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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 129 KB, 1500x1500, VICTORINOX-FIBROX-8-INCH-CHEFS-KNIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10302369 No.10302369 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so few home kitchens have sharp knives? How did sharpening knives become a lost art?

>> No.10302370

how do I sharpen my knife op?

>> No.10302377

Most home cooks can't cut a zucchini, let alone avoid throwing their knife in the dishwasher.

If it comes out chipped, dull, and rusted it's the knife's fault.

>> No.10302399

most people are lazy fucks who buy prechopped stuff and strips of meat. very little cutting required.

the sushi white girl generation who has no idea how to make anything unless pajeet delivers it via uber eats

>> No.10302402

Because nobody at home knows how to sharpen a knife.

>> No.10302418

I like my Victorinox

>> No.10302450

Funny that you mentioned it, this just happened to me today.

>eating diner at friends house
>he's chopping tomatoes for a salad
>complains that his knife sucks
>"do you have a honing steel?"
>"what's that?"
>"a sharpener?"
>"okay, where do you keep the knifes?"
>points to the knife block
>the knife block has a honing steel in it
>pull out the honing steel
>"omg what's that?"
>hone the knife
>"omg it cuts now! but I just ordered a new knife set on Amazon"

>> No.10302498
File: 6 KB, 275x183, Faceless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you have no face

>> No.10302597

Not OP but: combo whetstone with 400-600 grit and 1000-1500 grit for actual sharpening, smooth steel or ceramic rod for touchups between stone use.

>> No.10302603

>"omg what's that?"
WTF how can one be so retarded that one doesnt know what a honing steel is, or that there is one in ones knife block?

>> No.10302605

sharp knives are too dangerous for the average person

>> No.10302622

>How did sharpening knives become a lost art?
Hard to say but maybe that talk about emasculation of our society is a real thing.

>> No.10302628

They probably just bought the knife because it was
>Cool Looking
You know, like most normal people

>> No.10302658

Still, wouldnt you take out and at least look at the larger pieces in your knife block once you have unpacked it at home?? That post sounds like that guy had the block for years and had never even taken out the honing rod.

>> No.10302669

I think it does not occur to most people that their knives are actually dull. They just assume they are either lacking arm strength or that squash peel is naturally that tough.

At least for me, when I got my first sharp knife I couldn't believe how fragile and delicate my produce suddenly felt.

>> No.10302694

t. britcuck

>> No.10302698

I'm surprised that honing alone could make that much of a difference on dulled knives. Usually when they're that far gone only a stone will ave an effect.

>> No.10302704

I do as well. I absolutely butchered it learning to correctly sharpen with my waterstone though. Ugly as hell now, but sharp as fuck.

>> No.10302727

The greentext literally happened with my mom. I bought her a professional set, and she said it wasn't very good because it didn't cut anymore after a month. And was completely perplexed when i explained the honing steel to her

>> No.10302733

Because they aren't that far gone, the edge is just bent. They never got to the point of needing genuine sharpening in the first place.

>> No.10302742

The knife was obviously not all that dull. It just needed honing. The only good thing about these dummies that can't sharpen / hone a knife is that they use their knives so little that the knives generally do not need a new edge profile.
This is why I recommend that people start with Mercer Millenia line. e.g. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000PS2XI4/
They X30CR13 takes a nice edge, can withstand a lot of abuse, and needs more sharpening that other quality steels. It is the perfect steel for learning to / when to sharpen knives.

>> No.10302763
File: 94 KB, 722x1280, 4568A521-10F7-476D-AC3D-6AC29BE7B412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what I have
Works pretty well for any knife I have and I have an assortment of lots of knives from CutCo to Wustoff and even lelworthy Emeril knives

>> No.10302786


That's the Knife Wrecker 2000. Don't ever use that on a knife. It might work as a butt plug.

>> No.10302798

Idk anon it's never disappointed me. Why are you so against it if you don't mind me asking

>> No.10302802

I used to have one of those. For years I thought I didn't know how to use it right, until I realized they're just that awful. Get a stone.

>> No.10302822


Those draw devices tear off a ton of material every pull and return a very dull knife, they also shape your long edge unevenly. Doesn't really matter if you're doing a shit knife you don't care about and you can chuck it after a a year or so. But if you care about your gear, a whetstone you suck at, or a professional sharpener are better for the blade.

Whatever you do, get a leather strop with green polishing compound to tear off the burr.

>> No.10302825
File: 1.45 MB, 1440x1080, 8dd3a9cb6060aec69a27e02ab76da69a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You end up with a blade looking like this.

>> No.10302842

I'm not a serious enough cook to warrant a stone or any professional kind of material, when I cook I basically make sloppy shit that I can eat out of a bowl for three days.
I've never owned a knife worth caring about, all my blades are 20 year old remnants. I'm not a serious cook, I meal prep maybe two or three times a week but my Wusthoff sharpener has never obscured me from completing a recipe.
As much as I'd love that kind of leather Amish butter strap shit I don't have the capacity to care for it right now

>> No.10302877


>> No.10302886

for when you don't know how to look after your knives and don't care either
wustoffs finest in knife butchery accessories

>> No.10302892

they are shit
they damage knives
they take off too much steel to form an edge
cost more than a stone
is inferior to a stone

only good side
designed with idiots in mind

>> No.10302898

>t. any country's ass that got whipped by germany

>> No.10302902

In English, Doc!

>> No.10302917
File: 242 KB, 1600x1200, blades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think that even chef cutlery should never be purchased for quality. You can sharpen almost any steel to cut like a japanese blade if you know how. I can shave with a 2 dollar blade.

Shop tools are one thing, shit cutlery you can sharpen in 5 minutes every 3 months. Who fucking cares.

>> No.10302922


>> No.10302930

Tell the story of your friend cutting off his hand.

>> No.10302932


Why? You know it. I'm here trying to keep people from fucking up their shit. Do you get that?

>> No.10302934


I do stupid shit to keep stupid people from doing stupid shit. I can't believe you haven't figured that out yet.

>> No.10302947


Do you want me to tell you have to sharpen a gouge? Or set a sound post? Or build a band sander that doesn't damage the temper of your steel?

>> No.10302951


Here's goober teaching you how to sharpen a knife on a band sander. The ultimate best way to sharpen a knife without fucking up its temper.


>> No.10302995
File: 1.10 MB, 2688x1520, cheap knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my cooking utensils

>> No.10303002


learn about burr and micro burr. Stop using your fag dispensor.

>> No.10303026

So all of you assholes just gave up? I was hoping you'd teach me about sharpening knives.

>> No.10303043

>roast your knife over the burner for 2 minutes then shock in a bowl of ice water before peeling off the skin
Knives are slightly firmer than tomatoes and peppers but not impossible.

>> No.10303046
File: 42 KB, 1095x1242, messenslijper-80810055-productzoom_rd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have one of these at home
only mine looks worse and is really old
works fine though

>> No.10303053

Find a stone or ceramic piece and run the blade over it. If rural Tibets can figure it out without an electric grinder, so can you. Pick up a cheap knife that's brittle rather than sharp to practice with, try to match the existing angle.

>> No.10303061

>How did sharpening knives become a lost art?

Largely due to the advent of v. hard "stainless" steel.

>> No.10303067

Sorry, cheap vodka. Find a very cheap hard blade rather than cheap soft one, and a smooth stone or smooth piece of ceramic. Learn to match the blade's angle with the stone, do not apply pressure. Asian markets usually sell high carbon knives really cheap, as well as small stones really cheap. High carbon knives will often sing with you run fingernails down the blade or flick your nail against them really hard. Don't be shy against taking one out of a cheap cardboard package or asking to look at it like that, they will not cause problems if you are not being shy because that means you are not there to steal.

>> No.10303164

There is lot more to a good chef's knife than a sharp cutting edge. Even a knife with a shaving edge will cut like shit if it is too thick behind the edge, or if the bladeface encourages stiction.

>> No.10303250

why would I risk getting metal particles in my food afterwards? sure is safer to just get a new one at the mall

>> No.10303556
File: 62 KB, 1000x655, 8483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple, e-hobbyist MGTOW DIY cultists turned it into a gatekeeping domain just like a lot of other things. wat computer is gud? don't even BOTHER unless you build a 4 foot tall shrieking water cooled "rig" with blue LEDs everywhere that only runs gantoo. wat bike is gud? stay on your training wheels unless you know the difference between 2-cross and radial spoke patterns you STUPID PLEB BABBY.

So generations of home cooks were told NO STOP YOU WILL PERMANENTLY DESTROY YOUR KNIVES UNLESS YOU PERSONALLY FREEHAND EVERYTHING ON A PROGRESSION OF HAND QUARRIED STONES WEARING A LOINCLOTH WHILE SITTING CROSS LEGGED UNDER A COLD WATERFALL DO NOT EVEN TRY UNLESS YOU DO IT MY WAY and nobody gets useful advice nor do they even try and maintain their shit. pre-internet this was less of a problem, everyone was ok using pull through and other "evil" sharpeners and somehow, people managed to cook food. but now that stuff is basically considered kitchen AIDS and everyone buys a full progression of bench stones that they try once and then never use again.

every starter home should come with a Chef's Choice with more Trivox. yeah the knife neckbeards will have a conniption because muh shapton stones muh green brick of joy, and you know what I have to say to you people? kill yourselves

and before you reply "OMG THIS" bear in mind that if you clicked on this thread, I guarantee YOU are the problem

>> No.10303581

>Chef's Choice

>> No.10303601


and that is exactly why you combine a coarse micro burr from the Chefs Choice with a polishing compound and a strop.

you get a razor sharp blade that can cut a tomato skin like air.

>> No.10303691
File: 9 KB, 238x192, sekoapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is that retards are annoying, and I count myself as one. I don't require others to conform to my requests, or to even let me into their circles.

But since there is so much info on cooking out there, it's kinda difficult to parse into a cohesive series of steps, through which on can gradually improve. I have slowly started un-manchilding the way I cook, but I understand why many guys are averse to doing anything that is more complicated than heating frozen pizza. The all or nothing mentality in any hobby or circle of interest is bound to make you shy away from even taking the first step.

Just as an example, for me it took a ridiculously long time to even understand how to regulate the heating of a pan. All "How to cook le ultimate steak for beginner videos" always just say how it's medium heat for a few minutes. What the fuck is medium heat for my contect. I have an electric coil oven at home, my folks have an induction oven top, and they behave quite differently at each regulated level.

>> No.10303898



>> No.10304263
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>bear in mind that if you clicked on this thread, I guarantee YOU are the problem
How did YOU enter this thread without clicking on it, senpai?

>> No.10304279

Because capitalism has to ruin everything. It used to be that you could buy a high quality carbon steel knife for pennies and it would hold its edge forever.

Now you have to spend a ridiculous $100 to buy an entry level knife that holds its edge.

>> No.10304365
File: 44 KB, 480x560, 8a8fab7a1ab8ac58eb475a9a5e2cee18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10304370

>frogposter calls others retards
When did Reddits iq drop so significantly?

>> No.10304397
File: 65 KB, 355x328, cbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high quality carbon steel
>hold its edge forever
lol no

>> No.10304411
File: 94 KB, 910x670, 415fc5c2adb781f01c9f9669345e8352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact many professional chefs or butchers don't even use fancy expensive knives but decent professional knives with plastic handles that cost A LOT less than the average german or japanese popular brand knife.
They are cheap, solid, comfortable to use and easy to sharpen. What else do you need?

>> No.10304417

Are frogs reddit now? I was sure they were /r9k/. Not that it matters.

>> No.10304436

The thread started with a prime example of that..

>> No.10304599

>how did sharpening knives become a lost art
>posts a victorinox shit cutter special
not bad kidd

>> No.10304606

nigga those poly handle dicks cost like $80 each

I bought ten

>> No.10304652

Butcher and fishcutter here, can confirm. Experimented with a variety of more expensive knives, never found anything that cut notably better than the cheap Dexter Russells that were at the first couple shops I learned at, especially on the meat side. I've come around a bit on the fish side, I keep a couple of debas and a yanigiri alongside the DR western style fillet knives.

"High quality steel" can be a bit of a meme, or at least vague. What people usually are referring to is hardness. But the softer steels used in western German-tradition butcher knives vs the harder steels in Japanese knives are not out of lower standards, but different culinary traditions. Western butchery is heavy on larger animals like cow, pig, and lamb, and large birds like turkey and goose, and frequently involves leveraging a large blade directly through tough cuts. A weeb hard steel knife with a narrower (and therefore sharper) edge angle would immediately chip badly and need intensive sharpening. Meanwhile the bigger, heavier, softer knife just needs a pass or two on the honing rod now and then.

Asian butchery is more focused on fish, and smaller fowl like chicken and duck, and more of the cutting is about straight, precise cuts along small bones and through dislocated bird joints and soft fish flesh, so the harder sharper steel o the Jap knives is at less risk of chipping, and you can get more meat off the bone. Also you won't need to hone the knife every few animals.

If you think about it, companies like DR and Victorinox have a lot invested in keeping restaurant kitchens and processors from jumping ship to another brand. Meanwhile most home cooks aren't going to buy 20-100 knives anyway, so the marketing strategy is more about convincing mom or dad that this $120 knife is the last kitchen knife they'll need.

>> No.10304657


DICK is german knife company that uses very good steel. Probably Krupp related.

>> No.10304666


Finally a fucking person who knows his shit. Rockwell hardness is everything. THAT is what dictates how long your edge lasts. It's inversely proportional to how brittle your edge is. It's like sharpening diamond. Eventually you'll just smash the entire contraption.

>> No.10304676

where did you buy them?
even the big ass ones don't cost more than 30 bucks:
here in Europe they are very cheap compared to other brands

>> No.10304691


There are two main European steels. It's german 'tool steel' and Sheffield steel. They both take an exceptional temper and 'preserve their edge'.

>> No.10304700

Toughness is inverse to brittleness. Harness is not.

>> No.10304706


Angryness is parallel with brittlenomics. Brutalifics isn't.

>> No.10304710

this was a really interesting and informative post. thanks for making it!

>> No.10304721

Nothing preserves its edge.

>> No.10304732


Hardness means that the metal is more crystalline than other steels. They call it martensite I think. The composite of that steel at a specific quenced hardening means that steel will shatter when it's fucked with.

>> No.10304735
File: 69 KB, 957x718, Brutal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I like to Harness the power of Brutalifics.

>> No.10306392
File: 33 KB, 600x600, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid $5.99 for this guy I think, works like a charm.

>> No.10306421

i have this, used it literally today. i can't remember the order though. is it COARSE then FINE? that's what i do
15 swipes coarse, 15 swipes fine

>> No.10306464

I think that's too many swipes desu senpai, my Goodwill knives only take like 4 passes on fine to get a good edge.

>> No.10306642

those things are ok only if you want to give a quick and acceptable sharpening to cheap knives. I wouldn't use that on an expensive knife.

>> No.10306691

actually a sharp knife is safer than a blunt knife

>> No.10306696

I didn't know you had to sharpen them. Not like I am cutting pvc pipe with them

>> No.10306736


>> No.10306742
File: 75 KB, 900x900, pepe_pejeepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you bich basterd.

>> No.10306817

They were designed by fags and their shit’s all retarded.

>> No.10306827
File: 151 KB, 1525x2000, 1922976.mmv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think abolut calphalon knives? Any good?

>> No.10306854

They're Walmart-tier knives created solely for Williams Sonoma to sell at 4 times the prices of the exact same quality knifes at Walmart.

>> No.10306858

Out of curiosity I started to google them and it suggested "Calphalon knife recall" which is always a good sign.

>> No.10306860

if you use a dull knife you are more likely to cut yourself, but a sharp knife will fuck you fingers more badly if it happens

>> No.10308005

I dont think you know a lot about kitchen knives. Like I said in my post a kitchen knife and its cutting ability is NOT all about how sharp you can get your edge.

>> No.10308013


you don't know shit about an 'edge'. You can have a mirror glass 8000 cut polish that doesn't do a fucking thing. Or, you can have a 800 burr that you can use as a saw and a polished edge as well.

I just can't explain this shit to you without diagrams. Suffice to say when you strop an 800 edge you get both a razor sharp edge and an edge that can cut a tomato. Go learn metallurgy so I don't have to explain it to you here.

>> No.10308043

>Go learn metallurgy so I don't have to explain it to you here.
Lazy fuck

>> No.10308052

You can thank boomers for that.

>> No.10308069

Are you genuinely retarded? I wasn't talking about the edge, how many times do I have to say it? I was talking about other and totally different factors.

Also, I have finally understood what you mean by "burr" and "microburr". What you mean is a toothy edge. A burr is something totally different, it's the tiny fringe-like bits of metal shaving that won't detach from the apex of the edge after you have sharpened your knife on a whetstone. Stropping is what is used to get rid of those.

>> No.10308099


Yeah, you figured everything out, Trump. Tell another fucking story. You fucking story telling children are so boring. Stop being 12.

>> No.10308106

My chef knife is dull but sometimes I think that is a good thing. I cook while drunk and cant count the number of times I would have lost my fingers had my knife been properly sharpened.

>> No.10308109


You're a dumb gibble that tried to catch up by googling things. Stop now.

>> No.10308113

i have a mate that legit didn't know what a car lighter was and how did it recharge things that could plug into it.

>> No.10308205

Confirmed for being genuinely retarded.

>> No.10308247
File: 18 KB, 800x800, blockmesser-21-cm-von-dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8´2 Inch ergo grip knife 20,91€

>> No.10308261
File: 27 KB, 450x320, serrated-knife-blade-stock-photography_csp0067500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think these cheap serrated knifes are why sharpening kitchen knifes got unpopular

there never going to be sharp as a good sharpened kitchen knife
but there never going dull no matter how long you use them or if you cut on ceramic plates

>> No.10308373

We have a board we write the weekly meals on and I put chili on it one day not realising I'd put it on new years day. Dicing onions whilst still drunk and trying to do it quickly so I could get back in to bed I lost the end of my finger. It was only the very tip so grew back but my nail still grows weird on that bit

>> No.10308377

This is only true if you know how to use a knife cos it can slip but have you seen a regular person use a knife?

>> No.10308390

Why has that faggot with a box full of Japanese whetstones he keeps under his bed shown up yet?

>> No.10308576

are you even suppose to sharpen those, since you can just cut with the serrated parts

>> No.10308582


I have a box full in my cabinet but I wouldn't recommend any of you fucking retards get near them. No one on this board has any skill or are capable of maintaining a knife. They're not capable of maintaining a life without a supervisor so.. Let them use draw blade sharpeners and drool on their food prep at this point. Have you read this thread? These people are in serious harm.

>> No.10308603


No, you're absolutely fucking not supposed to. You asking that question proves how fucking retarded everyone on this board is. As a last ditch effort you could run that over a buffing wheel with polishing compound to get a few more years out of it. I can't beleive I'm telling you this.

>> No.10308605

>Have you read this thread?
Not really lol, it's too long but I knew you would. Do you have an alert set up for every time someone mentions knife sharpening on /ck/?

>> No.10308609


You're the guy that tells the guy. That's a sad life.

>> No.10308615


You're the Reince Priebus of life.

>> No.10308620

>No, you're absolutely fucking not supposed to
Those knives would be much improved by grinding off all those dumb teeth and putting on an actual cutting bevel, on a slow belt sander if needs be. But most of them are made out steel that is just too shitty to hold a proper edge.

>> No.10308621

oh really? thanks, good to know. i have a 4 year old Oneida brand knife, it's perfect for me, i will use less swipes. it is certainly sharp after 15 swipes

what's wrong with it?

>> No.10308629

Oh dear my life will never be the same again
>what's wrong with it?
Don't ask that! Japanese whetstone faggot probably just slit his wrists

>> No.10308635
File: 148 KB, 1600x770, stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, Reince, This is the stone I never use. Because I have a fucking superior system. Reince.. I love saying that.

>> No.10308648

Did you just take that picture or did you have it on your computer already for just such an occaison?

>> No.10308649
File: 77 KB, 658x632, 1490090841954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, also you seem to be having a bad day. I hope you feel better.

>> No.10308650


btw, my cutting board is a 2 inch thick birds eye maple slab with a honduras rosewood insert. Both were slate for instrument making but I hand made them into a big dumb slab for makin' food.

>> No.10308651

Also it's chipped, you should buy a new one

>> No.10308656

you forgot end grain

>> No.10308657


I really come across upset all the time. I'm not. I'm generally just disgusted with people. I'm not angry at all.

>> No.10308662


You saw something in a picture. I'll tell Amazon.

>> No.10308666
File: 805 KB, 848x1200, 1500003947748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shouldn't let other people manipulate your emotional state, especially on 4chan

>> No.10308668

>i will use less swipes
How many swipes you need is entirely dependent on how dull and worn your knife is and how often you do sharpening sessions.

>> No.10308673
File: 10 KB, 230x200, 011228042_lie-nielsen-102-block-plane-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's heavily seasoned with mineral oil. And beautiful. I hand planed it with this.

>> No.10308692

I notice you never answered >>10308648

>> No.10308696


I took that picture 10 minutes ago. Whats the deal?

>> No.10308703


Are you a marketing company?

>> No.10308723

Imagine spending time with drunken morons that don't know a fucking thing about anything.

Think about that world.

>> No.10308733

yes I am. Fill out this short survey for a chance to win a Zwilling handheld knife sharpener

>> No.10308737

that's what i meant with my post you never have to sharpen them

a good knife is much sharper but needs to be stropped regularly sharpened once a while.

lets say go would give the moms using these serrated dollar knifes a proper knife they would be amazed how good it cuts but then they would throw it out after 2 months because its not sharp anymore.

>> No.10308738

Part of the ship, part of the crew my man

>> No.10308742

I dunno man, I severed a tendon.

>> No.10308766

Just put your shit into one comment buddy. 4chan has a decent character limit

>> No.10308785

Most knives will never get used enough in a lifetime to be used up. If one or two do every 20 years and stay sharp in the meantime, it’s probably worth it.

>> No.10308799

He gets too butt flustered after reading one comment that he has to immeditely reply to it

>> No.10308855 [DELETED] 

I see him in half the threads here. The dude should honestly go back. Also, nigger

>> No.10308859

For the past 10 years I just been putting my knives in dishwasher and never sharpening them. My wife got them for wedding gift. Now they got rust spots on them and my wife wanted me to throw them out so I got some vinegar and soaked them for a bit and then the rust rubbed right out. They look like new. Now I gotta figure out how to sharpen and polish since my scrothbright pad put some scratches in my chef knife.

>> No.10308883

>It used to be that you could buy a high quality carbon steel knife for pennies and it would hold its edge forever.

Know how I know you’re talking out of your ass?
I have some of those old knives.
They’re not that good.
They ARE knives, and decent, but they’re not the elder God-tier, made of unobtainium, never goes dull blades of destiny you make them out to be.
The metallurgy is woefully inconsistent compared to modern products, so they have soft spots and develop random pits on the blades. Forget about patina-that only happens if you keep them oiled. Get them wet and forget to dry them off immediately and they rust like fucking mad, especially if you live in a humid environment like I do. And that’s not even getting into the variations in quality between manufacturers. Simply put, there were American brands back then that churned out shit that was even shittier than the third world shit we have today. When you find a piece of that shit, you understand
For enthusiasts like me, the benefits still outweigh the hassle, but I know i’m in the vanishing minority here. For most people, stainless steel blades were a revelation, and there’s a reason why they took over every layman’s kitchen so quickly. It may not have been edge retention, but most people have been using knives that were basically dull as fuck for centuries on end anyway. If they’re going to be dull, you might as well have them not rust.

>> No.10308884

I know, I've seen his posts all over /ck/ today.
Kys niggerkike, and don't forget to go back lebbit afterwards

>> No.10308903


the fuck happened to you?

>> No.10309634

I see you’ve never been around a woman who has dulled a bunch of those while cutting on glass cutting boards and ceramic plates.
Believe me, it can happen. And when t does, you’re going to be as impressed as I was.

>> No.10310105

>a woman who has dulled a bunch of those while cutting on glass cutting boards and ceramic plates

My mother does this by cutting cake EVERY FUCKING TIME I sharpen her chef's knife for her. It's like she does it out of spite, even if I dont tell her I have just sharpened the knife she manages to dull it again right away. I have even given her a much longer narrower slicer specifically for that that would be much better suited, but she has to use the chef's knife.

>> No.10310242


I love watching you people have a shit fit. You bitch that I follow post, then you have a goddamn aneurysm like a hyper gimp.

Slow your fucking roll before your mom has to come in and 'body grab' you until you stop mewling.

>> No.10310260
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I'm posting again. booga booga booga. I have to go take a shit!

Yes, talk about rick and morty like the angry asshole you are.

>> No.10310271

Can I have it? My highest stone is 3000.

>> No.10310282


I had this though after farting mucus and smelling the something no human should smell. Two people independently recommended the same-ish auto sharpener in the same thread. That should tweak some ears. I'm the asshole that owns the chefs choice 120. That other fucker, no idea how he came to it. Probably an Amazon sale.

>> No.10310294


the highest stone you need is 800. After that, you're destroying your ability to cut tomatoes. The micro burr is a very tiny saw.

>> No.10310306
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get something like this.

>> No.10310312

Why? an old belt works fine.

>> No.10310320


absolutely. I've done that myself. polishing compound helps a lot. even on an old belt, or denim even.

>> No.10310328

I have coarse and fine. never used fine though. results with coarse were always very satisfactory.

>> No.10310341
File: 57 KB, 800x800, Tormek-T-7-40-year-edition_1_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The patrician sharpening system

>> No.10310365
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I have that shitbox in my garage. Not that but a slow wheel dipping machine.

I bought it before I went up north to my dad's cello making factory. He uses a band sander to sharpen all his tools. It's below max temper temp and fast. You can sharpen everything on a crisp angle without any bullshit.

>> No.10310375


basically just toss that shit in the garbage now.

>> No.10310376

I would hate having that, knowing it would only be needed maybe twice a year.

>> No.10310400


Where did you emotionally crippled shut ins go in this thread? Run home to mommy for the day?

>> No.10310721

Pathetic samefag. Stop shitting this board up and give me mcchicken and sip threads

>> No.10310763

Being told to fuck off isn't an accomplishment brah

>> No.10310774


stupid people will always exist

>> No.10310806


no, its just telling all of you cunts to pay attention., buy that stupid band sander, asshole.

>> No.10310849

>case and point: this thread exists
>and not just this one
>threads exactly like this are on at least three boards of 4chan
>and they are always on those boards.

>> No.10310865

Jesus Christ are you still going ? I thought I told you to go fuck your mother

>> No.10311088


sucks to just exist. like some stupid cunt. this is you. you are really a person in the world. mucus, asshole, shit personality and you.

>> No.10311140


You around yet, scumcunt?

>> No.10311463

>glass cutting boards
I've always wondered, why the fuck do these exist?

>> No.10311595

>comes in all sorts of pretty colors
>doesn’t stain if you leave dried food residues on it for 3 weeks, unlike plastic and wood
>”it’s so easy to clean-just throw it in the dishwasher!”
>OMG anon! Don’t use wood! It’s all dirty and stuff!

>> No.10311625

>>glass cutting boards
>I've always wondered, why the fuck do these exist?
It was from an era where sanitizing your cutting board was the health concern at the time, yes. There were countertops with built-in glass cutting board areas. They had rubber feet, not warped wood from going through dishwashers. They washed clean in the sink in a flash, so you could instantly prep veggies right after cutting meat on it with a quick wipe and rinse.
Also, unlike plastic, they were as durable as a hot plate, like wood. No staining, like from beets.

At some point in history, when the world chopped down all the remaining trees, hardwood, the preferred cutting board wood category became quite expensive.

>> No.10313449


>> No.10313458

>my dad's cello making factory
Oh god, it's hereditary.

>> No.10313502


So you've learned about apprenticeships. That's how people learn highly skilled trades. I suppose you sit in a small room and wish for better welfare.

>> No.10313509


Are you on social assistance? No judgement.

>> No.10313511


"Disability" perhaps? So many people in the south are on disability. Trump is coming for your money.

>> No.10313514


>> No.10313529
File: 899 KB, 999x1711, cello126topfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's one of his cellos. Look at that spruce. It's sublime. His shellac is perfect. This is a Strad in modern times.

>> No.10313661

You could have said all that in a single post, retard. Or are you trying to make it appear like I was jumped by five different people or something?

>> No.10313696


I'm not trying anything... crazy person. Make your point if you even have one. Boy.

>> No.10313702


You're basically autistic. I don't know how to help you.

>> No.10313788
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This thread is entertaining.

>> No.10313840
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The purfling is lazy, tell your dad to step up his game

>> No.10314132
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You didn't get 12 replies. I think you broke him.

>> No.10314182
File: 126 KB, 1000x625, frogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just angry that a capitalist stole your girl, lefty boy.

Now go flip those burgers before you're fired.

>> No.10314251

Isnt the point of a cutting board for it to be soft so it doesn't fuck up your knives?

Also, what is it with Americans and their obsession with dishwashers? They're the reason cast iron pans are no longer used and why all the knives in the house are dull as shit.

>> No.10314261


It's funny. I have two Victorinox knives that's I'm very satisfied with. And it's been months since any of them got sharpened.

>> No.10314263

I don't have a dishwasher and I rarely use my cast iron. That's because cast iron is a niche tool, for steak and quick breads. Also most of my knives will fuck you up from just glancing in their general direction. Except the cleavers which I bought thinking they'd be useful but they're like, under a pile of pans in the back of some drawer because as it turns out they're pointless

>> No.10314413

More likely you have gotten used to a slightly dull edge. If a knife like the Vic is used regularly every day it will need to be touched up on at least a weekly basis for a genuinely sharp edge.

>> No.10314530


Yeah, I'm not claiming they don't need sharpening. Just weird to see this thread that's all.
I recommend Victorinox knives to anyone looking for something cheap and decent.

>> No.10314567

I knew you had to be autistic with your box of stones but Jesus fucking Christ this thread was a ral eye opener

>> No.10314655

I thought the guy with the hundred chef knives was a bit more on the spectrum, but now I'm not sure anymore.

>> No.10314704

He needs a target. He needs someone 'on the spectrum'. He needs someone to suffer or he is nothing. Angry authoritarians are desperate for something to hate.

>> No.10314832
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What, you mean me? All I have been tryiing to do is educate angry drunk luthier guy about the difference between a burr, a toothy edge and the properties required beyond a sharp edge for real cutting perfomrance, but he has the reading comprehension of an eight year old.

>> No.10314851
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I... I don't know who's who anymore.

>> No.10314886

Those are me, 100 knife guy (63 actually)

>> No.10314894

oops, removed one arrow too many

>> No.10314897

Were you actually under the impression that all the knife autism on /ck/ was coming from ONE person?


>> No.10314927

Every knife thread on /ck/ ...
let me just finish the thread for you
>some guy making fun of global
>some guy saying they chip
>you don't need a good knife guy
>victorinox fibrox guy
>weeb knife of the month guy
>you should only care about sharpening guy
>santoku guy
>ten people shitting on santokus
>slightly misinformed tl;dr about metallurgy, knife shapes, or the characteristics of knives from a certain country
>cleaver guy
>everyone making fun of cleaver guy
>cleaver guy posting 30 youtube videos about chinese chefs deboning chickens with their cleavers
>sometimes a /k/tard
>rivets debate
>forged vs stamped
>angry australian calling everyone in the thread a weeaboo, even the ones posting german knives
>is wusthof good
>answer about wusthof product lines
>some trolling here and there

>That should about cover it. Have fun guys.

I dunno, I am only Wusthof, saying they chip, forged vs. stamped and Wusthof product lines guy. I have lots of Wüsthof knives in my collection. If you take a close look at the pic you will see.

>> No.10314928

I wrote that pasta though. Thanks for saving it.

>> No.10314932
File: 34 KB, 650x365, mornin freedude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, knife guy, that settles it then, µburr guy is the craziest.

For a second..

>> No.10314945

Don't make fun of traditions. I loved those thread.

>> No.10314961

I wasnt making fun of it. It was a rather witty and acute post, that's why I saved it.

>> No.10314967

Still can't believe you don't want a Kramer.

>> No.10314972

Dishwashers are nice when all of the adults in a house work, as most american adults do nowadays. It’s not a panacea, and the harsh detergents of the dish soap can damage more sensitive things like crystal and gold/silver/platinum rims on fine plates, but the vast majority of Americans are more than willing to take that tradeoff because of the labor savings.

>> No.10314985

The aggressive detergents aren't even necessary most of the time, if you ask me. Most of the stuff only needs a good rinse, and with the temperatures the diswasher reaches anything bacterial is going to be dead anyway.

>> No.10315004

I really dont like their looks, and they are too expensive for me. I prefer the beater/workhorse kind of knives. I am a bit over my knife collecting phase anyway and am regretting the money I spent a little bit ...

>> No.10315028

Agreed, but it’s easier to just spend 2 minutes loading the dishwasher and popping in a dishwasher soap pod than 30 minutes washing every piece in the sink by hand. That’s why lots of Americans just dump everything into the dishwasher. They have better things to do than chores.
I managed to get my wife to not put the edged knives in our dishwasher, saying I’d wash them myself (and I still do, over a decade later). That keeps them out of the dishwasher and allows me to keep an eye on the edges. I’m no god of knife sharpening, but I do steel all of the edges regularly and resharpen the really dull ones.

>> No.10315054

I have found the only way to get most people to actually sharpen their knives is to give them the powered knife sharpeners, the majority of people are too lazy to bother learning to use real stones.

>> No.10315071


Great post.

I considered investing dozens of hours into water stones, then decided I just wanted all of my good knives very sharp at all times and got the Chef'sChoice 15 degree.

>> No.10316468

bump for more drama