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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 1200x800, pinapplza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10254744 No.10254744 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about the people that eat this shit?

>> No.10254785
File: 1.11 MB, 181x148, What the fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10254790

Why do I give two fucks what someone else wants to eat?

>> No.10254796

pineapple on pizza is a pleb filter
if you dont like it, its ok! you're just a lowly commoner.

>> No.10254804

I think they're very confused.

Like this fag: >>10254796

>> No.10254812

don't hate it, don't like it either, much rather order or make something else

>> No.10254823

i like pineapple
i like pizza
i don't like pineapple on my pizza
if you do, knock yourself out

>> No.10254831

If the pineapple is fresh and the ham is good ie not "ham-like product" it's not bad.
Still would rather have onions, tomato slices or bell pepper on my pizza for sweetness though.

>> No.10254861
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Couldn't we just pack ham with the pineapples in syrup? Then you'd only need one can.

>> No.10254864

A girl made me eat this , it was ok but i broke up with her

>> No.10254995

people? no opinion
pizza? pretty good

>> No.10255116

>add jalapenos to it
>suddenly becomes a reasonable pizza

>> No.10255415

I think they are great people.

>> No.10255448

It means you understand that sweet and savoury can go together. Malaysian food, east asian food in general, you understand it.

It's just not 'roast beef, peas and carrots' of the poverty layer of north america.

>> No.10255453

They are adults. Stick to your cheese pizza

>now that the kids have ordered

>> No.10255469

sister would always order cheese pizza and it pissed me off

the pineapple fuckers are saints compared to cheese niggers

>> No.10255473

I would say between sweet and savory things, pineapple really goes better with savory stuff. But it's better not to overdo it. It shouldn't suppress the taste of the ham and cheese, but without it, a ham and cheese pizza would be rather lame.

>> No.10255476

Adults eat pizza with meats and vegetables. Children prefer meats and sugar.

>> No.10255493


People from rural Wisconsin think that's what 'adults' eat. Hundreds of millions of 'other people' eat diverse diets that mix a myriad of sweet, savoury, umami flavours work together to make truly exciting food that coal miners can't fucking fathom or enjoy because they're just one generation away from unsalted potatoes for dinner.

>> No.10255496

I don't.

I mean who walks around restaurants looking at people's food while making personal judgements in the head while trying not to make stupid judgemental faces as they internally mock people for their nutritional choices and then come back begging for tips with a fake smile.

>> No.10255518

>It means you understand that sweet and savoury can go together.
>I would say between sweet and savory things, pineapple really goes better with savory stuff.
Can someone explain to me how the idea sweet and savory shouldn't go together makes any sense at all to people who believe it?
The contrast between sweet and savory is really enjoyable and also a lot more interesting than just mashing together only the same sorts of flavors together.
It's like saying you can't use blue and red together in a painting, doesn't make any sense.

>> No.10255525


Here's a thought experiment. You have tropical climates where almost every food grows in great abundance, but you don't necessarily have massive hard rock mining opportunities.

These cultures end up developing incredible food opportunities, but don't have tin, copper, iron, all the metals that build a giant industrial revolution.

This is shown in the "pepper" trade back in the day. Everyone buying spices from india and further east. Teas, flavours, amazing food. But the core countries with commodities that "get shit done" being in cold miserable rocky places.

They have shit food, but great power. That is exported to North America where we sit around harvesting commodities because that's what our culture does, but we still have shit food, because of ... culture. This is why your stupid ass reacts jokingly about pineapple pizza, because you proudly know shit all about food.

>> No.10255530

"The kids" are far more likely to order the sweet fruit on pizza.

And it is disgusting. You can't deal with this fact, so you create situations in your mind which justify your bad taste. Sorry to say, in reality, this doesn't hold up. The best option now is suicide.

>> No.10255531

I think they're same as anyone else,

Pizza elitists like you though? Bottom feeding scum

>> No.10255589

>Bluh bluh blah blah blah

Pizza is supposed to be heavy on herbs like basil and oregano. Sweet has no place here. This is a salty and savory environment. The bread isn't supposed to be sweet - FUCK your papa john's. This is a salty, tangy dish and it does not "compliment" your dumb ass fruits like pineapple. If you think that is good, why aren't you putting strawberries, blueberries and bananas on your fucking pizza?

>> No.10255600
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pineapple on pizza is alpha

>> No.10255612


Someone never taught you about acid in savoury dishes. Go look it up. Then get back to me.

Never realized how trailer park basic the people on 4chan/ck/ really are.

>> No.10255619


Go talk to a chef about what 'acid' means to a dish. It's one of the cornerstones of cooking.

A chef, not a stupid asshole.

>> No.10255622

Can confirm.
t. alpha male silverback.

>> No.10255755

>Sweet has no place here.
Why are you arguing that pizza shouldn't use tomatoes.

>> No.10255765

lol, wrecked

>> No.10255774

So taste preferences are taught, according to you? lmao.

>> No.10255777

every post you quoted was irrelevant to my point. I didn't say anything about acid.

>> No.10255789

With some jalapeño that would be perfection. Or even just pepperoni instead of all that ham would be an alright fix. But yes I love pineapple on pizza and if you don’t I look down on you. You’re a big faggot baby.

>> No.10255797

>pinapple pizza is the kind of culinary marvel that required specific environmental conditions
It's just a shitty pizza topping m8, jesus christ. Are you seriously equating pinapples on pizza with the entirety of indian cuisine?

>> No.10255813

That's the problem, you don't even know what it means. "Acid" in the cooking context they're talking about refers to using exactly those ingredients like pineapple to balance savory dishes. You're trying to act like doing that goes against some rule of cooking when actual chefs make use of that flavor combination as a conventional approach to balancing all sorts of savory dishes.

>> No.10255816


What do you think all of those 'food writers' do but to analyse why the stupid assholes in the west don't understand food from around the world?

They all figure out that the blue collar proles that migrated to North America were food poor idiots. Don't you get that from even television at this point?

>> No.10255843

Pizza is pretty much just an open faced baked sandwich.
Put in it whatever your heart desires.

>> No.10255844


If you even want to narrow down flavours from the UK and France, go to the even colder scandinavian countries. They're nearly poisonous in their flavour contrast. Because they have very few things that grow above ground.

Let that saturate your understanding of cuisine. No grow, no flavour. Savvy?

>> No.10255866


Swedes had to rot things to make them taste. Surströmming will make people vomit at 20 feet.

>> No.10255868

>"Acid" in the cooking context they're talking about refers to using exactly those ingredients like pineapple to balance savory dishes

I don't need to "balance" the savory flavors.

The pizza is fine on its own, without candy on top. If you think you can somehow convince me of your way being the right one, you are very mistaken.

>> No.10255874

One of Canada's greatest creation to date.

>> No.10255877


You're a generic asshole that doesn't give a shit about how chef's put food together. I get that. And honestly, that's fine for you. But everyone else pays attention to cuisine and how it works. Enjoy your Papa Johns, don't pretend you know what people like.

>> No.10255879

>Pineapple is candy
>Food should just be whatever is fine on its own
How many different ways are you going to be wrong tonight?

>> No.10255882


I was shocked to find out one of our asshole's made this. It's like a delicious mud pie.

>> No.10255885

Hawaiian pizza is fine, though it's a lot nicer if you throw some jalapenos on it

the people who get really upset about it are usually those weird void and empty bugmen-types who have no personalities of their own, they're just an amalgamation of shit and they're overall worthless human beings

>> No.10255886

Papa John's is my least favorite. Where are you getting your references, lmao.

Taste preferences are "wrong"?

Ok, buddy. This is hilarious.

>> No.10255892

>Hawaiian pizza is fine
Opposite day is fine too, I guess. You seem to live in it.

>> No.10255893


You just sound like a Papa Johns kinda guy, sorry. Pizza Hut? Booberry on Totinos?

>> No.10255895


>> No.10255898


people think Jalapeno is heat, it's not. It's a flavour enhancer like MSG.

>> No.10255901


how long do you proof your dough?

>> No.10255903

ah yes here comes the stupid pineapple pizza hate brigade
there's literally nothing wrong with it culinary wise and you're genuinely autistic and should seek medical help if you think otherwise

>> No.10255907


Do you have a peel, what temperature do you cook your pizza at?

these are basic questions you can google, but I'd like to see how you answer.

>> No.10255913

You don't actually care about the answer to that, all you want is a detail to exploit. So go fuck yourself.

A one man brigade, huh buddy?

You don't actually care about the answer to that, all you want is a detail to exploit. So go fuck yourself.

>> No.10255918

disgusting. i've always hated pineapple + ham on pizza.

>> No.10255920


I'll answer my own questions. 18 to 24 hours at least, you need the yeast to 'attenuate' which means die. Then you toss the balls if you have the ability, then you adulterate the pizza dough, cook it at 700 to 800F for a few minutes and pull and serve.

>> No.10255924

Sounds great. I hope you don't top it with candy.

>> No.10255930

>He's still arguing that tomatoes are candy and don't belong on a pizza.

>> No.10255931


No, I just want to detail how fucking rudimentary you are. Don't you get that yet? You don't know what you're fucking doing in the least and everyone knows it. You're just weepy about it.

>> No.10255946

Lol, pineapple is the candy subject here. Did you already get lost, little tyke?

I'm having a blast dismembering you fools, but you seem to be a bit put off by it.

>> No.10255956


declaring victory makes you sound like an idiot. Say something or come across like a mistake. I know you have nothing to say so. Go ahead and be a fucked up mess.

>> No.10255962


"dismemember me" You complete human child.

>> No.10255964

lmoa, ok then, run away now. And take that pineapple candy shit with you, faggot.

>> No.10255967

>pineapple on pizza

>> No.10255973

get that other guy to buttfuck you with the pineapple candy while you both run away together. lol, this has been fun, kiddos. Goodnight.

>> No.10255977


this is how you sound.


>> No.10255983

>pretentious bugmen cucks have to wait a fucking day to cook their pizzas
>not just making batter and pouring it into a nonstick pan, then putting the toppings and getting it into the fucking oven

>> No.10256048


I know you're weird, but you really don't get food at all. I can't help you, you're just strange. You couldn't cook a single dish to save your own life.

>> No.10256058
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>u don folow muh proceedure
>u don get food at all man, this be 2 deep 4 u
Ah, a man of class. Enjoy your gold, you've earned it.

>> No.10256072

People are morons

Pineapple does go on pizzas, ALFREDO pizzas, Not Marinara. Alfredo cream, pineapple, and roast chicken/ham pizzas are a staple of hawaii, and delicious as fuck.

Pineapple "chunks" on a tomato sauce slathered pizza with melted cheese however, is fucking disgusting.

>> No.10256082

>Lol, pineapple is the candy subject here. Did you already get lost, little tyke?
Oh the ironing.

>> No.10256083


totes, my fedora has marinara on it.

>> No.10256154

That they are patricians

>> No.10256177
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If that's the sort of thing they like then that's cool and they should go on enjoying it. I don't like it but who cares.

>> No.10256213
File: 46 KB, 750x731, WfYNyclRK-cJL4HtifGWvMl_o-C3r7V3Qw2tPuetsJM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People get so butthurt about pineapples on pizza. The real reason they are buttmad is because they legit have a shit tier taste palate and will never know the taste of real food since their palate is so shit. Take Margarita pizza for example. These shit tier palates think sauce bread with a lil cheese is fancy as fuck lol. Get some taste buds bub

>> No.10256642

only manchildren complain about pineapple as a pizza ingredient

>> No.10257121

I think they're awesome, because the Ham & Pineapple is the standard pizza where I live which means they're true-blooded patriots

>> No.10257131
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I think they're rad

>> No.10257138

Where did this meme come from, that Ramsay twitter response?

There's so much worse shit people put on pizza pineapple is fine if you like it.

>> No.10257213

I don't care because I'm not a loser.

>> No.10257377

Let's not lose sight of what's important here. If you put pineapple on pizza with out caramelizing it first then I wish upon you a curse that makes your pizza fall to the ground topping-side down every now and then.

>> No.10257925


>> No.10257994

I don't like it or enjoy it, but I'm not autistic enough to care what other people enjoy eating.

Terrible pizza topping, but hey, if you enjoy it. Eat the fuck out of it.

>> No.10257998


Everybody eats pizza, dum dum.

>> No.10258011

If the sauce is salty, fuck pineapple. If the sauce is more sweet tasting than salty, then it can be okay on the pizza.

>> No.10258021


Pretty sure you meant to say the opposite.

>> No.10258055

That doesn't make any sense. If it's already sweet adding sweet ingredients to it would be redundant, and if it's salty then adding sweet ingredients would work really well.

>> No.10258072

How is cheese pizza made in your countries?
In mine it's made with at least 4 different types of cheese and it's delicious, though a little on the greasy side.

>> No.10259826

I like it. I believe most of the people who don't like it are bandwagoners getting memed on thinking that hating pineapple pizza is cool. I understand people who genuinely hate them, though. Sweet and salty/savory is a hit-or-miss for most people.

>> No.10260107


this happened to me but I made the girl eat it and she broke up with me, but she died in a car crash 2 weeks later

>> No.10261357

Is broccoli on pizza good? I remember watching that Pixar movie about emotions having that as an "Ew broccoli is icky" gag and I love broccoli.

>> No.10261372
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>pineapple and ham is good
>pineapple and cheese is good
>ham and cheese is good
>ham and bread is good
>cheese and bread is good
>mixing all these things together is somehow disgusting

>> No.10261444

I think this meme is fucking trash.

>> No.10261575

none of what you listed is sweet you mong.

>> No.10261585

I ordered pizza vegetarian a few times and it had broccoli, kinda unusual but it fits in my opinion.

>> No.10261746

Nothing. It's not my favorite type of pizza, but the hate it gets is an overblown meme.

>> No.10261789
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>mixing a bunch of random food together is guaranteed to work as long as the individual ingredients are nice

Yeah bro you haven't lived till you've had a pasta and ice cream salad with gravy

>> No.10261801
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>I can't read
>I'm posting condescendingly as if I understood the post I'm replying to.

Yeah bro you should really be on a big boy 18+ site like 4chan

>> No.10261865
File: 22 KB, 1200x675, 1513125910779-brainlet-couv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain to me the deep and complex underlying message of your post because all I got was "food A is nice and food B is nice so A+B must be nice"

>> No.10261877
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>> No.10261988
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>all these foods compliment each other well
>but if you put them together they're disgusting

Back to kindergarten anon

>> No.10262017
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>> No.10262028
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>> No.10262029
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You're going round in circles, anon. You already made that claim and I refuted it as a sweeping statement that isn't always true. You seem to have confused "not agreeing with you" for "unable to understand your post" but don't worry, it's an easy mistake to make.

>> No.10262099

it just gets soggy, maybe if you puree it maybe and mix with the tomato sauce as a balancer to the acid it could work

>> No.10262110

A large hawaiian pizza is only 5 dollars (around 3 USD) near my house

Acceptable when you are too lazy to cook I guess

>> No.10263508
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>> No.10263513

simmer well, pupper

>> No.10263527

I am Pizza Satan, for I like anchovies, pineapple, and olives on my pie.

>> No.10263539

simmer well, pupper

>> No.10263545

A crappy pizza topping that autistic people are defensive about.

>> No.10263551

Reminder that all are these threads are pushed by big pineapple.

>> No.10263557

That's pretty good. Honestly the best way to deal with people demanding pineapple when ordering with friends.

>> No.10263561

Quality bait

>> No.10263563

>not getting jalapenos, anchovies, pineapple,sausage and onion

do you even infernal pie

>> No.10263567

>big pineapple
Yeah that Hawaiian Zaibatsu has it's shadowy tendrils in everything

>> No.10263657

Why stop at pineapple? How come none of you pineapplefags put citrus on your pizza? Muh acids and sweetness right?

>> No.10263682

i love to order these
some friends dont like it so thats more 'za for me

>> No.10263731

>How come none of you
Have you had every single pineapple pizza eater under surveillance for long enough to actually make this statement? No?
Have you considered killing yourself?

>> No.10263760

Stop being a defensive faggot and answer the question. Why aren't you putting limes on your pizza?

>> No.10263813

>none of what you listed is sweet you mong.
When cooked they are you tard

>> No.10263830

>answer the question
So you just made an assumption, got it.

>> No.10263862

on pizza it's meh, liked it as a child, but it's really basic, like salami pizza.
However on toast that combination is ungodly good, do recommend.

>> No.10263896

Why don't you put limes on pizza? Or oranges or lemons? They're sweet and acidic and the lemons/limes have the added benefit of tang.

You deflecting so much says a lot about your taste, pineapplefag. Why don't you put citrus on your pizza?

>> No.10263997

orange wouldn't be too bad
lemon/lime are way too strong