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File: 169 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_0183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10316030 No.10316030 [Reply] [Original]

Finally, milkshakes for the thinking man.

>> No.10316038

thinking about how much insulin id need

>> No.10316043

>lol how are you supposed to drink these
>There's way too much stuff on top of those milkshakes
>I'd much rather have one without the extra junk
There I summarized what 95% of the comments in this thread will be.

>> No.10316051

Explain how you eat a slice of cake with straw you fucking retard

>> No.10316058

Nice Instagram "food"

>> No.10316062

Do people actually finish these or do they just take photos and then take one or two bites and leave it?

>> No.10316068

...Huh? How does that comment at all match up with the one you responded to

>> No.10316075

>order a $30 milkshake
>don't eat most of it

who would do such a thing

>> No.10316084

drinking that in one sitting would induce diabetes

>> No.10316096

You just now seeing these?

>> No.10316098
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>> No.10316104

The liquid part of the shake must be pushing 1000 calories, nevermind all the bullshit on top

>> No.10316198

Looks like a small cup in this pic so probably not but some of the ones Ive seen online are fucking yuge.

>> No.10316419

That's disgusting.

>> No.10316440

You're disgusting.

>> No.10316449


>> No.10316450

I'm disgusting.

>> No.10316487

Went to this place with my gf the other day. We shared a peanut butter milkshake. Once you get past the candy nonsense it's actually pretty good. They have ordinary milkshakes as well. The burgers are also good.

>> No.10316497
File: 67 KB, 750x500, freakshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The bits glued to the side of the glass seem hard to eat. What are you supposed to do with them? Scrape them off with a spoon?

>> No.10316526

That or just your fingers. It's just frosting and sprinkles
I admit shakes like this are a meme but they're a fun treat. No one said you're supposed to eat/drink the whole thing. I split two among three people last summer at Planet Hollywood and that was our lunch for the day

>> No.10316570
File: 146 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_0184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks for taking me out to Black Tap anon, I really love my birthday shake :)

>> No.10316577

jesus christ coasties are embarrassing

>> No.10316852

I feel one of these would be nice to share with a partner for a desert on a date or one with family just for fun. One on its own seems really gluttonous though. Id probably try one if I was in a situation like the former.

>> No.10316874

wow i love having melted ice cream drip onto my hands great idea

>> No.10316927

I cant believe that shit tasting anything other than sweet without even having a taste of sugar, just plain artificial sweet "taste".

>> No.10316946

Uuurgh, why do women peirce their nose

>> No.10316959

>tfw you're too young to even afford it at the time and because you're a povertyfag
>tfw old enough to buy anything, but it would make you gain 300 pounds I would probably throwup
This fucking suck.

>> No.10317032

By the time you get to the bottom the milkshake will be room temperature and you'll be vomiting sugar.

>> No.10317045

Shakes themselves look good, but the cake and cotton candy on top is retarded

>> No.10317091
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Their ads don't sit well with me.

>> No.10317126

but those aren't the same milkshakes

>> No.10317145

clearly you're not a thinking man.

>> No.10317177

Is it possible to make a good milkshake in the comfort of my own home? I have blender.

>> No.10317224

yes, put ice cream and milk in blender
Even better if you have access to frozen custard

>> No.10317268

So men stop getting confused and trying to respect them.

>> No.10317321

>stab straw into cake
>lift into mouth

>> No.10317648

>lol how are you supposed to drink these
You're not supposed to drink them , you're supposed to take a picture of them and post it on social media.

>> No.10318910

>double dairy for maximum milkfat artery cloggage

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.10318930

People with Snapchat accounts.

>> No.10318935
File: 32 KB, 460x276, Raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>French fry dipping vessels.
Whoever invented this trend I hope has a spot in hell reserved for them.
A really shitty one, next to the fucking ice maker that rattles.

>> No.10319610

These look delicious at a glance but it's annoying to eat. If you can't eat that much you'll barely touch the milkshake after you're done eating all the various crap they scatter around your cup.

>> No.10319723
File: 96 KB, 625x774, 1510315506818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some Rococo Marie Antoinette shit in so many ways, right up to me wanting to go Robespierre on those responsible for it.

>> No.10319733

I'd never order one of these, but if I was given one with a side plate to put the cake on I'd eat it.

>> No.10319758

Me and my sister are taking my dad out for his birthday on saunday to the black tap, absolutely fucking dreading it

>> No.10319778

>that tiny glass shoot of beverage
Kek, isn't just better to have all the toppings as a side dish?

>> No.10319969


>> No.10321630

but then it wouldn't look as cool and that's the point

>> No.10321799

>1311111 milkshakes that are so worth the calories