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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10288723 No.10288723 [Reply] [Original]

So who here is a fan of Chinese food?

>> No.10288725

Why is 4chan terrible when the Americans are asleep?

>> No.10288730

so you don't like chinese food? my favorite is chicken charmagne

>> No.10288762

4chan is -always- terrible.

>> No.10288845

Poor doggos.

>> No.10288873


>> No.10288881

It really fucking bothers be that 4chan has been genuinely god awful since normalfags on Facebook and Reddit started using the term "shitpost" a few years ago. Like I know it's been a thing to say 4chan has always been terrible, and it's been pretty fucking shit at least since I started using it, and but holy fucking shit 4chan has been SO bad since like 2015-2016. It was at least bearable in 2014

>> No.10288897

babbys first seven year itch?

4chan has it's good days and it's bad days. you also have your good days and your bad days. sometimes your perspective of good and bad days can even change and one day you may laugh at a joke that you scoffed at earlier.

if you want perfect consistency then become a robot.

>> No.10289062

Media based boards' threads are good depending on the media you consume.

>> No.10289104

I wish this thread actually discussed chinese food since I'm thinking about moving there for work. China has a booming biotech industry doing cloning and altering human genetics for cancer research, meanwhile the west and europe are mired by red tape and libtards.

>> No.10289346

fred perlak?

>> No.10289352

>helping your enemu

>> No.10289400

They were bred and raised to be food. No different from chickens or cows.

>> No.10289418
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, do not learn mandarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck

>> No.10289447

The Chinese are bug like people, filthy, and have no concept of integrity. They will cut corners and cheat whenever they can. Good luck cause you are going to need it.

To keep this /ck/ related, look up 'gutter oil' on youtube.

>> No.10289514

i agree, this is what happens when 2/3 of the population are piss poor .. this will happen too in america and europe in a few years, mark my words.

>> No.10289524
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Only if communism takes hold.
Which it won't.

>> No.10289525

Does anybody here actually have any experience with eating dog? Is it worthwhile or just a tradition that originated from a dark and desperate time?

>> No.10289769

>Is it worthwhile or just a tradition that originated from a dark and desperate time?

the latter. Just like eating rotten fish and spiceless food and canned shit and being vegetarian, nobody actually wants to do it if there's better stuff available.

>> No.10290556

I was a USMC stationed at Subic Bay PH. had my G/F little dog that a tied up by the front door stolen. It was common to smell burned dog hair around 6 AM several times a month.

>> No.10290564

I thought it would get better when they cleaned up the child porn in 2007, but the only thing that got better was that there was no more child porn...

>> No.10290612

My relatives dog died when I was 6. He butchered and cooked it and sent everyone a piece. It has a very tight consistency. Would not eat again.

t. Chinese

>> No.10290621

I don't care about eating meat, but I don't appreciate chinks boiling alive the dogs.

If you're going to kill an animal, make it quick and painless.

>> No.10290632

>nobody actually wants to do it if there's better stuff available
Everyone I have ever known who lived through the Depression or WWII rationing have maintained their dietary habits, even if they have money and better food availability. That stuff catches on. Hell, we all have culinary guilty pleasures. I love the occasional box of Kraft mac and cheese. Some people like sandwiches with bologna or olive loaf or something equally disgusting. My father loved SPAM even when actual ham was cheap.

I figure the only way I could be convinced to eat dog is if it were specifically raised for slaughter. I can't imagine a dog you've been trying to keep fit and well-exercised its whole life would be anything but stringy and gross. Then again, I like deer meat, and they're not exactly fat and lazy.

>> No.10290648

Those poor kitty cats :(

>> No.10290656

4chan HAS always been terrible, but it used to be a different sorts of terrible. Yeah, you saw a ton of horrible phases were multitudes of people basically just shit all over the board, but you also saw genuine creativity. Nearly everyone on this site who was worth a damn has already moved on. I've been here since high school, so about 2003-2004. There is definitely a difference. The /pol/, Stormfront, and r/TheDonald shit has pretty much taken over entirely.

>> No.10290684

If you think people saying nigger here is a new thing fucking lol. Tbh the fact that nobody is completely bugging out about dog meat and people are casually discussing eating it is proof this place is still worthwhile to me

>> No.10290714

>liberals hindering human genetic research
brainlet detected