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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10233537 No.10233537 [Reply] [Original]

I have a problem guys. I've been making some really healthy, really tasty foods recently and my step-mother is getting REALLY fucking jealous. It all started a few weeks ago.

>make dad ribeye steak on grill with olive oil, butter, garlic, and salt.
>dad loves it, says its one of the best steaks hes ever had
>step mother, who cooked food before (was always disgusting), begins to get jealous, acting more distant, aggressive in her responses
>make dad swedish meatballs, again, he loves it
>she is visibly angry now, outright ignoring me when I talk and shit talking my food (too salty, not enough salt, not enough garlic, too much butter, etc.)
>Today I make pancakes and crêpes
>I go to the bathroom, when I come back I find the stove turned up all the way, burning my pancakes, I turn it down and throw that one away
>continue on as planned, worried that she's going to mess with my food more
>nearly serve my pancakes to dad, try a little piece for myself and notice it's chock full of FUCKING SALT
>I'm mad now
>storm out to living room to confront her
>she is out kissing dad, sitting on his lap in his chair
>she looks at me from the corner of her eye, lets out a little smile
>I go back into the kitchen and clean up what's left, serve the two pancakes I already made to Dad
>do the dishes and head back to my room
>she's waiting there
>she tells me one thing, "It's either you or me, and he'll choose me"
>walks away high and smug

How do I get back at her /ck/? I want her to suffer.

>> No.10233549

keep making delicious food for you dad he deserves it.

>> No.10233561

Roasties btfo
Keep it up champ

>> No.10233568

Make your dad another steak and blow him while he eats it. When he’s done, present your lubed anus and tell him he doesn’t need to worry about babies or this being off limits for a week every month. She will never be able to compete.

>> No.10233584

>he doesn't fuck his gf on her period

shiggy diggy

>> No.10234161

>He doesn't earn his redwings
Get on mah level, niggah!

>> No.10234174

Set up hidden cameras to catch her messing with your food, and then tell him she was willing to mess with things he was going to try and eat

this is fake though so idk who cares

>> No.10234189

she clearly wants to fuck you

>> No.10234190

if this is real she sounds like a real spiteful bitch. i'd even recommend your dad not being with her. who knows what kind of bullshit this bitch would pull when shit hits the fan

>> No.10234192

Tell your Dad what happened.

>> No.10234199

move out you homo

>> No.10234208

You sound gay but her behavior is fascinating if true.

>> No.10234217
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put some feces in her portion of food if you ever cook for her

>> No.10234230

Fug your dad to make her even more jealous

>> No.10234285

You already know how to get to her, make the best damn food your dad has ever eaten and bonus points if you make things she doesn't like or can't eat.

You have to be subtle and passive aggressive if you live with them, do little things that get under her skin and make her look like a crazy bitch who is treating you poorly but never lose your temper because she will use that against you.
If she wears makeup that's another good place to start fucking with, fill moisturiser with cum and other items etc.

I had a fucked fat whore step mother for a few years before i moved out, I made that bitch fucking crazy as hell with my passive aggressive digs at her as a teenager and now when I go and visit them I just treat her like absolute shit by talking over her anytime she tries to join a conversation and constantly asking about how her kids are doing knowing full well one is in jail and the other is poor with a bunch of debt and abusive ex-partners, then I follow up with how well my career is going and how great all the places i travel to are.

fuck that bitch.

>> No.10234288

I fuck my wife on her period, but op’s stepmom sounds like the kind of cunt that wouldn’t. That’s why I added that part.

>> No.10234289

You mother is mentally ill op.
More so then most women.

>> No.10234290

Lol... Keep doing it until dad's getting his dick sucked by her on a daily basis.

>> No.10234306
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Get AIDS then rape your dad. When she fucks him she'll be infected with HIV. wa la

>> No.10234314

This might just be crazy enough to work.

>> No.10234327
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>> No.10234342

Hmm? Most women are crazy but not that crazy you complete mongoloid

>> No.10234346

unironically poison her (non lethal of course :)

>> No.10234347
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>> No.10234357

Didn't spell "than" correctly

>> No.10234640
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Give your dad food poisoning when she cooks for him.

>> No.10234708
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Oh dude no wait, poison yourself too to make it credible. Look at her with the he evil eye and tell her she took it too far.
She will deny it and feel incredibly guilty, she will begin to doubt her cooking skills.
Make chicken noodles rice soup for yourself and dad.

>> No.10234780

Move out and tell your dad it's at least partially because of her.

Move out, you won't regret it.

>> No.10234831

I said the same thing. She'll fuck him as soon as dad leaves

>> No.10234856

move out and bring dinner to your dad a few times a week

>> No.10236217
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Here is what you do:
Just buy a hidden camera like pic related.
Position it in the kitchen and keep making good food. Start bragging about it a bit.

Record her spoiling your food. Do this for some time and collect evidence. Maybe also take photos of the food she ruined.
Cut it together and put it on dvd.

Declare a movie night with a "great movie you found".
Start playing the dvd. Maybe narrate it.

>> No.10236219
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Shit, wrong pic

>> No.10236220

Fucking THIS. Absolutely perfect

>> No.10236239
File: 110 KB, 640x766, 1503437368311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to tell your dad that your stepmother is acting strange. The root of this problem is that your stepmother thinks it's a competition between you and her for your dad's attention. That isn't necessarily a problem unless you want to maintain relations with her, but she's a cunt. Just keep making stuff and she'll eventually go crazy trying to sabotage you. You could tell us more cooking sabotage stories in the meantime.

>> No.10237037

These things usually happen if stepmom wants to take away your inheritance. Make a rift between you and your dad, keep shoveling him shit about how you don't care about him etc. until your name is basically struck from the will

>> No.10237041

cut her neck while she sleeps

>> No.10237043

Post pic of step mom's panty drawer

>> No.10237073

If this post is actually real then you need to move out. Don't put your dad in that position. Even if you tell him what the fuck is he supposed to do?

Go out on your own. It's not as hard as people make it out to be.

>> No.10237081

And then what is the dad supposed to do at that point? Yell at her? Dump her for some petty shit? It's not even that bad she's just a bitch.

>> No.10237089

You act like a petty woman.

>> No.10237103

>hey dad it's me, your son, that you created
>stepmom is obviously trying to create a rift between us
>lol not my problem move out faggot
Never have kids.

>> No.10237121

You need to encroach on her territory even further. Show your father how well you suck cock. Give him the greatest orgasm of his life. Soon he'll realize he has no use for that bitch. Not with you around.

>> No.10237135

Rape her

>> No.10237142

The camera can show her sucking black dick when his dad isn't around

>> No.10237160
File: 66 KB, 500x644, BEGIN THE CEREMONY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He deserves to know the truth. He may be happy with a petty, manipulative bitch now. Eventually she'll fuck him up though. It's in both of your best interests to show him how she behaves when his back is turned because once you're out of the way she'll probably do far worse.

>> No.10237169


>> No.10237173

He can talk to her about her obvious issues. Just letting her continue like this will be bad for their relationship in the long run. There is something nasty deep inside her which needs to be resolved before it gets worse.

>> No.10237207

tell your dad it's bros before hoes or he ain't your nigga

>> No.10237226

you are acting as if he actually has to choose... conflict resolution is a real thing. they aren't nemeses

>> No.10237238
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Nair in shampoo? Itching powder in shoes? Ipecac?

>> No.10237273

THIS. hook a nigga up.

>> No.10237352

Best advice so far

>> No.10237353

So while you were jerking off to this made-up revenge fantasy, were you typing with your right hand or your left? I suggest you get her to make a traditional Irish stew, and bring soda bread to the party, you lying faggot attention-whore.

>> No.10237435

If it's real: sit down and have a talk with your dad about her mistreatment and possessive attitude. Dad's life is gonna suck too if he has to deal with a crazy bitch day-in-day-out.

If it's not real: haha I just got bean'd