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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10270881 No.10270881 [Reply] [Original]

Who's hungry?!

I'm heading down to the nearest McDonald's restaurant for a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, hot fresh fries and an ice cold Coca Cola!

>> No.10271052
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, 345543345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a thread died for this but I did get 2 double cheeseburgers and specified no pickles and got pickles, can't really complain, was full of nigger staff.

>> No.10271075

>tfw the Grand Mac is just the size that the Big Mac was in the 90s

>> No.10271078
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why don't they just call it a half pounder? or make the patties half the size and call it a quadruple eighth pounder?

>> No.10271096
File: 43 KB, 573x493, 4333434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded or just a nigger? it's because there#s a 1/4 pound of meat in the burger, size of patties is irreverent.

>> No.10271133

a double quarter pounder is a half pound of meat though, that's kind of my point.

>> No.10271141

>is liquid

Americans can't truly be this retarded.

>> No.10271159

liquid + ice = 32 degrees until the ice melts. therefore it is ice cold.

truly you can't be this retarded

>> No.10271161
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You were saying?

>> No.10271180

The staff did you a favor, trying to expand your child's palate.

>> No.10271193
File: 657 KB, 2448x3264, 345543354534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was digging holes and hauling bags of cement and sand for 8 hours, I was a former NEET but got forced to wagecuck and lost like 75 lbs and barely at a healthy weight due to losing so much fat since I used to sit around all day and play vidya and watch anime.

needed the calories.

>> No.10271204

Quarter Pounder with Cheese? Huh? Is it like a Krusty Burger with Cheese? Do they have Krusty partially gelatinous non-dairy gum based beverages?

>> No.10271205

Lots of foods have calories not just cheeseburgers and also pickles don't remove calories they add calories.

>> No.10271214

Knowing Hotwheels, that chick has a benis

>> No.10271220

Hm. You are aware that Krusty Burger is a parody of McDonald's by design, right?

>> No.10271227


sick burn

>> No.10271236


thats bullshit. I ate one in the early 90s growing up. It was a right of passage. Graduating from happy meals to regular sized value meals. No way i could have finished one at the grand mac size.

>in b4 fatty mcfat kid

>> No.10271237

Hm. You are aware that you didn't get the joke and clearly haven't seen that episode of the Simpsons, right?

>> No.10271242

Hi, I hadn't been to a Mcdonalds in like 5+ years until the other day. People said it was cheap but when I went in burgers were like 8+ dollars. Do people consider that cheap? When I got it it was just sort of a flat shitty "burger" that was mostly ketchup.
Mcflurry was fucking delicious though.

>> No.10271283
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it's cheap desu, I use vouchers and just scan at the self-service and keep them and use over and over again
big mac and firs for 1.99

>> No.10271312

I guess I probably haven't. Is it from within the past ten years? Not that I would have memorized it even if I had seen it.

>> No.10271320

Maybe it's the Canadian prices giving me trouble. Fast food up here is generally pretty expensive, thank god. Where do you get vouchers? I kind of want another Mcflurry.

>> No.10271323


>> No.10271326


Without vouchers it can be pretty pricey. I avoid the place until i get them.

Regular price bigmac here is like 4$ which is stupid. Big Macs are awesome but heck if im gonna shell out that kinda cash. Defeats the purpose. Fast food should be cheap, fast and terrible for you. If you remove any one of those elements its becomes pointless.

>> No.10271343

online mostly, or lots of the free news papers at train stations have them inside, I usually just take pictures of the bar codes and then scan them at the self-service machine, sometimes the staff who are jobsworths ask for the voucher when I collect it but nothing they can do if you just say you don't have it.

the value menu is pretty gud too, double cheeseburger for 1.50 i think.

>> No.10271345

You are misremembering the size based on your own size and age at the time. Grand Macs are the same size regular Big Macs were in the early to mid 90s.

>> No.10271369

is there a coupon for that shamrock shake?

>> No.10271415

I was talking about not liking pickles you dunce

>> No.10271424

That's the thing though they give out coupons every quarter. I remember remarking to myself "it's not a coupon if you mail me them every 2 months--that's the real price!"

>> No.10271548

Oh, yeah. I wonder how much more Simpsons I've forgotten. Was that time spent watching it all those years ago simply wasted? Were they real, in the scheme of my life? Is this moment right now being used productively? Will I remember having ever visited /ck/ at all ten years from now? Does this moment even exist?

>> No.10271734

>getting butthurt that someone doesn't get a joke from an episode of the Shillsons

>> No.10271738

If it was ice cold it wouldn't melt would it, retard.

>> No.10272354


>> No.10272410
File: 272 KB, 800x600, 3DA5C61D-8A2C-4692-A82B-D197F4168814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, its got to be the McChicken! It is my favourite entreè on the menu, warm tender and juicy, plus the accompanying sauce is great! and every time i go to get one I am always sure to ask for extra McChicken sauce packets as well. the last time I got a McChicken., i asked for the extra sauce and they gave me 3!

>> No.10272544

>interpreting everything literally
Keep studying English, you'll get there

>> No.10272552

>slogan is "have it your way"
>i ask for a warm coke
>"we cant do that sir"

>> No.10272559

Thats KFC not mcdonalds

>> No.10272601

what possesses a person to make a fake shill thread?

>> No.10272607

yeah pick me up one

>> No.10272612

what possesses a person to reply to a fake shill thread?

>> No.10272635

what possesses a person to reply to a reply of a fake shill thread?

>> No.10272859

you're thinking of taco bell you fucking retard

>> No.10272873
File: 36 KB, 980x490, landscape-1505904654-rutger-hauer-blade-runner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.