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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 250x250, NEWPORT-cigarettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10236853 No.10236853 [Reply] [Original]

let all agree that this is objectively the best cigarette

>> No.10236868

>smoking niggerports

>> No.10236877

if you're going to be a degenerate, at least don't compound that by being a nigger

>> No.10236880
File: 62 KB, 480x640, 1279044314-5bba3f88_620[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Might as well just vape.

>> No.10236884

This board is for food and cooking, not barf scented cancer sticks.

Newports are for trashy people.

>> No.10236894

this board is for consumables, which is why there is multiple eternal booze threads

>> No.10236904


>> No.10236913


Booze is food, dum dum.

>> No.10237162
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>> No.10237182

you get calories from booze you dumb nigger.

>> No.10237183
File: 64 KB, 202x200, 1512962530162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke marlboros because I'm neither a faggot nor a nigger

>> No.10237191

I smoke reds when I’m out of Canada and can’t get my local brand, unless I can find camels.

>> No.10237199

Been using this a lot lately

>not White

>> No.10237829

Yet you're still a faggot for smoking fags, you fag

>> No.10237847

>unironically smoking newports
>unironically smoking MENTHOL newports

>> No.10237856

21 days smoke free! Smoked Camel by the way.

>> No.10237866

This is the least subtle troll thread /pol/ has made on this board yet.

>> No.10237876

I only smoke Newport 100s. Shorts are shit.

>> No.10237887

itt: cancer

>> No.10237889

American spirits are the best. No question. Also: smoking is for stupid people.

>> No.10237941
File: 311 KB, 540x540, de78492f-37d4-43af-8bb6-fe30eb2ef1d9.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck no not white, brb takes forever to kick in
>implying I can actually tell the difference lol

I want to try pic related but can't be arsed to order a whole roll online and brick-and-mortar places don't carry anything but General and lolcamel, so no rape for me.

>> No.10237943

Or a coal burner

>> No.10237963

tobacco is a vegetable

>> No.10238205
File: 92 KB, 261x261, general-portionssnus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


White is too dry and I got fed up with the artificial flavoring in The Rape. This has been my jam for years now.

>> No.10238222

>tfw cant have good snus here
any swedes willing to send some to me ? I'll pay you

>> No.10238228

tastes like soap, Göteborgs is a meme

>> No.10238230

Then eat it, motherfucker.

>> No.10238250
File: 119 KB, 449x650, Camel Turkish Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say these are by far the best cigarette.

>> No.10238279

Anything Camel makes is fucking trash.

>> No.10239296

>American spirits are the best. No question.
^This, but the perique kind (black pack).
I've smoked a lot of different cigarettes over the years, but after I got into American Spirits anything else I try ends up seeming like garbage in comparison. I had a similar reaction going back to Camels after having been into Marlboro reds for a while where the Camels felt like smoking poison (yes, I know they're all poison, but you get the idea). But even more so American Spirit blacks make everything else seem awful to me by comparison.
My head canon is this means American Spirits aren't going to give me cancer and that the other cigarettes make you feel bad in comparison because you can feel them eating away at your DNA.

>> No.10239305

what is a "crush" cigarette?

>> No.10239323

There's some sort of flavor thing in it that you crush, I think they're popular in Japan.

>> No.10239341
File: 525 KB, 956x1280, 1512194542222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a menthol cigarette typically. The best Crush one I had was from japan it was like a triple crush and it was like smoking Christmas it was amazing and so minty. The only thing I smoke are those and gauloises both of them I can't get here in america. Probably for the best though.

>> No.10239356
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>> No.10239408

the most patrician form of tobacco

>> No.10239721

Periques are the best thing you can get regularly in the US. I'd take Japanese filter Luckies (Euro ones are a different, worse blend) or Seven Stars 14s over them, though; I get that the spice note is the draw of the style but for me it's something I put up with because nothing else here has the throat hit and doesn't leave me spitting leaf flakes while stomping a butt that's a third of the damn cigarette.

>> No.10239732

This. I prefer light blues myself though. I often alternate between yellows, light blues, and blacks depending on my mood.

>> No.10239787

What's your local brand?

>> No.10239788

Even I know this is bait and you can't even get Newport in my country

>> No.10239794

Good work man. I'm 2 and a half months smoke free.

I still get cravings multiple times a week. Just kill me now and end my suffering.

>> No.10239795

I used to work near the United Center in Chicago and there were always a bunch of black dudes selling these out of the trunks of their cars near there. I tried to buy some once and the guy joked if I was a cop haha but I wasn't so he gave me some maybe I was wearing cop shoes that day

>> No.10239796

Nat Shermans da best, black and gold da best of da best.

>> No.10239797
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1502982024210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monkey mints

>> No.10239801
File: 126 KB, 342x341, GIVE US YA LOIGHTA M8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I used to smoke I bought marb reds. I didn't really have a huge preference though it was just because those are the ones you are sure to find wherever you go no matter what, as long as they sell ciggies
Also had a fair share of 87s, turkish royal camels and L&M reds when I was feeling cheap

>> No.10239805
File: 560 KB, 600x595, no hiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the 60 year old unfiltered kinds

>> No.10239808
File: 27 KB, 380x380, 0004210000021_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best tobacco coming through
if you haven't tried dry snuff you should

>> No.10239829
File: 104 KB, 860x600, premium-petrol[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which is objectively the best petrol to sniff (ie consume/inhale) for the ultimate high and sense of self satisfaction?

>> No.10239839
File: 58 KB, 711x399, tmp_6866-maxresdefault.jpg.cf683437016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cigarettes are for minorities, women, and homosexuals. Smoke a pipe like a real man. And not some ridiculous hipster Sherlock carved from an entire trunk. A sensibly sized one that draws well. Pic related.

You American Spirit black fags are on the right track, try pic also related if you like the perique flavor.

>> No.10239841
File: 83 KB, 579x500, original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who /SSDS/ here?

>> No.10240028

I actually smoke a pipe in the spring and summer months. I find it maximum comfy to sit out on the porch and watch the clouds. I switch to American Spirits the rest of the time.

>> No.10240034

Newports are the best. Just had one.

t. 10 year old niggerport smoker

>> No.10240043

>the best cigarette
Fuck way off.

>> No.10240050

I'm curious about what /ck/ recommends in a cigarette. There's no harm in an occasional thread.

>> No.10240065

>Smoke a pipe like a real man.
>*tips fedora and pretends to enjoy a sip of scotch*

>> No.10240520

are you black?

>> No.10240526

Cigarettes taste like burning compost and taste as such. If you must, then vape.

>> No.10240531

A reminder that if you vape you are quintessentially Reddit. You are a soyboy incarnate. Always remember that you fucking queers spawned the Vape Olympics or whatever the flying fuck it is.

>> No.10240540

Spirit Organics turquoise pack is god tier. black pack is a close second. t. someone who has been smoking for almost 15 years

>> No.10240550

Don't be so quick to decide. Asia has cigarettes that are so fucking good and actually tasty. Thought I knew it all too until I went to korea.

>> No.10240552

Can you racists spouting the N word maybe I don't know, fuck OFF?

>> No.10240553

>tfw have yet another pack of American Spirits to try

>> No.10240558

>complaining about racism on 4chan
Not sure if this is bait... if not, you might wanna get used to it

>> No.10240567
File: 39 KB, 339x355, 1505831931335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10240571

enjoy my friend. may it be the last pack you ever need to try.

>> No.10240887
File: 248 KB, 817x763, 1475543090655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a thread on which trash frozen pizza is the best with 200+ replies

most of the food service industry smokes

get over it

>> No.10240900
File: 28 KB, 640x233, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean?

"Newport" is a hate slur now?

>> No.10240917

Shut up, Nebraskan. Either I vent here or I shout it at people in real life.

>> No.10241169

You are a vegetable, retard

>> No.10241196
File: 135 KB, 805x1089, Parliament ad 1968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact - Philip Morris tried to market Parliament cigs in the 60's and 70's in the UK as an upscale American import, disguising the fact that they had already become a ghetto favorite by then. That's like Pabst Brewing trying to push Colt .45 as a "classic malted beverage" or something on some group of unsuspecting foreigners.

>> No.10241202

What do homos satisfying their oral fixation with little leafy sticks have to do with food & cooking?

>> No.10241210
File: 23 KB, 500x339, 1446285798725[1].jpg_format=500w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't chew his tobaccy and pack it into a wad in his lip while playing some baseball

Yeah; what a bunch of poofs!

>> No.10241420
File: 36 KB, 491x623, rockwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right though. Numales and their artisanal masculinity are a plague. Pipe smoking is still comfy as fuck

>> No.10241430
File: 47 KB, 382x480, Nigger_Rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10241433

How much do you have to type about Niger to wear your keys down like this?

>> No.10243260

menthol cigarettes make me NEED to shit, newports especially since they have the most menthol

my man

>> No.10243279

Export A medium regular size

>> No.10243281

Best reply

>> No.10243419

>this board is for consumables
Uh no it's for food and cooking. I don't see "consumables" listed at the top of the page.

>> No.10243450

Take this to /lit/ that is the board for cigarette discussion, this is /ck/ for food and cooking

Also L&Ms are the patricians Malboro

>> No.10243462

Too bad faggor.

>> No.10243481
File: 101 KB, 480x640, 1518992605830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is an on topic post that has 200 replies
>Therefore this off topic post is actually on topic
Most food service workers shit too but that doesn't mean post pics of the toilet when you are done with your food in a rate thread, that would still be more on topic than this discussion at least shit was food once

>> No.10243484

>Also L&Ms are the patricians Malboro
foreign L&Ms are usually quality, however the US ones are incredibly shitty, taste like straight chemicals and im fairly certain they just use the tobacco that fell on the floor of the plant they were making Marlboros in

>> No.10243518

so where should cigarettes be discussed on 4chan? which board is most suited other than/ck/?

>> No.10243531

RC fuel, not even joking, wish I was

>> No.10243803

maybe not on 4chan?
also lucky strikes a best

>> No.10243847

and why shouldnt there be somewhere on 4chan you can discuss smoking and tobacco products?

>> No.10244100

Thanks, I'm going to try this. Any specific pipe/type of pipe I should get? There's some nice smaller ones at an antique shop nearby, not sure if they'd smoke well though

>> No.10244111

>dood git cancer or ur le reddit
A reminder that Reddit drinks water, so if you drink water, you are quintessentially Reddit. You are a soyboy incarnate. Always remember that you fucking queers spawned the drinking water meme or whatever the flying fuck it is.

>> No.10244124

>you have to choose one or the other
Only a sith deals in absolutes.
>sperging out and using my own post in a way that doesn't work
Did I trigger you by drawing attention to the fabled Vape Olympics? What will you do when I mention that Vape Con is a thing? Dab at me menacingly?

>> No.10244125

Because you'd share it with pot smokers and your /to/ - smoking and tobacco would inevitably be /dude/ - lmao

T. Pot smoker

>> No.10244136

That was pretty clever desu ne.
It would be too specific a topic to work. Not to say 4chan doesn't have extremely specific boards, but something like tobacco only has so much that can be said about it.

>> No.10244151

>pretends to enjoy a sip of scotch*
are there actually boys that are this soy?

>> No.10244173

>he doesn't prefer cognac to botch

>> No.10244215
File: 16 KB, 399x208, Ql2cEbk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your shit's broken

>> No.10244226

>sperging out and using my own post in a way that doesn't work
Of course it works you stupid faggot. You seem to imply you can't do X because some faggot does it. And this is shit logic that is as easily debunked as saying that if you weren't a hypocrite you'd stop drinking water too.

Hey guess what, niggers eat food too. I'm gonna tell /pol/ that they either starve or they are literally niggers. Fuck off cockmongler.

>at war
>notice enemy side is killing our soldiers
>suddenly we can't kill because they do it and we don't want to be associated with those guys

>> No.10244233

420chan is good for this.

>> No.10244268

Those are some impressive mental gymnastics you've been doing.

>> No.10244317

But a unique feature of the group of service workers is that they smoke. You could talk about the culture of smoking in restaurants and how people pick up smoking just to take the break. You're just plugging your ears and going "nanana."

>> No.10244321

Yeah, basic logic is now mental gymnastics.
Keep up your easily challenged hypocritical beliefs, man, you tell those rebbitors.

>> No.10244323

>no u

>> No.10244335

Basic logic would be not missing the point of my post. Vape culture is far worse than tobacco culture. Vaping is no more healthy for you than tobacco.

No ME.

>> No.10244349

You don't need to engage in culture of any kind to vape or to smoke you turbofaggot. Not everything needs to be a social hobby.

>Vaping is no more healthy for you than tobacco.
Literal retardation, try researching stuff because you look like a retard.

>> No.10244377
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1516467642737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vaping is no more healthy for you than tobacco.
>inhaling more than 4000 neurotoxic and carcinogenic substances vs. inhaling pure nicotine, propylenglycol and vegetable glycerin

>> No.10244387

>t. vapefag in denial

>> No.10244390

are you trying to bait people into calling you a nigger or what?

>> No.10244398

There is a distinct lack of peer reviewed research papers and studies to confirm that the chemicals you're inhaling aren't fucking your shit. I've seen more evidence that the chemicals used to make vaping fluid cause problems than I have they are "safe".

I am not saying it causes cancer, but to claim vaping is a healthy alternative to smoking is fucking retarded. E-cigs have been around since the 60's, and if you think there have been any significant strides in making them any safer since then you'd be dead wrong. What do you think you're inhaling? Essential oils? If you're using the average liquid, you're getting nicotine, chemicals to vaporize the nicotine (which is usually fine), "additives", and "flavoring", which are the problem areas. They are unregulated too, so have fun with that.

Both contribute to heart disease, and vaping can include formaldehyde, nitrosamines, silicate particles and lead depending on what chink factory you got your shit from. Not to say tobacco isn't just as bad, but vaping is NO BETTER.

>> No.10244400
File: 177 KB, 1080x2220, 1520239545310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to engage in italian culture if I eat pasta
>I need to be part of and to associate with ISIS if I ever put my lips to arab food
>I need to get an indian bull for my wife if I ever want to try fish and chips
I marvel at your logic, tell me more.

>> No.10244403

top laff, how have I lived in the southeast my entire life and never heard this?

>> No.10244425

It's like I'm literally reading philips morris propaganda directed at your average mexican. You're a gigantic retard.

>b-but there are no (((studies))) saying PG and VG will be safe long term
You know what isn't? Smoking, it will give you many kinds of cancer, for sure, with certainty. uncertain health issues that may not even exist > certain cancer. Vape wins

propylenglycol = not carcinogenic
vegetable glycerin = not carcinogenic
Both components used in the food industry for decades.
Nicotine = not carcinogenic
>muh heart
Same deal with cigarrettes, but worse because it's fucking ridden with carcinogenic and neurotoxic chemicals.

You're not good at abstract reasoning right? What's your ethnicity?

>> No.10244442

>he still thinks I am somehow calling tobacco safe
You're dodging everything. I am calling both shit tier.
>Both components used in the food industry for decades.
>Nicotine = not carcinogenic
Where in my post did I indicate otherwise? I stated both tobacco and vaping contribute to heart disease, if you think that was where I did.
>because it's fucking ridden with carcinogenic and neurotoxic chemicals
So are a lot of vaping liquids you fucking retard, and when I stated there are no studies saying vaping is safe I meant it as a generalization rather than specifically PG/VG, which are both FINE as I stated.

>> No.10244484

>So are a lot of vaping liquids you fucking retard, and when I stated there are no studies saying vaping is safe I meant it as a generalization rather than specifically PG/VG, which are both FINE as I stated.

But this isn't true anymore you cockmongler, the vaping industry isn't in the state it was when you bought your liquids at chink bazaars and they gave you air freshener liquid to chink you out of your money.

e-liquids are regulated, and produced in USA and fucking EUROPE. Yes, you can buy doubtful chinkshit, but why would you?
Formaldehyde and all that shit is just plain lies. Show me a fucking study that found formaldehyde specifying what e-liquid was used. There's fucking none or they used some shit nobody vapes on fucking purpose because big tobacco is gambling with one of the biggest fucking industries ever, and they don't want to lose.

There are fucking thousands of people whose lives, health and wallet have improved by orders of magnitude, and I give no fucks if some fedoraniggers claim to be le epic vapers in le redd.it.

>dood but le heart disease
Then don't fucking do any drugs of any kind. I bet you fucking drink fluorated water like a big fucking goy while worrying about less harmful stuff.

>> No.10244516

Alright, I'll concede that regulated and properly produced liquids are more or less fine. But now I ask for a study proving that vaping is harmless. I've looked, and found none that can. Vaping may not be AS BAD as smoking, but it isn't nearly as harmless as you'd like to believe.

What I CAN find is that vaping can still cause smoker's cough and even worse complications even WITH regulation.

>> No.10244568

There's no fucking study because people haven't been vaping long enough for one study to be worth a damn. And (((they))) aren't interested in any study pro-vaping, in fact, (((they))) try their hardest to put vaping down because it's the most threatening thing to the tobacco and pharma industry to ever happen.

These guys can buy your life over 1000 times, you think they would flinch at faking studies? They'd eat you alive if that's what it took to keep the industry going, you sound blue pilled as fuck. The food industry literally laughs at the face of everyone by promoting a diet that's responsible for the obesity and diabetes epidemic just because corporations profit from it. And you want these people to tell you vaping is safe as if that meant shit? Vaping is several orders of magnitude more healthy than smoking. You say it's not harmless, but what is? I'd bet it's more harmless than drinking alcohol.

>> No.10244597
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, love-liza-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10245512

I know you're memeing but been dipping Cope Wintergreen for 3 years now, used to just chew Levi Garrett but it got too pricey. Dip is great.

>> No.10245723

I've been wanting to get into chewing tobacco for a while now, but I know I wouldn't be able to resist swallowing. Can barely keep from swallowing at the dentist's.

>> No.10245818

Try grizzly long cuts, those are the ones that hold together best

>> No.10245868

are we allowed to talk about water on /ck/ almighty know it all?

>> No.10246079
File: 45 KB, 212x270, Embassy_english_version_with_diagonal_stripes_filter_s_10_h_england-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embassy filter are a short stylish cigarette

>> No.10246084
File: 35 KB, 446x453, rothmans-blue-king-size7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rothmans is a good all rounder, cheap and mild

>> No.10246087


It's THE brand for niggers.

t. knew people in high school who regularly bought them.

>> No.10246090
File: 116 KB, 658x685, HD0000326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a special night in or a Sunday relax, dunhill are to be savoured

>> No.10246142

a lot of blacks simply refer to cigarettes as newports like kleenex for tissues or wite out for correction paper

>> No.10246165
File: 61 KB, 640x392, penn-station-5-for-10-2-6580882-regular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoked for 12 years, vaping for the past 6 years so I guess I would be a long term subject.
Can say that all the negative effects of smoking has been long gone... no wheezing, coughing in the mornings / hacking shit up, shortness of breath during physical activity, taste and smell senses are that of a non-smoker...
Only bad effect is it makes you look like a huge faggot.

>> No.10246657

I love Nat Shermans, but they're like $10 a pack. So I usually stick with Turkish Royals or, ideally, Mexican Lucky Strikes, which are like $20 a carton.

>> No.10247120

>buy Korean cigarettes
>white filter
>light up as some kids walk by
>"what a fag, smoking menthols!"
Not even mad, but fuck dude

>> No.10247146
File: 183 KB, 800x600, 681467003287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central NY fag here with the reservations; posting the best cigs around

>> No.10247159

>/ck/ - Food and Cooking

go be a degenerate somewhere else

>> No.10247180

go be /pol/ somewhere else, Adolf

>> No.10247217
File: 28 KB, 276x260, SadCrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Rape

>> No.10247222

>tfw you will never pump pickle pee's rum(p)

>> No.10247469



Where I live we call them "Nigger Mints"

>> No.10247489
File: 49 KB, 623x623, kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only real cig

>> No.10247520

Friendly reminder your cigs aren't real if they have a cuckwarning covering the entire pack.

>> No.10247527

I liked unfiltered Kings when I still smoked. That was back when the first thing you noticed on the packaging was the name, though. They're getting pretty serious with the warnings now, eh?

>> No.10247665

I smoke a pipe and I've done so since 2011, but I don't believe it gives me any superiority or makes me any more of a "real man" than anyone else. You're a fag.

>> No.10247822
File: 47 KB, 400x600, niggest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke Black & Milds

>> No.10247887

This. Beyond the overall aesthetic which only really applies to characters in movies, pipe smoking neither feels nor looks all that much different as far as "superiority" or "manliness" goes.

>> No.10248204

King Mountain were better, pissed those tomahawk niggers got rid of them. I like the shorts better, Senecas 100s suck.

>> No.10248329

My old gas station used to sell these for a dollar a tin

>> No.10248353

>dat pic
Knew a guy like that once.

He could appear like the Cheshire Cat at night by smiling.

>> No.10248356

You're all a bunch of racist pricks. I hate coming to this forum once /pol/ decided to leak out from their basements. FUCK ALL OF YOU.

>> No.10248725


they're the best tobacco you can get at a gas station at the very least.

>> No.10248792


pipes for tobacco are fucking stupid.

>> No.10248802

You're fucken retarded m8. Those are superior to any cigarettes I've smoked. ANY. Unless you're a menthol faggot who can't seem to appreciate real tobacco flavor.

>> No.10248810

For us non-smokers who have to be around you a pipe at least smells nicer than cigarettes or cigars.

>> No.10248843


tobacco isn't good from pipes. it just tastes worse.

it's the mouth fedora. vapes are like the Apple electronics of cigarettes, not really fedoras. fedoras are for losers who want to seem 'old fashioned'. vapes are not the mouth fedora. pipes are. you look like a faggot, and the smoke is shit in comparison to a cigarette. which is why they basically vanished when commercial cigarette rolling became a thing - prior to that papers were harder to come by and rolling was more difficult than using a pipe.

as soon as cigarettes showed up, people just started throwing their pipes in the garbage.

where they belong.

>> No.10248857


Are they really good or are you all just hipsters

>> No.10248867


I thought all cigarettes did this? They told me all the wrestlers in school would just sit there on the shitter for hours at a time with a can of Cope.

>> No.10248872

>t. Tastelet

>> No.10248920


most cigarettes are made from tobacco paper. they pulp the tobacco leaves, print them into paper, and shred the paper to get consistent strands of tobacco for their cigarettes.

american spirits are cut from straight dried tobacco leaves. thats it. they sometimes add water via humidifiers if the tobacco is too dry. this causes waste and is more difficult than 'tabacco product' cigarettes, hence the price.

as far as i know they're the only additive free, cut leaf cigarettes available at a gas station. i'm sure there's more premium smokes available at tabacconists, at least some of them, but spirits are the highest quality consistently available. and for two bucks more a pack, it's completely worth it. i'm gonna go smoke one now.

>> No.10249022

yeah but menthol will make me run to the toilet even if i didnt feel like shitting at all before

>> No.10249167

I like to cut open a fresh wood tip black & mild and put the contents in my loose leaf tea infuser. Add some nutrasweet and whipped cream on top for a real treat.

>> No.10249175

No, people chose cigs because it is cheap and easily obtainable. Pipes need cleaning and maintenance and picking up tobacco isn't as easy.

>> No.10249186
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>> No.10249188

Stop making these threads here take them to /b/ since they don't 'belong' on any other board but you don't cook or eat cigarettes so take them elsewhere

Plus Pall malls are the way into hipster girl's panties not Newports

>> No.10249192

Only if you agree that you shouldn't be on a food and cooking board

>> No.10249214
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Booze and wine fall under foods since you can live off beer and get your calories from it can't do that with cigarettes or Vapes.

What do you guys think is the best blossom? Green for the win

>> No.10249218

>unfiltered Pall malls in a soft-pack are the way into hipster girl's panties

>> No.10249232

This isn't a board for food service workers just food and cooking there are boards outside of 4chan if you want that discussion, and that isn't close to what the OP is about so in order to get the thread on topic would be to derail it it is an off topic post.
Take it to /b/ if it doesn't fit anywhere else that's what random means

>> No.10249281
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>> No.10249285

They literally smell like shit. I say this as a smoker, and whenever my friend would light them up I am honestly convinced they are made from camel shit.

>> No.10249288

I quit but obviously Natural American Spirits are better. Especially the black pack.

>> No.10249294

That's why I only drink beer and get the rest of my hydration from eating lemons

>> No.10249304

>topic police misses the point again
It isn't for food workers, it's for discussion related to food and cooking. Managing stress on the job is related to cooking, you pedantic autist. Are we not allowed to discuss what knives you bring to the job? Work stories?

No-fun-allowed retards like you kill the spontaenous fun nature of the board where a thread can take any turn.

>> No.10249320
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>> No.10249326

It's flavors used in food for ingestion already deemed as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the FDA and VG and PG which are types of glycerine that are actually used in hospitals in air purification systems.

The problem is two things... the vapor breathing of smaller particulates is an unkown factor for the inhalation of the flavor additives, and the metals used in the coils. They have found a lot of lead (probably from facilities processing lead along with whatever nickel or other metals being used for coils) and other heavy metals at high concentrations. Whether this can be mitigated with temperature control systems is unknown but temperature control systems that will only get so hot are now on the market, most of the older ones will just keep getting hot. Newer coils will obviously leech more metal into the liquid. This is fairly new research as far as the metals go but seems to be if there's a major issue, that this will be it as people have been using copper and nickel coils which are obviously not safe to inhale and can cause cancer which is supported by empirical evidence of factory workers.

>> No.10249720

Frank said cigarettes were food. He did die quite young though.

My legs go numb on Marlboro

It's that time of year again

It might be the ones with a menthol tab on the filter that changes the taste when pressed

Guilt free

I don't, but I do listen to lots of rap.

>> No.10249769

It has a bead of menthol oil in the filter that you crush to get more menthol. They are great.

>> No.10249824
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I don't really smoke but these are the greatest things ever. They are perfect.

>> No.10249829

Pabst blue ribbon is sold as a luxury in glass bottles in China and some shitty whiskey is considered a top shelf American import in japan

>> No.10249858
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Those must be good. I loved the original when I was younger.

>> No.10249885

I'm definitely not a hipster, I'd smoke any brand as long as it feels good. And over the years after trying a lot of different kinds of cigarettes America Spirit blacks happen to make me feel way better than every other cigarette I know of. Nobody even knows I smoke them since I do all my smoking at home and not at work.

>> No.10249892

>he doesn't eat cigarettes

>> No.10249925

Stella Artois is advertised as super fancy and elegant in the US, yet is considered crap where its made (Belgium). Belgium has some good beers, but that piss isn't one of them. The marketing campaigns a few years back (US) were ridiculous BS.

>> No.10250094

t. Andalite scum

>> No.10250114
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Pic related is a meme flavor but it's FUCKING INCREDIBLE

I wish there was enough interest for a snus general

>> No.10250126
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>heals Toxic then blocks your path

>> No.10250140

Yes, but al/ck/ is all alcoholics whining about how pathetic their lives are, which has nothing to do with alcohol as a beverage.

>> No.10250142

Is it coffee flavoured?
>tfw want to try snus/chew/dip but afraid of the effect on my teeth

>> No.10250157

I don't really know what you're going for here, but this thread is trash. You don't want to talk about food and cooking, If I had to guess, you don't give two shits about Newport menthol cigarettes, you just want to shitpost and provoke an argument for attention.

>> No.10250162

It's a mix of Dr Pepper and cherry cola, it's the tits

If you're not already a degenerate nicotine addict don't try it. If you are a degenerate nicotine addict and want to switch off cigarettes, snus is pretty fantastic. There's only a couple flavors available in America, you have to order all the cool meme stuff online from Sweden

>> No.10250303

Coming up on four years next month, it's worth it lads.

>> No.10250643

Western NY here. Smoking Seneca menthol kings right now. Not bad at all. For a more mentholated flavor, I'll buy a pack of Camel Crush menthols. Popping the bead in the filter gets to almost Newport territory.

>> No.10250694

Honestly, a Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipe is a great starter. The first bowl or two will have a bit of a burnt corn taste, but after that they're great. They pack easily, burn well, build up a cake quickly, and draw perfectly. You don't have to worry about cleaning or maintenance because it's a $5-$10 throw away. If you decide to stick with it, invest in a quality briarwood pipe eventually.

It was a shitpost, but it wasn't necessarily inaccurate. Cigarettes were an invention of convenience, they're inferior to a pipe in every other way. Menthol cigarettes were literally created for women.

>tobacco isn't good from pipes. it just tastes worse.
>and the smoke is shit in comparison to a cigarette
That's because you don't know how to pack a bowl and your taste buds are dead from smoking cigarettes. There are thousands of flavors of pipe tobacco, and like 5 different cigarette flavors. I don't disagree with the fedora aspect though. A lot of pipe smokers are fucking cringe.

>> No.10250699

whats ck's thoughts on juuling

>> No.10250803


My first pack of cigarettes were the American Spirit yellow and then I move to the blue pack. For shits n giggles I tried Marlboro reds and I could feel the cancer killing me. Fucking nasty. I have yet to try the black pack of American Spirit but that's on my to do list.

>> No.10251155

Fair warning, the black pack is pretty harsh coming from blues.

>> No.10251184
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*blocks your path*

>> No.10251754

>tfw no scientifically manufactured tobacco
can you be any more pretentious

>> No.10252069

Really? Because I'm from Utica and I've never heard of Seneca cigarettes.

>> No.10252095

Oh, no. It's an Albany expression

>> No.10252111

By that logic there should be weed threads and other such degeneracy

>> No.10252115

Best toilet paper. GO GO GO

>> No.10252140

Luck Strike > Drum rollies > most cigarettes.

>> No.10252155
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>Marlboros, Camels, Newports, Dunhills, Senecas, Blacks, Rothmans
>mfw I realize I've smoked nearly every cigarette in this thread

I am so fucked. I've quit several times, but only four months each time.


Its true. Newports are for trashy people. I should know, Im looking at a pack right now. Next to the Marlboros. Its been an identity crisis week I guess. Half of me wants to go ice fishing or to the drive range, the other half has been sitting around listening to classic Chicano rap and eating chicken.

I dont know anyone who stick with Parliaments. Just saying.


Senacas wear me down and dont have the kick of Marlboro, imvho. Its not a bad taste, but you feel like you are getting the tar and not the flavor rather quickly. The only thing Newport really has going for it is a decent if unique taste and its probably the worst/best delivery of nicotine cuz its packed with it.


Agreed. I didn't think I would like them, but I did. They really do win for flavor.



I've had an on/off love affair with these cute little things for years. They put a bit of sugar on the tip to give that caramelized flavor, and they are just attractively made.


Congratulations indeed. Its funny that after about a month, 90% of the time, you realize how truly bad they taste to normal, non smokers when you smoke the next one.

Ive used different tricks to quit. The first time, I used sunflower seeds, dark chocolate and black coffee. Now its usually just a goal to save money. Last time it was to go to Miami Beach for a week.

The trick isnt to think of it as quitting something, but as recovering, restoring, re-building your lungs.

>> No.10252158
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... In my case, I have to simply give a shit. Im ancient by 4chan standards, as in I expect to be dead within 10-15 years tops.

I have found that yeah, not smoking is good for you physically and financially. Money seems to slowly pile up in your pockets and you have a lot more energy.

But most of all, its good for your mind. It pisses me off that the medical profession has never publicized any study on the mental health toll. It literally re-wires your brain to cage you in habitual thinking that alone limits you in ways you cant even imagine. You simply dream and imagine ambition better when you dont smoke. Thought meets decision and action much better. No one ever talks about that.

>> No.10252167

Tbh I don't even need to "quit". I simply need to stop. Brain isn't wired for addiction somehow. I don't though, because I really can't think of a good enough reason. Shorter life isn't unappealing to me, and my lungs have always been shit anyways. What's a little stress reliever in the face of that?

>> No.10252277


Well, like I said, it improves mental function in general. Nicotine improves it but only in the way that you then constantly need it, and the effects are shorter and shorter lived like any drug until it doesnt really work at all, and in the time between, you are actually eventually at a lower state than you would've been normally, and now you're stuck in the trap of just needing it to remain basically functional.

The nicotropic receptors are now so many and need such a high threshold to fire that they sit waiting, which is the 'nic fit' feeling you get. Now you cant deal with simple daily frustrations without the cigarette, which has become ritualized in non-addictive psychological ways to boot.

Thats what pisses me off. No one talks about how it culls and diminishes your ability to be yourself. People dont realized their nicotine soaked reality isnt quite reality. If you limit your ability to think, you are limiting how the universe looks and feels when you smoke.

If there are any quitters who disagree, do please say so. Or back me up, either way...

>> No.10252281
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Its misleading to think of nicotine as a stress reliever because its absence causes some of the stress in the first place. The act of smoking is a distraction, which is probably what you are experiencing. Look at how people play with their smart phones. The brain doesnt need chemicals for non-clinical addiction to form. For some its gambling or porn or video games. The human brain is imperfect by definition.

Humans are essentially apes that wake up every day daydreaming that we are something else and believing it until we fall asleep again. We are pretty good at finding food and shelter. When that task is finished, we are essentially in a holding pattern, and our thoughts compel us to imagine what else we might think is really relevant to something else when, by natures measure, its all just noise, rather its building rockets or just watching Youtube. Our measure of survival is artificial. Nature doesnt give a hoot whether we can fly to orbit or not. Ants make out just fine and they only thoughts they have all day are 'left, right, stop, go..."

If I've learned anything, its that the only thing that makes us any different than trying to pick out two ants in a crowd of ants is what we want. In the end, thats who we are that distinguishes us at all, what we want.

We have an awful habit of forgetting what we want. So those who demand they focus get what they want. For the rest of us primates, the second we forget what we want, we just become another ape acting from habit, wondering why life seems hard. We get distracted so easily because its a lot harder to remember what you want when its something abstract that takes time. You need to see and feel some measure of progress daily to remember. Everyone wants money and to be fit. No one remembers to actually do it. Its not they dont want it. They literally dont remember because the thought seems insurmountable in the moment.

>> No.10252285
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... And thats my point. Nicotine screws up your moments. Which is all we got and where we are right now.

>> No.10253124

How do you even get clove cigarettes today?

>> No.10253263

not smoking is the best cigarette, also arn't we on a food/cooking board ?

>> No.10253266

true shit

>> No.10253319

i can find Djarum in cigar shops and my local Poo convenience store sells contraband imports under the counter
it also helps to live in a civilised nation

>> No.10253343

>Stella Artois is advertised as super fancy and elegant in the US
Thats just American beer advertising. Its either that or advertising how cold it is.

>> No.10254665
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They sell them as """cigars""" in some convenience stores and liqour stores. As far as I know, the only difference between these and the cigarettes are that these use a different type of paper and have a lot more carcinogens(not really an issue if you only smoke once a week like me). Make some phonecalls around town and you will most likely find someone selling them.

>> No.10255852

My local tobaconist used to sell Djarum blacks.
Now I'm like 100% sure they've been banned in the UK and nobody bothered to do anything

>> No.10255860

this. rothmans are not as strong as they used to be a few years ago and these are my daily smoke

>> No.10255881


>> No.10255976

Newports are actually the best

>> No.10256945

I'm going to Bali in a few weeks. which cigarettes should I try? do they have lucky strikes over there? I always wanted to try some.

also which camels should I try?

>> No.10257518

I see.

>> No.10257530

Oh Lord.
I smoked lightly for about 6 months during college. I tried several brands to wean me off of weed and Newport’s are basically candy.
I would drink about 12 beers and follow it up with chain smoking a whole pack of cigs. I’d usually feel like my insides were a wasteland when I woke up.
I backed off to one a day for awhile and then dropped it entirely. Now the thought of smoking anything makes me feel ill.

>> No.10258016

I don't see a problem with this

What are you smoking? Mids here

>> No.10258040

Look at that buttcrack

>> No.10258531


>> No.10258585
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started with yellows, started hand rolling in an attempt to quit. figured if it was annoying enough to smoke i wouldn't want to do it, but i just got really good at rolling. pic related is top notch, can't go back to filters

>> No.10258610

Gitanes or Gauloises are nicer

>> No.10260164

I was there in August.

Go straight for the Dunhills they are cheap af over there.
There are Luckies too I believe, I smoke the filterless ones when I do smoke.
They are all cheap as fuck in Bali so have a ball. I was up to two packs a day when I went but I was still heavy smoking even back home.

Glad i cut that habit down.

>> No.10260181

it's Nigports

>> No.10260259

First time I've ever seen another albanyfag. Fitting its in a cig thread

>> No.10260277

I should probably stop smoking. I've been doing everything else I can to try to stay healthy, so I don't know why I still smoke.

>> No.10260304

American Spirits are for clowns that don't know how to hit a cigarette, pussies that hate smoking, malleable mushminds, and sicknesses that like to virtue signal about how their cancer sticks are better than yours

Abhorrent cigarette

>> No.10260305

Alternatively you could spare yourself all the other shit you're keeping up with to stay healthy since it won't matter with your smoking habit anyway.

>> No.10260310

How can I quit? I've been smoking for 8 years straight with only one 3 week break 5 years ago. I need to stop because you're describing my life too well

>> No.10260311

They actually are pretty good.
>t. smoker of another brand

>> No.10260327

American Spirits aren't for people who hate smoking. They're like harder hitting Marlboros, they're for people who love smoking.
I use the black packs though and that's different from the regulars (perique tobacco instead of normal tobacco) do that might make a difference.
Also I don't smoke them to virtue signal, I only smoke them at home and no one even knows I smoke.

>> No.10260442
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Am I a faggot if I use a juul?

>> No.10260495

thats just shameful

>> No.10260511

Yes. That's OK though, it's 2018, some people are faggots. We accept you for who you are, anon.

>> No.10260516
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go big or go home

>> No.10260527

>tiny little warning in the corner using words many people don't even understand.
How old is this?

>> No.10260544

1992. Although that warning is the same size as the warning on the cigarettes I buy today, just that it says carbon monoxide instead of it causes lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease. I'm in the US though, I understand in Canada or other countries they plaster gore pics now on 'em or something.

>> No.10260549

also another albanyfag here just lurking

>> No.10261013

What's it like being a nigger?

>> No.10261032
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Anyone else love the aesthetic of old cigarette ads?

>> No.10261061

Dunhill Fine Cuts and Nat Sherman's MCD are for when I'm flush with cash. For regular smoking, which isn't too often these days, I'll get some Turkish Royals. Favorite discontinued pack: Camel Signature Frost.

>> No.10261109
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>> No.10261120
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Keep posting

>> No.10261121

>swedish product
>literally called rape

>> No.10261161
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>> No.10261170
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>> No.10261186
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>> No.10261190

I quit 10-12 years ago but packages where I live look like >>10247489 now.
Not very esthetic.
Some of them have photos of blackened lungs or people in hospital beds with tracheostomies. I get that they want folks to stop smoking but it really is getting pretty gnarly.

>> No.10261193
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>> No.10261195
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>> No.10261212
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>> No.10261684

how cheap are we talking? I plan on bringing on my trip then I'm gonna quit when I get back

>> No.10262611

These are far more socially acceptable than normal vapes.

>> No.10262622

>this thread

What makes American Spirits better than other cigarettes?

>t. non smoker

>> No.10263014

They last a good bit longer than your typical Marlboro or Camel. Beyond that, nothing. As usual, hipster faggots poison it for everyone else.

>> No.10263032


They last like 50% longer than a normal cigarette and honestly make me feel like I'm going to puke if I actually finish one.

>> No.10263054

this, started on black, now im on greys which are just a tad lighter. Just started a pipe tho, I might be done with cigs, tho i still like cigars

>> No.10263074

Candy cigarettes, that delicious chalk

>> No.10263076

>What makes American Spirits better than other cigarettes?
The tobacco has not been doused with whatever chemicals big US tobacco is stepped on with.
"Natural American Spirit (often referred to as American Spirits) is an American brand of cigarette and fine tobacco products, manufactured in the United States by the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company. The company was founded in 1982 by Bill Drake, author of The Cultivators Handbook of Natural Tobacco, Robert Marion, Chris Webster, and Eb Wicks, a plumbing contractor who took out a loan to finance the startup.[1] In January 2002 the company was acquired by Reynolds American and is now a wholly owned independent subsidiary of Reynolds American, which is in turn 42% owned by British American Tobacco.[2] Japan Tobacco announced in September 2015 that it acquired the right to sell Natural American Spirit products in markets outside the United States.[3]"

>> No.10263120

Everytime I've bought them, they're stale. Some additions are good in tobacco, makes it smoother and less peppery. But honestly, all cigs taste like trash now that they put carpet glue in them.

>> No.10263290
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the patrician's choice

>> No.10263299

>used to smoke american spirit
>try vape
>this is actually pretty pleasant
>switch to vape
>never look back

I regret nothing

>> No.10263310

And you get to have tasty flavors, instead of nasty ashtray flavor like with cigs.

>> No.10263434

Dude, its not /pol/ for the last time. EVERYONE HATES NIGGERS. Its not that hard to fucking understand.

>> No.10263450


Fuck off back to your containment board.

>> No.10263479

>The studies published in Pediatrics magazine showed teens who only vape have the highest level of cancer causing chemicals in their bodies and the e-cigarettes are associated with future smoking in teens.
>The researchers from the University of California, San Francisco challenge the idea that e-cigarette vapor is safe. They found that teens who use e-cigarettes are in danger of inhaling cancer-causing chemicals, especially in fruit flavors.
I don't understand why anyone would want to inhale non-tobacco artifical flavors like fruit flavors, but apparently it's not even safe.
I love American Spirit blacks and every variety of vaping I tried in the past was garbage. You don't get the nice heat feeling you get with real smoking and the flavors are either that fruity bullshit, menthol, or failed attempts to replicate actual tobacco flavor.

>> No.10263507

everyone hates niggers, there is no containment board for nigger hating.

>> No.10263569

>(((they))) try their hardest to put vaping down because it's the most threatening thing to the tobacco and pharma industry to ever happen.
Jews don't even own any major tobacco companies, it's a completely goy controlled market but who do you think is behind the anti smoking ads?

>> No.10264031

If I wanted candy I'd just eat candy, not vape it. When you're an adult, not everything has to taste fruity and tasty