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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 768x1024, 03A2052C-0E8A-4736-B698-86308321D042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10269780 No.10269780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any Brits here know if there is a low caffeine version of coke?

>> No.10269788

There's that gold Coke, which is caffeine free. It's not often sold, and maybe they've stopped making it now.

>> No.10269789

Caffeine free Coke is available in the US. Is that picture real!?

>> No.10269797

The caffeine free stuff tastes awful though

>> No.10269799

In america they sell diet no caffiene coke, but there isnt full sugar no caffiene coke anywhere that i can find

What constitutes a high caffiene drink anyway? Coke isnt one. I can understand energy drinks and coffee, but sodas?

>> No.10269813


>> No.10269821
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>> No.10269841
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I knew the sips memeing would go too far

>> No.10269944

It’s good that they banned high capacity caffeinated drinks. For the children. Nobody needs more than seven milligram of caffeine!

>> No.10269953

>High capacity assault caffeine
>Delivers more than 30 buzzes per hour
>Ban the soda

Oh wait.

>> No.10269954

Off the top of my head I think it's only Waitrose doing this and it would only affect a number of energy drinks, not Coke

>> No.10269962

>Boots is also joining supermarkets such as Asda, Waitrose, Tesco and the Co-op in introducing the rule

>> No.10269967

The taste difference is barely noticeable. If you were blindly given caffeine free Coke you likely wouldn't even know any better.

>> No.10269973
File: 48 KB, 640x480, 1pjxin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They ought to ban eggplant/aubergine too, since it has trace amounts of nicotine in it. For the Children™, of course.

>> No.10269979

Das a racist restriction, much like voter ID laws since negroes traditionally reject the notion of having any sort of identification.

>> No.10269984

That's just sad.

>> No.10269987

You only think this because you don't know how to cook.

>> No.10269990

Faggot doesn't even brew his own cola

>> No.10270416
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Now what am I supposed to boil my ham in?

>> No.10270461
File: 24 KB, 233x426, Caffine_Free_Coke_can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It exists. It comes in gold boxes.

>> No.10270471

Have mommy buy the soda for you.

>> No.10270480

>drinks containing more than 150mg of caffeine per litre to under-16s.

Coke doesn't fall under this.

>> No.10270490
File: 268 KB, 746x1328, Sharia Europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to nanny-Europe.

We're going to have to card you for that plastic picnicware, but stoning your sister for getting raped is a-okay!

>> No.10270502

Is there any downside to drinking that?

>> No.10270518

Could Britain BE any more of a nanny state?

Fucking britcucks lost their nation to invading sand niggers and their dear leaders won't let them have guns, knives, or soda

>> No.10270531
File: 1.02 MB, 595x1274, Britain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot TV tax.

>> No.10270535

No, but it's very hard to find in most areas.

>> No.10270553

Yeah because God forbid w e try to tackle the health issues in our society, instead of letting the state literally push unhealthy products on us.

God save the queen.

>> No.10270570
File: 70 KB, 480x638, 60BE9CDD-2DA9-45D7-9B1C-C84E684CC34B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a 15 year old to do if he/she wants to make a Coke cake?

>> No.10270590

I'm sorry, which government is forcing their populace to buy soda? What?

>> No.10270596

We’re all so impressed by your irrelevant trivia, anon.

>> No.10270597

Shouldn't you be more worried about BREXIT or your Muslim takeover rather than young teenagers buying carbonated beverages?

Maybe if you encouraged healthy and delicious food, and the fun that comes with exercise, instead of trying to prevent access to things then your society would be better off. Prohibition doesn't work, never has. Education and encouragement is the path.

Someone please post that billboard with government billboard with the giant eye saying we're watching. Britain is hilarious.

>> No.10270623
File: 1.99 MB, 256x192, Captain Applause.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need my ID to buy groceries
Well done Britain.

>> No.10270629

We're all so impressed that you sarcastically stated how you're impressed.

>> No.10270631

Wasn't that just for halloween and that's why it says autumn on it?

>> No.10270632

the absolute state of britshits

>> No.10270636

Not that guy but he is probably referring to the corn subsidies in the US, which mostly benefit products that rely on high fructose corn syrup (like most American sodas).
The government doesn't directly force people to buy it, but they do saturate the market with it and make it cheaper than water. The result is that more people buy it.

>> No.10270646

Your personal decisions are not as perfectly autonomous as you delude yourself into believing. It doesn't matter how smart you are. You are gullible. And it's a governments duty to put checks on the exploitation of that naturally human trait.

>> No.10270656

Sounds about right. You're a pretty reasonable guy after all.

>> No.10270688

Irrelevant. It was pushed by the police on fucking groceries.

I'd be really fucking pissed if I walked two miles to the grocery to pick up eggs or something and walked two miles back empty handed. Britain has some serious civil rights issues.

>> No.10270697

That's exactly what I meant.

And we do also educate and promote sports and healthy eating. There's basically a whole department of government which does that sort of thing.

>> No.10270703

Yeah because everyone knows the government knows best.

>> No.10270713

How about you just, you know, take personal responsibility and not be unhealthy? Why do you need bit mummy bing bong to tell you what to eat and drink? Are Yuroshits too dumb to think for themselves?

>> No.10270717
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>britcuck ITT unironically defending their nanny state

>> No.10270719

>Britain has some serious civil rights issues.
How is that civil rights? Does the owner of the store not have the right to do as they wish?

>> No.10270724

underage ban

>> No.10270734

The results speak for themselves. It's not a theoretical question. Corn subsidies have contributed to the obesity problem in America. You can dance around it all you want and say "people should just not get fat, problem solved!" but that won't do anything to address the problem. You are so attached to your individualist ideology that you have blinded yourself to obvious facts.

>> No.10270737

Get pressured by police to not sell food?

How the fuck is that rights?

>> No.10270744

So you're saying that the shopkeeper should be forced by the government to sell something he doesn't want to? Maybe his own house got egged by teens and he's bitter about it.

>> No.10270759

Yes, surely a collectivist mentality without the will of expression, where your existence is replaceable if not outright meaningless, is far better than having some sort of individuality.

Perhaps because no one has the will to control themselves we should put them all under the complete authority of the government, for their own good. Because that's always works out. I mean sometimes worked out. I mean, that one time it worked out. I might, it might work out this time.

You naive idealistic child.

>> No.10270768

I think it's shit anway but there cannot be that many kids that buy their own fucking groceries and were actually affected by this.

>> No.10270770

Except that doesn't work does it? According to you we don't need any law at all because people know better than to do bad things.
Hilarious how SEETHING the new worlders are.

>> No.10270773

Then he should shut his store and stop discriminating based on age; refusing to sell a non-regulated product to one party but not another. That's a crime here.

Whereas in Britain it was being encouraged.

>> No.10270774

You are just talking to yourself now, man. I never said any of that stuff. Enjoy winning the argument inside your own head, I guess.

>> No.10270783

>Then he should shut his store
So you think the government forcing shopkeepers to go out of business is greater freedom than letting them decide how to run their business?

>> No.10270785

Lots of kids get lunch money that they could choose to spend on soda instead, which is what happens, but that's generally from a news agents, not a supermarket.
Also, this isn't a law, it's an initiative being undertaken by select supermarkets, private enterprises.

>> No.10270792

I was talking about the eggs and flour thing, but you're right, soda is more relevant to kids.

>> No.10270794

Sorry, energy drinks.

>> No.10270801

Was that the picture of the poster?

I'm pretty sure that was the only poster like that in the country, probably put up by local council at the request of local schools. I feel like it's not even a thing, let alone the big deal people are trying to make it.

>> No.10270805

Discrimination is illegal. Unless it's illegal to sell the product to a party, it's discrimination.

Selling but not a person because of age, gender, race, nationality, handicap, religion, gender preference, etc is illegal.

So yes, the government should be forcing them to sell groceries unless a law to sell groceries to minors is passed. This is how rights work.

>> No.10270811

Yeah you're talking bullshit mate, flour and eggs are not civil rights issues.

>> No.10270814

Pretty sure if you refused to sell flour and eggs to brown people you'd be up to your eyes in lawsuits and death-threats right now.

Ageism is illegal in the US.

>> No.10270821

>he can't counter that argument
I live in obesity country and I can guarantee that I out-lift faggots like you, have some responsibility in your life.

>> No.10270826

You are obviously not a lawyer. The actual law around that is more complicated than you seem to think (that's why the "gay wedding cake" case went all the way to the SCOTUS). Illegal discrimination is only that which targets specified "Protected classes" in the US. Race, religion, national origin, and sex are broadly protected classes. Same for veteran status, marital status, disability, and pregnancy. Age is often discussed as a protected class, but by statute "age discrimination" is only about old people, not teenagers.
For example, housing is one of the most closely monitored areas for discrimination. Yet, in a college town you will see hundreds of rental listings that specify "no undergraduates." That is not illegal age discrimination.

>> No.10270828

This entire post screams of autism.

>> No.10270830

Strange how defensive your getting over the suggestion that maybe the government Shouldn't meddle in the everyday lives of citizens. I bet you're afraid that next I might suggest your gibs be taken away.

>> No.10270834

Literally what the fuck are you on about man? I'm not "countering your argument" because you aren't even talking to me. I don't have the opinion you seem to think I have, so why would I "counter" you?

>> No.10270835

And no one is forcing to buy those sugary food, even for those fat americans. Again take some responsibility in your life faggot.

>> No.10270836

If I ran a store and put up a sign saying I wouldn't sell flour and eggs to niggers I would be run out of town on a rail.

>> No.10270839


>> No.10270840

What does it have to do with my life? I'm thin and don't drink soda or caffeinated drinks.

>> No.10270846

I'm answering ridiculous and childish arguments with an equal response. Also I'm bored and shitposting, what do you want from me.

>> No.10270850

Race is a protected class, 16 year olds are not. I don't know about UK law but it's probably similar.

But who will build the roads?

>> No.10270857

Right, well that's not what's going on though is it?

At the point this thread seems less about US vs. UK and more about seeing how big of a mountain can be made of this molehill.

>> No.10270861

Age is a protected class.

>> No.10270868

Amazing that you view the suggestion that people take personal responsibility for their own health as a "childish argument". It sheds some insight into the bong mentality.

>> No.10270876

>more about seeing how big of a mountain can be made of this molehill.
Yeah, so much of this meaningless shit is propagated just to get a reaction out of people. I guarantee that image came from social media. It's "outrage clickbait."

Look at the link I posted. The statutory basis for age as a protected class is protection for people over a given age, not under. In the US children basically don't even have constitutional rights. A kid doesn't have broad freedom of speech at school, for instance.

>> No.10270882

Then whats your point for rambling in this entire thread? How much did the UK gov pay you?

>> No.10270886

Not that guy, and not britbong, but it is a childish argument. You are basically saying "not my problem." You aren't proposing a real solution at all, you are just shrugging it off and expecting a pat on the back.

>> No.10270888

>But who will build the roads?
Your tax money cuck ;)

>> No.10270890
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>> No.10270894

You are insane brother. Yes, the government of a foreign country is paying me the big bucks to post on 4chan. Fucking what?

>> No.10270901

I don't eat like shit, I found my own solution, if you can't come to.that solution yourself you deserve to die of beetus. The government Shouldn't be spending tax money telling people not to be retarded.

>> No.10270904

Hahahaha oh wow.

Son is that an egg you'r? HANDS IN THE AIR!

>> No.10270908

Like I said, I'm thin and I don't drink soda. What does that have to do with anything? Public health is a real thing. The results speak for themselves.

>> No.10270909

>literally buying whole foods
>not as perfectly autonomous
Everyone is this what brexit cuck looks like, literally too stupid to make his own decisions.

>> No.10270913

Ok, exactly, one local police initiative , big deal. If a kid came in with a shopping list given by his mum they would clearly get served. If it's 8 boys wearing costumes, probably not.

>> No.10270917

Everyone knows only Israel and Russia does this.

>> No.10270922

I guess that much is true. But not on /ck/. The paid trolls just start threads on /pol/ or /b/ and mostly don't even stick around to post in them.

>> No.10270924

Fuck me, I don't have the strength to reply to you anymore.

I'm going to bed, God save the queen.

>> No.10270969

Jesus Christ newfag fuck off. /b/ isn't even relevant on this site anymore.

>> No.10270974

These are nothing more than common sense grocery laws, anon.

>> No.10270976

go back to lereddit faggot.

>> No.10270986

The Russian trolls post there because they are newfags, not me.

Say that to my face motherfucker not online see what happens

>> No.10270987
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Meh, I'm an American and it makes sense to have age restrictions on soft drinks given the consequences of childhood obesity.

We should tax them more just like cigarettes and try and better educate the public more too.

Public health is important. It's funny that we're criticizing the UK when we spend more per capita on public health, still lack universal healthcare, and have the worst healthcare outcomes almost across the board than any industrialized country.

Until we have a better idea, we should adopt a successful multi-payer model like Germany's and simultaneously do more to tackle obesity and malnutrition. But restricting sale of soft drink, taxing empty calories, changing our agriculture subsidy framework to skew a bit more toward fresh fruit and vegetables, and doing more to educate folks.

>> No.10270989

>buying sodas is a crime for children
Common sense mate

>> No.10270994

But that's full communism mate! Literally worse than gulags. People should just not get fat, problem solved!

>> No.10270997

If that's the case then why don't you let the government to drop literally everything? Go full 1984, eat govement regulated nutrient slop for every meal, work the mandated 16 hour government work day, do your mandatory government exercises and then sleep.in your government regulated bed. Surely that would vastly improve public health.

>> No.10270999

>literally banning cokes

kek, is there no such thing as parenting in bongistan

>> No.10271005

>i don't have an argument against my oppressive government so I'm just going to blow you off and claim a moral victory
Have fun living in a Brave New World, you bootlicking cunt.

>> No.10271010

But you mentioned them which that place isn't relevant, newfag.

>> No.10271016

I would've thought this would actually appeal to the autists who come to this site.

>> No.10271015

How about you have a little bit of self control instead of making the government control everyone's diet because you're not self aware enough to stop guzzling sugar water?

>> No.10271020

That would obviously be extreme. Can you even hear yourself right now? You are talking crazy. Did banning the sale of cigarettes to minors trigger a slide into full 1984 authoritarianism?

>> No.10271022

I suppose the parenting in the US of A is pretty great.

>> No.10271024

>the britbong recipe in fear at the idea of personal responsibilty.

>> No.10271027

>People should just not get fat
This is a legit answer faggot.

>> No.10271028

I'm 25 and I have been on 4chan for over half my life at this point. I'll probably die soon, but you will always be a newfag.

>> No.10271033

Children. Need. To. Be. Taught. Self. Control. That. Is. Why. Their. Purchases. Are. Regulated.

>> No.10271035

/b/ is just amateur traps and college chubbies these days.

Occasionally there's political spam, the anti-gun shit wouldn't stop after that Florida shit even though no one new what the hell they were talking about (paid trolls).

They are treating that book like a damned guide rather than a warning.

>> No.10271037

Tried it, didn't work. Next idea please. You are retarded if you think doing the same thing over and over again will give a different result.

>> No.10271040
File: 425 KB, 480x638, bingbong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously it did in bongland becuase now stores are refusing to sell literally basic necessity to kids under the guise of public health and saftey.

>> No.10271042

Is this post satirical? I can't tell guys.

>> No.10271043

How about parents actually parent instead of using the government as a surrogate?

>> No.10271046

If seeing that poster makes you mad, you could do with some self-reflection.

>> No.10271048


>> No.10271049
File: 9 KB, 645x773, 1516096698851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does caffeine taste like, anon

>> No.10271051

>because you're not self aware enough to stop guzzling sugar water?
We tried just self control, it doesn't work, too many people still guzzle that shit like it's from the fountain of youth. They're engineering the snack food to be addictive.

>> No.10271056

What if they don't though? How will you make them? If there are no laws,

>> No.10271060

>a 15 year old should not be allowed to buy basic cooking ingredients because they might do something bad with them
>this is a good thing

>> No.10271062

Strange because it worked for me. Europeans must not be as mentally developed as Americans.

>> No.10271064

I do.


>> No.10271076

Bootlickers really are a laughing stock.

>> No.10271081


So does England just not have vending machines?

>> No.10271082
File: 187 KB, 1200x1494, BINGBONG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10271083

>How will you make them
You don't, idiot. Governments are meant to protect citizens not dictate what they do.

>> No.10271087

No seriously they shouldn't be fat or they'll be in my next /fph/ posts.

>> No.10271091
File: 161 KB, 1291x1241, bongteeneightyfour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10271093

i hate to tell you, plenty of abused and totally neglected kids teach themselves to be good people. nobody's at fault but yourself for shit. information is out there willingly for people to read.

if your shitty kid with double digit IQ and triple digit weight only buys soda with money he somehow earns himself, he deserves the weight, and he'll work later to get it off, or he literally doesnt care about his weight.

no one has a moral duty to teach anyone to be a good person, anon. the fact you think it is says highly of the amount of free will your mommy gave you

>> No.10271099
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>> No.10271108
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>> No.10271117

Having an obese country is bad for everyone, even the fit people like us. It means that we pay more for health insurance, have less room on airplanes and public transportation, etc. It is best for me personally if there is some means by which to reduce the rate of obesity. One non-governmental way to achieve that would be social pressure and cultural pressure, which already exists (fit people are considered more attractive, fad diets are popular, etc.). Unfortunately that has not reduced the rate of obesity sufficiently. As a fit person I still suffer the negative effects of living in an obese country. Changing agricultural subsidies and reducing childhood obesity (obese children almost universally become obese adults for life) is a logical step to reduce this burden that I bare, despite my personal good health and responsibility.

>> No.10271125

So what will you do about it? Pretending that it isn't a problem and hoping it will just go away by itself is retarded. Suggest a more effective solution if you know of one. Don't let your fucking ideology blind you.

>> No.10271146

Encourage good parenting, don't mandate it, and don't let the government do your job for you.
Raise your fuckin kids. It's a cultural problem not a legislative one. Don't let your stupid autocratic perspectives blind you.

>> No.10271151

>can't capitalize
>reddit spacing
>nonsense mommyposting
By the way, about half of people have double digit IQ. They are all around you, what are you going to do about it? Might as well control the retards who can't control themselves.

In your ancap paradise, do you want to be surrounded by homeless shrieking retards?

>> No.10271156

The cultural problem has been exacerbated by government support for the corn industry and HFCS. The government is already involved, I'm not suggesting that we increase the purview of legislative authority, I'm suggesting that we change existing laws. Nice try though.

>> No.10271166
File: 59 KB, 400x394, Star vs The Forces of Confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this actually a law? I can't find anything about it, other than a similar ban in Moscow.

>> No.10271174

Shh, anon, don't do any research. Facts are distractions! Just let the emotions and rage engulf you, react without thinking.

>> No.10271179

> by government support for the corn industry and HFCS
Nigger what? Don't conflate two unrelated things. Shitty parents would let their kids gorge on sugar with or without the subsidies, that has literally nothing to do with this.
Nice try though.

>> No.10271183

>age-restrict and tax softdrinks
>kids start making their own sodas out of club soda and flavored syrup
>sugars become heavily taxed and regulated across the board
>the 1920's prohibition era happens all over again but with shirley temples instead of moonshine

>> No.10271189

>that has literally nothing to do with this.
Wrong. Subsidies make HFCS cheaper. Price influences demand. Cities with a soda tax have lower soda consumption as a result. I'm against those taxes on other grounds, but it proves the point.

>> No.10271196

If this thread is any indicator I'm already surrounded by shrieking retardeds so I might as well be free while listening to your disabled cries.

>> No.10271206

Wrong. We're talking about parents being too stupid to parent, and the government doing it for them. Not what particular subsidies may encourage particular consumption of shitty foods.
Shitty parents are still gunna let their kids eat nothing but mcdonalds and chocolate bars, HFCS or not. It's irrelevant. HFCS does not encourage bad parenting, it's just a correlated symptom.

>> No.10271211

Search harder retard

>> No.10271218

Demand influences demand. If price influenced demand banning drugs would make people stop taking them because it makes them much more expensive.

>> No.10271223

>high caffeine
Doesnt coke have around 30mg or something lol

>> No.10271224

>Cities with a soda tax have lower soda consumption as a result
Those cities also have a very high literate and educational standards, maybe its the niggers that should be banned from drinking so much sugary drinks.

>> No.10271228

>/ck/ - cooking and economics

>> No.10271230

Price does *influence* demand, but it doesn't drive demand, which is what he's implying it does.

>> No.10271234

Fuck off if you aren't contributing here.

>> No.10271235

Agricultural subsidies are promoted by corporations that profit from cheap HFCS, at the expense of the American people. Corn subsidies should be reduced and agriculture subsidies in general need to be reexamined and adjusted to eliminate this wasteful expenditure of Americans' tax dollars.

>> No.10271251

Except I literally use the word "influences." I don't think soda should be banned. I do however think it is a problem that some people drink soda all day long, turning themselves into useless fatbergs that drain my economy and make my healthcare more expensive. They need to be stopped, just like gangs need to be stopped.

>> No.10271253

no u

>> No.10271255

I apologize sensei.

Two of my tendons have been severed and my left hand is sore from fapping. I shall work on other ways to aid my google-fu.

>> No.10271264

Jokes on them I only buy whole foods so more fat people = more content for my /fph/ threads. However as for your britbong laws on stopping people from purchasing certain items, whats stopping them from going further? There are slippery slopes on such matters.

>> No.10271271

>Those cities also have a very high literate and educational standards
>High educational standards
oi das a good one m8

Not. The. Topic.
HFCS is completely and utterly irrelevant to nanny state practices. Go rant to somebody on facebook if you need somebody to listen to your poorly thought out theories on how to fix health issues. Until you outright ban all these shit foods, including hamburgers, fast foods, fried foods, etc and make everybody only have reasonable options of fresh produce and fruits, then it's not happening. Which swings right back around to nanny states.
Freedom means the freedom to do dumb shit, like guzzle 2L soda bottles and neglect your kids. That's a consequence of it.

The word you used is not the point you made. You say influence, you clearly mean drive.
>They need to be stopped, just like gangs need to be stopped.
No they don't. There's absolutely nothing illegal about eating like trash. Stop letting your autocratic perspective blind you.

>> No.10271274

I'm talking about before the taxes vs after, in the same location.
Anyway, poorer people in general contribute to the obesity problem much more than wealthier people. That's why raising the price of HFCS would help. The government is literally paying poor people to drink soda when they subsidize corn. Poor people were not fat 100 years ago.

>> No.10271282

>Until you outright ban all these shit foods, including hamburgers, fast foods, fried foods, etc and make everybody only have reasonable options of fresh produce and fruits, then it's not happening
>Which swings right back around to nanny states
You can't get anymore shiller than this...

>> No.10271286

>Freedom means the freedom to do dumb shit, like guzzle 2L soda bottles and neglect your kids. That's a consequence of it.
This is bad for me and for you. Luckily it is a solvable problem. Ending corn subsidies would not endanger anyone's freedom.
>There's absolutely nothing illegal about eating like trash.
We decide what is legal and illegal anon.

>> No.10271298

>shilling for corn subsidies
>$0.03 has been deposited in your Monsanto account

>> No.10271301

And no one but the corn lobby opposes ending massive corn subsidies. The issue I have is the government's involvement over the freedom of people to choose what they put in their bodies.

>> No.10271314

I never said ending HFCS subsidies is bad. I'm saying it's irrelevant and won't fix the problem.

>Luckily it is a solvable problem. Ending corn subsidies would not endanger anyone's freedom.
That won't solve the problem. At all. Big Bertha is still gunna dump an entire bottle of ranch onto her breakfast of 2 extra large cheesey stuffed crust pizzas.

>We decide what is legal and illegal anon.
And I'm glad our legislature isn't so retarded as to listen to autocratic retards like you and ban behaviors you don't like. And you should be glad too, otherwise you'd be living your life according to how some south baptist hillbilly decided.

>> No.10271317

Yeah that fascist crook discriminating the sale of nudie mags based on age

>> No.10271351
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Who the fuck buys nudie magazines in 2018?

>> No.10271353

This but unironically. The vast majority of people are retarded and can't make good decisions which is why we need mommy and daddy gubmint to decide for them. Just look how easily manipulated the average consumer was into destroying their bodies and their children's bodies when tonics and vigors were completely unregulated.

>> No.10271364

Kids these days are weak and effeminate because they don't have nudie mags for a good circlejerk

>> No.10271373

I don't understand why it should just stopped at sweet drinks, why not nanny us even further than that like my long hair getting stuck in a machinery.

>> No.10271374

>And no one but the corn lobby opposes ending massive corn subsidies.
Last two banquets I was a part of up north were quite fond of what the subsidies did for beef there.

>> No.10271376

Explain how it won't fix the problem. Subsidies is why everything you listed is filled with HFCS and soy filler.

>> No.10271383

I own four in case my power goes out.

>> No.10271390

Because it's not going to stop people from eating mcdonalds or ranch covered pizzas or big piles of trash. Soda doesn't help but it's not the singular sole cause.
If you REALLY want to start fixing this problem, emphasize fitness more in public schools (not just "run a lap now play kickball" PE) and mandate home ec classes so people actually know how to fucking cook basic meals. Then you might to see an actual shift away from eating fast food for every meal because its convenient.

>> No.10271391

Corn is needed for diesel, all the farmers grow is corn because of diesel and the rest is made into other corn shit. They can't just end subsidies.

>> No.10271400

wtf happened in Moscow?

>> No.10271421

Why not move to North Korea if you're so incapable of making your own decision?

>> No.10271431

Keep in mind it was brand-specific and this was a few years back.

>> No.10271463

It's Bongland, a place so rife with depravity and moral bankruptcy that they even had to restrict the sale of silverware to protect the chilluns.

That's right, if you would like to cut your steak into appropriate sized pieces before eating it, you're obviously a murdering sociopath with contempt for civilization itself! God save the queen, wot.

>> No.10271471

obsessed :^/

>> No.10271473

Luckily for me and all the people I know aren't stupid but we don't want a nanny to decide it otherwise.

>> No.10271518

>The taste difference is barely noticeable. If you were blindly given caffeine free Coke you likely wouldn't even know any better.
I buy caffeine free Coke routinely. My Coke cravings often come about 2-3 hours after dinner, close to bedtime. I can assure you that it handles my craving, but it is NOT close enough to regular Coke that you'd not know it was different. It is missing that crisp bite, and it even tastes more sugary, nearly a Pepsi sweetness. It even comes across less carbonated, slightly more flat.

>> No.10271521

Our agreements and disagreements aside, I'm curious: do you think restrictions on alcohol and cigarettes should be eliminated?

>> No.10271573

The cost of diesel can go up a little. They have to strike the right balance.

>> No.10271582

>My Coke cravings
You are like a trained animal.

>> No.10271650

>do you think restrictions on alcohol and cigarettes should be eliminated
Not him but yes, let the faggots die early for all I care.

>> No.10271660

Once you're in the age of majority you should have the full rights of an adult to put whatever the fuck you want in your body.

>> No.10271679


>> No.10271728

How did this entire thread go by without someone point out this sign doesn't actually apply to Coke? It's for energy drinks.

>> No.10271824

You can have silverware, as long as you are a sharp cutlery license holder, and store the cutlery in a government approved cutlery safe when not in use.

>> No.10271843

That's satire.

>> No.10271867
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>sharia zone sign hosted by blowUP Media
>my face when

>> No.10271882

And those boys would literally be arrested. But hey, that’s totally reasonable.

>> No.10271998

So it's OK to restrict it for children in your opinion?

>> No.10272090

id do this to all high sugar drink and food

>> No.10272205

I rather restrict you from posting on this site.

>> No.10272340

Why? I'm just asking. I don't want to just assume what your beliefs are.

>> No.10272346


>> No.10272362

>Yeah because God forbid w e try to tackle the health issues in our society, instead of letting the state literally push unhealthy products on us.
yes, god forbid that. Do you not realize that the freedom of the people isn't a means to an end? it's a value to be protected in and of itself.

>> No.10272385
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You caught me.

>> No.10272406

If they are in Germany then why does it say police in English?

>> No.10272423


Don't know. English is a required course in Germany though so I imagine everyone knows what police means there. These pricks have no real power; at best they're guilty of impersonating an officer, disturbing the peace, or some similar German law.

>> No.10272440

it's probably the UK. There are literal sharia zones all over London.

>> No.10272444

you won't get caffeine, the foundation of western civilization

>> No.10272448
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>Welcome to nanny-Europe.
you being pussies doesn't mean all of europe does.
We're still allowed porn and coca cola in denmark.

>> No.10272451

>trouble written in bold
I'm absolutely shook

>> No.10272457
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>implying same continent
You'd have to be nuts.

>> No.10272550
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>tea drinking inbred island faggots attack soft drinks because of caffeine

>> No.10272755

I like the caffeine free coke but i wish it didnt have any sweetener in it.

>> No.10272772

Tea's actually relatively a low caffeine drink and they're "attacking" energy drinks.

>> No.10272997

I love the fact that the mutts arguing for self control and good parenting live in an obese country full of child shooters.

Perhaps you should sort out your own country before trying to police the rest of planet earth.


>> No.10273185

the article that was linked to that post said it was a voluntary ban on sale to people under 16

>> No.10273196

>implying there is anything wrong with child shooters

>> No.10273215

>Welcome to nanny-Europe.
the fuck you on about, i'm from a slav country and there's absolutely none of that pussy-whipped bollocks you have in UK. your goverment and society is fucked beyond repair

>> No.10273220


>> No.10273248

It's cute that you think Muslim immigrants have any interest in assimilating into German society.

>> No.10273268

Why isn't the writing in Arabic or Persian or something then by your logic?

>> No.10273276

They want people to be able to read it but they don't know a word of German, so they use the English words they learned in Jihadi school. It's not rocket science.

>> No.10273366

rum of course!

>> No.10273375
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>2 threads crying about england
beyond obsession

>> No.10273378

>throwing eggs and flour is not funny

>> No.10273386


Truck drivers.

Can't jack off to internet porn on your phone if you're stopped in a dead zone.

>> No.10273395

>Up to 1,000 children ‘drugged, beaten and raped’ in Telford grooming scandal
I wonder what's worse, having your kids drinking Coca-Cola or...? What say you, Britain?

>> No.10273401


Aren't you supposed to be giving your children away to "asian" rape gangs right now? Wouldn't want to be racially insensible now, won't you? That's grounds for arrest, along with owning butter knives.

>> No.10273402

Wow, Britain, maybe you should have let the Nazis invade. You'd have had more freedom.

>> No.10273422

Are you by chance American?

>> No.10273424

Not defending the sign at all but it isn't referring to regular soft drinks like Coke, rather high-caffeine shite like Red Bull and Monster.

>> No.10273453

Get a NoDoz and see for yourself

>> No.10273500

I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping lately and I'm cutting out all caffeine.

Apart from Coke and energy drinks, are there other soft drinks that contain caffeine?

>> No.10273519

Try harder

>> No.10274180

it's itneresting. I am an american and none of my friends drink soda. Even at work when I walk aroudn the floor, I almost never see soda on any one's desk. I wonder if soda consumption is down over th past 2 decades...

>> No.10274353

Mountain Dew has caffeine

>> No.10274367

This. Without the bitter element it's just not right.

>> No.10274574

as a britbong ive only ever seen this in place by certaint stores around halloween which makes total sense. all other times of year no problem

>> No.10274584
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>> No.10274825

Just save it to an SD card.

>> No.10276227


>> No.10276817

thankyou. this obviously is only for redbull and monster type stuff. everyone knows its not great for ya. i could've bought it since i was a school kid, but i just bought coke and stuff because red bull tasted like shit and i just knew somehow that it wasn't good for me. good parenting i guess. but now energy drinks are everywhere, they're cheap and they taste great. this is a good decision.

>> No.10276827

shut the fuck up

>> No.10276840

>only 16yo and old can buy coke
got anything to tell us OP?

>> No.10276961

>only 16 years old and old

>> No.10276997

>thought this is a fake headline
>google to make sure and its real
Jesus nigger Europe get your shit done

>> No.10277979

of course they also banned acid because some many acid attacks

>> No.10278028

don't forget the democrats

of course MAGA did it for free

>> No.10278113

why don't you come over here and make me copper, better not get too close, I got eggs

>> No.10278531

>bongs will defend this

>> No.10278552

>oh its October 29th
>sorry, little bingbong, no baked goods for you
>ya mioght cause some TROUBLE with them there basic cookin ingredients
>aight govna, god bless da queen
>*store obliterated by islamic truck of peace and tolerance*
Your island shithole is a joke.

>> No.10278558

Scroll up, they've already tried to unironically defend it ITT.

>> No.10278675


>eggs and flour not sold on halloween
its only 1 day you dumb fuck
>mentions truck terrorist attack that happened in different country
typical amerifat education desu

your cheeto president and obese nation is a fucking joke to the world.

>> No.10278680

they were responding to somebody who said "around halloween" fucking low-reading comprehension loser

>> No.10278808

>heh, those dumb britbongs, don't they realise that if the public was allowed to arm themselves they could defend against someone trying to kill them?
meanwhile at vegas

>> No.10278844

>t. Face got melted off by an angry Muslim

>> No.10278876

>days since last school shooting: 0

>> No.10278928


>> No.10279008

it's a turkish invention, co-opted by the jew for the purposes of making mad shekles on addicted goyim

just like diamonds it works on the hype around it, and you are an idiot to drink it

>> No.10279018

Are they banning it for youngsters because it's addictive? That's the only reason I could think of. Yeah, I'm completely addicted to caffeine. I drink lots of coffee everyday, but it has benefits too. They say the antioxidants prevent cancer

>> No.10279215


>> No.10279360
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To be honest caffeine the way it's regarded by popular media is 99% a placebo.
Drinking a can of redbull will not transform your 10 year old cousin into some hyper active wirbelwind that can't be stopped unless he thinks that's the effect it has and acts according to his self-imposed "role".

Obviously caffeine does have an actual effect on the body, but unless you are literally chugging pills by the dozen it's basically impossible to orally ingest enough to lead to any serious "craziness". Most of the caffeine addiction syndromes people show are purely mental as well and mostly stem from the ritual of drinking coffee and what they associate with it. Of course you can become physically dependent on it, but it's not nearly as wide spread and all prevalent as people think.

>> No.10279540

As a libertarian, I agree. Sugar tax should be low and flat, and only on goods with a certain threshold so to encourage same-brand goods to be lowered in sugar. This is not to "guide the market" but to label certain things as "sugar drugs" and "food". After a point, the need is compulsive, not necessary, so we should "top-shelf" it through tax.
Not even being ironic.

>> No.10280179
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>> No.10280532

Energy drinks have had to put "not recommended for children" on their cans for ages, this is just stores taking it upon themselves to go another step beyond that.