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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10248689 No.10248689 [Reply] [Original]

Hey y'all this is my big boy meal I'm gonna make a spicy chicken and garlic pasta with parmesan. This endless pasta bowl costs about $7.50 to make and provides 4000 calories enough for manual labor or shitposting

It will be ready in 30 minutes meantimes why don't yall share some other simple pasta meals for the man on the go

>> No.10248697

Wow, another edition of “cooking for incels”

>> No.10248708

mommy didn't say you could use the stove, unless you cleaned up your room, especially around the computer. it smells like squid in there.

>> No.10248720

get better ingredients. minus the chicken this is literally one of the best, simplest dishes in the world but what you make is probably disgusting.

it could be so much better for just a few more shekels.

>> No.10248733
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Roasties getting toasty

>> No.10248744

Do you really waste your money on vegan free range olive oil?

>> No.10248759

do you really not know that chilean EVOO tastes exponentially better than
>WinCo Foods

or are you just poor?

>> No.10248760

Do you really condiment your pasta with something that tastes more like used-up motor oil?

>> No.10248796
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Saute the garlic for a few minutes turn off the heat add spices and chicken

>> No.10248803

I’m actually a white male republican. How do you expect to save the white race by not getting married and producing white offspring?

>> No.10248851
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I already have three kids. Dig in boys

>> No.10248864

>2 cans or jars of your favorite pasta sauce
>However much ground beef you want
>1 or 2 packs of spicy taco seasoning

1.Cook ground beef
2.Add taco sauce and water and coook till meat absorbs all
3.add pasta sauce
4.Add spaghettini

>> No.10248868

and you feed them bachelor chow?

>> No.10248869

>can't be bothered to chop garlic or grate some parm
What a big strong man you are!

>> No.10248873

>MGTOW Meals


>already have three kids

what a sad case

>> No.10248877

>pre cooked chicken

>> No.10248880

>Implying you see your kids after the divorce

>> No.10248882

pro tip: grate the garlic

>> No.10248884

Looks like a slop-of-shit!

>> No.10248887

more like deadbeat dad.

>> No.10248889

he doesn't feed them. his family left him. that's MGTOW

>> No.10248903

this whole thread is grim as fuck. sadness abounds.

>> No.10249014


Why do y'all think your shaming tactics work?

>> No.10249105

Forget organic, freerange, vegan and just get some virgin/extra virgin. Like everything, fresher the better too.
Get some fresh garlic as well, from everything I've had, pre processed can never compare

>> No.10249125

I went keto and it turned me gay.

>> No.10249143

shouldn't you be using extra virgin olive oil?

>> No.10249177

I am 26 years old, successful and have been single my entire life. Have more respect for yourself since you are already on that path. Cook with healthier foods. Eventually get to where I am and grow and hunt your own foods.

>> No.10249198

No need to make jokes, your life is already one

>> No.10251299

You worship Joe Rogan, don't you.

>> No.10251329

Jaime, bring this up.

>> No.10251349
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Grate your own cheese and get a garlic press you lazy piece of shit. I thought you're supposed to have all kinds of free time cos muh no women.

>> No.10251354

this legit looks something my divorced boomer dad would cook up

8/10 OP good job

>> No.10251372
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>dry ass fuck chicken
>squeeze garlic
>light tasting.. olive oil
>pre shredded parmesan
>cheap ass peppercorn

You need a woman in your life man

>> No.10251379

Considering he’s self-centered and can’t cook for shit, I would say he is the woman in his life.

>> No.10251388
File: 14 KB, 229x343, 1517428562439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that... pre-pressed garlic... in a fucking bottle?
I don't believe how far the western world have advanced towards complete retardation.

>> No.10251453

When I went my own way I told myself I would only eat meals I enjoy. And I certainly do. I never had a chance to have so many fun meals before I went my own way. Sometimes I have peanut butter sandwiches with chips on the side. I put a small pile of the chips right next to the sandwiches on the plate. It looks kind of classy. Well, classy isn't quite the right word. Maybe fancy?

Other times I'll eat a couple of crunchy sour pickles and then have a hot bowl of delicious tomato soup. You better believe I have some toast to dip in it! Three slices, buttered of course.

Last night it was sausages and boiled potatoes and some sardines. I don't normally have sardines in my dinner, but I thought I'd try something new. I liked the way I could cut the potato and use it to soak up some sardine juices. It really made my day. I'll definitely be doing this again.

>> No.10251467


>> No.10251723

Why do you need a special meal to be scared of women?

>> No.10251853


Looks like complete shit, fucking faggot.

>> No.10251857

you are torturing three children

>> No.10251861

poltard flyover """cuisine"""

>> No.10251867

This is the chain I followed and I'm glad I did.

>> No.10251936

How do you expect marriage to save the white race with the current divorce and family laws?

>> No.10251977

>this is literally one of the best, simplest dishes in the world
literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally

>> No.10251980

Have you considered going your own way? It's obvious women have driven you nuts.

>> No.10252008
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>"squeeze" garlic
>pre shredded cheese
>"light tasting olive oil" that hasn't even been in the presence of an actual olive
>dry shitty chicken breast

>> No.10252051

>marrying a gold digging atheist bitch
it is your fault anon, choose better next time

>> No.10252073

>Church going women don't divorce

Wew lad.

>> No.10252104

again, try to choose a woman who actually received proper upbringing and was not brainwashed by the international jewish propaganda. it is a difficult feat i know, but possible.

>> No.10252337
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t. future child support payer.

>> No.10252338

You do you my brother. Nothing wrong with taking a break from women. Despite what roasties and degenerates will state on this board, they aren't all great. Meal looks fine, on a budget.

>> No.10252368
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>squeeze garlic

>> No.10252396


>> No.10252473

i had a great idea:

instead of
MTGOW - men going their own way,

it should be
MHITOW men having it their own way

and you guys can totally get sponsored by Burger King, which is perfect for when you are mad cuz your wife told you to get a job and then you go to burger king and have 4x whopper meals cuz you are a strong white man who dont need no woman.

>> No.10252524

Post feet.

>> No.10252540



>> No.10252919

Shaming is the only tactic they have at their disposal. Only a fool thinks marriage is good for men these days, and far too many women are toxic and barely worth a pump and dump, much less a long term investment. What's left? Hoping to shame men back onto the plantation.

>> No.10252950

Why does a stranger deciding what to do with his own life trigger faggots so much?

>> No.10252999

if he was better at cooking, I'd be totally cool with his shit. but he blows at it

>> No.10253013

why are you so triggered about what people think about a stranger?

>> No.10253014

I'm not, I'm just wondering

>> No.10253021


>> No.10253025

Answer my question pls

>> No.10253121
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>squeeze garlic
I can see why you've been rejected and ridiculed by women