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File: 410 KB, 1024x675, wisconsin cheese selection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10253317 No.10253317 [Reply] [Original]

Why do yuros think their cheese is the best and constantly shit on American cheese?

FACT: a Wisconsin cheese was officially voted the best cheese in the world


>> No.10253329

Yuropoors have no tastebuds after servicing sub-Saharan African refugees

>> No.10253346

We also make the best wine and beer too. Where's your Allah now, europoors?

>> No.10253355

Inshallah, we will teach the kuffir to respect us

>> No.10253356

>FACT: a Wisconsin cheese was officially voted the best cheese in the world
Lol. And buzzfeed told me about the top 10 secret cheese tips the swiss wont tell you.
come back when you got a real source.
And even if so:
1 Cheese out of million tons of crap does not count. You know, there's also one or two nice and intelligent guys in sub-Saharan Africa, but that does not change the bigger picture.

>> No.10253374

went to america, everything was discusting, extra oily, and healthy food was more expensive. strangely chinese food there was alright, now i now why so many people are fat there. You got NOTHING on européan cheeses

>> No.10253377

>world cheese championship
>organised by the Wisconsin cheese industry
>only two foreign competitors bothered to show up

>> No.10253378

1: go to the World Champion Cheese Contest website: www.worldchampioncheese.org

2: scroll to the bottom of the page

3: see if you can spot anything unusual

>> No.10253387

You do realize Wisconsin's "world's best" award is fucking awarded by their OWN sponsored cheese competition, right? It's a set-up marketing ploy.

>> No.10253388
File: 81 KB, 800x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not often I agree with Drumpff but he's got a point.

>> No.10253396

It's even more comical when you consider this is the first time an American cheese has won it.
Not sure what they were thinking.

>> No.10253406
File: 26 KB, 400x400, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well alright let's give them a chance anyway
>Go check one random class
>Select Ricotta
>Literally all participants are from the US
>Select Aged Asiago
>all participants are from the US
>One participant from Denmark, all the rest from US

Yeah, looks totally legit guys.

>> No.10253434

Wait, it's a rigged competition that awards top prizes to euro cheese?

>> No.10253450

Pretty much.
Imagine just how garbage american cheese is that in 30 years or so you win ONE time, in a competition where 99% of participants are american.

>> No.10253458
File: 143 KB, 1322x682, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10253467

So... Is there a euro competition that's not sponsored by euros? It would obviously be rigged also.

>> No.10253472

>confusing a country with a continent
I see this a lot on here.

>> No.10253481
File: 1.25 MB, 320x189, 1504652275888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a euro competition that's not sponsored by euros?
Europe is not a country, anonymous.

>> No.10253486
File: 58 KB, 148x197, Sienfield 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything was discusting
Everything was spoken about based on former deductions?
>healthy food was more expensive
Things not made produced or made by cutting as many corners as possible being more expensive surprises you?
>chinese food there was alright
Are you sure you were in America?

>> No.10253489

Solely because "American Cheese" exists, thus voiding anything else American to them.

>> No.10253530

I can't imagine him sitting down and sampling fine cheeses.
I see him buying a block of kraft and eating it like corn on the cob

>> No.10253531

Didn't imply it was, and being pedantic is a pathetic attempt at dodging the question. Curiously you didn't call out

>> No.10253549

>he links a huffington post article and expects to be taken seriously
I’m sure you could have found a different article. Now you’re just a faggotand I’m actually inclined to disagree with you based on principle alone.

>> No.10253557

>Why do yuros think their cheese is the best and constantly shit on American cheese?
Because one outlier doesn't change the fact that the average american cheese is so shit it would be literally illegal to sell as cheese in Europe.
I wish americans at large would get this concept, it's literally the crux of 90% of Europe-USA comparisons.

>> No.10253729


>> No.10253743

Huffpost just reported the story, they didn't hold the contest you obtuse fuckhead

>> No.10253761

No, litterally the Crux of USA-Europe debate is
>this exists in EU/USA
>therefore the entirety of USA/Europe is like this

>> No.10253786

Not sure where you think the EU comes into it?
Granted they have powers over member states but they do provide national protection to certain produce.
Even Sweden gets it and isn't an EU country.

>> No.10253797

*is an EU country

>> No.10253803

you mean Norway.
Norway isn't in the EU.

>> No.10253805

It's for convenience sake, just like how you refer to The United States as America.

>> No.10253810


>> No.10253818

Never become a diplomat, anon.

>> No.10253828

itt: food racism

don't worry fellow americans, euros are such pathetic cucks we might as well let them feel superior about something as inconsequential as food quality. if nothing else, it can be used as an excuse for them to stay the fuck in their own shitty authoritarian countries.

>> No.10253835
File: 15 KB, 600x375, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole thread
Can't we just say that both places have some good cheese or something?

>> No.10253858


>> No.10253864

that both places have some good cheese or something?
Here you go.

>> No.10253869

Any eurobros can confirm? What's your beer like? We have a pretty big craft beer scene here in the United States, so lots of competition and lots of variety. You guys got any great-tier brews?

>> No.10253874

>American is a race
Midwest tier retardation.

>> No.10253878

There's no need to fight, boith sides have a good point.
Finally someone says something reasonable in this thread. Yeah just like these two said, they both have their place.

>> No.10253881

American cheese is good on a proper cheeseburger. That's about it though. For me, it's aged sharp cheddar that's king.

>> No.10253890

I think it's sort of funny that's your issue and not
>food is not a race

that's the joke, retard!

>> No.10253906

Fuck. Some fag on here recommended havarti cheese and it's honestly the most disgusting thing ever. It smells like garbage and the taste is odd at best. That's cold and raw though. I imagine it's better melted. How do you guys eat havarti? Need some delicious ways to get rid of this block. Also recommend more cheeses

>> No.10253911

Cheese aside, as a yuro I can confirm there's quite a few good american beers, the Flying Dog beers might be my favourites.
I don't like your obsession with hops though, the beer's fine but it's just not for me, your beers have a lot more hops than ours on average, though that's admittedly what makes them special.

>> No.10253922

It's just a fad. Hipsters especially love hoppy beers, but I'm more of a fan of smoother wheat beers.

>> No.10254553

>organised by the Wisconsin cheese industry
And what a surprise, Wisconsin won!

Why do these lards keep flailing with their sad attempts at outdoing the origin of all good foods. Why can't they just be happy they're the best at gaining weight and bombing stuff?

>> No.10254600

California ''''wine'''' is over-oaked, boozy garbage ruined with too much megapurple

Not that you would know what any of that means

America makes good wine but it flies under the radar. Try Oregon or upstate New York

>> No.10254608

American craft beer has a retarded obsession with hops. But we also make a fair amount of less hoppy styles. You just have to see past all the IPA stupidity

>> No.10254614

Having never tried it, I often wonder what American cheddar tastes like. The texture of it always looks rubbery for lack of a better term. And with no other information than that I can only assume it doesn't taste like a sharp cheddar you might get in the UK at all. But again, I'll re-iterate I've never tried it so I could be completely wrong in these assumptions.

Any Britfag ever had their cheddar and can report back?

>> No.10254628

>World series
>Only America and one Canadian team complete
>So called winners are the world champions
>In America
The absolute state of world competition according to America. Try again nobrot.

>> No.10254644

We make a wide variety of cheeses labeled "cheddar" because there are no laws here, it's a free for all.

There are some good cheddars from the northeast, Vermont in particular, but they're not especially cheap and most of the shitposters here have never tried it. Anything from Wisconsin can be safely ignored, obviously.

>> No.10254651
File: 150 KB, 1280x960, Montgomerys_cheddar_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We call it mature cheddar instead of sharp. The most mature cheddars are salty, dry, crumbly and very savoury. Some of the most aged cheddars (like Montgomery) even have a few veins of blue in them

Most of the cheddar sold in the UK is medium to mild. It's more rubbery than the mature stuff but still a lot more firm than the American stuff

Also, American cheddar is usually dyed orange, whereas UK cheddar is always pale yellow

>> No.10254659

The parmesan entry was won by a cheese not from Reggiano. All of the entries were American. It's a joke. Its like the world series or calling the superbowl winners world champions.

>> No.10254675

You're thinking of the mass produced shit and you're right about that. But we have small producer aged cheddars that are more in line with Great Britain's version. Pretty expensive tbqh.

>> No.10254681

There are some good American beers, I've tried a few and enjoyed them. Umlnfortunately a lot of Americans seem to think that small "craft" breweries are something they invented ten years ago. Like, how do you think we were making beer before your country existed?

>> No.10254685

Because europeans don't have the best anything anymore, they don't even consistently have the best rated wines now. They're just mad.

>> No.10254745

>they don't even consistently have the best rated wines now
As a wine drinker I'm curious what you mean by that. Those 100 point rating systems are shit because nothing ever scores below an 80, and nobody can afford the 100 point wines, so the real interesting stuff goes on in the 90 point range, where you can find wines from both continents but the European ones are usually cheaper.

Nevertheless, many wines from both Europe and America get 100 point scores. Australia too.

Lastly I'd like to suggest you develop your own taste buds instead of asking other people to tell you what's good.

You do realize there's a lot more to wine than the Judgment of Paris?

>> No.10256703

>world championship
>most participants were from NA

why americans are so pathetic?

>> No.10256726

I mean I'm American but personally I prefer a lot of british cheeses. Cheddar, Wensleydale, Red Windsor.

I couldn't really tell you a specific type of cheese from America. Like I can tell you cheeses that happened to be manufactured in America, but I have no idea what cheeses are uniquely American. Besides American Cheese which literally isn't cheese, it's a byproduct.

>> No.10256740

>what cheeses are uniquely American.
Colby, Bergenost, Monterey Jack, Muenster, cream cheese

>> No.10256754


>> No.10256756

Because Muslims don't eat alot of cheese and Americans do

>> No.10256790

Kinda like our wine too and most things really


>> No.10256813
File: 49 KB, 640x366, Pinconning Cheese Store super sharp cheddar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michigan reporting in!

>> No.10256844

nice weaponized kike meme you fucking tool
hows it feel to have a hand up your ass

>> No.10256848

I always found a good cheese and wine selection in california, not sure if it's just a californian thing.

>> No.10257356

California used to have a pretty good wine industry but they fell under heavy pressure to win competitions instead of make good wine, so everything is wrecked with megapurple and oak and excess alcohol since that's what stands out when you're serial tasting

People who actually care about wine get it from Oregon, upstate NY, and of course, Europe

>> No.10257656

Is this bait? American cheese doesn't mean "cheese from America"


>> No.10257689

there are some good american beers but most are mediocre. and i still prefer belgian ales over everything else. also your pilsners are watery and tasteless, the best north american pilsners are mexican.

>> No.10257712

>A Wisconsin cheese has officially won the World Championship Cheese Contest, marking the first time since 1988 that any American-made cheese has won the honor.
Epic supporting argument, OP. First American cheese to win in three decades.

>> No.10257719

an event sponsored by the wisconsin cheese industry...

>> No.10257728

You can't win if you don't enter.

>> No.10257764

fair enough but that's because nobody in europe cares. american cheese will never gain a foothold here anyways because the markets are seperate. in europe we like european cheese and in america they like american cheese.

>> No.10259032

How did we go from this

To this

>> No.10259331

They are addicted to validation. They're so desperate for it that they invented participation awards.

>> No.10259367

Do Europeans think we eat kraft singles on toothpicks or something?