>> No.10329965

You don't HAVE TO make the same thing every week the exact same way. I've found it's best to make two kinds of meals and spice them all in different ways. Not that hard to create variety when meal prepping.

>> No.10329966

Hey retard, let me tell you a secret: just because you're prepping food in advance doesn't mean you have to make all the meals the same thing
Just go back you fucking cunt

>> No.10329968

Just cook a bunch of shit at once and portion it out. That's all there is to it.

>> No.10329969

>You have to hate everything for no reason to fit in
Literally trying too hard

>> No.10329971

Although I don't do it personally, I've thought about it a lot. The main driver is time, not taste. It's faster to make a huge batch of meals and reheat leftovers for 5-7 days than cook an individual meal every day. Thus making your soul crushing 9-5 + commute more bearable.

Trust me, that hour you save from not cooking makes a huge difference when you only have 4-5 hours a day free. You'll find out once you grow up and get a real job.

>> No.10329972

Wow it's like you said the same thing I did

>> No.10329973

Not being able to grasp the concept of hating people that do stupid shit means you're stupid yourself, retard.

>> No.10329974

itt meal prepers being activated

>> No.10329976

You're being stupid right now but I don't hate you. I just wish you'd stop being so stupid.
Quit being stupid, autist.

>> No.10329977


Although I do agree with OP that meal prep shit is pretty dumb. If you're working 40 hours a week you easily have enough time to cook at least once a day. My office has clients constantly coming in and catering lunches, so I don't bother bringing lunch since at least 2-3 days a week we'll have food brought to us and I can just heat up shit from my drawer or go out if they aren't there that day. Even if this wasn't the case, I'd rather bring leftovers from dinner than prepare the same lunch for the entire week.

>> No.10329980

The only stupid thing here is the unseasoned, whole broccoli trees and the cheap ass plastic container.

>> No.10329986

I work a manual labor job while going to University. Chances are I have less free time than your fat rancid ass, so eat a can of shit.
Just go back already

>> No.10330007


>> No.10330008

>steaming broccoli 7 days before eating it

>> No.10330023

There's a difference between hating people for doing stupid shit and sperging out about people's life choices that don't effect you in the slightest

>> No.10330031

>Eating the same thing each day for a week is retarded
You wot, m9

>> No.10330155


never gonna make it.

>> No.10330166

Is that sour cream on top of the chicken? That's kinda gross man. Never understood the appeal.

>> No.10330184

I like it.
I have longer shifts as a trade-off for longer weekends so I don't have much time to cook during the work week anyway.

>> No.10330473

I tried it once, prepped ab unch of salad ingredietns like roast chicken, sliced onion, orange segments, leaf and shit in a bunch of tupperwares. Then throughout the week i can throw together a combination of whatever i like. Prep time was nearly 2 hours of chopping up shit on sunday tho, and stuff wasn't as great by friday. If I committed to meal prep, id jsut do enough for mon-thurs and have friday as a fast day or something

>> No.10330506

I dont eat leftovers after 3 days. this seems pretty stupid and gay.

>> No.10330526

They're gonna catch autism eating that way. Every autist I've ever seen eats like this in some form or fashion.

>> No.10330552

If you meal prep as usual and shove all but one of the meals in the freezer every week you'll be able to eat a different meal every day of the week and choose what you feel like eating that specific day.

>> No.10330556

> itt fat man children slobs can't understand someone wanting to eat healthy for their lunch at work and not wasting money eating out.
> durr it's the same thing everyday
Says the fat fuck who lives off tendies and beer. Meal prep is making a weeks worth of food Sunday night and eating it all week cause you don't have time. Why does this trigger you guys so much? All it seems to me is pure jealousy that someone has discipline and order to their life and the Autists in here angry at a meal prep are fucking losers.

>> No.10330559

I go food shopping everyday this is heresy

>> No.10330574

because 6 day old leftovers is disgusting and unsanitary.

>> No.10330576

I cook all my food myself but I find it soul-crushingly boring and repetitive any time I end up eating the same meal more than two or maybe three days in a row.

>> No.10330585

>longest post in thread
>why are you so triggered!?
looks like you're the one triggered fucko

>> No.10330589

Pure opinion.

Yea it gets boring but that's healthy eating for you. I dream about crushing chips and eating like shit everyday. Especially when I get back from the gym and get baked. The urge to munch on junk is strong.

>> No.10330599

>Day 1 - crisp broccoli, tender and juicy chicken, soft and fluffy rice
>Day 2 - broccoli is wilted, chicken is a little dry, rice has clumped together
>Day 3 - broccoli is mush, chicken is dry as a bone, rice is crunchy
>Day 4 - death
I never understand "meal prep" for the whole week. Food goes to shit in a few days in a fridge. Why spend 3 hours making 7 meals when half of them are garbage and trash by the time you eat them, when you can spend 20 minutes every day making the meal and eating it nice and fresh?

>> No.10330600

>eating week old leftovers
pick one.

>> No.10330617

>that's healthy eating for you
In what wat is it healthy to eat the same food day after day? If anything it's better to change up your meals as much as possible to increase the chances that you hit all the micros you need. I usually cook something new every day, use the leftovers as ingredients or change the starch and vegetables if possible and convenient.

>> No.10330624

The fuck is up with this shit? By day 7, it would be beyond inedible. If I had to do this I'd only prepare about 4 days or less of food.

>> No.10330632

i do this because it saves me time in the evenings
i cook on mondays for tue-sat, usually chili, stew or curry
i freeze at least 3 days worth of food so it won't go bad

>> No.10330634
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>Eating rice that's been sitting in your fridge for 7 days

>> No.10330636

>can't wake up 20 minutes early to make lunch the day of

>> No.10330644

These two posts completely annihilate meal preppers back to the paleo age.

>> No.10330649

I don't meal prep but I do eat the same turkey sandwich with a yogurt at least 3/5 days at work. It sucks and I'm not proud of it but it's quick and saves money.

Also I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that "spoiled brats" meal prep. If anything, spoiled brats are the people that I work with that spend $10-15 on lunch every day.

>> No.10330657

Get a big pot and make a stew. No skill involved whatsoever.

>> No.10331929

Refrigerated leftovers are completely fine for two weeks or more, you hypochondriac child.

>> No.10331935

no they arent. 3-4 days max for cooked meat, 2 for cooked green vegetables

>> No.10331946

Because I work 40 hours a week and don't have time to make a healthy lunch every day. But you know what I do have time for? To make 4 meals at the beginning of the week and eat it 4 times. Are you fucking dumb? Do you not understand that people work and dont have free time to cook healthy meals at lunch every day? This place gets more retarded by the hour

>> No.10331978

>Make 3 or 4 meals with enough for a few portions each
>Freeze them
>Have more time and decide what I want each day

>> No.10331979

Fitness fags who do this are fags but it takes a certain type of discipline to stick with this kind of thing. The people who brag about it most only brag about it because it's a new thing for them that they aren't going to stick to or they are pretty aesthetic and want to rub in your face that they have more self control than the average person as, at least in the US the average person is a fat disgusting landwhale sucking down Whataburger for lunch then Panda Express for dinner, not a muscular beefcake with a sick tan eating chicken breast and brown rice 4 times a day.

>> No.10331989

That's 20 minutes you'll go to bed earlier, thus cutting in your day elsewhere. If you wish to sleep less instead, you pay with your health in the long run instead.

I get the idea of prepping meals. Althrough I see little point in preparing the same meal for an entire week. But it's certainly wise to prepare enough food for 1-3 days at once.

Time is the only resource we truly have a limited amount of. Spend it wisely, save yourself that extra time to shitpost on /ck/ instead.

>> No.10332083
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This guy.... hahahahaha.

>> No.10332167

Those are unrealistic CYA industry standards. I bet you throw away "expired" medication too.

>> No.10332185

nah, we did a test in microbiology lab, after 3-4 days you have a shitload of bacteria that can be pathogenic. 7 days and it's fucking disgusting. that's stored inside the fridge, too.

>> No.10332318

>real job
>wage slave 9-5 cuck who has no time for himself
How deluded are you? A real job is when you are your own boss and set your own time. You'll find out once you grow up and get a real job.

>> No.10332343

I grew up early and worked hard so I could get a job doing something I enjoy rather than being an officecuck wasting away their life.

>> No.10332344

All it takes is foresight when you are shopping, not 'prepping'. Organise your life correctly and you won't have to cram all the cooking into a short window on Sunday, meant to be one of the only free days of the week. It not only takes the joy out of cooking but out of eating too, it sounds very depressing. It is very possible to eat healthy and have a full time job

>> No.10332376

When my work hours were really bad and I couldn't afford to feed myself after rent I tried to rely on my sister who was way better off than me. All she did during that time was buy groceries for her meal prep and I had to survive off toast & tea bags for 5 days of the week. What I'm trying to get at here is fuck meal prep.

>> No.10332393

This buzzfeed journalist uses 4chan. What he replies to these two posts will amaze you!

>> No.10332436

If you can’t spend 1 of the 4-5 hours you have after you get home from work making a nice meal for yourself then Im glad you are relegated to shit food at the end of the week.

>> No.10332473

>Trying to act condescending when you don’t get guaranteed paid holidays, sick days, accumulated vacation days with no cap, comp time, overtime, dental, nice health insurance, and a goddamn pension
>”I grew up early so I could get a job I enjoy”

So, what, you dipped into your trust fund early so you can pick heirloom apples two days a week while living in your parents’ A-frame at reduced rent?

>> No.10332496

i get all that shit without resorting to being an angry, asshurt officecuck

>> No.10332543

[citation needed]

>> No.10332630

Make like 4 portions of 4 different meals and then you have good variety for over 2 weeks.

>> No.10332644

eating the exact same (usually bland/functional) food indefinitely is a bit OTT I agree, but I have 3 different meals all made in a pot (chili, tomato stew and a pepper stew) that sustain me for 3-4 days at a time that I alternate between.

>> No.10332646

I meal prep on sundays because I usually work 10-12 hour days. I rotate two meals monday through thursday (chicken one day, fish the next, repeat) and have something different on Friday.

>> No.10332708

If I do it, it's normally chicken and rice and only enough meals for next two days. I heat it up in microwave and add some salsa and cheese. Tastes pretty good and takes 2 minutes.

>> No.10332764

It must be nice working intermittently at your uncle’s apple orchard so you can have the time to perfect your sweet ukulele riffs

>> No.10332910

Soul destroying. Even if you froze it, it'd taste worse once defrosted and reheated.

>> No.10333079

>Real Job
Provide an example of a real job

>> No.10333098

The absolute state of this lad. How fucking far gone do you have to be to actually BOAST about having a brief period of vacation time a year and try take the moral high ground over someone with a different life style that you've assumed down to the finest details to try and add credibility to yourself? People like you are so sad because they lack any form of self awareness and are so wrapped up in their aimless wagie job that they can only find comfort insulting anyone who hasn't "made it" like they have. Have fun turning 50 and realising all your life achievements are worthless

>> No.10333165

Man I sell cars and make pretty good money but I never get a day off

>> No.10333213

I'm single and work for a railroad. I have no choice but to pepe some form of bachelor chow. This week it is brown rice, pinto beans, burrito sauce, sauteed onions/mushrooms/green peppers, and sour cream.

>> No.10333215

i know u jelly

>> No.10333254

>not freezing a week's worth of cooked meals in case you're busy, lazy or sick

>> No.10333312

Ouch, I must have hit close to the bone there. Got a lot more sympathy for you now though. Even though you haven't dropped the attitude, the benefits you are reeling off come standard with all but the most dead-end water treading jobs where I am, or are provided by the state in the case of a functioning public healthcare system with the option to go private, and pension provided by the state. If I lived in a third world shithole and had to become a drone to get decent workplace conditions I probably would.

>> No.10333671

When I meal prep, I tend to make foods that can be vacuum sealed and frozen. Doesn't quite work for meals outta the house, though; I do it for dinner if I don't have enough time that day to cook from scratch.

For le refrigerated rice, can't you just microwave it with a bit of water in a cup off to the side to get some steam going for a less horrendous meal?

>> No.10333943

People who meal prep are body builders trying to get down to 19% bodyfat or lower. This is literally the only way to get your bodyfat that low.

>> No.10333959

Stop using words you don't know the meaning of retard

>> No.10334014

I can't believe you don't like plain broccoli. Sad.

>> No.10334016

You could easily achieve the exact same thing cooking only a day's worth of food every day.

>> No.10334020

wonder what a freezer is

>> No.10334024

I wonder what stops them from prepping a wider variety. If you're boiling broccoli, there's nothing stopping you from boiling other vegetables. Then you split up different mixes for different days. Same when you're roasting or frying meat. No reason not to do a chop at the same time as that chicken.

>> No.10334067

but i am on a meal plan because im bulking right now though

>> No.10334072

>not making hardtack 100 years in advance of when you plan to eat it

holy shit, are these faggots even trying?

>> No.10334075


I usually just cook my dinner for the night and lunch for the next day

>> No.10335435

If it's not for weightlifting and making sure your macros are solid then yeah it's kinda gay. I could see it being pretty useful for extraordinarily busy people though

>> No.10335481

This is literally the most pleb-tier form of cooking imaginable--making one thing over and over, with everything measured out. Do you perhaps have an extra 21st chromosome?

>> No.10335716
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>tried prepping chicken for dindin
>supposed to last 4 days
>next day i get the chicken
>smells godawful, can't even eat it
>throw all of it away

Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.10335725

I would eat that for lunch 5 or 6 days in a row. Probably a good way to avoid eating unhealthy foods

>> No.10335739

Setting your own hours = the work metastasizes into the rest of your life, as I know from personal experience.

>> No.10335755

>buying into the boomer delusion

>> No.10335762

how cold is your fridge

>> No.10335770

I don't have a thermostat or anything to control the temperature inside my refridgerator. My freezer is in "colder" mode if that helps.

>> No.10335783

>Are these people retarded?

>> No.10336722

If it's about time, why not just eat stuff that either takes 5 minutes to make or doesn't need cooking at all?