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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10296783 No.10296783 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good foods to infuse with cannabis?

>> No.10296789


>> No.10296791


>> No.10296817


>> No.10296822


>> No.10296828

Anything fatty would be a good idea I would think.

>> No.10296844

Stuff that normally goes well with oregano

>> No.10296943

Make butter. The goodies in weed are fat soluable. Use the butter to make anything that uses butter, literally. The cannabutter is gonna leave a distinct flavour. Some like it, some dont. I make sugar cookies with it. I love those.

>> No.10297010


>> No.10297062

there must be some recipe out there that actually works with weed. it has an interesting herbal flavor but never enhances the typical brownies and shit people make with it.

>> No.10297080

Just make tincture of THC and then you can literally put it into whatever you want. Even then I end up just drinking it in water and then washing it down with something more pleasant.

Weed, by itself, tastes pretty fucking gross.
It's not going to "enhance" anything, really.

>> No.10297081

More cannabis! LOL.

Blaze it!

>> No.10297094

>herbal flavor
so why not just use it like oregano or parsley or any other herb?
and the 'h' in 'herb' isn't silent. it must be pronounced. it's herb, not erb.

>> No.10297103

Try making a dark chocolate cherry cordial. I have a hashberry tincture right now, and it kind of reminds me of that.

>> No.10297163

h isn't pronounced in American english

>> No.10297185

Do Americans really do everything wrong?

>> No.10297195

substitute white sugar for brown in every possible case.
if whatever fat you use as a base tastes like weed (read: tastes like weed, not the terpenes) then you're too retarded to be making edibles period.

>> No.10297965

isn't this just like making an extract of anything else? just store it in neutral alcohol and let it extract the oils

>> No.10297971


>> No.10297973

brits dont say the h in hello I dont see the difference

>> No.10297978
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who /edibled/ here?

>> No.10297986

You can do it as efficiently as possible, cooking for a long time with a lot of leaf/cab or you can waste bud and try and make it taste good.

>> No.10298008


>> No.10298024


>> No.10298036

Your extraction will be shit (and will also take FOREVER, literally weeks) if you just let it sit in alcohol.
Get the highest proof alcohol you can and heat it in a double boiler to just under the boiling point of ethanol.
I use a temperature controller with a hot plate, under the stove fan, and set it to 168 F and let it go for half an hour at temperature.

>> No.10298056

Mango and chocolate improve THC permeability across the blood brain barrier

>> No.10298319

Infuse it into oil or make cannabutter (with actual butter, not margarine). Then just cook normal dishes that require either oil or butter.
Nothing as awesome as getting stoned from eating Mac n Cheese or a sandwich.

You can also decarboxylate (activate) the weed in the oven then let it sit in a bottle of high % alcohol like vodka or something. Let it sit for a month and then strain it out. You'll get stoned as fuck from taking a shot or two.

>> No.10298339

Define "good".

Most edibles I've had (mostly cookies und caramels) were acceptable in taste at best. The distinct cannabis taste and aroma just seems unpleasant to me, matter how much sugar you use to cover it up.

So yeah, almost anything can be infused easily but most edibles simply taste like shit because of the herb.

>> No.10298470
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none of them you fucking degenerate. ima beat your ass

>> No.10298476
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Weed spaghetti

Also you must be 18+ to post here

>> No.10298488

Le heil pewfiepie xD he's so based and red pilled xD. You kids need to be banned

>> No.10298516
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>t. degenerate

>> No.10298569

>a shot or two
why get blazed off a shot when you can get blazed off literally an eyedropper's worth?
an eighth lasts me literal months. even if I was getting high out of my fucking skull EVERY day it would still last me literal WEEKS

>> No.10298571

>"with my faster speed I'm sure to win"

>> No.10298764

>look mom I posted it again!!1! xD

>> No.10298772

i would suggest make cannabis tea

>> No.10298774

just smoke it like the rest of the non-faggot world

>> No.10298779

you're a huge faggot if you smoke anything in the first place. enjoy your lung cancer and your yellowed everything.

>> No.10298791

Stop being a dried up pussy.

>> No.10298806
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On my own I usually just make cookies or banana bread. There was a period that I made tincture and got very creative. I infused a lot of liquids with that like gravy, iced tea, chimichurri and whatever else I was cooking with.

What kinds of commercially available edibles do the degens of /ck/ enjoy? I have been really enjoying pic related, especially since it's something I'd likely never make at home.

>> No.10299255

>What kinds of commercially available edibles do the degens of /ck/ enjoy?

gummies are my favorite
all the cookies and brownies I've tried have a weird taste

>> No.10299278

I'll quit smoking it when a link to cancer is actually established.

>> No.10299297

Yup. Gummies are great. I have some chocolate hazelnut spread that's good too.

>> No.10299455

what i do is decarb, then make a tincture using a very strong rum. i leave the tincture bottle in hot water bath for a few hours, shaking when needed. After that its good to go, although as you leave it it grows on strength.

I usually then put a couple of dropperfulls in a glass of hot milk, or milkshake if im going out and about. The rum has a distinctive taste that works quite well with milk.

>> No.10299474

Why does marijuana trigger americunts so badly?

>> No.10299492


>> No.10299504


>> No.10299518

Fuck off to one of your inbred island forums if you want to talk like a faggot.

Matter of fact, fuck off regardless.

>> No.10299521

hhaahahahah le weed dude
hahahah hahahah like weed

>> No.10299542

Your method is solid, however, you can achieve a higher rate of extraction if you decarb your weed before you perform the alcohol extraction.

Try 212-220F in the oven for 2 hours to decarb, then use your alcohol extraction technique. You'll get a better end product, guaranteed, or I'll give you your money back for the info.

>> No.10299577


>> No.10299583

Infuse the butter and lightly brush onto a ribeye while it's cooking. Gives it a juicy nice herbal taste and also gets you REALLY fucking high

>> No.10299597
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*le dabs*

>> No.10299655
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as a sidenote, any ideas for mixing my methadone into some kind of edible would be great. I also wish to normalise my soulless depravity and make it seem like my death spiral is cool.

>> No.10299878
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>> No.10299952

You could infuse it to butter or oil and pretty much add it to anything. I find that when you make sweets with it, it hardly leaves a taste and works like a charm after digestion time of 1 hour. Out of all the sweets, I'd have to say muffins were the best high to low taste ratio. Sugar cookies second

>> No.10299981

That's cus the H gives it away. That you're either stoned or drunk. But if you say ello, you'll sound like a druggie every time; so they won't expect a thing.

>> No.10299989

h isn't pronounced in poetry. It's really just an ugly, obtrusive sound.

>> No.10300091

This. Everyone I know who makes edibles uses thc butter.

>> No.10300098

nice non answer lol

>> No.10300335

it's human psychology. you have something they can't have and they never will have and it bothers them so they lash out. like if a completely asexual person walked in on two people fucking would be so much cognitive dissonance they'd just verbally attack you.

>> No.10300338

Marijuana is legal in parts of the United States, retard.

>> No.10300342

on topic: I use a dry herb vape and I feel like it produces a cleaner high then combustion. love the increased appetite etc

only certain individuals gravitate towards it while a lot of normies don't understand it and are afraid of it.

>> No.10300347

Gimme 4 hours and I will be

>> No.10300368

Kill yourself. You add nothing to the discussion of this thread. Go to /b/ so you can act like the dumbass dipshits you are.

>> No.10300372

On the topic of edibles, what's an acceptable starter dosage?

>> No.10300391

100mg THC

Don't doubt it, it'll hit you good even if you're a regular smoker. It can take 1-2 hours. My first time taking them I did the classic "this isn't working, I need a couple more" then got hit with my entire 300mg dose at once and spent the night speaking in tongues and slept for 20 hours.

>> No.10300456

>100mg THC
Oh FUCK no!

TEN mg!
10 mg.
One-zero mg.

That's the standard the state of Colorado adopted for an individual dose, and it exists because dipshits were tossing down 100 mg edibles, having panic attacks and getting freaked the fuck out, and calling 911 because they thought they "overdosed" and were going to die.

Start with 10 and work your way up. You do NOT want to take too much, or you WILL have a shitty time, and probably freak out and call 911. If you do ever find yourself way too fucking high from an edible, just remember that it won't kill you, and you'll come down eventually. Just try to keep your mind focused on something other than how ridiculously high you are, and you'll pull through.

t. been there done that

>> No.10300498

Anything with toasted nuts, be it sweet or savory, goes well. So sweets with roasted nuts on top, or things like stir fry work great. Just use the cannabutter or coconut oil to bake with, or add the oil to the stir fry after it's been cooked so you don't burn off the THC during the stir fry.

>> No.10300506


I figured as much, 100mg sounded way too high from what I read. Is there a noticeable difference between indica edibles and sativa edibles?

I've heard that there's a difference in smoking them, or is that just a placebo effect?

>> No.10300602

There's a difference alright. Sativa usually has a higher concentration of THC with lower amounts of CBD's, while the reverse is true for indica. The THC is responsible for the euphoric, uplifting effect, while CBD's provide a more relaxing, sedative type of effect.

So if you want something to help you sleep at night, increase appetite, or make chronic pain a little easier to live with, than you want an indica / indica dominant strain for the higher CBD content.

If you want something that is uplifting and less sedative, then you go for the sativa / sativa heavy hybrids for the higher THC / low CBD content.

Eating them is different than smoking, and it pretty much amplifies the effects and duration, so you're far more likely to freak the fuck out if you use too much of a sativa / sativa heavy hybrid than you would an indica edible. The indica edibles are more likely to make you hungry as fuck and sleepy, rather than freak out, but it could still happen if you use too much. Eat too much sativa, and it can take you on a ride through hell that even the most seasoned smokers will fear.

Just start low in the evenings after you've got all your shit done, and give it THREE hours to kick in, and make note of how it feels. Then up your dosage by 10mg each day until you hit the sweet spot, and always remember, it WON'T kill you, even if it makes you think it will. You'll come down in a few hours eventually and be fine.

>> No.10300623

use coconut oil and sunflower lecithin

>> No.10300639

>100mg too much

Is this a meme? I buy them from a company that produces them professionally and they're all 100mg, I never thought that was a crazy amount.

>> No.10300654

>they're all 100mg,
Right, but they're 10 servings, dude, not one.

>> No.10300660


For a complete first timer? Yes, especially if they're particularly high strung or nervous about it. The first time I smoked I only took a few drags and I got paranoid as fuck. Edibles are another level and if you're a novice with them or weed in general, it's best to stick to a low initial dose (10, max 30 if you're feeling adventurous).

>> No.10300663

I will talk from experience.

It tastes good on pizza if made from scratch. just take slightly (dark green) vapped bud and sprinkle it over the cheese before adding the condiments. On pizza that's already cooked, you can just sprinkle the vaped weed on it and get high but it doesn't taste very good. Butter is great too. I've also used some stems and put them in a pan with whole milk and butter heated at 220F-250F and stir regularly. Then get some chocolate mix like cadbury's chocolate mix (imo hershey's syrup is shit) and add it. Not really food but it still tastes really good.

Other than that idk, vape the weed to a dark green and use as a herb with other herbs for italian/indian dishes.
If you don't have a vape just grind the weed, put on a metal sheet/foil and place in the oven at ~250F/220F for a while and monitor.

>> No.10300683


I'm now imagining a man shoving an entire bar of individually sectioned gummies into his mouth and chewing greedily.

>> No.10300684

Also, especially if you're cooking for others, try not to use high THC weed. Usually weed like skunk, hight in THC, has an overwhelming taste. Weed with a decent balance of cbd is best. Or the stems/leaves from high thc weed is enough really especially for the hot chocolate.

>> No.10300695
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I've been doing this. I'm not kidding.

In fact, I've taken more than one.

>> No.10300698
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See: http://kivaconfections.com/products/bars/espresso

pic related

There are brownies and shit out there with 1000mg of THC, and if some ignorant n00b ate the entire thing it would make them see the devil. Hell, it would make most heavy smokers see the devil too...

>> No.10300702


It's a damn good thing you never encountered that 3000mg gummy star they were selling for a while.

>> No.10300715

I've been doing this for years and nobody told me.

I've been saying "man I love edibles but they're so expensive".

Fuck me.

>> No.10300724

That's why they started tightening up on the edibles in legal states. People were downing 100-1000+ mg's at one time without realizing what they were doing, then 3 hours later they'd be on the phone to 911 because of "overdose".

Now they're putting limits on the total amount of THC in a single edible, and making serving size mandates, like 10mg for Colorado, which is smart. Morons will still down entire bags full of shit and end up freaking out, though.

Edibles even kicked this dope smoking joo's ass:


>> No.10300743

OK. Every single pothead is cancer. Observably true without exception. Now stop.

>> No.10300744

>See the devil

Fucking stoners are cringeniggers

>> No.10300747

I made some banana bread and tossed in some vaped weed I had and didn't give it enough time to kick in bore I decided to do a couple of vape hits. 3 hours later I was in orbit around Neptune and lying in the fetal position in my bathtub with cold water running from the shower telling myself I'll come down eventually....which I did, of course.

Shit's scary, but kind of fun at the same time, which is why I treat myself to a good over consumption of edibles every 6 months or so when I can work the courage up to see the devil again. This approach is not for the faint of heart, though, and certainly not for n00bs.

>> No.10300750


Thank you so much for this laughter, I needed a good end to my Friday. Maybe you'll save a little money.


You ever want an example of edible ODing just watch Joey Diaz on his podcast. The first hour is watchable, the rest when everything hits he starts looking like a Mongolian midwife and he mumbles everything.

>> No.10300769

And yet here you are, pumpkin.
Here you are.

>> No.10301343
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>brits dont say the h in hello
posh ones do, and we're talking about 'herb'.

>> No.10301363

Butter, 5 hours in a higher quality shit coffee maker, 220 degrees F.

>> No.10301791

ok dad. you should stop dying of cancer, but that's going to be a little harder.
l m a o
>nobody has conclusively proven that smoking causes cancer!!
I could cite every study under the fucking sun and it wouldn't be enough for you. Literally decades of research. And we're talking first-hand, you doing the smoking, shit literally NOBODY disputes

>> No.10301797

Oh, I decarb! I thought it was a given, I'm being stupid.

>> No.10301811

oh, no. plz don't tell me that skiddle kid lurks here as well. holy crap is that the namefag chop?

>> No.10301824

Got damn, dis sucka mad.
Smoke a blunt, and chill.

>> No.10301838

I saw where they have weed infused Cheetos in Colorado now. I'm fucking moving there

>> No.10301849

Cannabis users have the same rates of lung cancer as NON-SMOKERS. There is NO link between cannabis and lung cancer as there is with tobacco.

>> No.10302832

you mean non-burnouts?

>> No.10302907

Me. Planning on having one tomorrow morning and riding out the day doing jack shit.

OP, like others have suggested, make THC butter, then bake with it. I like making cake and having friends over to get high with. Some times we drive out and get high then go for a hike.

>> No.10302946

Hey man. I don't care what you do but I really don't think that sucking smoke if any kind into your lungs is much good for you. Considering that most house fire victims die of smoke inhalation before the flames get them.
Maybe not cancerous as tobacco but certainly a carcinogenic in its own right.

Food for thought, maybe. Consider eating it instead maybe.

>> No.10302950

Mashed potatoes and cannabutter go hand-in-hand.

>> No.10302976

Not gonna lie, that sounds fucking disgusting.

>> No.10302977

>sucking smoke if any kind into your lungs is [not]much good for you.
Agree. However, the assertion that smoking cannabis causes lung cancer the way tobacco does is simply not true, and completely unsubstantiated.
>Considering that most house fire victims die of smoke inhalation before the flames get them.
Due largely to extremely toxic substances combusting, like paints and plastics, or simply due to oxygen being displaced by smoke.
>Maybe not cancerous as tobacco but certainly a carcinogenic in its own right.
Nope. There is NO link between smoking cannabis and cancer. Period. On the contrary, there IS evidence that cannabinoids inhibit and actually kill some forms of cancer, though.

Funny how that works.

That's probably why old hippies, like Willie Nelson, are still going strong despite smoking weed for over 5 decades.

>> No.10302987

If you don't use a lot of actual butter as well, sure. Don't JUST use cannabutter.

>> No.10303033

Canadian here. 50-100mg is what I take when I'm going out drinking or when I'm on a road trip, if I'm having a comfy night in with some vidya and snacks then 200mg.
I was a heavy smoker with a high tolerance though. I wouldn't give 50mg to someone who's never really smoked before.

Dispensaries in Vancouver sell 1600mg bottles of infused BBQ sauce. Just dont chug all that shit at once like a teenage retard.

>> No.10303159

Fair enough. It's your body, your health, your life, and your dubs. Do as you wish.
I just wish I could get high from that stuff without the anxiety that comes with it.

>> No.10304771

The death star? Joey Diaz pops those like candy and doesn't give a FUCK

>> No.10304782

Look into high CBD and low THC strains. The high CBD strains combat the anxiety brought on by THC. ACDC is a good strain to start out with if your state has legal medical marijuana

>> No.10304965

This >>10304782

Even if you don't have access to high CBD strains, which are more common in indica and indica dominant hybrids, you can reduce the amount of THC-D9 by using heat in the typical decarboxylation techniques used for edibles to create CBN. You can extend your decarb time for edibles in order to reduce the total THC-D9 available, which is the cannabinoid responsible for causing anxiety when taken in excessive amounts by many people. By extending your decarb time, or temperatures, you will increase the degradation of THC-D9 into CBN, which is responsible for the relaxing and sedative effect in cannabis. This approach should minimize the risk of feeling anxious and paranoid when using cannabis.

>> No.10304973
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>100mg is too much
nice one reddit. 10mg isnt even a single dose, fucking weak zero tolerancefags like you just spread drama because you tweaked on your first time.

for normal people, 100-200mg is a good dose, 500 being sort of the threshold.

>> No.10305000

Fuck off back to /b/ with your bullshit, moron.

>> No.10305017

i genuinely hope someone takes your advice.

>> No.10305034

wtf? I just did. What can happen?