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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 102 KB, 800x788, guy-pretty-girl-cooking-domestic-kitchen-happy-40183204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10279854 No.10279854 [Reply] [Original]

Girl is coming over to my house to help me make food.

What food should we make that will guarantee sexual intercourse?

>> No.10279865

For the first course, definitely raw oysters. The slurping will turn her on. For the salad, arugula and spinach with a poppyseed dressing. Light and charming and tasty. The main course should be some kind of poached fish served with blanced and sauteed green beans or asparagus. And for dessert, hit the stupid bitch over the head with a hammer and rape her gash until she bleeds.

>> No.10279875
File: 106 KB, 727x900, loving-guy-girl-cooking-pretty-domestic-kitchen-55047768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but for real, what should we make?

I was thinking cake, cookies, or brownies.
Do those sound good?

>> No.10279878

This, except skip to dessert.

>> No.10279892

Beans with lots of hot sauce for garanteed intural sexulcoarse

>> No.10279912

Desserts are usually a crowdpleaser. You could try making sushi, laugh off how you both have no fucking idea what youre doing then bone.

>> No.10279976

methaqualone and MDMA smoothy

>> No.10280024

Make that bitch some chicken faginas. Then feed her margaritas and tell her it goes with the theme. Nothing makes a girl put out like tequila, except roofies.

>> No.10280043

This. Make the main course as faggy lowcal as possible and the go full out on the desser.

>> No.10280049

Buy soylent

>> No.10280061

She's a dumb cunt. Put on a marvel movie and order pizza.

>> No.10280255

Did you read what the dessert was?

>> No.10280275
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Chloroform the bitch the second she walks through the door. Fuck making her a meal.

>> No.10280292

Are you making it before she arrives or will she be there to see you cooking? If she can see you cooking, do a steak poivre and make sure she sees the alcohol fireball.

>> No.10280293

Pineapple pizza

>> No.10280297

Candle salad

>> No.10280299

Hope don't like to eat the cooch

>> No.10280307

Make a whole roast chicken, stuffed of course with croutons sauted in olive oil with celery onions and mushrooms. Make sure to mix a bit of milk in to fluff it up and add a bit of creamyness to it. Lastly as you begin to stuff you roast fowl stare intently into her eyes and begin to savagely fist fuck the bird until your both covered in chicken gizzard and your arm has impaled it from the bottom of its ass and your fist is sticking through its neck. At this point you should promptly scream "WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD?!!!" and proceed to brutally beat her unconscious with your "chicken fist" and rape her gash until its a bloody mess. Gets em every time boys.


>> No.10280312
File: 99 KB, 600x400, deviled eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finger foods. They're a little messy, a little sexy, licking her fingers will get that oral fixation going. She can eat as much or as little as possible so she doesn't feel like a fat pig eating a huge meal. Make deviled eggs, finger sandwiches, and hors d'oeuvres.

>> No.10280343

>Girl is coming over to my house to help me make food.

I just usually make foods like creamed spinach, collard greens, ham hock soup, and then make a point to tell that white girl about how these family recipes have been hidden and passed down by my ancestors during their slavery days. Then I make sure to lay into how these recopies were passed down for generations and hidden so that they won't be stolen by white masters. It's basically guaranteed white guilt pussy by the end of the night. Never failed.

>> No.10280345

Go get Taco Bell. Guaranteed she'll let you do anal.

>> No.10280349

So you lie to her, because all """""""""""""black"""""""""""" soul food is just Southern white food that was stolen by blacks. Niggers sure do love to steal.

>> No.10280351


white guilt pussy = submissive pussy = best pussy = $$$$$

>> No.10280354
File: 1001 KB, 1280x720, 1520840322703.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Help me make food

So together? Look up a basic pizza dough recipe flour water salt and yeast that's all it is chances are you have those in your pantry already. You need to make the dough the night before though. Buy some good mozzarella the ball kinds that are a bit pricer, buy decent block parm and if you want a few other cheeses to fill it out (those can be cheese shreds they are just to filler to stretch the good cheeses). If you know how to make a basic tomato sauce do it, if not buy one. Get some toppings pineapple will make your dick taste good, pepperoni, chicken shredded up, ham, anchovies, veggies whatever she might like.
Look up on YouTube how to roll out pizza dough and cook them in a cast iron. When she comes over teach her or learn with her if you still suck at it. Make enough dough for 8 pizzas (two to fuck up practicing and two for eating if you guys want). One of you shreds the cheese or dices veggies while the other practices to roll out dough. Bitches love pizza, it is a unique and different kind of date, and if you guys fuck up all the pizzas order some. Everything is pretty budget besides the cheese and all leftovers (dough, cheese, sauce) for the most part freeze well. She will feel talented for having learned a new skill that takes ten minutes to get okay at and you look like a fun interesting guy to spend time with. Drink wine along the way and keep conversation up and her panties will be soaking wet once the pizzas are made and you two are sitting down to eat.

>> No.10280356
File: 147 KB, 880x968, 1518232812432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The literal state of Amerimutts.

>> No.10280359

>It's basically guaranteed white guilt pussy by the end of the night. Never failed.

Here's a tip nigger. White bitches are so fucking loose & easy they would have touched your dick without you crying & playing the race card like a pathetic loser.

>> No.10280362


>> No.10280363
File: 11 KB, 348x336, eef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10280364

pic related is all the memes I have saved about your country

>> No.10280370
File: 146 KB, 500x500, tyson_chicken_nuggets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10280371

>Anon why would your ancestors need to hide recipes of food the slave owners assumed was the garbage part of the animal?
>That would be like a Chinese mother having the tastiest and most succulent way to cook a cat, she can hide it from the capitalist Americans so they don't steal her recipe and try to sell it in America but Americans think eating cat is wrong they wouldn't be interested no matter how good it tastes

>> No.10280373


Ok nigger. You guilt white women into fucking you. Now will you stop crying about your reparations?

>> No.10280407

Oysters or shrimp

>> No.10280427

Just hearing the bag rustle saturates my panties.

>> No.10280442

I could never do this, I hate when people try to "help" me cook by just getting in the fucking way.

>> No.10280823

Open bob

>> No.10280872

French Onion soup with a healthy seasoning of GHB

>> No.10280909

cheese, sliced fruit, and fancy crackers.

>> No.10281573

get a bag of mussels or small clams, cook spaghetti aldente - at the same time saute diced shallot, halved cherry tomatoes, minced garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, bay leaf, and butter. Once the onion gets translucent and the tomato is softer, put the mussels in and cover for like 4-5 minutes. Remove the lid when most of the mussels are open and stir some light cream into the released mussel juice and simmer another couple minutes. put some pasta in a bowl, place some mussels on top, pour some juice in, shred some pecorino over it, and sprinkle it with chopped up parsley. roast asparagus with olive oil, salt, and pepper for a side if you need it. serve with white wine.

>> No.10281702


>> No.10281736

Roasted pepper and ouzo shrimp spaghetti

>> No.10281798

Cookies and eat the cookie dough thats my plan too op

>> No.10281934

If she wants to fuck you, she already made up her mind
It literally doesn’t matter what you cook, if she’s down for sex, eating garlic broccoli with anchovy salsa wouldn’t change her mind, girls carry toothbrushes with them just in case