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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 620x465, sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10271272 No.10271272 [Reply] [Original]

>Drugs are bad for you
>Government bans them
>Cane sugar is bad for you
>Government doesn't ban it


>> No.10271279


>> No.10271297

Government rarely bans something it can regulate and tax the shit out of no matter how bad

It rarely legalizes that which it cannot

>> No.10271337
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>> No.10271482


Money and extremity. While sugar is more pervasive in it's addiction it's destructive nature is more subtle than meth or heroine.

>> No.10271488

>oxygen is bad for you
>government doesnt ban it

>> No.10271489

sugar has nutritional value (thus food)
drugs don't.
next quesiton?

>> No.10271500

>being a faggot is bad for you
>OP is allowed

>> No.10271673

>heh...i showed them ....
gb2 pol kiddo

>> No.10271681

Where is that britbong nanny state shill when you need him

>> No.10271694

>Guns are bad for you
>Government bans them
>now only the government has guns
>Government doesn't ban itself from guns

the perfect plan

>> No.10271701
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Enter the britbong.

>> No.10271718

You can't even fucking read. It's a ban on underage sales of caffeine (aka a drug) not sugar. It's also stores changing their polices, not an actual law.

>> No.10271724

Here >>10271718

>> No.10271737

because it is politically inconvenient
The government will ban or tax everything they can unless they think it will prevent them holding onto power

>> No.10271965

>children can't drink soda anymore

wtf I love bongland now

>> No.10271979

Drugs don't have enough of a powerful industry behind them.

Sugar, on the other hand, has an industry that has been lying to the government for at least 100 years.

>> No.10271988

>drop soda prices by subsidizing corn
>raise soda prices through taxes

>> No.10272172

We actually pay for those subsidies. If it was merely a wash, the huge corporations wouldn't pumping the shit out like water. It's a bad deal for everybody not rich enough to hold shares in those companies. This doesn't even account for the assrape from the healthcare costs side. It was always just a nasty moneygrab robbing the middle class.

>> No.10272619

Because it's retarded to treat your subjects like children.
Did you know that in Google offices, while many offices offer free food, they had to hide the candy in black boxes so that they aren't immediately visible and tempting?
In some offices, they have traffic-light signs next to food. Obviously, greens are your vegetables. Yellows are pretty much everything else. And of course, anything that tastes remotely good is red.

Do you want to be treated like a child in every facet of your life?
Because a lot of people sure as fuck want to.

>> No.10272636

normal people should be allowed to eat sugar but if you are fat you should be banished to mexico

>> No.10272653
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It's only a matter of time.

>> No.10272657

Move to Washington.

>> No.10272727


It's just a fucking soda.

>> No.10272742

>sugar drinks taxed to hell in Seattle
Umm, anon....

>> No.10273383

People haven't been stabbed by addicts to buy sugar

>> No.10273400
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>leave a bit of sugar at your door step
>ants will eat it
>they come back looking for more
>ergo sugar is addictive
>even to ants

>> No.10274056

We shouldn't be consuming sugar from any sources other than fruit.

>> No.10274066

even current day fruit is so different that it should be considered a desert and you shouldnt eat more then 2 pieces. and skip it some days.
at least if your eating like veggies and meat mainly.
if you still eat fastfood be my guest and eat as much fruit as possible if it will stop you from eating candy

>> No.10274073


>> No.10274080

Sugar industry.
Sugar is basically everywhere in our food.

>> No.10274133
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>> No.10274142
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>> No.10274154
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>> No.10274161
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>> No.10274712

None of this is a problem if you're not a slob with zero self control

>> No.10274760

>actually defending the caffeinated jew

The only drug people should ever do is weed, shrooms, and LSD. And only if you're of sound mind and body. Every other drug just destroys your body and turns you into a filthy addict.

>> No.10274762
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Howdy doody fresh and fruity.
Don't thread on me or my cane sugar, partner

>> No.10275854

this is good, soda is one of the biggest things making people fat.

>> No.10275874

because without it you die, since your brain can only accept glucose as fuel

>> No.10275924

in the world of politics banning or regulating something only works when you can make it a us vs them issue. Tobacco and alcohol work great in that respect because as pervasive as they once were there are always a great deal of people who don't consume either so it is a politically palatable sell. It becomes a us vs them issue, and there is always a group of people who get off on telling others how to live their life.

Sugar is however different, you are literally wired to feel good consuming it, you are wired to seek it and you are wired to not stop consuming it. Why? Because in nature sugar only existed in certain forms, mainly fruit, and if you were brave enough, honey, neither of which were available 24/7, fruit would only be available during certain times of the year for a certain period of time, same thing for honey, it was an extremely limited resource, and at a time when calories were hard to come by, humans actively seek high calorie foods, which makes sugar special, it affects everyone because everyone loves it even if they dont consume it.

This makes it an issue for everyone, sugar will never be banned for that reason, that is why you see the push on soft drink sales, it is easy to demonize the soft drink industry and its consumers, they tend to be the least educated in society and also the poorest with a low level of self control and issues controlling their calorie intake, it is easy to demonize "those" people for those reasons. And that is how you get taxes on soft drinks, because if it was actually about sugar, honey would be regulated as well as fruit juices and chocolate milk which contain more sugar than a can of coke ever dreamed of having. Soft drinks are also a really profitable and well organized industry with excellent branding, so it becomes a form of taxation on the poorest of the poor and no one will ever rise up to defend Coca-Cola or Pepsi, and when they do they are seen as shills, even though it is truly disgusting form of taxation.

>> No.10275931

Bongs need mummy govgov to make decisions for then because they're too stupid from years of island incest.

>> No.10275957

Government should ban foods and drinks that aren't part of a healthy diet, but only if your weight goes above a certain amount. I know people will object that you can't know how much someone really weighs, but it doesn't have to be perfect, it's the same idea as having age based restrictions. Just like how you don't necessarily always ask obvious geriatrics to prove their age, you don't need to always ask obviously healthy or underweight people to prove their weights.
Also you could work this into IDs probably, where you need to get your ID updated if you do something like vote or get pulled over or show up for jury duty and it's found that your current weight is blatantly heavier. That way they can mark you as overweight officially until you prove in the future you've gotten back to a healthy weight.

>> No.10275961

>drugs don't have a powerful industry behind them
hahahahaha, okay buddy . Big Pharma has half this country strung out on antidepressants. Do you think you're not a junky just because you get your dont-be-sad pills from a pharmacy and not a drug dealer?

>> No.10276036

Type 2 diabetic here, I got diagnosed in december 2017, switched off fast food/sugar since and as of yesterday my A1C went from 8.2 to 5.8

Sugar isn't "Evil". Just don't abuse it and you'll be fine. Know how to manage and control your intakes, and don't over indulge.

>> No.10276140

t. Marijuana addict

>> No.10276312

that is more than idiotic it's tyrany and no one would stand for it

>> No.10276547

>you're not a slob with zero self control

That excludes 30% of the American population then

>> No.10276568


>caffeine is a drug
>sugar is not

I like the gymnastics you performed to appear right.

>> No.10276580
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Sugar ? Here's one for those who want to jam a bit.

>> No.10276598



>> No.10276614

>Sugar is addictive

To fucking who?
When stevia was announced I promptly switched to it and haven't looked back, And I used to drink boatloads of 100% concentrate fruit juice, and shit tons of donuts and cakes. Did I miss them and come crawling back like an addict? Fuck no. I found out Vegetables were actually good after you passed the eww yucky vegetables phase and never went back.

Sugar isn't addictive in the slightest. Your desire for it is.

>> No.10276625
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All those drugs were originally made for healing though. It's just the fact that they get abused that caused them to be banned/controlled.

>> No.10276736
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>Sugar isn't addictive in the slightest. Your desire for it is.

>> No.10276837

The only reason they can't regulate and tax drugs is because they banned them. Places where they haven't/aren't banned are regulated and taxed.

>> No.10277978

>ban something only a small fraction of people use
>create vast criminal cartels that threaten to plunge the American southwest into anarchy
Yeah, I'm sure nothing bad would happen if the gov tried to ban a substance that 95% of people consume every day.

>> No.10279842
File: 75 KB, 399x500, 375DB5F5-1BA1-477B-BBB9-E16B0A6AEDD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10279861

There's no sugar withdrawal, thus it's not addictive.

>> No.10279925

>i never heard of it therefor it does not exist
dude there is a sugar withdrawal look it up

>> No.10279947

>>Cane sugar is bad for you
>>Government doesn't ban it

Washington DC recently tried to add a sugar & "soda tax" but the immediate reaction of all the blacks crying racism and calling it a "black tax" in the media killed the initiative real quick.

It was as if the blacks were just admitting that they have zero discipline or self control around sugar & sodas.

>> No.10279964
File: 3 KB, 355x222, Black Diabetes Epidemic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And the funny thing is that the law would have helped blacks more than any other race... but they'd prefer to die 350 pounds, overweight, with heart disease and diabetes than listen to the white man.

>> No.10279967

Where does who say that sugar is bad? Elaborate please.