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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 223 KB, 580x260, How-To-Preheat-Your-Oven5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10257536 No.10257536 [Reply] [Original]

Is preheating a meme?

>> No.10257538


>> No.10257544

>is letting your oven reach the required cooking temp a meme

Your food isn't going to get cooked any faster.

>> No.10257559
File: 13 KB, 240x196, 1486021357522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there seriously a video teaching people how to preheat their ovens? God truly has abandoned us.

>> No.10257572


No. OP made that image himself purely for shitposting purposes; it's his 5th version.

>> No.10257584

That's a picture.

>> No.10257591

looks like some faggy youtube bullshit

>> No.10257611

nope. it makes all the difference when making a frozen pizza

>> No.10257617

Not if it’s a 1 cubic foot convection toaster oven lol

>> No.10257621

>actually buying frozen pizza
I know this board is full of faggots who don't know how to make food but goddamn. it's easy as fuck to make your own dough. even tastes a thousand times better than frozen pizza

>> No.10257750

I suck at making pizza at home. I tried it a few times and it's just not a skill I have.

That said I'll order a pizza before eating frozen shit.

>> No.10257763
File: 144 KB, 600x842, 1513603564950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, really?

>> No.10257767

Cut the pizza up into smaller pieces.

>> No.10257769

No, it's important to preheat for lots of dishes. Otherwise food steams and stews as it comes up to temp, as apposed to going crispy.

>> No.10258275

I think he's saying it heats up quickly. I have a benchtop oven which is larger but it takes 3 mins tops to hit 200 C

>> No.10258369

I think you have vastly underestimated the amount of lazy bachelor manchildren on this board, my dude/ette.

>> No.10258375

You heat an oven...



>> No.10258399

Dude, it's not even a comparison. Making dough is not a simple thing. It requires, specific ratios of ingredients, takes a skill and creates a substantial mess. And that is all just to create a dough ball

You may as well kill yourself now if you think the average human the desire, motivation, and appreciation of quality needed to bake a fucking pizza from scratch instead of preheating an oven and throwing it in to be rewarded with a product that is 85% as good as the alternative

>> No.10258404

It is simple. It shouldn't make a mess, and it requires very simple ratios that are easy to follow. It also doesn't take any skill.

>> No.10258446
File: 69 KB, 645x729, e09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mix flour salt water yeast
>this requires considerable skill

>> No.10258459

Lmao this. I made dough when I was in preschool. It isn't rocket science.

>> No.10258827
File: 147 KB, 672x717, 1520174297245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't keep his oven on at all times
you fuckin dingii

>> No.10258830

>not just using the broiler to heat the oven up quicker so preheating takes a fraction of the time

>> No.10258838

For meat if you use an oven thermometer it's useless.

For frozen pizzas once you know how to adjust for the cooking time it's also useless.

>> No.10258845

" There are only two states an oven can possibly exist in, heated or unheated... Preheated is a meaningless fucking term.

>> No.10258850

>retards in this thread putting their food in the oven before it has reached the correct cooking temperature
Enjoy your mushy mess.

>> No.10258858


Preheat is a verb, not an adjective, dum carlin.

>> No.10258881

Its more about time.
Most people are relatively cash rich and time poor.

>> No.10258890

I mean, yes it will. Are you serious?

Only specific situations require a preheated oven:
a) You're following really exact cooking times and oven heat up times vary so you can't fuck around with that
b) Your food needs to cook in a really hot oven consistently, like pizza or bread

>> No.10258962

Yeah, same as "foreplay." You don't need to pussyfoot around, just stick it and get going.

>> No.10258985

im not a fucking housewife. im not gonna spend hours kneeding dough making a huge fuckng mess just to get some late night pizza. you "i make everything from scratch" faggots are the absolute worst and are ruining this board.

>> No.10259000

I bet you buy premade bread.

>> No.10259001

If you enjoy salmonella, sure, forget about pre-heating your oven.

>> No.10259006

I preheat for baking but if I'm going to have a lump of meat in there for three hours I'll just put it in when I turn on the oven. Often it's coming off the hob in a cast iron pot so it'll help heat up the oven instead of sit there doing nothing.

>> No.10259044

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
>"The secret is I only make premade ;)"

>> No.10259295

This is a board for memes, webms, and fast food reveiws. No one wants to hear about your gay ass recipes and cooking shit. If you make bread from scratch you are literally a faggot with no life. Anytime someone tries to have a conversation about such and such food product, one of you God damned queers shows up and says, "just make it from scratch"

>> No.10259337

You can buy pre-made pizza dough from the market, unless your next rebuttal is that making tomato sauce is also some honed craft that takes years of culinary expertise, its pretty easy to make homemade pizza.

>> No.10259355

I don't WANT to make homemade pizza. I like frozen because it's easy. not every fucking meal needs to be a gourmet homemade dinner made with love.

>> No.10259369

>s preheating a meme?


>> No.10259419

As George Carlin said, there is no such thing as preheating. The oven is either heated, or not.

>> No.10259473

this is my plastic fork
Suffocation, heavy breating
Don't give a fuck if that's carb am i eating

>> No.10259743

No. I won't let you get away with this. I won't let you eat frozen pizza.

>> No.10261220

i'm a little high on nyquil but this made me laugh

>> No.10261845

Water would boil faster if you put it in without preheating. Therefore food - which is 90% water - would cook faster too.

>> No.10262083

Cold water boils faster but freeze slower. Hot water freezes faster but boils slower. A preheated oven will heat the water before it can boil, so it will do so more slowly than it would if you waited until it reached the correct temperature.

>> No.10262118

Chicago town used to make a takeaway style pizza that you put in from cold.
They pulled it a few years later, but not sure why

>> No.10262134

It doesn't take much time. Literally just mixing your flour, salt and oil with your yeast mixture of yeast, sugar and water.

Takes less than 30 seconds to combine them if using a dough whisk.

Then you just sprinkle a tiny amount of flour onto your work surface, and knead the dough for 5-8 minutes until it's smooth.

Then you put it back into the original bowl, cover with a cloth and leave it until doubled in size. Either use it then, or for better flavor plastic wrap the bowl and put it in the fridge overnight.

Wipe down your surface and wash the small bowl, takes what, 60 seconds? maybe 2 minutes at most?

The ratios are easy as well, 3 cups 00 flour, 2 tsp salt, 2 tbsp vegetable or olive oil

For the yeast, 1 and 1/4 tsp dry active yeast, 1 cup lukewarm water (Between 105 and 110°F to be exact), 2 tsp sugar.

This makes enough dough for two 12" pizzas.

And lastly shaping the dough is easy. Flour your hands then take half your mixture, roll it into a ball, flip it smooth side up, this is your base. Lightly flour it, flip it smooth side down. Form it into shape gently using your fingers, then because you guys are obviously retarded, take a rolling pin and roll it into shape. If the dough starts to stick to the surface just flip it, flour the base again, then flip it back over and continue to shape it. Easy. A child could do it.

>> No.10262138

I should add that you should lightly flour the rolling pin as well.

>> No.10262159

That's still too much work for what is effectively trash food for a trashy night in.

>> No.10262317
File: 388 KB, 450x450, gvdeep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat these religiously

>> No.10262381

What if I make pizza from scratch and then freeze it?

>> No.10262536
File: 219 KB, 355x422, 1495350468914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why ovens are preheated is because heating up time varies. Stating the correct cooking temperature removes that factor.

>> No.10262539

Carlin is a comedian oversimplifying... for comedy. The oven could be ambient temperature and rising slowly/quickly, 190 C and cooling slowly, fluctuating due to opening the door a lot. The oven can be in a lot of states and to say it's either hot or not is exactly the ignorant oversimplification you'd expect a comedian to rely on to make a joke.

To be clear I don't blame Carlin, but you shouldn't take a passing joke as actual advice/truth necessarily.

>> No.10262654

everything you just said is dumb. It makes no sense, and what sense it almost makes is irrelevant anyway. You heat an oven or you let it cool, there is no pre heating.

>> No.10262684
File: 40 KB, 500x534, 888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too stupid to understand a simple concept
>hur ur dum

>> No.10262692

>I tried a few times and wasn't good at it
>hurr I gues I just can't ever make dough what is practice durr
I wish I could choke you lazy, dumb faggots.

>> No.10262705

I preheat when i use my pyrex

>> No.10262791

Walmartians are something else.

>> No.10262975


>> No.10263019
File: 367 KB, 650x650, 1512514115860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not every fucking meal needs to be a gourmet homemade dinner made with love.
But it should though.

>> No.10263025

do americans seriously not preheat their ovens?

>> No.10263039

Yeah, who doesn't want to spend an hour + of prep to make a pizza vs the 30 seconds it takes to unwrap a frozen pizza.

>> No.10263168

>knead the dough for 5-8 minutes
nigga pls

>> No.10263205

No, not a single American ever preheats an oven. Not. One. Single. One.

>> No.10263571

The reason people rarely cook these days is because society rewards people who are busy and productive with other things. Sure someone could spend an hour or two making a pizza and it taste a bit better. Or they could have it in 15-20m and do something more important with their valuable time.

>> No.10263582

What a bunch of retards.
Don't use kettles either.

>> No.10263597

This is what I do.

>> No.10263606

>anon uses gas oven
>anon preheats early because it's based on air and not the real temp
>anon opens oven and lets out most of the heat, un-rep heating it
>anon cooks something wrong again
>"why can't people just figure out preheating on their own?" anon says, as he eats yet another ruined souffle.

>> No.10263616

>eating faggot food
Might as well chug a thousand dicks

>> No.10264780


That depends

>> No.10264783

>im not a fucking housewife
Of course not, that would make you useful

>> No.10264789

>not every fucking meal needs to be a gourmet homemade dinner made with love.

Jeez, you sound bitter and depressed. You know what you could use? A home cooked meal made with love and affection.

>> No.10264825

This is my last resort

>> No.10264930

Fucking satanists

>> No.10265058

>hot water takes longer to heat than cold water
>cold water takes longer to freeze than hot water
I cant tell if im being baited or if you two are completely retarded.

>> No.10265063

>he doesn't have a doctorate in thermodynamics and can't into molecular density

>> No.10265128

Hey genius... Hot water appears to freeze faster than cold water because a certain percentage of the hot water evaporates before reaching the freezing temperature meaning when compared to cold water at the same original mass there is less previously hot water to freeze once it reaches the freezing point. This was taught in the 5th grade. Do try and keep up.

>> No.10265141

>posts pseudo-scientific "explanation"
>try to keep up

>> No.10266172

impressive, gotta love /ck/ shitposting

>> No.10266312

Does this actually work? If you're heating for the top, the air isn't going to convect so intuitively this should be slower but I may be missing something.

I would test it myself but I would rather not waste the gas. Am poorfag.

>> No.10267426

>This was taught in the 5th grade

Do you also believe in the tongue maps/taste map

>> No.10267430

Unless you just don't give a shit whether your food is properly cooked/baked.

>> No.10269387

I eat the Mama Rosa ones, bro.

>> No.10269474

Glad the pleb filter is working

>> No.10271058

I make a lot of money though and spending an hour and shitting up dishes to save $5 after energy/material consumption sounds dumb as fuck poorass

>> No.10272697

>turn oven to temp on box
>throw it in
>take it out x minutes later as directed

i'll stick with frozen pizzas bitch

>> No.10272747

Yeah I usually just throw my food in there without preheating. It's pretty much the same amount of time either way, except you don't have to do as much if you don't preheat.

Last night I had lasagne that said preheat for 10 and cook for 15 but I just put it in the oven and to it took ~25 mins to cook.

>> No.10272881


>> No.10273015

make a pizza and do not pre-heat your oven . .. . . . . yeah it is a good idea if you do not want dry shit crust. hit it with the most hot fucking oven you can throw it into. fast hot n quick!

>> No.10273506

if you want to make something like cookies that needs high temperature and very little time, but your oven takes 15min to reach the desired temperature, you'd either get dry dough or charred coals if you stick them in a cold oven

if you bake a casserolle, meatloaf or anything that needs 30+ min then preheating doesnt matter
Basically those instructions allow everyone to achive consistent results regardless of oven type

>> No.10273992

What about making pizzas once a month and freezing them in the deep freezer?
Why not both?

>> No.10274019

If you don't heat the oven up first you have to listen to the jew scream longer.

>> No.10274025

are temperatures a meme? I'm not too good with numbers so I usually just go until the food is hot

>> No.10274053
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they are
just put it in the oven at the highest the number thing goes and occasionally feel the surface of the food to see if it's hot enough
pull out and you're all good!

>> No.10274062

cool thanks but how do I tell what number is the highest?

>> No.10274064

just keep pressing up until it makes a different beep