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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10252221 No.10252221 [Reply] [Original]

i went with some male neighbors to a dog meat restaurant for lunch today. it was delicious.

we had grilled dog meat, boiled dog meat, and dog meat sausage/black pudding, served with lemongrass, basil, shrimp paste mixed with lime and chili and a shit ton of homemade sweet crabapple rice wine.

it was an excellent meal. every dish was cooked to perfection and the meat was high quality and fresh. sometimes dog meat can be tough and chewy, or gamy and pungent, but the animals this meat came from were young and well-fattened so the meat was tender and had a mild flavor.

overall it was a 9/10 dining experience and i'm grateful to my hosts for inviting me to join them in this singular expression of Vietnamese culinary culture.

>hey anon want to go out to eat dog meat?
what would you say? would you be able to overcome your prejudices? or would you retreat back into your comfort zone and shamefully sit by yourself in the corner booth of the KFC yet again, avoiding eye contact and wishing you were back in Mother Dearest's basement?

>> No.10252226

I'll try anything if it won't kill me(poison)

>> No.10252228

I've already had it several times, anon.

>> No.10252230
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i forgot, dog and young bamboo shoot soup was also served. the dog marrow-infused broth was delicious, similar to pho with a slightly sweeter flavor

the only part i didn't like about the whole experience were the dogs running around the restaurant eating scraps from under the table. doggo cannibalism is funny in theory but kinda dark in practice

>> No.10252235

>animals actively running around the establishment
Fucking trashy. Dropped.

>> No.10252237
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where did you have it? also in Vietnam or another country? (they also eat dog in China and Korea, right? any other countries I'm missing?)

how was it? t b h most of the times i've eaten dog it's been kinda gross but the quality of ingredients in this restaurant was honestly top notch.

>> No.10252240
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well, the restaurant was also the house of the family who owned the place. if you had ever ventured outside your antiseptic first-world bubble and gotten some Authentic Life Experience maybe you would have witnessed something similar?

>> No.10252243

I'd be too curious to decline. My only requirement is that they were raised humanely for consumption and not some strays that were thumped over the head.

>> No.10252245

Has it by mistake when I was stationed in Okinawa.
Started a fight with the locals and trashed the bar afterwards.
The nip police wanted us in jail but the MPs managed to calm them down.
Good times.

>> No.10252246

>authentic life experience
But anon, third world life isn't any more "authentic" than life in a civilized country. Just because you struggle and suffer doesn't magically make you some kind of better person.

>> No.10252284
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lmao getting paid $25/hr to teach test prep to college students is struggling

i got deepthroated by a girl who looked liked Lily Thai last week off a dating app called badoo. i spent most of february smoking joints on a beach in cambodia, meeting travelers from around the world and going on adventures. truly, life is suffering

did you go REEEEEE while you confirming all the worst stereotypes about Whitu Piggus? I bet not, most of the military fags i've met lack the capacity for even the most basic self-reflection

i'm told they were all raised on a farm nearby but i'm skeptical. a lot of dog meat comes from stolen dogs.

>> No.10252299

>did you go REEEEEE while you confirming all the worst stereotypes about Whitu Piggus?
What did the retard mean by this?

>> No.10252311

based military not taking any shit off a bunch of slopes

>> No.10252317
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good one cletus! you really got me there. the part where you called me retarded was actually really clever and funny.

now answer my question: were you literally screeching with autistic rage as you dismantled the zipperhead's humble establishment?

actually, nevermind i already know that you made the story up. at least i hope so- making up stories on a japanese hentai image board would be much less embarrassing than bragging about violating sacred laws of hospitality while enlisted in the zionist military

>> No.10252319

I'd rather eat dog than fucking raw fish on soggy rice for $500

>> No.10252320
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o m g i have never seen such a blatant attempt at samefaggery in my life

that's incredibly sad.

>> No.10252322

>aww poor thing
i'm sure someone believes you anon.

>> No.10252327

About as sad as your Reddit frog, anon.

>> No.10252387
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how was the dog meat that made you so angry? was it tasty? i didn't know they ate dogs in japan

>> No.10252391
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i don't get your reference. you think i'm larping as an drunk american english teacher living in vietnam who ate dog meat for lunch today? that'd be weird.

how about cat meat? would you eat cat? there are a bunch of cat restaurants around my part of North Vietnam, i kinda want to go to one but haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.10252411
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Yeah curse me. If I only I were cultured enough to find humor in cannibalism.

>> No.10252421

Hi new friend! How did you find /ck/?

>> No.10252546

lets count the name of the dish. From top left to the bottom right
-Đùi chó nướng
-Thịt chó hấp
-Dồi chó nướng
-Dưa chuột
-Muối chanh ớt
-Mắm tôm
-Rượu mận
-Thịt chó rang
-Lá mơ, sả,...
I eat dog meat a lots (cuz i'm Vietnamese)

>> No.10252588

I'm pretty sure I've ate it before and enjoyed it

>> No.10252597

I would eat any meat placed before me. Anyone who has a mental block to eating meat from a particular animal is oversocialised.

>> No.10252697

I thought this was a good thread until you went full retard on anyone with whom didn't immediately identify.

>i got deepthroated by a girl

This explains it all. Saged.

>> No.10252787

I've had it in the past and enjoyed it, if it were on restaurant menus locally I would order it without a thought.

>> No.10252796

justifying yourself to an anon... surely that will make people believe you.

>> No.10252807

I love my own dogs too much to ever eat any dog, it could be delicious for all I know but I have zero desire to ever try it. If someone ever tried to serve it to me and then tell me after the fact I would sue the shit out of them too

>> No.10252810

>It was delicious
I've had it more than once and it's okay at best. It's nothing special.

>> No.10252815

>I would sue the shit out of them
And win absolutely nothing because it's not illegal

>> No.10252833

It is on a commercial basis, and you can actually sue if it inflicts emotional and physical distress. For example, if someone knowingly feeds a dog lover some dog meat and they find out and start getting violently sick, they can sue. At least in a lot of states in the USA.

>> No.10253299

Sure, why not. I already swallow a lot of dog semen to keep my puppy happy.

>> No.10253341

If the dogs are killed humanly sure, why not.

>> No.10253350

what exactly does dog meat offer that beef, pork, mutton, veal, chicken, or game animals don't

>> No.10253511

What sort of test prep? Do they need anyone for teaching the LSAT? I'm bored and looking for something to do, and I think Viet chicks are fucking hawt.

>> No.10253556

If it was done in proper conditions sure.

>> No.10253595

>using masquerade as a verb
Totes disgusting.