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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10249822 No.10249822 [Reply] [Original]

>bowl exploded when broiling to melt the cheese on my French onion soup
I need to stop trying to be /ck/ and go back to ramen and Mac n cheese

>> No.10250260

Please do.

>> No.10250278

Did you just use a regular ceramic bowl?

>> No.10250352

Dude, you need to make sure your ceramics are oven-safe. It's a lesson that a lot of people learn the exact same way you just did.

>> No.10250370

You should only really put metal pans / dishes under a broiler.

>> No.10250391

use a fish bowl anon

>> No.10250401

Fuck that dude. Why the fuck would you think /ck/ is a standard to hold yourself to? We're fucking trash. You can do better. Fuck ramen, that's for weebs. Fuck Kraft dinner, that's for Canadians. You fucking can make French onion soup, and from that you can make any other soup. Fuck that cheap-ass bowl, and fuck these loser, degenerate rejects on 4chan. Get a bowl, and make some fucking soup.

>> No.10250431

>Kraft Dinner for Canadians

>> No.10250444

Hey buddy, don't go around insulting Canada. Canadians are some of the best posters around these parts, and we're not going to stand for this slander. I'm from Alberta.

>> No.10251490
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>spent 10 hours making a loaf of bauernbraut rye bread
>finally putting it in the oven
>have to add steam immediately as baking begins
>choose a glass bowl
>explodes into a million pieces over the bread
>think it probably is still okay as i spent a good deal of time picking out glass but tossed it anyways because swallowing tiny pieces of glass sounded dangerous
i know your pain but i wish i didn't

>> No.10251498

kek I did this EXACT same thing. I inspected the bread and didn't see any glass so I ate it. It was fine.c