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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10242511 No.10242511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is that trure girls like guys who can cook or its a myth?

>> No.10242534


>> No.10242540

Women are almost obsolete. However I still find my self enjoying a conversion with a qt.

>> No.10242557

You forget that you need to be tall, have a big dick, be romantic, be rich, have a great sense of humour, always agree with your woman then yes, girls like those kind of guys who can cook.

>> No.10242559

You should learn to cook because it is good to eat tasty food. Women are mostly garbage and should never influence any of your decisions.

>> No.10242564

Just look at that fucking roastie

>> No.10242571

Women only like black, verile bulls

>> No.10242578

Is shes cumming?

>> No.10242583

Honestly this, but not because women are horrible. If you spend your life doing what you think women want, you inevitably waste your time doing stupid shit and training stupid skills. Do what you want and you develop agency, if women don't want you after that, just accept that you're probably ugly and pay an escort with the money you made in the meantime.

>> No.10242646

Looks and confidence go a long way. I’m 6’4 and 290lbs of mostly fat but dress well, groom myself properly, and stick to decisions that I’ve made for myself. I’ve been with girls way out of my aesthetic league.

Nothing worse than insecurity, being timid, and not carrying yourself with confidence and proper public decorum.

If food is a passion of yours you should own it. You make choices for yourself and that makes you a far more attractive person.

>> No.10242654

Women like obnoxious "fixer uppers" who they can tame over time.
Only after their second or third kid and failed marriage will they begrudgingly accept a cuck like you.
I mean a "cook" like you. Damn autocorrect.

>> No.10242658

A 6/10 who isn’t fat is out of your aesthetic league...

>> No.10242668

women like guys who are caring and loving only to them, but sociopaths and badasses to everyone else.

men like women who are slutty only to them, but conservative and well-mannered to everyone else.

PROTIP: they don't exist

you shouldnt expect anyone to treat you differently than how they treat everyone else.

>> No.10242671

No she has to pee

>> No.10242675
File: 147 KB, 500x749, tumblr_of3iwlVf6r1s7t05ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live with 3 girls
>Make Indian food
>Make Mexican food
>Make Italian food
>Make Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian, Indonesian food
>They don't like it because they don't like "strong flavours"
>Black pepper is spicy enough for them, anything than that is too hot
>One day, get some hot dogs in a jar, stick them through some dry spaghetti, then boil them
>They fucking love it
>Chuck cheap sausages in a pasta dish with ready made sauce and chuck in a load of cream and cheese
>They can't get enough
>Make a "stir fry" with chicken, scrambled eggs, peas, green pepper, cheap udon noodles, and a tiny dash of soy sauce. No other seasoning
>They think I'm the best cook
Impressing girls ain't as fun as you think

>> No.10242678

Wasn't she making that face because he was talking about his dead sister or something?

>> No.10242684

Why are white women such tonguelets?

>> No.10242685

But if you noticed the auto-correct error before you posted, then why not just fix the mistake? Something is queer about this.

>> No.10242688

my fucken life.
like to practice at home for work but gf won't eat 1/5 of what I cook.
Have to secretly put ingredients in so she won't reject the entire dish over it.

i.e. fermented garlic. dank af but she's scared of it for no reason

>> No.10242694

haha i wish this meme were dead and me too

>> No.10242707

So you would think, but that wasn’t my experience. It’s easy to lie on a Chinese Papercutting board, and I really don’t care if you believe me, but I’ve been with a 10/10 long term and have been persued by others. It’s really all about confidence and commanding respect.

>> No.10242781

you can get tasty food at any fast food place. Only reason I really have the motivation to cook is for girls.

>> No.10242834


>> No.10242917

it's not high on their list of priorities

>> No.10242996

Yes, actually. Or mother. Something like that.

>> No.10243615

>big dick
Daily Reminder: she's already decided whether or not she wants to sleep with you waaaay before she knows anything about your cock. Social status is literally the only thing that matters to women these days.

>> No.10243625

lmao your gf sounds retarded

>> No.10243630

I fucking hate, HATE women. They are the most disgusting, vile creatures on the planet

>> No.10243639

Girls liking guys like in your webm is a bigger myth. It's a really gross look. I mean, some girls do, obviously, but mostly the horrible ones with the nastiest personalities and faces deformed by multiple plastic surgeries and a deluge of makeup. Monstrosity attracts monstrosity.

>> No.10243694

>290 lbs
Sounds exactly like my type. Where you at?

>> No.10243728

Depends on the girl
In my case--I appreciate and enjoy men who took the time to learn to cook well. I'd feel the same about any hobby they're into. However, I greatly enjoy cooking for men and making them happy, so I might not get along too well with a guy who insists on cooking all the time. I'd feel somewhat....de-feminized if a man was cooking for me, much like a man might feel de-masculinized if a woman opened a difficult jar for him, for example. Cooking together would be quite fun though!
Since it depends so much on the dynamics of the relationship and the people in it...cook if it makes you happy! Don't worry if women like it as a whole--worry about finding a specific woman who likes what you have to offer and vice versa.

>> No.10243730

12 Short Rd, Edgar Wisconsin. I'm not home right now, but 7pm this Friday I'll be open to guests.

>> No.10243735

t. virgin

>> No.10243746

Virgins don't generally hate women. Hatred of women is a result of experience

>> No.10243747

He looks like a bodybuilder, so I doubt he necessarily looks like that all the time. He'd also look a lot better if he wasn't so dark, he looks like a white guy that tanned too much.
To be totally honest, I usually assume men who look like this are gay, but maybe that's just because only gay porn has really built guys like that in it.

>> No.10243760

Walk-in basis or do I have to make an appointment?

>> No.10243785

everyone likes a guy that cooks for them. because we are all lazy basterds.

>> No.10243792

Just turn up if you want. I mean, there's always a small chance I'll be called out for some reason, but I'll leave a note on the door if that happens.

>> No.10243816
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My sister likes when I cook. I guess that counts for something... right?

When I still lived at my family home she would ask me on staurdays/sundays if I'm cooking anything. She a total slut for my general tso chicken. But my mother has all kinds of dietary restrictions so she hardly ever ate what I made.

I do recall once making sushi during a company party(small startup, ~20 employees) and I had pretty much all the women in the office staying with me in the kitchen while I prepared everything. I recall that well because that was the one and only time I ever had so much female attention.

Maybe they just really, really liked sushi...

>> No.10243832

Maybe they doubted your hygiene.

>> No.10243836

i do as long as they can actually cook. most men have a retarded idea of what cooking is, though i suppose a lot of women do as well. if you're on this board asking i'll assume you do not fall into this category and you are a good cook.
Yes. that is the sexiest thing ever in my opinion. something about a man cutting meat, stuffing his hand up a turkey's asshole, etc. the more raw he is about it (ie no utensils or recipes) the hotter imo. reminds me of my dad.

that post got really weird really fast

>> No.10243839

They were probably interested in seeing how it was made. That or you're a qt

>> No.10243845

you are such a stupid, basic bitch. I can't believe you just tried the "ooh let me say something sexually inappropriate and then pretend I didn't mean to" shtick. I hope you fucking die with a sword up your ass

>> No.10243858

thanks me too

>> No.10243866
File: 122 KB, 500x364, amazing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a nasty thought...

Considering my track record with women I'd say the latter is unlikely. Sitll, it must be nice being chad, I liked talking to all of them while preparing that sushi.

>> No.10243869

Sometimes it's more satisfying to cook your own meals, plus you have some degree of control over the quality and such.
And for those that are supreme introverts, being outside in general is always rather draining, even if only for a few minutes.
I suppose for super picky eaters you don't have to bother with specifying to leave X ingredient out of an order and such. Have some relatives for instance that can't stand onions for some reason.

>> No.10243876

>Tasty food
>Fast food
Choose one

>> No.10243954

The only relationships I made last for longer than three months were with girls/women I cooked for in the first week.

>> No.10243983

that dude is like 5'6 at the most

>> No.10243987

Women only care about money and status, If you believe otherwise you are a fucking moron.

>> No.10243988

>this stupid meme
just kys already and be done with it, snowflake

>> No.10243990

Whores I suppose, though I guess finding ones that aren't is rare.

>> No.10243992

>girls like guys who can cook
No. They just like eating.

>> No.10244000
File: 107 KB, 400x417, 1492277585972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing things to impress women specifically is dumb and you should feel bad for doing it.
Anyway being able to cook for yourself is a valuable skill and a relationship where both people understand cooking will be healthier than one that relies on one person/going out all the time

>> No.10244001

It's not my job to cook, if she ain't in the kitchen then I ain't even bothering.

>> No.10244230

>tfw 20 yrs old

God, life is gonna suck isn't it?

>> No.10244248


>> No.10244261
File: 42 KB, 506x667, white amerimutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just what girls are like. They're scared of novelty, it's in their genes.

>> No.10244274

I'm not an alcoholic and don't plan to be.

>> No.10244284

Then, yes, it is going to suck.

>> No.10244297

so women basically ejaculate if you talk about dead relatives? not sure if that's any better

>> No.10244316

You anons really hate women. I wonder what trauma happened to cause you to hate them so much. Sad!

>> No.10244327

The trauma of having no or close to no female attention their whole lives.

It hurts knowing that you are not good enough to propagate your genes into the future.

>> No.10244363
File: 187 KB, 598x465, thumbs up NK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of truth

>> No.10244399

Autistic people really are bad at reading facial expressions, aren't they? It's amazing that anybody could mistake sympathy for sexual arousal.

>> No.10244408

unless you're going around flirting with food in hand, they've decided whether or not they're interested in sex/relationship with you long before they eat your food. Cooking skills don't really get your foot in the door, but they can take you from one-night-stand to fuckbuddy.

>> No.10244415

>hottie beefcake in a speedo talking about family and emotions n'

>> No.10244420
File: 117 KB, 372x351, glamour-cinnamon-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bodybuilder beefcake talking about family and emotions 'n shit
>implying those women didn't have oceans in their panties

>> No.10244427
File: 286 KB, 358x606, 1516556697617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10244461


>> No.10244466

It's a bonus but not a closer

>> No.10244467

I can choose both. Call me amerifat or tastlet or whatever.

>> No.10244509

>triggered by the BBC
the literal state of white bois.

>> No.10246092

Women like my cooking. And you get to hang with them while your doing it. I picked up more women at the grocery store than bars.

>> No.10246726

This is the funniest exchange on 4chan currently.