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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10227926 No.10227926 [Reply] [Original]

In-N-Out is the best fast food franchise.

Anything else is objectively wrong.

>> No.10227928

It's not the best, but it's the best for the price.
This shit is cheaper than McDonald's now.

>> No.10227933

Culvers is the best you coastie fag.

>> No.10227945
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>not living on the best coast
Our rent is really fucking high tho

>> No.10227949

>This shit is cheaper than McDonald's now.
So you can a double cheese burger for a dollar? I doubt that

>> No.10227952

No but if compare a Big Mac with a Double Double the double double is cheaper.
The fries are cheaper, the drinks are cheaper, and the shakes are cheaper.

>> No.10227959

in n out blows dicks

i went there ONCE


"do you want onions on it"

"sure, why not"

got half an inch wide ring of raw onions on my burger. inedible. never again folks.

>> No.10227967

is that you?

>> No.10227971

You can specify whether or not you want them to put grilled onions or raw onions. Also if you didn't want that much onions you should have taken them off you fucking manchild.

>> No.10227982

then those stupid faggots should have presented me the option, which they did not do. wont be going back.

>> No.10227986

God fucking damn if I ever saw this disgusting slut walking the streets I'd ram my fist up her gaping vagina and refuse to remove it. They'd have to call the fucking cops, you know what I mean?

>> No.10227998

not sure what you are implying, ever so subtly.

>> No.10228004

the cops would probably want in on that action

>> No.10228015

I don't get it

>> No.10228017

fist up vagina. calculating...


>> No.10228104

Whataburger and you can suck my nuts

>> No.10228120

hank hill? is that you?

>> No.10228125

They don't even have chicken tenders. Stop defending them swine.

>> No.10228130

Whataburger sucks your nuts, kek. Even though it's our independence day, In-N-Out kills the Whataburger.

>> No.10228373

>attractive girls on 4chan
great meme bud

>> No.10228378

top kek

>> No.10228401

wait until you turn 18 then you will understand

>> No.10228416

i hate women

>> No.10228418

Went to Whataburger for the first time this week (northerner on vacation) and I was very disappointing, pretty much burger king with spicy ketchup, not even as good as Wendys.

>> No.10228424


>> No.10228470

el gordita

>> No.10228471

you can order light onion

>> No.10228480
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I don't think so binch

>> No.10228483
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>mfw triple meat, triple cheese patty melt

>> No.10228487


>> No.10228493



Yes, good goyim. I'll buy a house with a mortgage of 1500 and rent it out to you for 2500. Owning a house is for idiots and we all know women are horrible so don't worry about getting married and having kids either.

>> No.10228498
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>best fast food burger

>> No.10228501
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>not knowing why you should hate women

>> No.10228502

Shake Shack is by far the greatest, it’s not even close

>> No.10228504

I don't, sorry

>> No.10228512
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>i hate women


>> No.10228523

meh, it's okay, but it doesn't live up to the hype that people give it. it's got decent burgers, but slapping thousand island dressing on em and saying they're something special is a bit of a stretch.

>Anything else is objectively wrong.

objectively prove that In-N-Out is better than any other chain. I'll wait.

Whataburger is just also just okay too, there's really nothing special about what they do.

>> No.10228526

I thought the thumbnail was a rocket of poop.

>> No.10228531

Me too, but I LOVE tits.

>> No.10228535

this isnt funny.

>> No.10228584

I'd give her ye olde in and out, in and out

>> No.10228593

Bro SoCal is fucked up. The Chinese come here, buy up all the property and rent it out for crazy amounts so they can afford mansions to turn into Maternity Hotels.

>> No.10228708
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maybe if you're a normie. in n out is pretty pleb tier. go get a good pizza or japanese

>> No.10228785

Monterrey melt but patty melt is fucking great too

>> No.10228787

shake shack is for homos.

>> No.10228801


>> No.10228823

I prefer In-N-Out, although I wonder if that's because I've had Culvers dozens of times and In-N-Out only 3 times.

Wish In-N-Out would open here in TN.

>> No.10229210

>using a picture of yourself as your phone wallpaper
how the fuck are women so incredibly obsessed with themselves? It's not a meme, modern women are trash. TV, feminism and social media are to blame IMO

>> No.10229224

>Drowning in makeup
So innocent. You're in for a lot of surprising mornings, anon.

>> No.10229289

Last I checked there's nothing stopping you from pulling those Jewish shenanigans and buying property and renting it out if it's such an easy gig

>> No.10229415

el pollo loco is a bit better

>> No.10229424

for homos or not, that place is god tier

>> No.10229469
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>best coast
>people are leaving it in record pace because too expensive and natural disasters

>> No.10229546 [DELETED] 

Drumpf should've built the wall around Commiefornia.

>> No.10229575
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Well California is basically Mexico v 2.0 now so it would make sense to build a wall around it.

>> No.10229712

in and out is SHIT and you ARE GAY

>> No.10229799

i get that

>> No.10229830

>implying that taking a mortgage out isn't going to get you jewed by the banks

stick to talking about food brainlet

>> No.10229841
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>tfw no azn thot to eat in-n-out with

>> No.10229861

she looks busted, she has the tits of a 40 yr old woman

>> No.10230463

fast food is for children

>> No.10230478
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>> No.10230647

hi /tv/

>> No.10230662

hahahahahahah me too XD

>> No.10230675

Shake Shack is better, but it's also way more expensive.

In-N-Out has ridiculously good service too, which isn't something I expected out of a place that'll sell you a double cheeseburger for less than $4.

>> No.10230889
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>> No.10231822

What a disgusting looking slut

>> No.10231836
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>> No.10231837
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she eats healthy!

>> No.10232169

this is the ONLY reason i will venture into the 909

>> No.10232178

watching her pose unironically makes me rage

>> No.10232185


>> No.10232187

Just don't order the mayo, amirite

>> No.10232192

Same desu

>> No.10232193

>a lot

>> No.10232296

What is this girl famous for?

>> No.10232340

if that were true it would be as widespread as mcdonalds, but it's not and is therefor shit.

>> No.10232944

shes on a sitcom and she had huge tits before she got em reduced

>> No.10232959

She had beautiful massive titties but she chopped them off, became a greasy pig and a basic thot.

>> No.10233214

Yet she's still way out of your league.

>> No.10233516
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Are you autistic? Mad that the pretty girl won't touch you?

>> No.10233521

name a better state for drive thru burger selection than Texas

pro-tip : you can't

In n out
Burger Street
Jack in the Box

>> No.10233677

t. commiefornian who needs to find something to validate living in the worlds largest echochamber

>> No.10233904

So she's famous for her tits? Strange.

>> No.10233908

W-we have Chik-fil-a t-too

>> No.10233910
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My guy

>> No.10233916

She looks a bit like one of the kids from that dumb "comedy" about the different families who all know each other. Like a gay couple and a normal couple and an old guy who married a single mother immigrant. So I think that's who she is.

>> No.10233934

The one with Chevy Chase in it? I haven't seen it, but I liked caddyshack

>> No.10233969

I don't think Chevy Chase is in it, but I'm not certain. If I knew who was in it I could just look up the name on IMDB.

>> No.10235390

I want to pull that shirt down..

>> No.10235493

In-n-out fag here. Ask for the double cheese burger "Animal Style". It sounds fucking retarded and hipster, but it's basically a tasty serving of grilled onions that makes the burger go from 7/10 to actual 10/10.
Everyone who says "meh in-n-out is only ok" probably hasn't had it with grilled onions.

>> No.10235498

Imagine how much mucus is on her rectum. That is pure mucus.

>> No.10235516

rectum mucus happens when you fart repeatedly. Just give it a wipe. ass jelly everywhere.

>> No.10235535
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damn i want on in & out now

>> No.10235581
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>"""""""""""""""""fast""""""""""""""""" food
More like slow as fuck food
Name one in-n-out that doesn't have a line going out the door at all hours

>> No.10235613

most disgusting photo on the internet, far and away

>> No.10235659

didn't her mother pimp her out?

>> No.10235664
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>two operating systems

>> No.10235665

It's like Disneyland. Even when the lines long, it's always moving. I live round the corner from one, and while the line regularly blocks therightlane of the street, there are two drive through lanes, and a walk up counter. So even at peak times, you're waiting 15 min absolute max for your food. That's the beauty of a simple menu. Their kitchen is efficient as fuck.

>> No.10235687
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>> No.10235846
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She needs to stop picking her ass.

>> No.10236387

Can you imagine being so autistically entitled that you complain about food amounts at a restaurant you've never set a portion baseline for. Also, quit being a 5 year old and scrape the extra bits off.

>> No.10236759


>> No.10236838

I'll give these two the ol' in-N-out if you know way I'm sayin'