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File: 15 KB, 393x393, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10232571 No.10232571 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you drink beer and how much beer do you usually drink when you do?

>> No.10232576

1 or 2 times a week. The amount depends one what I'm doing the next day.

>> No.10232594

I drink one beer every night after walking the dog after getting home from work. Doctor looked at me like I was crazy when I told him this, didn't believe it.

>> No.10232606


Yeah, my doctor never believes me either when I tell her how much I drink. Then again, I'm usually lying too.

>> No.10232616

He thought I was lying, but I'm a pretty boring creature of habit. On weekends sometimes I'll have a shot or two to go with the beer, but I don't much like drunkenness, I just like a nice stout to relax after work.

>> No.10232636

I drink somewhere between three to six 0,33 beers every day, when my work is done. Usually there is a pretty big amount of time between each though, I don't sit down and start drinking, I just enjoy having some beers during the afternoon/night. Used to drink a lot more but I got tired of it. I drink a lot during the weekends though.

>> No.10232639

Whenever I want, as much as I desire.

>> No.10233003

had 2 beers today
carlsberg ones
first alcohol since new years

>> No.10233019

1-4 bottles after work on the weekdays, anywhere from 0-10 on saturday/sunday

>> No.10233024

Very rarely, but maybe 3 pints when I do.

>> No.10233037

Well done buddy!

>> No.10233083

every sunday i go to hooters and get a kid's meal for lunch. i'll drink 3-4 big daddy beers. the bartender only charges me for the kid's meal, 1 big daddy beer, and 1 pint of beer. i tip her $20

>> No.10233158

Id tip her more if you know what i mean

>> No.10233168

Every night I drink about a 6 pack instead of eating dinner

>> No.10233186

>Doctor looked at me like I was crazy when I told him this, didn't believe it.
I dont understand. He thought it was too much? Like a beer a day is an insane amount of alcohol?

>> No.10233190

Jesus Christ you are all making me feel like an alcoholic. I'll have about 6 - 10 pints 4 or 5 days a week.

>> No.10233194
File: 24 KB, 248x452, Blanton's bourbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not often. I drink to get drunk, and I do that with bourbon. If I'm drinking beer, it's because I'm out at a bar seeing a show and have to drive my date home.

>> No.10233196

i drink twice a week.
12 beers per sitting.

>> No.10233200

4 or 5 days a week.
Most of those days it is 1-3, though occasionally on weekends more

>> No.10233203

You are an alcoholic. I'm surprised you've yet to realize this.

>> No.10233205
File: 131 KB, 960x939, 1519056835954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped drinking beer because im a drunk and i dont want to be a fat drunk.
I drink a pint of vodka a night. I like to drink while i cook and then i have a few more drinks while i chill out during the last couple hours of the day.

>> No.10233209

Yeah bruh, your an alcoholic.
Or possibly just a college student.

>> No.10233212

I'm not dependent or anything, there's weeks where I'll abstain and I don't get any negative effects.

>> No.10233223

Anythibg more than once a week is alcoholism my dood.

>> No.10233226

Its not though

>> No.10233231

you boys are little faggots.
what's the matter? scared of liver disease or something?

>> No.10233247

Every day, 9-14 cans (440ml) a day.

>> No.10233249

I drink beer daily. On a weeknight, probably about 7 or 8 (about two an hour before dinner which I eat at 9).

On weekends or party nights, I down like 12-15.

Every year I take about 2-3 months off to lose weight and try to kick the habit.

>> No.10233254

I drink on average 2 beers a day. I’m 23.

is this acceptible?

>> No.10233258

what does your belly look like

>> No.10233261

between 1-6 beers per night
average about 3

>> No.10233269

and I don't exactly have a 6-pack but I'm 6'3" and 165. I'm still underweight on the BMI. I do a lot of carido though

>> No.10233272

I'm on 6+ beers a night. I wish I could just keep it to 1 or 2 but it doesn't give me a buzz.

>> No.10233278

fucking scummy piss head cunt

>> No.10233279

none. my old mans a fat sack of
shit with hemmrhoids and loves his ipa's.

my mums a horrible cunt and loves her sauv blanc.

i'll pass thanks.

>> No.10233301

friday and/or saturday night
2-4 beer, maybe some spirit too, maybe a pot too
want to drink less desu

>> No.10233354

Dont drink alcohol at all, probably once every 4-5 months
>drugs every day

>> No.10233359

I probably have a better job than you do, shitbag.

>> No.10233360

everyday 8-10

>> No.10233395

I probably have a 6 pack or so a week. Sometimes a couple of 24 oz in addition to the 6 pack/wk.

I used to be a really big craft beer fan but I just don't have the money for that anymore, so I pretty much just drink cheap lager and Modelo now.

>> No.10233397

4-5 times a week
4-8 bottles/cans

>> No.10233410

I doubt it. My job gets me an employee's discount card for both the food court and the supermarket at the mall.

>> No.10233414

Unlikely, and unless your job involves harvesting human livers, I hardly see how it's going to help your alcoholism.

>> No.10233425

Not saying my alcoholism is good, but it doesn't prevent me from having my life together. Alcohol isn't evil.

>> No.10233441

I also smoke a lot of weed and that kind of helps the buzz
yeah well Churchill fought off the Nazis by being permanently soused by 3 PM

>> No.10233490

Nah I know matey I'm only having a jingle with ya. I'm actually >>10233247 , been getting pissed everyday for as long as I remember and still able to hold down a decent job. As long as I drink plenty of water and get a solid night's sleep, I'm right as rain come morning. Take care, lad.

>> No.10233548

How do people do this. If you want to get drunk, have some wine or a spirit. It seems crazy to consume such a large amount of liquid in order to get buzzed.

>> No.10233552

t. early 20s

>> No.10233554
File: 189 KB, 444x553, Wc0107-04780r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Churchill fought off the Nazis
Based Churchill, the founding father of antifa!

"Never Trust a man who doesn't drink."

A truer statement never uttered and proven to this day by our orangeman.

>> No.10233555

Every other month or so I'll buy a six pack and enjoy it over a weekend, two beers each evening.

Thinking of getting a growler next time instead. We'll see.

>> No.10233631

I can't stand spirits, I used to drink them but lately they give me headaches even with just one or two and the burn in my throat lasts longer, so I just stopped.
Wine I avoid because I don't know much about it, and I can't be dicked to spend the time and money to learn about different kinds and which brands are good. I bought some cheapish bottles a while back and they all tasted like crap to me. If you have any cheap (less than $10 a bottle) but good wine recommendations, let me know.

Not the person you replied to btw

>> No.10233648

Usually once a month, I work a 24-4 day shift, and on my first full day off I buy a 24 pack and start drinking at noon until I pass out. Usually I drink about 20 of them. Whatever’s leftover I drink when I wake up and then have a nap when they are gone.

>> No.10233656

Almost never. Recently everybody I was dining with got a cheap beer, so I got one too. But only had one.

>> No.10233657

It's less about "getting drunk," because I don't want to go from sober to incapable of functioning.

Beer gives me a slow buzz, and doesn't turn me into a slobbering idiot that can't remember the night.

>> No.10233688

Late 30s

>> No.10234121 [DELETED] 

Fine, I weigh about 165 and I'm 5'11 in my mid-late twenties, so I look pretty average in clothes

>> No.10234132

Pretty normal/average

>> No.10234256

He probably thought it was bizarre to drink a small quantity of alcohol regularly instead of drinking a large quantity of alcohol infrequently.

>> No.10234414

Nearly daily, generally one a day during the week and anywhere from 1 to 6 on a weekend

>> No.10234510

My doctor told me that he always assumes double of what people tell him. Probably a safe bet.