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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10317520 No.10317520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have a loyal and dependable wife to prepare tasty and nutritious meals for you?

>> No.10317532

I donno Mom, jeez! ...Can I have some more of that spaghetti or what?

>> No.10317539

Because I legitimately hate when I'm dating someone and they cook for me unless we planned it out in advance. Relationships are like a ball and chain.

>> No.10317540

I'm not a lez

>> No.10317555

I do but she only cooks pastries and other desserts. Real meals are on me. It's an okay trade-off I guess, considering she'll clean the kitchen after I cook.

>> No.10317592

I do. She made me salmon with sweet potatoes and mushrooms. Was pretty okay. We take turns cooking

>> No.10317595

Because I'm not attracted to 3d women anymore

>> No.10317629
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> all those unpeeled potatoes,
> no water in the pot
> pot not even in on the fucking stove

dinner is at least an hour away

>> No.10317634

>dependable wife
not how it werks

>> No.10317649

Who the fuck use a knife to peel a potato?

>> No.10317657

Women don't like my phimosis

>> No.10317682

I prefer to be hands-on with my own nourishment and I have a bf who drinks soylent.

>> No.10317702

Anime girls.

>> No.10317798


>> No.10317843

because i'm a woman in a relationship with a man

>> No.10317859

show feet

>> No.10317875
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absolutely not, this is a food and cooking board. here's some bread i baked yesterday.

>> No.10317877

sauce on this goddess?

>> No.10317884
File: 76 KB, 540x540, 3.19 50% red fife batard crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the crumb. it's sourdough with caraway, flax seed, and sunflower seeds

>> No.10317896
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I love my wife but she can’t cook.

>> No.10317901

I do but she doesn’t have giant tits or look 25

>> No.10317912

looks like petrified slabs of shit

stick to sandwiches

>> No.10317937

Damn not bad, how long have you been baking? I just started attempting to make bread and all my loaves always come out ridiculously under or over proofed.

>> No.10317942

Literally everyone before the invention of then vegetable peeler.

>> No.10317948

Because I went full 2D

>> No.10318001
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i started baking about 10 months ago, and switched to sourdough about 4 months ago and will never go back. i don't have a baking stone, so i do all my bread in my dutch ovens.

>> No.10318023

Nice. I only use my dutch oven for camping, but never thought of using it for home baking. Might try to use it some time then.

>> No.10318024

my gf made me cuban black beans w/ saffron rice tn.

>> No.10318037
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I highly recommend it, it creates the same kind of steam that commercial bakery ovens use.

>> No.10318043

I'd rather my SO bend me over the stove and fuck me like a Thai whore while I'm fixing dinner than have someone fix me dinner.

>> No.10318055

>fixing dinner
Southerner detected

>> No.10318064

i didn't realize "fixing dinner" was such a southern phrase until i moved to nyc

>> No.10318075
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Cause I’m only 23 and am not mature enough for marriage. I haven’t had a gf in years. Don’t really care for one, anyway. Women are annoying as they are expensive. Gotta focus on improving myself right now before I can commit to a relationship.

>> No.10318092

>am not mature enough for marriage
manchild spotted

>> No.10318114

Sorry we can’t all marry our cousin when we’re teenagers, Cletus.

>> No.10318116

Marriage is a western patriarchal concept and if you and your partner aren't cooking together or for one another there's a larger problem with your relationship :)

>> No.10318123

Keep up that dead-end genetic line, autism-o

>> No.10318122

P.S. part of the problem if you're not doing so is a willing contribution to a capitalist society

>> No.10318142
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>roastie detected

>> No.10318156

I've been talking to a japanese girl, she's very cute and nice and would be a good wife
I'm worried she found a japanese boyfriend though because the past 2 weeks she isn't really talking to me as much

like she's taking longer to reply and isn't saying as much
for example she hasn't sent me any pictures lately

>> No.10318159

It doesn't work that way. You'll never be mature enough for a relationship if you don't get any experience maintaining relationships.

>> No.10318167

Great blogpost faggot

>> No.10318174

I was answering OPs question ya weenie!

>> No.10318175

coastie spotted.

>> No.10318193

>cucked by a gook

bless him, god knows those slanteyes need all the births they can get with those suicide rates

>> No.10318197

Look if you have balls buy a ticket over there and spend two weeks with her. Otherwise quit wasting everyone’s time

>> No.10318210
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>> No.10318212

I'm going to do it! I just need to save up a little more money
I will go soon!

>> No.10318224

Did you refuse to deposit money in her bank account when she asked? That usually turns them off. I've been in an internet relationship before, so know all about it. I was happy the first few times she needed a little money, but when she needed $10000 fast I became stingy. She didn't appreciate my lack of trust, and after a few months became cold. I soon lost contact with the greatest girl I ever knew, possibly my only chance at love.

Take my advice. If she needs money, give it to her. Get a loan if you need to. What's money compared to love?

>> No.10318478

>loyal and dependable wife
No such thing, it's a fantasy.

>> No.10318580

Good luck anon

>> No.10318594

I want a husband to cook for, not a wife.

>> No.10318604

>pork and mindy

>> No.10318652

Show feet

>> No.10318663

whats love compared to a gold digger? you were her sugar daddy, and she found that out and took advantage of you for it. get real dude

>> No.10318682

I do but she got fat and I don't want her anymore. Just cuz she making em don't me she eaten em

>> No.10318698

who is this potato polisher

>> No.10318724

Modern Western women aren't dependable and can't cook, also they insist on having careers instead of being housewives because of muh equality

>> No.10318729

And yet it's still illegal to kill the bitches. Something has to be done about this.

>> No.10319018

I'd eat it with some paté de campagne

>> No.10319019
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>Why don't you have a loyal and dependable wife to prepare tasty and nutritious meals for you
>Why don't you have a wife

>> No.10319097

arnold shwarzeneger

>> No.10320452

i'm not overly fond of sunflower seeds in bread, but i like the idea of caraway in a sourdough. crust looks top-notch, literally salivating.

>> No.10320472

I told her I wanted to send her a package and she said no "you can deliver your package yourself when you're here ;)"
and I don't know if that was innuendo or just a language barrier with her not realizing the implications

>> No.10320483

>sending thousands of dollars to an email address that says it loves you is a good idea
There are people like this IRL. Sad but true.

>> No.10320485

Get lost /r9k/ keep your useless shit threads in your own stinking shithole.

>> No.10320490

I do have a wife, cooking really isn't her strong suit though. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.10320505

What's that hanging off the bottom? Ham?

>> No.10320506

I don't have any assets she can take in the divorce settlement.

>> No.10320514

The problem is that they don't need to anymore, because "feminism" aka "he should do it and even if he asks me politely for help, I'll still scratch his eyes out"

I put a lot of effort into my career, but to me it's equally as important to be a good housewife and support my partner. It's not hard to do both, you just need to not be a lazy bitch. Also, I want to be a good mother one day and don't really plan on raising a little impolite(because laissez-faise), fat(because "can't cook, so McDonald's) dumb(because "I have no time to teach him new things") shit like most people nowadays seem to do.

>> No.10320516

Nice try faggot

>> No.10320574

quality pasta, my friend

>> No.10320586


>> No.10320592

I fucked my wife over the sink after lunch two weeks ago, turned out she has a kitchen kink.

>> No.10320596

I see that and fish pie is on he menu in about 30 seconds. She will be having the kielbasa special in about 15 minutes.

>> No.10320598

Have the YouTube policy changes effected your MGTOW channel?

>> No.10320611
File: 1.00 MB, 2047x2860, 1482048823911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce is soft big tits in the kitchen.

>> No.10320693

pretty sure she is on the nadine-j site. lot of their content ends up on PH and other tube sites.they are pretty slow at taking them down too. dont know her name though sorry.

i remember a while back some faggot tried to imply this was his sister but was shut down pretty quick.

>> No.10320700

never mind spend 5 more min and found her:

Dana Benn

>> No.10320972
File: 54 KB, 600x865, 1519658581052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese gf
You know you either get the leftover, bad tempered, snaggletooth Hanako or the one with the foreigner fetish?

>> No.10321018

wouldn't this work both ways. Sometimes life is a little more nuanced than this.

>> No.10321024
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>> No.10321047
File: 243 KB, 600x652, b92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you actually have this

>> No.10321052

>tfw I saw this thread my gf was making delicious tacos with cilantro and chopped onion

>> No.10321065

I personally don't ever want to see your feet. But why wouldn't you show them? Sometimes women are weird and have no sense of humor.

>> No.10321076
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But I do.....

>> No.10321092
File: 1.37 MB, 1195x1792, Claudia_Gray_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am married but I fully support holding onto marriage as a bargaining chip for successful men to use in order to get a housewaifu. If women want to be wedded to their careers so badly, let them do it.

Most women are kind of gaslit into "muh career" feminism so you have to find one who is kind of on the young side if you're going to undo the programming. My wife said that admitting to herself that being a housewife was OK was like coming out of the closet, she knew it was always what she wanted but felt railroaded onto one path by societal pressures. Someone has to be the one to tell her it's OK to be a great mom and educator.

Imagine being married to pic related in 20 years who can't cook and wants to bitch about her boss to you constantly at her job making powerpoints for a living. This woman is not deserving of your time. The only reason a man with minimal non-mortgage debts should tie himself to one woman is if she's going to be a fantastic mother to your children.

>> No.10321118

>John Lenon.png

>> No.10321122

>still needs another person to properly feed himself
time to grow the fuck up

>> No.10321129

God I hate my gfs trashy fucking tattoos

>> No.10321137
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>peeling potatoes

>> No.10321182

Found the roastie lmaoooo

>> No.10321211

Because I'm married to a lazy whore who quit working and started playing on Facebook right about two years into our marriage, never so much as sweeps or washes dishes or even picks up after herself.

Lesson to all young men: do NOT marry the pretty little thing with no female skills. If she isn't excited as fuck about being Suzy Homemaker, give it a pass. She can have a career too, be your equal in all ways, and all of that modern horseshit, but if she doesn't crave from the deepest core of her ovaries to create a nest of a home and dote on her husband, kick her to the curb. Women will eventually stop emulating Snookie and the Kardashians and idolize 50's housewives again, if only guys quit rewarding shitty behavior.

>> No.10321212
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>I'll try reverse psychology, that's a good trick

>> No.10321242

Did she have a good reason to quit working, such as staying home for the children? If not (and especially if there's no kids involved) you may be able to get a favorable divorce or an annulment.

>> No.10321267

>When your wife is so ugly you have to shoop her head

>> No.10321400

No woman will ever want to be with me, and I can't blame them. I certainly wouldn't want to be with me. I don't even know if I want one any more. My self-esteem is too low for me to ever want to actually have sex so it's probably not worth trying, which is good because if I don't try I can't fail.

>> No.10321426

Unironically start lifting weights

>> No.10321434

I've been alive long enough to know that I won't be able to do that without injuring myself somehow. I am the stupidest person I've ever met. Beyond actual retards who drool all over themselves, I am the stupidest. I will injure myself somehow. And even if I don't I'll humiliate myself. I don't know how to behave in public, which is why I prefer to shut myself away in my bedroom. I've been NEET for years now so I know I'll be worse than I was last time I tried getting out regularly (I had a job). I don't belong out there. There are other reasons but I think that's the one that affects me the most when it comes to ideas like that.

>> No.10321509
File: 63 KB, 702x904, 1519927635744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loyal and dependable wife
>taking pics with her breasts basically out for interest strangers

Does not compute

>> No.10321526

Obviously this woman is a model and probably a whore but the image is meant to represent an idealized woman who would only be doing these things for you.

>> No.10321660

I do. She made fantastic spinach and taleggio risotto earlier. She’s fucking beautiful, funny, kind and clever too.

>> No.10321662

>loyal and dependable wife
>Western society in 2018

>> No.10321798

I think foreigner fetish is the way to go!

nip girls want men who act like men, it's true
and I want a woman who will not get fat and will be a good mom
someone who will raise my kids with diciprin

>> No.10321810

roast beef

>> No.10321819

I'm sure you're the paragon of masculinity too.

>> No.10321836

t. expired roastie

>> No.10321899

No, I'm actually one of the rare men you'll find on 4chan. I don't live vicariously online and blame my shit life on all women, all minorities, all lefties etc.

But try to project your sour grapes defense mechanism on everyone else. Tell us how never kissing a girl was your plan all along, because you knew girls were gross, having a family was terrible, being a responsible man was worse than being a textbook millennial manchild with a Peter Pan complex etc.

I have a feeling your experience with women consists of high school memories, fleeting interactions (eg eye contact, muttering responses, being angry that you weren't noticed), and mostly cherry picking social media for examples that conform to your beliefs.

I feel bad for people like you who focus on reinforcing their delusion defense mechanisms instead of bettering themselves and living IRL. It must be incredibly embarrassing to know that your parents, family, and few peers you have doubtlessly know you are an inexperienced, prematurely embittered virgin. I have two young sons and I don't know how I would react if they adopted the "all women are whores" attitude and eschewed what all men have enjoyed for millennia (companionship, sex, family etc) under the guise of being morally superior online hermits. You should just get a prostitute, get some experience under your belt, and learn to be comfortable in your own skin. So you aren't Brad Pitt and your dick is a little below average, who cares? You don't have to give up and join the permavirgin echo chamber.

>> No.10321914

t. young guy currently in one of his first relationships ever and it hasn't gone sour yet

>> No.10321930

I'm married and have two kids and I played the field and was in a few other long-term relationships before settling down.

Spend less time online and make judgements based on your own experiences and interactions.

>> No.10321932

no you weren't.

>> No.10321950

>y-y-you are just in your first relationship
>n-n-no you weren't

I was a loser in high school but did very well once I moved away for college and had a clean slate. There wasn't much social media to speak of at that time and we didn't spend nearly as much time online. If I was born 5-10 years later I might have fallen into the online trap that a lot of angry, depressed, young men succumb to, but thankfully I didn't.

>> No.10321963

>cat pic
Chuckled loudly

>> No.10321987

tits or gtfo aside, that's a good looking bread

>> No.10322010

>When the roastie is so expired she types an essay and you don't read a single line of it.

>> No.10322019

>you must be the same person as every other guy I was arguing with in this thread. You all think I'm full of shit so you must all be the same person!

>> No.10322043

Make 2018 a different year: get laid, make your parents dinner every Sunday, and try to hit a milestone (get your license, go outside more, cultivate a career etc). Spend less time online and more time IRL.

>> No.10322405

honestly, do you really expect anybody to believe you are happily married with two little kids and you're still on 4chan arguing with us about whether? Stop larping, it's just embarrassing.

>> No.10322463
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>> No.10322524

Me and I guarantee I peel faster than you

>> No.10322537

I dont know man, if I made it in life (being financially independent and had a loving girlfriend, stable enough to get a house, and learn how to farm some of my own food, perhaps I should get a chicken farm and sell the eggs to a farmer's market, that's a good idea)
I'd still browse this place

>> No.10323396
File: 288 KB, 420x420, 6993954438571d7f8d43cccee87150ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just bee yourself bro