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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 137 KB, 1280x905, Hiyayakko_with_bonito_flakes_and_welsh_onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10262874 No.10262874[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ here

Is the soyboy meme true? Does eating tofu, kimchi, soy sauce etc and drinking soy milk turn you into a soyboy?

>> No.10262875

look it up retard

>> No.10262878

Chicken or the egg, senpai

>> No.10262880

>fucking kimchi
fucking shut up retard

>> No.10262884

kimchi isn't soy
i wouldn't consume a lot but in moderation it's fine
dairy is also estrogenic, but again
m o d e r a t i o n

>> No.10262886


Fuck off.

>> No.10262901
File: 401 KB, 447x438, 1508160459122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, didn't realize the non-pol boards were so full of soyboys. Stay triggered.

>> No.10262905

why does everyone try so hard to sound like children?

>> No.10262920

i'll stay anything you want as long as you stay out

>> No.10263143

No. Go to Google scholar and read the research.

Things that actually reduce testosterone are dairy.

>> No.10263152

no, your parents just blessed you with shitty genes. look at your jawline. look at your father's jawline. there you go.

just eat food and go lift weights if you're so concerned, you depressed bitch.

>> No.10263153

>Posts false scientific information
>People tell you to fuck off
Truly ebic

>> No.10263154

its a racist meme, one thats over a hundred years old at this point...the modern versio is based on poor readings of science/ decontextualized info

its like the ipa-manboob panic....similar chemical culprit but what is ignored is the actual concentration in the food/drinks and the vast amounts youd have to consume to have it actualy impact you(i.e. youd have to go out of your way to eat tofu and soy milk and raw soy beans every meal to actualy fuck yourself up)

>> No.10263161

>this chemical has the word soy in it so it MUST be the same thing
Poltards are truly stupid fucking creatures

>> No.10263162

b-b-but i brushed up against somebody who ate a tuna sandwich a month ago, am i gonna get mercury poisoning??

>> No.10263171

It's not.

It's you guys inflicting your own insecurity on others in shitty forced memes.

>> No.10263178

Hahaaa my dude, it’s just a MEME!
That means if anyone calls me out on it being fake I can just use that as a defense even though i truly believe it to be true B)

>> No.10263181
File: 90 KB, 926x1024, 10CFFBED-8DFE-4BD5-BB1E-9C4A2A73D4C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat soy every day multiple times a day, plus Soylent, and I’m jacked. Pic related.

>> No.10263184

>being so wrapped up in /pol/ you believe anything they say despite evidence to the contrary
Tell me, how is working at Burger King? Do they give you a discount on cheeseburgers?

>> No.10263189

Hahaaaa pol NEVER wrong xD Blindly following them is always right and if it’s not? I call it a meme and pretend I don’t believe it when I really do because I’m an ALPHA OMEGA MALE who loves OUR PRESIDUNT

>> No.10263202

da fuk op, do you even know what kimchi is? kimchi is POWERFUL, prebiotics + live gastrus cultures give VITALITY!

>das rayciss

>> No.10263204

lots of cucks ITT that are very emotionally invested in muh soy
It's gonna be okay.

>> No.10263213

Eating soy doesn’t make you an insufferable, whispy-bearded skinnyfat liberal who thinks weightlifting is a microaggression, but insufferable, whispy-bearded skinnyfat liberals who think weightlifting is a microaggression are more likely to eat soy.

>> No.10263222

what do you snatch?

>> No.10263227

ur mum

>> No.10263247

damn son

>> No.10263251

Kimchi doesn't contain soy. Eating soy doesn't necessarily turn you into a soyboy. You are more likely to be a soyboy if you eat soy. Soy contains a high amount of phytoestrogen which the body treats like estrogen. Higher amounts of estrogen means higher likelihood of being a soyboy. It's not just a meme. It's simple logic not easily just "looked up." >>10262875

>> No.10263258

>the sun crosses the sky such that it must revolve around the earth, it's simple logic, not easily just "looked up"

this is what you sound like, you fucking mong

>> No.10263260

They don't have to try at all, /pol/ is literally full of children.

>> No.10263267

That is faulty logic. Higher estrogen = higher likelihood of high-estrogen-phenotype is sound logic. Kill yourself, lefty.

>> No.10263270

>insults the guy instead of proving otherwise
wew lad

>> No.10263275


Point out where he's wrong.

>> No.10263280

faggots gravitate towards faggot food

>> No.10263287

I don't give a shit about whatever bullshit you're defending, /pol/ is genuinely populated by children.

>> No.10263294

any old phytoestrogen =/= the hormone we know as estrogen.

get your grug-tier "logic" off of my fucking board.

>> No.10263295

>i don't give a shit. you're all children! WAAAA ;_;

Are you being ironic?

>> No.10263300

any old phytoestrogen =/= the hormone we know as estrogen != the body not giving a shit about your distinction

>> No.10263311

considering estrogen receptors are shaped such that they comply most efficiently with actual estrogen, it would seem the body does indeed give a fuck about the distinction.

>> No.10263318

kimchi is fermented cabbage. probably boosts test

>> No.10263334

>it would seem the body does indeed give a fuck about the distinction.
>probably even believing your own red herrings
Not in the context of those phytoestrogen not being a valid substrate, thus ""indeed"" increasing the body's practical estrogen level.

>> No.10263347

way to prove his point lmao

>> No.10263351

It depends on the kind of soy. When you look at cultures that have traditionally eaten soy, it's almost always fermented. Tofu, tempeh, etc. The problem with most of the soy-based foods that you find in the West is that they're raw soybeans or soybean extracts. Shit like soy milk, isolated soy protein, raw soybeans, and so on are definitely not good for you and even most crazy hippie vegan types will agree on this point.

Fermented soy is fine, other kinds are not.

>> No.10263354

way to prove his point lmao.
>if we believe hard enough, it is reality that conforms, not us
You're like fucking peter pan.

>> No.10263356

"""practical estrogen level"""

which is why endocrinologists prescribe tempeh and tofu for HRT, right?

>> No.10263359


Only point you've proven is the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.10263364

>actually trying to convince people that /pol/ isn't the designated bastion of edgy underage newfags
it's user base is literally what /b/ was a decade ago, what investment do you have in denying that

>> No.10263374

>endocrinologists don't prescribe it, therefore it has no effect
I love stepping on pseudointellectuals like you. btw "practically," literally, means "in practice," i.e. the body utilizes phytoestrogen as estrogen, no matter how much fallacious whining you employ.
>what investment do you have in denying that
When you feel the need to straw man, you should reconsider your counterposition. Killing faulty leftist logic != insisting that /pol/ doesn't have newfags

>> No.10263392

>You are more likely to be a soyboy if you eat soy.
that's bullshit, you're either a soyboy or not, which means it's always 50/50

>> No.10263398

/b/ was nihilists, /pol/ is utopian.

>> No.10263400

cool but can you actually answer the question

>> No.10263420

>Science nerds arguing about estrogen
Don't make me pull this car over.

>> No.10263423

If there is a factor that increases a probability, it is no longer merely epistemic, i.e. no longer 50/50. Higher estrogen = higher probability of being a bitchboy. Simple.
>you didn't answer my entirely irrelevant question! checkmate
I don't know if they do. It's unlikely they would prescribe food when there are presumably more efficient ways to induce a chemical change.

>> No.10263427

All this memery bullshit aside. That looks pretty tasty.

>> No.10263438


That's how I always used to eat tofu growing up; not usually with the bonito flakes, though, just soy sauce and scallions, right out of the fridge, preferably with an iced tea spoon. So good.

>t. 30 something with no man boobs

>> No.10263439

>I love stepping on pseudointellectuals like you. btw "practically," literally, means "in practice," i.e. the body utilizes phytoestrogen as estrogen, no matter how much fallacious whining you employ.
Careful, if you move the goalposts any further, you'll end up placing them in Saint Helen's! But I'll humor (You): they do have an effect on the body, but not the one you expect. And, if you believe that raw onions will boost your testosterone better than getting fit or stop smoking, you probably have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.10263444

>Soy contains a high amount of phytoestrogen which the body treats like estrogen
Phyto- literally means plant. All fruit and vegetables contain phytoestrogen. Your only option of avoiding the estrogen pill is to eat an exclusively carnivorous diet.

>> No.10263455

>if you move the goalposts any further
The implicit goal has, this entire time, been to prove the body doesn't treat phytoestrogen like estrogen. Citing anything else as red herring doesn't constitute moving the goal posts. Mis-citing such might function as useful rhetoric were you not talking to someone who actually knows what that is.
>And, if you believe that raw onions will boost your testosterone better than getting fit or stop smoking, you probably have no idea what you are talking about.
>trying this hard to make me the wrong one
I never said or implied any such thing.
>All fruit and vegetables contain phytoestrogen.
Irrelevant. The soybody meme is from soy containing a relatively high amount of phytoestrogen.

>> No.10263496

So I guess /pol/ avoids everything with seeds and nuts in because they have higher phytoestrogens even than soy?

>> No.10263501

pol subsists on liberal tears
and there are bumper crops being harvested

>> No.10263512

The best man titties come from cheap beer.

>> No.10263528

That’s not how trolling works. /pol/ is a bunch of brainlets who constantly get BTFO. As we’re seeing yet again.

>> No.10263531

>So I guess /pol/ avoids everything with seeds and nuts in because they have higher phytoestrogens even than soy?
I do now.

>> No.10263537

p sure I've demonstrated non-brainletness itt btfoing all objectors.
t. /pol/

>> No.10263554
File: 8 KB, 1125x591, 4chan swastika3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More blacks and shitskins in general are criminals per capita even when they have high incomes.
Some Muslims are terrorists and their holy book tells them all to be terrorists. They should not all be 'given a chance.'
Being gay or transgender is a mental disorder:

Homosexuality was documented as a mental illness in the DSM until gays protested in San Francisco in 1973 and forced it to be removed for no scientific reasons whatsoever.

There are at least two studies, one acknowledged by the National Health Institute, that states Gender Identity Disorder is symptomatic of schizophrenia, and that taking medicine to control schizophrenia alleviates the desire to change genders:

Dangers of lgbt:

You're an idiot who only thinks what you do because that's what you've been told and you are unable or unwilling to think for yourself.

t. /pol/

>> No.10263589

lol denial is a helluva ugly trait, son

>> No.10263623

4chan is so hilariously uneducated about this shit. People literally only know memes.

Your body can not use phytoestrogen as estrogen interchangeably. Look it up you retards, there are plenty of scientific papers about this subject. I'm laughing here that you fucks are this dumb.

>> No.10263628

>Irrelevant. The soybody meme is from soy containing a relatively high amount of phytoestrogen.
Your body can't use phytoestrogen interchangeably with human estrogen, look it up you tard.

Also soy contains less phytoestrogen than many other things we eat. The soy meme is literally that, a meme.

>> No.10263631

>i.e. the body utilizes phytoestrogen as estrogen, no matter how much fallacious whining you employ.
Untrue, there have been papers published about this. Stop believing literal memes.

>> No.10263642

yes. look at asian "men". they are all very effeminate

>> No.10263655

>Your body can't use phytoestrogen interchangeably with human estrogen, look it up you tard.
Does this mean the body doesn't treat phytoestrogen like estrogen, or is this just another red herring meant to merely look relevant? If so, if you are to be honest with yourself, you should question your position.
>Also soy contains less phytoestrogen than many other things we eat.
Like what?
>there have been papers published about this
>there are sources i swear
Even the possibility is sufficient to avoid soy.

>> No.10263656

Its not just soy, its the damned neonic insecticides they treat seed with. The neonics are the cause, they fuck up estrogen and aromatase in the bodies. Neonics applied to corn, canola, cotton, sugar beets and soy. Neonicotinoids are killing bees and turning hims into shes.

>> No.10263666

Fag you’re wrong again
You should know gramps

>> No.10263669
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>> No.10263675

>Fag you’re wrong again
no UR the FAG and UR wrong again!
4chan is 18+. You're not wanted here.

>> No.10263685
File: 162 KB, 500x666, 115631ff592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So according to the internet. Pic related is soyboy ?

This is the most retarded meme since veggie burger

>> No.10263696

>eating soy as a staple food
>the average male is 5'5" 120lb feminine manlet
>implying asians don't prove the meme true

>> No.10263761

Okay. Enjoy being ignored by the world at large as it changes.

>> No.10263765

His views are only becoming more popular.

>> No.10263767

>everything i do is for attention and you should too
I'll happily embrace truth and reason over popular fallacy any day, cuck.

>> No.10263779

no one said being right would be easy.

>> No.10263793

Terrible. Time to go back my melanin affluent friend

>> No.10263797

Nope just the brainlets getting louder

>> No.10263817
File: 1.95 MB, 237x240, 1499953489936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to go back, indeed.

>> No.10263822
File: 7 KB, 355x142, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just the brainlets getting louder

>> No.10263827

>soyboy meme

You've spent even a minute of your day thinking about soyboys and memes. Congratulations, you are faggotus maximus. Speak in your own words, instead of somebody else's, then you can talk like a man.

>> No.10263829
File: 99 KB, 1140x729, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, yes it is.

>> No.10263834

>Speak in your own words, instead of somebody else's, then you can talk nonsensical gibberish that nobody understands

>> No.10263839

Isn't that a rare ftm tranny?

>> No.10263848

i'm not a /pol/ guy but you anti /pol/ posters don't do yourselves any favours when you defend ignorance and act like ultra normie faggots who only care about the status quo and popular consensus

>> No.10263864

t. Man who got turned into a soyboy

>> No.10263999

No you

>> No.10264004

Nah the guy you responded to has it right. You sound like a dipshit who would fit in at /pol/

>> No.10264326

>non-peer reviewed sources state in isolated specific individuals schizophrenia was diagnosed
So? Some alt-right and neo-nazi members have been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Does this mean they are all paranoid schizophrenics? No, just the vast majority of them ;)

Now, head on back to your tranny fapping, soyboy circlejerk /pol/tard.

>> No.10265588

If you're so feminine that you have to worry about your soy intake then you're already fucked.

>> No.10265604

Soy creates beautiful traps

>> No.10265606

kimchi has soy in it? just did a google search and looks damn good.

>> No.10265620


Anyone who has an intellectual dearth deep enough to think 'feminine' and 'masculine' are already so far down the fucked up river that they have no hope looking back and finding reality.

Your world is lost to you, you lost intellects. You won't even find a psychiatrist that can dig you out.

You'll be that spittle covered guy with a sign screaming something you heard from other people.

>> No.10265626

Stick around /pol/chad. Triggering libcu/ck/s here is pretty great

>> No.10265635


Because your shut in life thinks that getting a 'reply' is how you trigger people. No, they're just calling an asshole an asshole. You taking pride in that is the ultimate disgrace.

>> No.10265638

Just because you forced the use of dearth and spittle in your intellectually bankrupt post doesn't make you smart faggot

>> No.10265639


You're a human mistake that your antecedents would be depressed about. You're a failure of your human line.

You gimped your genetic line.

>> No.10265644

I grew up eating soy and I have bitch-tits but circumstantial evidence means literally nothing, science says soys effects on men are negligible, and I'm just a fat fuck.

>> No.10265645

>liberal projection

>> No.10265646


I'm certainly a 'smart faggot'. I don't stack well as wood, though.

>> No.10265649

>liberal projection
Drown yourself

>> No.10265652


I don't get upset by stupidity, but I will call an asshole an asshole, that might be technically a projective concept. Mostly I feel sorry for you people and wish you were treated better as children and educated better as toddlers.

>> No.10265655

>I literally don't know how to stop being triggered
suicide is the only way out for you, I'm afraid :(

>> No.10265657


I'll go eat your AR-15 as soon as possible, you miserable human exempt from humanity.

"Why does he say these things, daddy?!"

>> No.10265673

>I don't get upset by stupidity
Of course you don't, you're a mentally ill dipshit leftist, it would be hypocritical as hell if you did

>> No.10265676


I'm sitting here taunting you fucking highschool drop outs while watching the dumbest show on television.

You fucking dipshits need to correct your lives. I'm not even joking now. You're in an existential struggle where your 20Trillion dollar debt collapses the US at 130% GDP.

I know none of you assholes know a thing about economics, macro economics or even Adam Smith with your level of education. But you need to start figuring out your completely fucked.

You need to attack the tax havens, raise the tax on the ultra wealthy and start running your economy like you're not all semi-retarded.

>> No.10265678

That's some seriously flawed logic, you dumb trailer trash.

>> No.10265679

>the vast amounts youd have to consume to have it actualy impact you
The only cases I read about where hops or soy actually had an effect were one where a guy was drinking like a gallon of soy milk every day, and someone else who worked on a hop farm. Seasoning your food with soy sauce or having a bit of tofu or drinking a beer with hops probably won't do anything, but we should probably look more into feeding infants with soy-based formulas. Overconsumption of ANY food will have negative effects, they just vary.

>> No.10265680
File: 36 KB, 500x360, 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel?
Would you like to talk about your father?

>> No.10265685
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, androgenous child who doesn't know what a computer is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10265686

As a burger, I agree 100%.

>> No.10265687

Kimchi is literally just fermented cabbage with spicy pepper paste. It's the exact opposite of soy, it's really good for you.

>> No.10265688


You're a child, and I know you know you're a child. Start GROWING UP. idiot.

>> No.10265699
File: 55 KB, 808x536, story of my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BE ADVISED: OP is another ass-pained Lefty homosexual who makes false-flag "/pol/ here" threads regularly in /ck/. Everyone taking the bait and saying how "/pol/ is retarded" and "/pol/ is full of children" are either idiots who take the bait or are just playing along with the false-flagging bait.

Thank you.

>> No.10265700

AH, a third worlder with a hard on for America. Now that's a completely new and novel concept here.

>> No.10265705


I'm a canadian, and I'm watching the shitbox north american economy collapse and you don't even have a clue what I'm talking about with regards to economics. You're the alabamian that can't fucking figure out his own asshole.

>> No.10265708


You've got a finger up there, and can't understand what you feel. It's smooth and warm.. You'll get it.

>> No.10265712

>acts like he's an economic guru
>throws the $20 trillion debt meme out
>me tax the rich moar
Okay champ

>> No.10265715
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>> No.10265719

both OP, /pol/ and (you) sound like fags

>> No.10265721


Yeah, you're going to become Greece, dipshit. Figure it out. Remember your other adversary that collapsed? The USSR died because of debt, you're next because you shaped yourself as the enemy of the USSR. You didn't shift away. You're destined to die.

>> No.10265722

>You're a child
I'm not the one with the ideology of a child, you are

>> No.10265726
File: 40 KB, 837x249, senior citizen newfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a lefty and go to /pol/ sometimes, it's not that bad, but if you think /pol/ doesn't also attract tons of newfags and redditors who act like retarded newfags and spam memes IRL you're unaware

>> No.10265727


well, that's a depressing post.

>> No.10265733

Nope, keep dreaming though Paul Krugman

>> No.10265735

I can figure out we just tariffed you beaver fuckers into a deeper recession. I bet some more no skill refugees will stimulate that world class economy though. Furthermore, I know you'll bank on it lol

>> No.10265743


No you didn't asshole, we have a tariff exemption. You don't even know your own recent news.

You honestly are so fucking stupid but feel the need to talk. You're just junk human beings.

>> No.10265745

holy fucking BASED geriatric hilljack

>> No.10265750


why are you so ignorant?

>> No.10265758

this entire thread is full of cancer. /pol/ was a mistake.

>> No.10265764

lol so broken
so desperate

>> No.10265768


Look at the law you fucking mong. It's like talking to nigerian princes.

>> No.10265769

um not kimchi that is cabbage.

>> No.10265777
File: 200 KB, 900x1092, red dit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never claimed that /pol/ isn't full of redditors and newfags; it's the most popular and highly-visited board for a reason. Anyways, the subject of my comment was on OP's false flagging.

Regardless, let's not forget that /his/ and /lit/ are basically Reddit Leftist newfag colonies. It's not an exclusive right wing phenomenon.

>> No.10265780

There's 149 other threads on this slow as shit board to stare at. /pol/ subsidizes you're literal who board into existence you ungrateful faggot

>> No.10265787

How many beaver pelts is that prince promising you?
*It's not really a Nigerian prince - you're being scammed.

>> No.10265788

People have always thought they can come in and take over 4chan for their personal causes, it never works.

>> No.10265792


>> No.10265798

American education at work

>> No.10265807

lol fucking pseudo intellectual limp-wristed faggots may actually have the know how to out-retard /b/ .
Clash of the motherfucking titans.

>> No.10265808

PhD in food chem here, direct work with soybean and other oil feedstocks. Although the soy "phytoestrogen" subject is NOT expertise, my understanding and and general consensus among other colleagues is that it is, in fact, a meme.

People online will throw data at you, but it is often cherry picked and seldom used in the right context.

You can think whatever you'd like, but it's very much so a meme

>> No.10265820

As if anybody but retards takes /his/ and /lit/ serious, same with /pol/

>> No.10265829

stop this shit it is to stupid
nuts have more estrogen than soy does
this is the dumbest shit ever
get out of here pol

>> No.10265830
File: 50 KB, 780x499, pisa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm not one of the 44% so I'm probably a lot smarter than you cunt

>> No.10265836
File: 194 KB, 768x1024, 1518083331552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's why I avoid those three boards like the plague.

>> No.10265838

>I just admitted that I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about but x definitely does not equal y.
Thanks, Doctor Food.

>> No.10265839

>You can think whatever you'd like, but it's very much so a meme

Why would anyone with a doctorate say the term "meme" like an internet child?

Not buying it. You sound like a fucking child.

>> No.10265865

>people with "advanced degrees" are smart
They're usually retards and have the same voting tendancies as high school dropouts so it's not really surprising

>> No.10266373

>Why would anyone with a doctorate say the term "meme" like an internet child?
OP asked if the meme is true

>> No.10266569


>> No.10266594

>I cant handle political discussions, they're all meanies and babies, and..a-and...
>MUH pawl

>> No.10266605

Could you two newfags get any more pretentious?

>> No.10266623

Apologize to Dr Richard Dawkins, originator of the term meme

>> No.10266679
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>> No.10266718

>and that taking medicine to control schizophrenia alleviates the desire to change genders:
I see a lot of people saying medication for stuff like this is bad until it aligns with their political views. That's pretty scary.

>> No.10267126
File: 78 KB, 832x659, DW5vboKXkAEZ7RL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you just need to eat a lot of it

>> No.10267211

Cruciferous veggies like cabbage block estrogenic compounds, so it can help your gyno at least

>> No.10267222

>not an endocrinologist
>not even anything related to human anatomy
Why should we listen to you again?

>smart people are actually dumb
>this sour grapes
Yeah they typically have knowledge too focused in one area and do stupid things occasionally, but they aren't retarded. Dropping the erlenmeyer flask doesn't make you retarded. Anyone who does a PhD from a respectable program has at least 10x the cells of the average poster on this board.

>> No.10267225


you're going to be alone your entire life.

>> No.10267245

>american avoids soy because of phytoestrogens
>eats an estrogen-riddled steak

>> No.10267248


You're already a homosexual, just accept it. No one talks about it this much without loving penis. Love the penis.

>> No.10267252
File: 91 KB, 336x523, 1400355812809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow rude

>> No.10267283


>> No.10267292


>> No.10267293


be honest, anyone who brings up their endocrine system in casual chat is a giant homosexual.

>> No.10267296

There's no tofu or soy in Kimchi.

Also reasonable soy consumption is perfectly fine it's when you decide that you just have to stuff your dick trap full of it instead of eating meat that you will have problems.

>> No.10267340

>Is the soyboy meme true?
Well if you base your diet on Soylent, you are a faggot to begin with.
>Does eating tofu, kimchi, soy sauce turn you into a soyboy?
No, you are just a retarded polack.
Now get out, nobody likes you, you fat, autistic fuck.

>> No.10267347

Are you asking this on /ck/? This is like the most normie-reddit soccermomscience board in the entirety of 4chan. You're fucking retarded, and yes, research phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens. Avoid soy and flax.

>> No.10267361
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10267373

>Anyone that makes me look bad is false flagging.

>> No.10267382
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, gay faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. single digit IQ idiot who can't detect obvious bait

>> No.10267401
File: 396 KB, 2048x1757, 248D1F06-225F-4A70-80B8-13C20DE448DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
