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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 101 KB, 1250x702, Brooklyn BBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10236569 No.10236569 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10236572

That picture looks pathetic and I'm not giving vice any clicks. Fuck off nigger

>> No.10236575

>flyovers BTFO in their own specialty

literally just kill yourselves

>> No.10236581


vice is based in ny and its literred with NYU arts majors who shill their crap

>> No.10236588

Wtf is this, minimalist BBQ? God I hate liberals

>> No.10236591
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, Dont laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is "taking over the world"
I guess liberalism is a mental disorder.

>> No.10236596

It is?

>> No.10236597

Yankees can keep their precious fucking pizza but how dare they claim to make good barbecue. They don't know shit about it.

>> No.10236598

That's like First We Feast talking about how a chopped cheese is so "super amazing only available in new york!"
Literally nobody but yanks think new york has good food because everybody in new york has fucking stockholm syndrome and has convinced themselves NYC has the best of everything no matter what "Because its NYC"

>> No.10236607

Shut up, Cletus

>> No.10236608

Sounds like Californians.

>> No.10236619

Tell more about how different the burrows are, like anyone outside that yankee shithole gives a fuck.

>> No.10236622

Yeah, ever noticed how everything “California style” just means it has avocado and bacon? They’re food culture is a literal meme

>> No.10236627
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>> No.10236654

>literally no one gives a fuck

>> No.10236665

Yeah, you go and take pride in that ignorance son.

>> No.10236667

Looks like prison food, that must be why it's called "Brooklyn bbq"

>> No.10236686
File: 45 KB, 500x376, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my Brooklyn breakfast

>> No.10236726

I have no particular opinion about "Brooklyn bbq" and dislike Vice, but serving bbq as meat on butcher paper with pretty rudimentary sides (sliced onion, sliced pickle, saltines, squishy white bread) and no sauce is an honorable Texas tradition, and only a Carolinafag who can't cook meat well enough to serve it without drowning it in ketchup and vinegar would think it improper.

>> No.10236732
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>Why is Brooklyn pizza taking over the world?

>> No.10236734

what's for lunch?

>> No.10236745
File: 98 KB, 919x960, Tiny-Hot-Dog-LDM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Ey, I'm doggin' heye!*

>> No.10236747

Places like these have been great for me. After seeing how much they overcharge for smoked meats it finally pushed me enough to buy my own weber and smoke my own.

>> No.10236761


that looks like total dogshit

>> No.10236769

>that serving size
wow i wish i was 8 again so I could consider that a meal

>> No.10236771


This guy gets it. You laugh and say we take pride in ignorance, whilst you take pride in your pretentiousness and shitty industrial suburbanite culture. I bet dont get to see stars at night, because even your fucking light is polluted. Ill take my trees and clean ass unpolluted crisp tapwater.

>> No.10236773
File: 161 KB, 1000x750, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's sweet lucy's

>> No.10236782

How dare you compare OP pic to Texas bbq. You must be from oklahoma

>> No.10236787

bbq takeout generally misses the mark for me just because of the logistics. the meat must be prepared in advanced, stored and reheated. bbq is meant to be an all day affair, and the meat enjoyed after a brief rest off the grill.

>> No.10236786

What's the greens there?

>> No.10236792

creamed spinach

>> No.10236803

Did, did your biceps grow huge?

>> No.10236825


>southerners think that throwing a hunk of meat in a smoker for 10 hours is somehow a difficult art form not easily reproduced anywhere with the basic tools and half a brain

>> No.10236871

This. Even if you've never smoked meat before it doesn't hurt to give it a shot with your friends and family.

>> No.10236885

>Taking over the world
I've literally never heard of it.

>> No.10236927

that cornbread looks like it is a sin against humanity. please burn down their establishment.

>> No.10236932

Oh shit, that was cornbread?
I didn't recognize it without the actual corn in it.

>> No.10236936

miss me with that meme shit
Syracuse barbecue is the strongest in NY

>> No.10236949

>east coast bbq

>> No.10236964

How hard would it be to surround ny city and starve them fagggots to death?

>> No.10236991

NYC and LA are the only cities that managed to completely turn me off from ever going back. They're pretty much the same city too
>anyone in a car is retarded so traffic is a nightmare
>niggers and spics everywhere being rude
>the omnipresent pervasive smell of urine
>fucking cyclists darting through sidewalks and intersections

>> No.10237003

LA and NYC are so different it's insane.

>> No.10237032

This sounds like a good idea to me.

BBQ made by people who actually know how to cook. As opposed to southerners.

>> No.10237039

Unfortunately they are the same in all the shitty ways.

>> No.10237051

Dinosaur BBQ is the best BBQ in Brooklyn, fwiw.

>> No.10237052

> that'll be 27.50 + tip :^)

>> No.10237069

depends on the neighborhood. sounds like >>10236991
is talking about downtown NY = dt LA.
i would say there are many nice, comfy places still in LA that only the locals know about, these are typically areas away from the shitkskins. plus it's warmer here vs. NYC. i've been to NYC (manhattan & jamaica queens) during the winter and yes, it was dirty and disgusting and filled with nigs/spics.

>> No.10237100

nyc is known for having great tap water. so you see what I mean? ignorance. if you're gonna talk shit just come correct, that's all.

>> No.10237117

not to hard if you have enough lads to cut off all or most of the infrastructure leading to the city for a couple of months

>> No.10237122

I'd have clicked on the link if it was an archive, but as it is I'd rather just shitpost

>> No.10237129

having great tap water is like having the highest grade in special ed.

>> No.10237131


>> No.10237143


>nyc is known for having great tap water

I've never understood this. I lived in Manhattan for 2 years and had to use a brita because I literally couldn't stand the straight tap water.

>> No.10237150

as I said

>> No.10237180

So a couple tri-tip slices made for a children's meal, a few pickles, and rolls they bought at Costco. Hipster foodies are as fucking stupid as they are insufferable

>> No.10237211

>a reasonable meal for a non-obese adult

This triggers the red staters.

>> No.10237215

San Francisco has added feces to the mix

>> No.10237235
File: 143 KB, 1000x676, rfl_20296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come from a land where men are men.

>> No.10237252
File: 32 KB, 345x396, 1517601991916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet you give 4chan clicks.

Your priorities are bizarre.

>> No.10237258

More like a where men are three or four men who eat shit steak.

>> No.10237259
File: 2.41 MB, 390x277, laugh reaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brooklyn barbecue
>taking over anything
Sorry kiddo, but some hipster joint in Williamsburg just isn't coming on the same level as Memphis, the Carolinas, Texas, and Kansas City.

>> No.10237286

>Brooklyn Barbecue
Never heard of it.
>posts a vice link
Pure cancer.

Back to /reddit/ you go, OP.

>> No.10237291
File: 761 KB, 583x535, chrome_2018-03-04_13-44-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this basket is 1/4 the size of the platter in OP and has twice the amount of food

>> No.10237297

It's endemic of containment centers I think. Every major hub has some compulsive need to assert that *their* style is better than everybody elses.

>> No.10237305

Barbecue gives you cancer.

>> No.10237312


Looks like the shit that I throw out of the griddle catch-tray every night at work.

>> No.10237320

Washington and Oregon are shitholes, flyovers are literally better in every way when you're fucking off from the city.

It's not "great tap water", it's just got a particular mineral quality to it because of where it's sourced. This makes all the baked products in NYC have a supposedly "unique" taste, to the point where pretentious idiots literally import the tap water across the country to make "le authentic new york 'za xDDD"

>> No.10237321

you must work at geranium

>> No.10237325

It means they give you a small amount of food, for an expensive price.

>> No.10237328

Washington and Oregon have the best BBQ though.

>> No.10237329

Is there a way to get into smoking meat without having to buy some expensive ass equipment?

>> No.10237330

Go back to cali, transplanter

>> No.10237333

Weber Smokey Mountain. Buy the smallest one. If you look for sales at Lowes or Home Depot. I've seen folks out in the suburbs get them for as low as $99 for the smallest one during a sale.

>> No.10237337

That brisket looks pretty insipid - poor bark development and no smoke ring. I can understand them not being capable of doing TX style, aka brisket, but it's strange really that NY can't do southern pork BBQ since they had a large number of blacks migrate there from the south. Just another reason to shake your head and laugh at that sewer hell hole.

>> No.10237341

The WA/OR disinfo is being posted by natives in hopes that you wont move there. Don't listen to them.

>> No.10237357

Wew. Even $100 is more than I can do right now. I was hoping there might be some workaround trick.
Do you know if that DIY terracotta flower pot smoker is any good?

>> No.10237361

Name one redeeming quality of Portland or Seattle.
Name one place east of those cities that isnt a desert shithole.
Hint: You can't

>> No.10237364

I'd a hell of a lot rather support 4chan than vice, yes.

>> No.10237370

Yes, there are tons of tutorials on youtube on DIY smokers.

>> No.10237377
File: 19 KB, 480x362, 1518986750394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sauce
They didnt put bbq sauce on it? Christ.

>> No.10237384
File: 166 KB, 1440x818, Kayak-CommAppeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it ain't from Memphis, it ain't BBQ

>> No.10237388

>t. Calicuck

>> No.10237402


>Name one redeeming quality of Portland or Seattle

PDX is the best food city in the country.

>Name one place east of those cities that isnt a desert shithole

So you're basically admitting that California is the only worthwhile place in the country outside of the PNW? I'm not sure I'd go quite that far, anon.

>> No.10237416

>can't cook sides
>give you a slice of Wonderbread, some crackers, and a raw onion
>can't cook or use sauces correctly
>"b-but we're the best bbq cooks because we use the same smoking process as everyone else that does barbecue!"
lol the state of Texasfag egocentrism. You guys are so insecure, it's transparent.

>> No.10237422

>PDX is the best food city in the country.
>California is the only worthwhile place in the country outside of the PNW?
Inside the state, you pedantic dipshit. One place east of those cities inside those god forsaken states.

>> No.10237425

No sauce on my BBQ is the only way to eat. Anyone who slaughters sauce on BBQ needs to be hanged from the tallest walnut tree available.

>> No.10237426

>BBQ requires sauce
Do you think good steak needs A1, too?
Properly made BBQ with a wet rub doesn't need to be served with sauce, and it's borderline insulting to ask for it unless it's provided.

>> No.10237429
File: 44 KB, 534x398, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Brooklyn Barbecue Taking Over the World?

>> No.10237439
File: 2.65 MB, 966x622, Mission BBQ Glen Burnie, Md..webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to some left wing, leaning, stinking, pinko, cuck hut and not a real BBQ restaurant

Do you even America?

>> No.10237442

what prison is that food from?

>> No.10237443

>Brooklyn BBQ
Should just call it northern BBQ, these types of restaurants picking the best parts of various regional southern BBQs are all over Northeastern and Midwestern cities

>> No.10237445

Yankees have terrible food. New York and Chicago pizza is just a shitty version of Italian Pizza.
Southern food shits on them

>> No.10237452

>People looking at the TVs instead of the actual fucking flag

>> No.10237453

Because people from Brooklyn are loud and have no taste

>> No.10237455

except pizza is way more American than italian. New York pizza is just American pizza, it has little to do with the city

>> No.10237456

Holy fuck west coasters think they have the best food in the country im fucking dying over here

>> No.10237457

If you have access to a unlined 55gallon barrel you can make one for like $20. look up "ugly drum smoker" plans. You can also use a regular weber kettle but its more hassle to feed it charcoal. Craigslist has tons of great deals on 22" weber kettle

>> No.10237458

fug. God bless America

>> No.10237459

Yeah we have American Barbecue places in Germany that have Carolina, Texas, KC barbecue
But I think the point is that it originated in Texas, Carolinas, Memphis, Missouri etc... and they have it at gatherings and shit

>> No.10237465
File: 512 KB, 1000x662, Archibalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a BBQ joint should look like

>> No.10237469

it is not. Looks like crap food.

>> No.10237474

This is what you do when you come from a place that doesn't have its own cuisine
"Pizza, thats mine"
"Look, I made something thats like Bratwursts except shittier, I'll call it hot dogs and claim its specific to northern US"

>> No.10237478

Yeah, Memphis has a little get together every year


>> No.10237482

Barbecue sauce isn't for all barbecue styles and it sometimes differs from what you would think of as barbecue sauce

>> No.10237489

I love me some flyover but we really do need to start referring to fat people as multiple people, or at least modes of transportation

>> No.10237492
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>> No.10237493

Yeah thats my point. Barbecue in those places isn't bound to restaraunts.
That would be like claiming Chinese food as being from Munich because theres a restaurant near me

>> No.10237495

>tasteless poorfag food with beer

>> No.10237497

Remember that America was settled by people from other places in relatively modern times. Its super fucking silly to expect the people who moved their to utterly forget all of their previous traditions and influences and conjure up some entirely new and unrelated cuisine

>> No.10237498

>have to play along or people will get the wrong idea about you
It's silly how people just stop doing everything like robots to do the pledge in the most random scenarios like a restaurant. Like I'm gonna stick it to those commies by eating a 5 pound steak with fries.

>> No.10237503

>"Look, I made something thats like Bratwursts except shittier, I'll call it hot dogs and claim its specific to northern US"
Um, real northerners eat real bratwursts, kielbasa and Italian sausage, Hot Dogs are more of a southern/poor person thing

>> No.10237511

Yeah sorry. I forgot that Northerners aren't real Americans since their ancestors came in the 1800s, unlike the Southerners who are truely American with Colonial Ancestors.
I mean, Texan and South Carolinian barbecue comes from German settlers, but its still uniquely theres/ours

>> No.10237515

lmao hot dogs are the quintessential yankee food

>> No.10237516

Huh never knew that. I've only had shit northener bbq. Never been down south.

>> No.10237517

There's a reason most of the world mimics americanized pizza and not traditional neopolitan or sicilian

>> No.10237521

Settlers > Immigrants

real Americans are descendants of settlers, not catholic scum that arrived in 1902

>> No.10237528

I see more polish sausage/kielbasa and brats than hotdogs here.
Hotdogs are known as poor yankee food here.

>> No.10237529

Southerners are mostly descended from Africans, and super inbred rural English/scottish religious fanatics. Also Texas is more mexican than southern

Northerners are mostly descended from German and Irish immigrants with Polish (great lakes), Scandinavian (Wisconsin, Minnesota, the UP) and Italian (Northeast) in there in some regions too

>> No.10237530

I agree.

I'll always claim Memphis to have the best BBQ though because other than "Elvis died here" we don't have anything to promote tourism.

If you ever do come to Memphis, there's dozens of great BBQ places.

>> No.10237536

Hot Dogs are a New York thing, but otherwise the North has way too much German influence relative to southern areas. Hot Dogs are seen as child's food in the north

>> No.10237537

look another based person

>> No.10237538


South Memphis has great bbq makes me proud to be from TN.

>> No.10237545

There were Germans who came to the South, its just they were protestant and their ancestors don't go to Hamburg and cringely LARP as German. They admire their settler german ancestry but don't care about modern Germany.
Also French Hugeonots

>> No.10237546

youre pretty stupid lol

>> No.10237552


This article is horseshit ive been to fette sau like 3 times and it fucking sucks dick. Ive had better bbq in upstate fucking new york not to mention of course any of the southern states ive been to.

>> No.10237553
File: 24 KB, 248x452, Blanton's bourbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey now, Tennessee has blues in Memphis, country in Nashville, top-class barbecue all over, plus gorgeous hiking, camping, hunting, and fishing. I wouldn't knock Tennessee, and I'm from your neighbor just north.

Our bourbon is still better though.

>> No.10237555
File: 615 KB, 1000x768, NationalGerman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There were Germans who came to the South
Some, but very, very few relative to the north

Like you can basically pick out the cultural north vs south simply based on the percent of people descended from Germans

>> No.10237563

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.10237566
File: 625 KB, 1000x768, scotch-irish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also see, the fake irish, protestant inbred ulster scots that make up the majority of the southern white population

>> No.10237571
File: 514 KB, 532x582, 1510798627451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy heck, didn't realize so many 901 boyz were cu/cks.

Should we BBQ together???

>> No.10237572

Yeah, people whos ancestors came in the colonial times are less likely to mark themselves as German American than people who came in 1905.
Map attached is people who were descended from Germans in 1850 (Lutheran and German are pretty much the same thing in 1850)

>> No.10237576
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>> No.10237582
File: 66 KB, 458x599, Krauted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach the map

>> No.10237584

A very small portion of American's population is descended from pre 1776, basically insignificant to talk about

Also, the German immigrants were well mixed between Lutheran and Catholic

>> No.10237586
File: 44 KB, 408x560, 1colonial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethnic map in colonial times

>> No.10237591

Keep in mind, those population levels were super fucking small. America was very lightly populated then

>> No.10237592

>Also, the German immigrants were well mixed between Lutheran and Catholic
not in 1850

>> No.10237597
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>> No.10237600

Why are we focusing on 1850?
I don't have numbers on that specific year, but German immigration from both religious sects was pretty common

>> No.10237602

I am a 931/615/256 boi

Not from west tn

>> No.10237605

But the reason I'm saying its significant is because South Carolina and Texas Barbecue came from Germans

>> No.10237607
File: 75 KB, 886x643, ChurchBodies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, Lutheran and Catholic areas are real America

>> No.10237608


But I would If I could right now, similar invite sent to you.

You are welcome anytime friend.

>> No.10237611

yay I'm southern from a lutheran county. I win

>> No.10237612

>tfw people try and say Missouri is a Northern state

>> No.10237613

Can we not all get along, Southern Baptist, Catholic, and Lutheran are all fine.

>> No.10237615

Texas bbq generally comes with, baked beans, potato salad, and coleslaw. Mac and cheese is fairly common as well, just not as traditional.

>> No.10237618

>Descended from Immigrants not settlers

>> No.10237620
File: 56 KB, 504x322, church drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, southern baptists are fucking insane

>> No.10237623

Catholics are disgusting papists. Reformation now.

>> No.10237625


>metal fork


>> No.10237624

does this mean if me/my family is Lutheran than I'm not southern?

>> No.10237627

>Immigrants not settlers
um, what is the difference?

Also, literally every good state has a Catholic or Lutheran plurality

>> No.10237633

Being able to moderate your drinking is an important rule in the bible.

No wonder you sinners think you are superior.
You are drunken heretics.

>> No.10237634

Holy shit I just came back and i realize i fucking Derailed this thread.
I'd like to apologize.

>> No.10237636

More about your community than your family, but if you live in St Louis you are a northern, KC a westerner, and anywhere else in Missouri, a southerner

>> No.10237638

What is "Christian"?

>> No.10237644
File: 26 KB, 521x487, Pogba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is fucking every board /pol/ now?

>> No.10237643

Settlers created the society they came to, Immigrants mooched off an already existing one.
If you have a single immigrant ancestors you aren't American

>> No.10237647

non-denomination churches normally called "Christian New Life Church" or something

We have a bunch of them around here that are all people are welcome to learn about Jesus Christ.

>> No.10237648
File: 108 KB, 800x941, drinkers-binge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the whole reason Catholics and Lutherans are better is they give fewer shits about religious superstitions these days (definitely was not always the case in the past though)

>> No.10237650

Well my county is Lutheran, but its in South Carolina

>> No.10237655

BBQ superiority from yanks stirs up the southerners and then some filthy yank brought religion into this.

Now the thread is ruined.

>> No.10237657

well thats a fucking dumb and non-realistic dichotomy
Where do you find anywhere that is currently inhabited by primarily a group of people that came there when it was previously empty?

>> No.10237660

I ruined it by saying Germans moved to the South in Colonial times
You can blame me

>> No.10237661

Why are you so proud of having the most binge drinkers?
It's disgusting and you are talking to a guy from al/ck/
Man you yanks are repulsive.

>> No.10237662

the South

>> No.10237665

>yank superiority
sure thing. Go enjoy your hamburge-I'm sorry, your "chopped cheese".

>> No.10237667
File: 9 KB, 194x259, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is that weak plate? Pickles the size of Jew clocks? Hawiaiian rolls? Crustless brisket? Weak head beer in a mason jar, how original.

>> No.10237669

Keep in mind that the deffinition of "binge drinking" is super inclusive being 5 drinks for a man and 4 for a women. Plus there is no time requirement here, these are people who do this ever.
If you live in a place where fewer than 15% of all men have 5 drinks in a day ever, thats fucking sad and unamerican

>> No.10237673

No-one ever cared about that.
Some did
Most didn't
Who cares

I think you misread it I meant They "Claim" to have bbq superiority and it turned up us rural folk.
I'm on your side friend, they aint got shit on our bbq.

>> No.10237674

I don't think I would count slaves as "settlers"

>> No.10237682

Their masters were the settlers

>> No.10237681

There was a small community there. Are you saying they are responsible for their BBQ? Also are you seriously delusional enough to think that they have a significant connection to the modern population?

>> No.10237686

This is the dumbest argument I have ever heard.

"lol its cold as shit up here so we have to stay drunk off our ass cus that's American."

All us blue collar folk either drink hard or abstain here, we just have a big portion that chooses to abstain from it.

>> No.10237687

I never said any of that mate.
Shit we need IDs

>> No.10237702

Texas: https://www.southernfoodways.org/oral-history/southern-bbq-trail/texas-bbq/
>European meat smoking was brought to Central Texas by German and Czech butchers during an era of intense Germanic migration that began in the 1830s and reached its height around 1890. The German meat markets sold fresh meats and smoked their leftovers in enclosed smokers, as they had done in the Old Country. They were probably astonished when migrant cotton pickers first mistook their smoked pork loin and sausages for barbecue in the late 1800s.

It was the black and Hispanic cotton pickers who began the tradition of eating that German smoked meat on a piece of butcher paper with nothing but crackers or pickles they could find on store shelves as accompaniments.

During the Progressive Era in the early 1900s, sanitation regulations changed the way barbecue could be cooked for public consumption. The earthen pits of Southern barbecue were abandoned in favor of enclosed smokers modeled after those used by the German butchers in their meat markets.

And so the old meat markets came to be considered the quintessential Texas barbecue joints—despite the fact that the German smoked meats and sausages they originally produced weren’t really barbecue at all.

>> No.10237707

Shunning alcohol makes you a backwards redneck, generally only the realm of evangelical fanatics. has nothing to do with weather

>> No.10237715


I can smell that sweet sweet tar from here. God damn, must be good with all that seasoning.

>> No.10237716

Way more modern southerners are descended from slaves than from "settlers"

Also, its super funny that you think immigrants from before the revolution were somehow better than ones after the revolution

Remember, that southerners largely fought against the revolution and were on England's side

>> No.10237717


South Carolina: https://scbarbeque.com/index.php/2014-01-26-09-56-40
>The second (in order of historic evolution) of the four sauces is the one that is distinct to South Carolina and the one that people most often think of as South Carolina style - Mustard Sauce. That sauce is the product of the large German heritage found in South Carolina.

>Starting in the 1730s and continuing into the 1750s, the British colony of South Carolina encouraged, recruited, and even paid the ocean passage for thousands of German families so they could take up residence in South Carolina. They were a hard working, sturdy and resourceful people who were given to an intensive family-farm type of agriculture, as opposed to the plantation system favored by the English settlers. Those German families were given land grants up the Santee, Congaree, Broad and Saluda Rivers as they came in successive waves over a twenty plus year migration. Those rivers all flow into each other and fall from the South Carolina upcountry to the low country. The simplified map on the home page of the Carolina Q Cup (carolinaQcup.com) shows the location of mustard sauce in South Carolina.

>The first German settlements were in present day Dorchester County, and then successive waves of settlers moved on up the rivers to the counties of Orangeburg, Lexington, Newberry and the northwestern part of Richland County. (The middle and southern parts of Richland were settled by English settlers.) These German settlers brought with them, in addition to their European farming style and the Lutheran Church, the common use of mustard.

>South Carolina mustard sauce can be clearly traced to those German settlers and is still in abundant evidence today, even after 250 years, in the names of the families who sell mustard based sauces and mustard based barbecue to the public. The Bessinger family is the most prominent in the mustard based barbeque business, but other German names are legion

>> No.10237721

Let's settle it

>> No.10237723
File: 58 KB, 598x527, stealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is (((Brooklyn))) barbecue taking over the world?

Can't let have those mid-country whites have anything!

>> No.10237726

>reached its height around 1890
Weren't we literally just being told that it was because of colonial era immigrants?

>> No.10237737

alright maybe I was wrong about Texas but at least they created their own identity unlike Midwesterners who mooch off others.
I still claim victory in South Carolina though

>> No.10237738

>Way more modern southerners are descended from slaves than from "settlers"

Nice esoteric "le 56% enraged euro" meme, my smelly friend

>> No.10237750

I have no idea what this post means

>> No.10237789


I, uh, hmm, interesting ranking system you're using there m80

>weren’t really barbecue at all.
nothing was originally really barbecue, until barbecue was invented
(agree on the history, disagree on the connotations)

>> No.10237799

That picture literally looks like those Twitter troll posts you see around the holidays that say "White people Thanksgiving"

>> No.10237813

yeah but its from brooklyn so its good etc.

>> No.10237816

>thinking BTFO is in anyway depicted in op


>> No.10237823

um, its nothing like that at all. White people have turkey for thanksgiving, and eating cheap cuts of beef on a paper lined tray is a southern black thing

>> No.10237843
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OK did we at least determine what "Brooklyn Barbeque" is?

>> No.10237849

didn't say the black people on twitter were accurate, in fact he called them troll post

>> No.10237851
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>> No.10237862

I can't rn either, you got a contact?

>> No.10237904

I'm not going to click on that link in the OP to find out.

>> No.10237916

Judging by the picture, its shitty barbecue made by NYC hipsters that they probably charge an arm and a leg for.

>> No.10237937

Well, they certainly are dipshits for using trays and paper that big. They only need a tray half that size, which means less paper, which means less cost per meal.

>> No.10237951


>> No.10237971

those shitty potato rolls
Can we stop pretending those are good already?

>> No.10238026


>> No.10238030

Ya youre a fucking retard. City water, no matter what fucking city its in, has fucked tap water. Be it philly, LA, Phoenix, Boston it ALL sucks ass.
Yea okay buddy, enjoy your pay-to-park or ride the bus with drunk niggers, dont go to this park after dark, cant have a pocket knife, piss on your doorstep life

>> No.10238054

washington resident reporting in, can confirm it is in fact a shithole

>> No.10238105


>> No.10238145

Every time a regional thread pops up I'm surprised how many mouth breathing retards there are.

>> No.10238165

Seriously. I think religion in general is silly but Southern Baptists are crazy zealots. See the Westboro Baptist Church for an example.

>> No.10238166


>> No.10238175

Yeah that's pretty much everything the liberals from buzzfeed and tasty put out. You moron.

>> No.10238206

Oh you mean Democrat voters
"Liberal" means something different in Europe

>> No.10238212

do americans really sing their national anthem whenever a plate of food is brought to the table?

>> No.10238238

Liberal is a relative term. it means dramatically different thing in different places and times. To the point where modern liberals are basically the polar opposite of classical liberals

>> No.10238331
File: 50 KB, 1000x562, o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Brooklyn Barbecue Taking Over the World?

>> No.10238345

>modern liberals are basically the polar opposite of classical liberals
If you mean by "classical liberal" individual freedom as opposed to corporate fascism in coordination with a whore govt. bought and paid for by those self same corporate and loony religious entities, then modern liberals fit that definition.

>> No.10238351

Leftism is a mental illness and a disease all in one.

>> No.10238362
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>> No.10238367

No they don't. Modern 'liberals' are controlling social democrats.

>> No.10238368

>modern liberals believe in individual freedom
You're retarded

>> No.10238376

I don't live in a containment center, so I won't be doing any of those.

>> No.10238397

Don't you have a Starbucks to go burn down then bitch because your favorite place got burned down?

>> No.10238418

NYC BBQ is kind of a scam. There are certain things that are worth it, like the burnt ends at John Browns in Queens, but on the whole it's borderline pathetic what gets served out here.

>> No.10238420

Classical liberals believed in Laissez-faire capitalism, and limited role of government in the life of individuals. Quite opposed the more leftist regulatory state favoring shitty ass cronyism, and mercantilistic economic protectionism of modern liberals

>> No.10238457


>white people
>good bbq

thanks for the laugh i needed that

>> No.10238461

this tbqhwyf

>> No.10238478

Would it be safe for a white man to walk around Brooklyn alone after dark?

>> No.10238487

No, nothing but Dominicans and niggers.

>> No.10238490

>Itt triggered obese who didn't even read the article.
Well done OP let them waddle in their pride for industrial meat and corn syrup

>> No.10238491

>wipipo aint know how to season *dumps manure all over meat*

>> No.10238492

>reading Vice

>> No.10238518
File: 254 KB, 1300x956, pile-of-trash-in-plastic-bags-awaiting-garbage-collection-on-a-street-BD88CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyc is the worst.
Pic related.

>> No.10238520
File: 16 KB, 260x260, bombs_internally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salute the flag or be extradited. Pretty fucking stupid, they're a bunch of citizens at a restaurant, they are not obligated to do shit.

>> No.10238531

>V I C E

>> No.10238543

USA really is third world

>> No.10238546

>Garbage on curb for pickup
How disgusting!!!!

>> No.10238550

>why is a Kings County adaptation that is already a bastardized adaptation the one that is furthering the cause?
>Why do all of these pretentious restaurants serve stylized versions of shitty New York BBQ if it's so bad?
>Why do all of these pretentious restaurants want to mimic other pretentious restaurants?
Self explanatory.
Stupid nigger doesn't go to real eateries, he goes to DA BEST OF DA BEST and thinks its any kind of indication of reality.
In short: The article is literally wrong. It'd be like if you went to different fast food chains and ask WHY IS TACO BELL TAKING OVER THE WORLD?

>> No.10238559

I grew up by Niagara falls so I've been a few times. Can say from experience nyc/boston/d.c./east of rockies are absolute shit-tier in terms of microbial cleanliness. .t Californian Microbe

>> No.10238560
File: 119 KB, 960x720, The+Declaration+of+Independence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pick one

>> No.10238562

Forearms your fucking young ass cunts.
How do you not know Popeye?

>> No.10238565

>New York Abstains
God damnit that phrase is still burned into my fucking memory from all those boring history re-enactment videos we had to watch in jr high

>> No.10238568

>Garbage on sidewalk for pickup
How disgusting!!!!

>> No.10238573


I surprised that there is no soy near this "dish".

>> No.10238575

>Talking about cleanliness

>> No.10238585
File: 3 KB, 101x125, AH HAHAH FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will be 35$ plus tip

>> No.10238604
File: 16 KB, 282x236, nyclitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average nyc resident is in optimum healths

>> No.10238606

Your reading comprehension is really shitty

They said (in 2014!) that making trendy, tame, nice looking bbq made with quality ingredients was seducing more and more people overseas not that it was any better than any southern style.

>> No.10238900

Popeye's chicken is awesome, but I thought this was a shitty Brooklyn BBQ thread?

>> No.10238908

nice pic from the 80s

>> No.10238970


>> No.10238999

So, classical liberals are diametrically opposed to the current crop of executive and congressional whores? Unironically modern liberals are too for precisely the same reasons.

Alt-right drumpfcucks btfo!

>> No.10239025

Trump and Bernie Sanders are way more like each other than either are like classical liberals

>> No.10239054

Huh, urine is a good way to describe that smell

>> No.10239088

Holy shit take your meds

>> No.10239112

It's okay. Southern cities have better pizza than NYC now so it all works out in the end.

>> No.10239207


Washington fag here. No we don't. There aren't even that many recipes that can be considered definitively Pacific Northwest. We've got a lot of great things here, but innovation and originality in food is not one of them.

>> No.10239463

>one place full of faggots serves their food like a totally different place full of faggots
Ok.... ?

>> No.10239512

I second the weber smokey mountain. Relatively cheap, portable, & super for slow & low bbq.

I have a big green egg, but that thing is not in any way portable. Does cook high temp stuff well though & do slow & low.

>> No.10239524
File: 512 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot_20180304-185245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucking bent anon. NYC is a terrible place and you know it.

>> No.10239529

With the exception of Mellow Mushroom this is patently false and you know it

>> No.10239540

I don't live in NYC but where else should they put the trash for easy access to pick up?

>> No.10239555

They use large skip bins where I live.
Black death will return if you continue to live like this.

>> No.10239574

The south sucks at things, but nowhere will you pay as much for as mediocre pizza as New York. I have never had pizza in the south but I am willing to bet that any moderate size southern city has better pizza than New York.

>> No.10239576

do you guys not have garbage cans in New York?

>> No.10239780

Because none of you niggers are going to do it

>> No.10239820

NYC is also soaked in human excrement. there are puddles of piss so old they have jellified.

>> No.10239866

god is there anything NYC can't do? truly gods city

>> No.10239868

>that only the homeless know about

>> No.10239891

>Implying niggers ever knew how to cook
Look up the history of southern comfort food. Think you created gumbo? Think a group of monkies knew how to make sausage for red beans and rice? Think again, chimp. Now go suck some hot sauce (whites made that) off of some chicken toes.

>> No.10239908
File: 50 KB, 223x266, dogmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this small portioned, delicate crap out of here. BBQ is a messy and bountiful experience

>> No.10239923

thats how New York is, that serving probably cost over $20

>> No.10239927

and thats not counting the beer which was probably another $8 even though New York has below average beer

>> No.10239990


>> No.10241530

and bragging about seeing stars at night is even sillier. point is he was wrong about the water's quality.

wow two whole years in manhattan? transplants need not apply.

the mineral content is what makes it great. it goes beyond the "bagels and pizza taste good cuz da watah" meme. alls anybody ever posts on this site about nyc is the same nonsense you see day in and day out. "ummmmm akshually i was in queens for 3 days and the water gave me really severe diarrhea and there were coloreds everywhere"

sorry but that isn't the case with new york.

>> No.10241539

You see this in EVERY large city across the world. Tokyo, London, etc.

t. not even American.

>> No.10241544

And where should they store those large skip bins? There's no space to put them and the bins themselves will become far more unsanitary as they wouldn't be washed while the pavement/road is cleaned regularly.

The rubbish gets placed on the kerb at a specific time and date and it's picked up at most a few hours later. They do the same system in London because in many places there's no space to store large wheelie bins or skips. It's not like Naples where no one picks it up for months.

>> No.10241550

M8 you're fucking nonsensical. I lived in New York for two years, London for eight and now am living back in a small town in the Marches. The tap water is far higher quality here than in New York.

New York's tap water is proclaimed as good (and rightly so, I might add) not because it tastes good or it's good quality but because the sheer act of getting enough potable, safe water to New York for that many people is an engineering miracle. Not that the water itself is good but it's safe and drinkable.

>> No.10241554

And London too. London was just as bad as New York. The best tap water I had in London was when I was living in Biggin Hill.

>> No.10241586

Is .07% considered a majority now?

>> No.10241590

>goddamn hippies!
Grandpa... please

>> No.10241617

>a few measly strips of brisket
>beer in a mason jar
>2 pickles for some reason
>hawaiian rolls because lmao thats like so low brow

this looks like what some Neuveau riche bourgoise thinks BBQ looks like. Like a $25 dollar plate of food trying to look "homestyle".

Where's the collard greens? Wheres the beans? Where's the heaps of fatty meat? Where's the sliced white bread? Where's the red solo cup? Where's the mac n cheese?

Jesus christ, is this what Tumblrina's are talking about when they screech about cultural appropriation?

>> No.10241627


As you can imagine, with as many plates as we eat, this takes up a lot of time

>> No.10241632

Calm down

>> No.10241703

Except they think this "cultural appropriation" is a crime against humanity while we sit here and laugh at them for thinking they're "taking over the world" with their half assed attempt at BBQ.

>> No.10241720

>more soot and ash than a German summer camp

>> No.10241730

This would be a good place for a /ck/onfederate meetup.

>> No.10241861

Nah, he's right.

>> No.10241882

>Anyone who slaughters sauce on BBQ
>slaughters sauce

>> No.10241897

>washington and oregon are shitholes
say that to the olympic penninsula, nigger.
but also fuck off, we're full

>> No.10241921

>sliced white bread

Shitty supermarket rolls are a pretty good substitute.

>> No.10241943
File: 67 KB, 228x250, annoyed_ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and bragging about seeing stars at night is even sillier
>being proud of living in a place where there isn't enough smog to block out the stars at night is silly
lol, enjoy your increased chances of children with asthma and higher lung cancer chances, cityfag

>> No.10241997

Represent! Where you is?

>> No.10242026

yep better stick to soy

>> No.10242052

s-shut up you plantation FUCK

>> No.10242076

i live in brooklyn. the bbq is garbage.

the restaurants are owned by dilettantes who convinced their parents to let them at slightly more of their trust fund than normal to open a restaurant. the food is made, obviously, by either mexicans or bearded white dudes, both of whom could use a bath. served by brooklyn casual attired hipster females who inevitably fuck something up, but still want 20% tip...or buy from the counter, watch them grudgingly scoop your brisket made two days ago onto a sheet pan(?) and still want tips. food is inexplicably expensive. suffer the indignity of eating at a bench surrounded by fags, shrill females and their browbeaten bfs, having less of a conversation and more just directly regurgitating their entire fb feed at each other.

son of sam did nothing wrong.

>> No.10242129

Hometown in Red Hook is legit. Billy Durney went down to Texas to study under real pitmasters. Then he came back to Brooklyn where he smokes his meat in shipping containers. I've hung in Texas a bunch, and can say what he's doing at Hometown is legit as fuck. For Carolina style Arrogant Swine is the same concept. Tyson Ho went down to Piedmont, learned the craft and brought it back to Brooklyn. Neither place is cheap, because of course you pay a premium to eat good BBQ in Brooklyn. But good BBQ is definitely here.

>> No.10242172

>Talking shit
>When Russia, Korea, UK, and Japan exist
If anything, we're the exact amount of relaxed but have more undisciplined monkeys.

>> No.10242197

This is not an unreasonable assessment; the person who made that plate is an ignorant narcissist clothed in the approval in an unrooted, irrelevant but niched into the firmament culture.
Everything about NYC after the airing of Sex and the City is an affront to decent society.

>> No.10242229

Oklahoma bbq is amazing. Fuck Alaska’s bbq I got some ribs there once may as well have been Brooklyn style.

>> No.10242350

>Sex and the City
Definitely helped wreck the East Village and LES. But Brooklyn is its own weird petri dish. There are the rich white people trying very hard to make it New York's answer to Portland. And there are some shitty housing projects. But the rest of it is the New York immigrant experience, neighborhood by neighborhood. You have the Shtetl running from Williamsburg to Coney Island, a couple Chinatowns, Caribbean, Middle Eastern and South Asian neighborhoods, Russians and Georgans, the last gasps of the Italians, Greeks and Poles, little holdouts of Irish and German Americans, and a handful of folks with English or Dutch surnames that go back before the rest of them.

It's just that the rich white people trying to turn it into Portland get the most press.

>> No.10242359

Also there are a few places where the fabled black middle class exists, and they go out to brunch.

>> No.10242371

it's deconstructed

>> No.10242378

Jesus. Glad I'm a farmer sometimes. I miss that big city pussy, but fuck me you nailed it spot on.

>> No.10242388

yo, can I come work at your farm?

>> No.10242424

...n-no anon. I don't have my own land yet. Still shopping.

>> No.10242427
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Is this loss?

>> No.10242428

But what's your throwaway e-mail. I have a good feeling about your digits.

>> No.10242435
File: 468 KB, 1440x2960, Top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has 4chan done to you?

>> No.10242453

>Syracuse barbecue is the strongest in NY
Strongest restaurants maybe, the best bbq is made in the backyards of the hillbillies and rednecks through the finger lakes/wine country.

>> No.10242483

>posting a link and not copy pasting the text or screen capping
First day huh?

>> No.10242489

now i cant not see it

>> No.10242504

It must be hard being in a fly over. It's okay.

>> No.10242568

>Washington and Oregon are shitholes.
Yes they are. Absolute shit tier hellholes. Don't come here or you will be sorry; if you just got here, leave while you can. Don't look back, trust me.

>> No.10243264

I will never understand why they settled in the areas that had just as shitty winters as Sweden.

>> No.10243282

Funny how the Lutherans lines up almost perfectly with where most Scandinavian immigrants settled down.

>> No.10244396

Yes. It isn't /pol/'s fault though, it's leftie groups that come here to spam shit and get retaliation. They're here to try and set the zeigheist of every board that isn't /pol/ to be sjw friendly and no, they will never leave.

>> No.10244691
