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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10229397 No.10229397 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s see what all those wonderful wives cook their hubbies! I’ll begin with a fresh one

>> No.10229627
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>> No.10229641
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>> No.10229658

That has to be a joke, no one serves boiled legs, without putting something on them or doing something with them...that's what those are right?

>> No.10229661
File: 85 KB, 720x707, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the white people don't season their chicken meme is true

>> No.10229664
File: 783 KB, 915x583, wifeymaterial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made something special for you anon, eat up big boy :)

>> No.10229676

I see you had the good fortune of having a mother who knew how to cook, and believed in seasonings

>> No.10229958

Are you kidding? Everything about that says "nigress"
>ywn have a retarded cook gf

>> No.10229968

You think a nigress wouldn't make fried chicken? This looks like white people food

>> No.10229973
File: 25 KB, 450x300, IMG_20180221_093555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch got two kinds of noodles and no damn cheese what the fuck

>> No.10230012

Top right is store brand cheese and noodles. Bottom is creamed corn.

You Europeans are retarded

>> No.10230020

yurocucks are asleep

>> No.10230026

It's almost 6am in london. You're also retarded.

>> No.10230027

I weep for the poor men who must suffer through this cooking. I'm so fucking glad my gf and I know how to cook.

>> No.10230036

pic or lying

>> No.10230042

I'm not posting my gf on a korean kickboxing knowledge base.

I know better than to do so. I made the mistake of posting my sister on here back in 2007. Never again.

>> No.10230046

>Sharpie in pooper

>> No.10230050

Post her feet

>> No.10230051

Post her dick

>> No.10230057


>> No.10230058


>> No.10230087
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Do Americans really eat like this?

>> No.10230097 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 741x630, 1518233216290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we mostly subside off of McDonald's.

>> No.10230118 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 741x630, 1518233216290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we subsist off of McDonald's.

>> No.10230217

>Stomach on full full
Somehow this is more repulsive than anything else in that image.

>> No.10230674

White people don't engage in those memes, where do you see white women status signaling about being a good wife?

>> No.10230701

>off of

>> No.10230710

He's referring to the fact that she made noodles AND shells, idiot.

>> No.10230723


>> No.10230727

Is that confetti?

>> No.10230728

I think a millennial nigress wouldn't be able to figure out how to make fried chicken, so yes.
The fact that she even managed to boil, not one, but two different kinds of pasta and cover it in the thinnest "cheese" sauce I've ever seen is astounding to me.

>> No.10230729

pepper paste

>> No.10230730

>decent spelling and grammar
guess again bud

>> No.10230732

bitch, even if that chicken WAS cooked, i wouldnt be full from that shit. any viking/norse man over 6 foot tall would beat your shit for making a child's meal like that. holy shit

>> No.10230744

is that a frog in sheeps clothing? haha!

>> No.10230774

>date girl for a few months
>she's nice and is smart enough to not work a highschooler's job
>i cook dinner for two at least once a week
>one day she tries to return the favor and i come home to find a plate of mushy canned carrots, watery "mac&cheese", and what looked to be a microwaved chicken thigh
>luke-warm blood is leaking from one of the chicken's many puncture marks (why?) onto the other components and the flesh is obviously pink on one side
>she gets angry and defensive when I refuse to eat raw chicken
>"i just wanted to do something nice i cook just fine fuck you my mom taught me how to cook you think you know everything"
>she cuts into the chicken to prove it's cooked and i have flashbacks to jack videos
>i ask her to try it, she throws it on the floor and then leaves
>i break up with her two days later
>tell her it's because she cannot and refuses to learn how to cook
>her friends and family harass me on facebook for months after
>i'm a sexist pig for expecting a woman to cook in 2015
>my boss at the time almost had me fired but i explained the situation
>he found it funny and now we're decent friends
>haven't seen her in at least a year
Everything went better than expected.

>> No.10230778

>Europeans are this dumb

>> No.10230780

Guys with office jobs don't need to eat that much.

>> No.10230812

Europeans would never dream of calling pasta "noodles", cretin.

>> No.10230816

>girl gets triggered by random bullshit
>get other people to harrass & to try to get your ex fired because he called you out on not knowing cooking basics at 16+

roasties everyone
roasties everyone

>> No.10230825

I know. It's a very believable story when you want to believe it, isn't it?

>> No.10230834

its plausible enough

heard a few similar stories from some unlucky friends of mine

most women are ok or amazing, there are some vindictive bitches out there tho

>> No.10230843
File: 240 KB, 674x666, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to think of it I don't know a single female who can cook decently with the exception of my grandma. I mean boomers bought in to the whole women working thing on top of instant dinners and eating out all the time. They never taught gen x to cook so of course millennials can't cook. Much easier for everyone just to be a consumer because being self sufficient and healthy is way too hard apparently.

Women are really defensive about their cooking ability, especially if they suck at it. They know they should be able to, and on some level they want to be a great cook and homemaker. But their mind is also poisoned with this idea that they're strong independent holes who don't need any skills and shouldn't be expected to do or learn anything.

>> No.10230861

This might not be a good place to post this, but I didn't think making a new thread would be appropriate for one question.

I have a gentleman I'll be cooking for soon. And I'm a decent cook, nothing special, but I understand that this shit is not acceptable. The problem is that he can't smell or taste very well. I can't dump MSG into the mix, either, because he's intolerant to it. Things like Accent make him physically ill.

I understand using spices apart from salt and pepper to give flavor, and I understand how you cook something is just as important as what you cook. But is there anything else I can do that would give the food more flavor? What do you guys do to make your food pop?

>> No.10230871

>They never taught gen x to cook so of course millennials can't cook
My mom could always cook, she used to work in a restaurant kitchen. I asked her to teach me how to cook at a young age, around 9 or 10. She outright refused and wouldn't allow me to even enter the kitchen while she was cooking after that. She proceeded to teach my sister how to bake and allowed her to help with family meals, though.
I eventually wound up teaching myself to cook but she got noticeably upset every time I did. I like to think I cook better now than she ever did, but it still bothers the fuck out of me.

>> No.10230881
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>> No.10230887
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This was my wife's first attempt at a baguette

>> No.10230888

Salt and acid, basically.

I'd focus on getting the texture right. That becomes more important for many people with damaged taste receptors.

>> No.10230894

it's more about sending a message that she's not a single mother

>> No.10230895

Don't skimp on the acid. Also heat can make up for lack of flavor in a lot of places. Asian dishes can work because soy sauce adds an umami punch in addition to saltiness. It has naturally occurring MSG though

>> No.10230898 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 800x767, asriel_dreemurr_by_prothean290-d9cfrdb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro... can i fuck your wife?

>> No.10230914


Thanks, anons, will definitely make note of.

>> No.10230973

What the fuck? Why? Did she want you to starve once you moved out or was she planning to keep you dependent and live with her until she became mummified and have you do her murderous bidding?

>> No.10230985

sure why not bro

>> No.10230993

This looks like most of what my mother served me as a kid

>> No.10230999

>What the fuck? Why?
Men don't cook.

>> No.10231017

I have almost no sense of smell and a reduced sense of taste and I quite like paprika and lime. I don't know if that's just me or if it can apply to him too.

>> No.10231019
File: 1.16 MB, 2765x2765, 17327786-1573-410B-8264-7DF31E977936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking is an invaluable skill. Everyone regardless of gender should be taught to cook. My mother’s taught me from a young age. I’m not a chef or anything but I can cook decent meals on the fly and follow a recipe. With the advent of YouTube there is little excuse for the food in that first pic. Cooking is so fun it makes me sad anyone has to eat food like that.

>> No.10231067

Anyone's first attempt at a baguette is going to be shit, the fact that she is getting into baking proper bread is a great sign.

>> No.10231101

It wasn't shit, it was fucking awesome. We had it with lentil soup

>> No.10231227

>The problem is that he can't smell or taste very well
Easy, focus on textures and looks.

>> No.10231278

DIVORCE HER (so I can marry her and teach her how to bake better)

>> No.10231318

That is impressive for a first try.

>> No.10231334

Wait, what? People cook chicken in boiling water? Who are those savages? In my country the only case when you do that is for soups

>> No.10231347

My grandfather is diabetic. My grandmother boils everything now...

>> No.10231359

Maybe get them a steam cooker? It's still not that good, but better than outright boiling it.

>> No.10231365
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Is my wife trying to tell me something?

>> No.10231403



>> No.10231472
File: 50 KB, 620x381, IMG_20180120_075151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does he manage to get his eggs to look so saturated in oil

>> No.10231474

Yeah get them a steam cooker or even a George Foreman type electric grill. How the fuck does boiling food help with diabetes anyway? I’m guessing they’re trying to avoid extra fat but I thought diabetics just needed to avoid extra sugars and carbs.

>> No.10231478
File: 141 KB, 667x1001, DSCF7869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was taught that "off of" is bad grammar. Have I been wrong about that all these years?
I need stuff like this to pedantically correct so I can feel better about myself, man.

>> No.10231481

Those aren't eggs you fucking retard

>> No.10231484

I had dinner at a white friends house once. I shit you not there was no seasoning on anything. Not even salt. I had to add cheese to my plate to make it taste better.

And everyone in her house was raving about how delicious dinner was and how she’s great at cooking.

>> No.10231487
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>> No.10231488

>Falling for the black people can cook meme

>> No.10231534

I'll do it for certain kinds of pastas, or when I'm gonna coat the chicken is some sauce of some sort. Not just to flat out eat.

>> No.10231651

She's secretly Peruvian

>> No.10231655
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>> No.10231667

by totally drowning them in oil and then cooking them violently for about 8 seconds because he thinks he's some kind of short order ninja

>> No.10231670

Rice and cookies go well together. The ketchup is really out of place though.

>> No.10231706

>miserable piece of overseasoned fish with dumb roasted tomatoes bundle of asparagus drowned in oil
wow looks good

>> No.10231727

by saturating them in oil

>> No.10231759

Really good, I'm an apprentice baker in Italy and I too have problems with rising of breads, its hard af

>> No.10231764

>I-it’s pesto on the fish, I like the roasted tomatoes.....

What pic of food do you have Gordon Ramsey?

>> No.10231775

It looks great anon

>> No.10231789

>Seasoning so thick you could scoop it up with a spoon
>500 tomatoes
>Asparagus carelessly thrown around the plate, no presentation at all
You cook like my dad.

>> No.10231794

I thunk it's for the minced chicken that's mixed into the rice.

>> No.10231805
File: 81 KB, 469x422, 7DD876E3-0D85-4C81-B288-7FF41EBC8E60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am butt devestated

Well I try to cook at least I guess. Presentation is a fair argument. I don’t think more seasoning is better. Pls approve of my foods anon

>at least my food doesn’t look like it was made in a homeless camp right guys?

>> No.10231810
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The "2/10 pointy knees, would not bang" of /ck/

>> No.10231811


>> No.10231819

T-thanks anon

Ok I was thinking they were just trying to rustle my jimmies

>> No.10231942
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I think your dish looks exquisite.

>> No.10231945

Y-you too

>> No.10231966
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>> No.10231985

Unless she’s a trap, file for divorce now

>> No.10231993


Why boil it then? The sauce IS boiling it. Brown it a little bit with some seasoning, then let it simmer in the sauce to cook the rest of the way through.

>> No.10232002

>American cooking

>> No.10232022


>> No.10232041

it is

>> No.10232117

That chicken looks like a pair of freshly waxed balls

>> No.10232167

I don't understand this comment

>> No.10232215
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>> No.10232219

It's a white trash thing

>> No.10232225

Just add the MSG and don't tell him. "Intolerance" to it is literally a meme

>> No.10232236

It’s because you’re a homosexual

>> No.10232264

At least that looks cute.

>> No.10232266

I looked into this hashtag wifey material shit.

It's fucking awful, most of them have to be joking, cleaning shit up and cook (though there's is shitty) food doesn't make you wifey materia, that's shit every should do.

>> No.10232275
File: 128 KB, 585x573, thisgottabeajoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking a bit more into it, a lot of it's taking the piss, but holy shit do I hate social media, why do people feel the need to share this shit online, I wouldn't share most of this shit with my family, they'd tell me they don't fucking care if I tried.

>> No.10232293
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>> No.10232405

Why is 4chan turning me gayer and gayer everyday?

>> No.10232409

moot's plan since the beginning

>> No.10232415

It's the soy unironically.

>> No.10232474

>drenched in fuckin oil
>fuckin so much spice on the fuckin fish you can barely see it
>looks like a damn retard scattered the asparagus all over the plate during an epileptic fit
>fuckin soggy ass oily tomatoes that weren't even fuckin roasted or sauteed properly and there's too many of them
Ear shattering fart noise, F-

>> No.10232485

Lol ok

>> No.10232533

My gf's mom was a druggie and a horrible cook, so in turn she can't really cook for shit, and is too embarrassed to cook for me.

Thank christ I can cook. She loves my cooking more than I do, but I chalk it up as, anything must be better than her mother's cooking.

>> No.10232546

Good for you anon, my wife isn’t a cook at all, her mother is but she didn’t teach her how to cook.

>> No.10232556

Are you guys going to have butt sex after? At least he won't be able to smell your hole,lol

>> No.10232560

This made me chuckle

>> No.10232566

I just do not understand why these cunts have to post this shit on the internet, but then again, why am i posting here?

>> No.10232570

try an something with more intense flavours like an adobo or chilli

>> No.10232575

cuz its anonymous you can post anything you want say whatever not like it will come back on you

>> No.10232583
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>> No.10232600
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>> No.10232603


>> No.10232618


>> No.10232625

Just in case
Making a sandwich or a burger is not "cooking"

>> No.10232644

I can agree with sandwich, but making a burger is almost always cooking because you have to fry the patty

>> No.10232665

You think that mac and cheese is homemade? I'm willing to bet she just dumped two different brands of boxed mac and cheese into a pot.

>> No.10232668

honestly, this isn't that bad except for the chocolate

>> No.10232703
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>> No.10232716

yeah sandwich isn't maybe if its fried or something like a reuben, but burger totally is

>> No.10232729

isn't reuben like 3 ingredients + bread?
ie not cooking in my book.

>> No.10232737

if it is hot and i am on hangover it is a best fucking food ever, but in my opinion is missing some eggs and sausage
what did you do to those tomatoes and why the fuck is oil everywhere?

>> No.10232748

What if you fermented your own kraut?

>> No.10232764

if they cant cook they won't be able to flip it without somehow fucking it up

>> No.10232775

It's the uncanny valley effect of white ladies trying to sound black

>> No.10232807

Came to post this

>> No.10232816

if you ferment your cabbage and/or do your own mustard then yes, otherwise no.
doesn't really matter. i wouldn't call it cooking if the hardest thing about it is flipping.

btw what's up with the awful sandwiches in usa with just a shitton of meat between 2 pieces of bread? had one like that in NYC and it was straight up awful

>> No.10232830

its literally a black ladys tweet

I don't even know what you're talking about but im not american

>> No.10232840

yeah the sandwich thing wasn't for you, it was just in general.
i literally had a sandwich that was ~25% bread, 75% meat,nothing else.

>> No.10232857

that doesn't sound terrible if it was a meat I liked, fucking love salami mate I could eat that shit nonstop if it wasn't expensive

>> No.10232924

it was literally the worst sandwich i have ever eaten, including the sandwiches i have made as a kid.
the meat was fine but the sandwich was so boring and monotonous that it was straight up shit. pretty much anything from lettuce to mayo would have made it 10 times better

>> No.10232928

>nignogs thought being non-white automatically made their "food" good
lol nigger cooking is nothing but lard and butter with no actual seasoning added, they're just as bad if not worse than whites

>> No.10232937

Dont worry anon, i made the same mistake too.
But i also took the time to make sure that I didn't misread what he posted.

>> No.10232945

you have to go back Jose

>> No.10232948

Literally everywhere. This Is 2018. This is what white woken are like now.

>> No.10232962

This is joe rogan again tho, you can tell by the amount of eggs

>> No.10232975

>most bitches are okay or vindictive, there are some amazing women out there though.

>> No.10233025

ummm sweatiey hes not the only one who eats healthy...

>> No.10233035

I was trying to make a dumb joke and then your being kind made me feel bad so choke on my 4 incher homo

>> No.10233078
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Eh it depends on the effort. Like if you corned your own beef, soured your own kraut, rubbed your own ben, and so on.

>> No.10233110

Well i hoped you learned a valuable lesson in not making shitty fucking jokes, because that was a shitty fucking joke.

>> No.10233140

>poached chicken is savagery

>> No.10233144

You can also tell because it looks like an autist in a collapsing building made everything.

>> No.10233157

all that effort for something tasting like shit.

>> No.10233236

well, true but generally speaking, people don't corn their own beef (where does that term even come from?) nor do they make their own mustar or sauer their cabbage

>> No.10233241

You use corns of salt.

>> No.10233248
File: 179 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen my buddy made for my friends birthday yesterday

>> No.10233325

Anime tier

>> No.10233345
File: 279 KB, 619x622, Microwave magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id like to think that i can do a better job with a god damn microwave and frozen veggies

>> No.10233352
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>> No.10233356

The post is obviously a nigger.

I feel bad for you athiest plebs who don’t attend Sunday church and have a delicious lunch made by a bunch of old white ladies

>> No.10233364
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>> No.10233371

This actually looks like some care and love was put into this.

Would eat this before any of the rest. Well. At least try it.

>> No.10233378

Yeah that’s a disgusting and pathetic meal. Nigress should be thrown around a bit, maybe she’ll learn to make a meal fit for a real man and not a scrawny little criminal negro

>> No.10233386

It's guinea pig and it looks pretty damned good to me.

>> No.10233390


>> No.10233398

Mfw this honestly is more appetizing than OP

>> No.10233416

I don't care if it's gay, I want to marry your buddy

>> No.10233430


>> No.10233431

ok, that makes sense. not my native language so i always thought salt was "grains"

>> No.10233450


>> No.10233452

Well, when ground they are, but the large pieces of rock salt are corns. Just like pieces of whole pepper are peppercorns.

>> No.10233467
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>> No.10233471

yeah ok, the mysteries of languages. never thought corn meant anything else than actual corn. even though i did know about "peppercorns"
thanks anon!

>> No.10233496

you can't

>> No.10233507
File: 1021 KB, 1152x1481, 20171015_181106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my wife is a good cook

>> No.10233522

>rolling rock
Stop right there anon.

>> No.10233523

sorry fellas, he's taken. I'm actually going to his place to have Bahn Mi with him and his bf tonight.

>> No.10233524

>rolling cock

>> No.10233528
File: 142 KB, 640x621, 6bf_20180214190913774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't drink nectar from the glass lined tanks of Old Latrobe

>> No.10233531

james is that you?

>> No.10233535

Glass lined tanks means nothing, I used to drink the hell out of this beer but no more. It’s just not good to me. I hope you enjoy it anon.

>> No.10233536

Yes, thiz am james. Halo friend, I have lucritice business deal for you!!!1

>> No.10233544

That was just jokes. The RR I'm getting is brewed locally in Canada, so the taste could be different.

>> No.10233557

If I were that unlucky I'd be eating fast food every night before coming home.

>> No.10233577

>waiting on your man
>stomach on full full
>white women dont say this

>> No.10233580
File: 226 KB, 526x461, I'm in hell help me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw immune to the 4chan gay curse

Why can't I be gay, man. I don't enjoy the company of women at all but I'm burdened with being attracted to them exclusively.

>> No.10233595
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>Not superior Dungeness or king
>completely unseasoned

>> No.10233596

Caramelized onions, my mom's secret ingredient in everything.

Chop some onions, put oil in a pan, put the onions in on a low heat and cook for 1-2 hours, stir occasionally. It's not difficult, takes a little patience, but these are delicious. They make everything taste better. Mom put them in scalloped potatoes, green beans, meatloaf, chili, gravy, sauce, you name it. They're sweet and savory and make a lot of dishes taste better.

Since it takes a bit of time I like to cook 4-5 onions all at once and store them in a jar. They really cook down so this isn't so much, but they keep for a week in the fridge.

>> No.10233610

I will try this anon

>> No.10233617

why do people eat creamed corn
what the fuck is creamed corn anyway

>> No.10233634

Corn with jizz on it

>> No.10233654

At least she's trying

>> No.10233671

I don't understand how Joe Rogan cooks eggs on a near daily basis, and they turn out looking like asshole every single time without fail.

>> No.10233674


>white rice and soy sauce

What a keeper

>> No.10233715


I listen to Joe and he can be a retard sometimes but his cooking is just so fucking awful

he is is so bad at cooking that I can recognize his food and horrible plating just from the thumbnail

>> No.10233780

His food looks like he ate it then barfed it up and then took a picture.

>> No.10233790
File: 81 KB, 419x480, 1506655355223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.10233792

Moose leg off the bone.
Fuck you for making this thread
4chan constantly remaining me why women in American suck asshole

>> No.10233801
File: 25 KB, 300x360, 1489525502712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her name is literally "DickMonger"
wife material indeed

>> No.10233802

>my boss at the time almost had me fired but i explained the situation
Get another job were your boss isn't a huge gaping vag and noisy

>> No.10233814

>bad bitch/hood nigga connoisseur

>> No.10233816

I bet you're a vagina or a homo.
I've been married women cannot cook.

>> No.10233820


those bowls are way too small

>> No.10233824

If that was my wife I wouldn't let her into the kitchen except to clean up after me when I cook something decent.

>> No.10233826

I've been married a couple of times and can confirm. My current fiance is also shit in the kitchen. Women are just useless in general. All they're good at is collecting alimony.

>> No.10233832

Stop getting married anon

>> No.10233862
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>> No.10234036


>> No.10234185

> a wife who bothers making fresh bread
She's a keeper

>> No.10234257

She spent more time adding all those hashtags than making that bullshit "sandwich"...

>> No.10234261
File: 51 KB, 480x480, 16584792_1218432228205013_2471459800005738496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Woody stems on half the asparagus stalks
>Drench in oil
>Tomatoes not roasted correctly, basically raw and soggy, meaning did not saute on sufficiently high temps
>Fish nowhere to be found
>Probably some store-bought pesto bullshit.

5/10 anon. This was not a difficult thing.

>> No.10234321

Pls anon I.... I

>> No.10234324

>Waiter! There's a Bat in my soup!

>> No.10234333
File: 495 KB, 1138x1478, 1487842786797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright lad, I'll help out.

Pan needs to be at med-high with the oil giving off steam before you toss in your fresh cherry tomatoes. When the outer shells blister is your visual cue they are good.

Brush the Asparagus stalks with only enough olive oil to coat them. Don't let too much drip.

Don't crowd the baking pan. 10 mins on 425 deg F. Cut off the white, woody part.

>> No.10234343
File: 1.39 MB, 1152x1481, minobow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>draws a minotaur drawing an arrow on your rice

real wifey material

>> No.10234348
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>> No.10234359

Trips of truth and friendship

You were the only one to tell me how to do it

I will try this. Thanks

>> No.10234363


ah shit i meant centaurpede

>> No.10234518
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>> No.10234590

>>10229658 didn’t say “eggs”, learn to read >>10231481

>> No.10234607

under rated

>> No.10234611
File: 142 KB, 600x956, man_file_1061796_cook1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10234624

Mein Got

>> No.10234628

>agreeing she has a dick

>> No.10234636


>> No.10234637

That's fucking hilarious.

>> No.10234641


>> No.10234642

women with dicks are the best

>> No.10234651

Are you fucking 300lbs with 8 chins or something? That's a shitload of crap food, easily 1200+ calories.

>> No.10234656

It totally is this - I would bet money it is Kraft Mac & Cheese (Kraft Dinner) and Velveeta Shells and Cheese

>> No.10234675

Mein Got

>> No.10234676

I am not sure if some of these are parody or not.

>> No.10234679

Boiled chicken tastes just fine if you season the water. I dump poultry seasoning in there when I just do not give one shit about cooking at the moment but still want something hot to eat.

>> No.10234688

Does she cook a sweet and sour sauce too?

>> No.10234709

Yeah, forget you working! Just be a stay at home wife! kys

>> No.10234727
File: 2.17 MB, 1152x1481, rhhrh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he missed the lion eating a giraff,the guy holding 2 rolled blankets with a baby, a star and a tree.

>> No.10234734



>> No.10234760

>smart enough to not work a highschooler's job
yet she expected you to eat raw chicken
you dodged a bullet

>> No.10234767

>guy holding two rolled blankets with a baby
my sides

>> No.10234773

Cause cock is just to die for

>> No.10234789

Anons found out traps aren't gay

>> No.10234792

>Rolling cock

>> No.10234860

Whoa! steamed rice and broccoli and chicken legs!? MARRY HER ANON AND HAVE MISSIONARY SEX WITH NO FOREPLAY!

>> No.10234904

What’s wrong with missonary sex and no foreplay?

>> No.10234910

You're kind of stuck propping yourself up and can't do much else. It's an awful position except sometimes at the end.

>> No.10234916

my grandma cooking was god tier. My mum is good with sauces but dad's the better cook in generally, although he tends to experiment and fucks up sometimes.

>> No.10234931

Cream corn, mac n cheese, chicken legs
Over easy eggs cooked in bacon grease.
Women literally cannot take criticism.

>> No.10235009

>being a retard and substituting kombu for nori
>nori in the fucking dish instead of being boiled and then discarded
>broth isn't milky, clearly has no miso paste, chili bean sauce, iriko, dried shiitake powder, anchovies or bonito flakes, all of which are the baseline staple ingredients in ramen
>eggs are just plain hardboiled instead of softboiled eggs marinated and refrigerated in soy, sake and sugar for 2 days
>eggs sliced once instead of 3 times
>giant fucking chunks of onion what the FUCK dude
>beef shaved too thick and overcooked
>scallions cut way too thick
>doing the anime meme of filling the bowl with stupid toppings but not even adding creamed corn, the most common ingredient in meme ramen
>noodles themselves are shitty prepackaged soba noodles instead of high alkaline handmade ramen that reacts with an acidic broth, the literal only reason to bother making it yourself instead of buying a 50 cent package
>topped with sesame seeds which go completely against the broths umami palatte
>entire thing isn't covered in shichimi togarashi
>no mayu bubbles on the top
>no japanese potato salad as a palate cleasner side dish

your friend is a faggot weeaboo that doesnt know how to cook at all my dude and you should kill yourself for even thinking that looks good

>> No.10235016

Sorry, who did you say the weeaboo in this equation was?

>> No.10235018

>tfw your thumb is as long as your pointer finger

>> No.10235024

Fancy meager rations are still meager rations

>> No.10235031

pretty sure its the retard that watches anime and triest to immitate the dish by looks instead of googling "how the fuck do i make ramen"

>> No.10235084

You're a joyless fuck but I'm glad there are posters like you. I don't know shit about ramen so it's cool to hear what's wrong with this type of shit.

>> No.10235122

This made me laugh, then sad.

>> No.10235169

This autistic shit right here is why /ck/ is the best board

>> No.10235178

not this autistic and would probably still eat it but it does look pretty shit tier
>hard fucking boiled eggs
guy should khs

>> No.10235184
File: 135 KB, 736x550, 1509735988742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had bf recently
>would cook and bake whatever he wanted
>surprise him with dinners
>made sure he had food for work
>cleaned his house, did laundry etc
>made effort with his mother and family
>still broke up with me

>> No.10235190

He left because you have shit wrong with you.

>> No.10235204

Sometimes a person just doesn't want to be with someone.

I've got a mate whose gf is utterly infatuated with him, she (tries to) cook for him, cleans for him, tries to stay thin for him, etc, but he just isn't attracted to her personality and is essentially bored to death of her. I know he wants to break up with her but he is afraid to because of what she might do due to her extreme infatuation with him.

Some people just shouldn't be together. Get over him, and find someone else (or learn to respect yourself first, if you don't already).

>> No.10235237

post feet

>> No.10235239

I was a bit anxious which stressed him out a bit but that's all I can think of really

That's brutal but also a fair comment I needed to hear anon thank you

Pls no

>> No.10235240


Do it faggot

>> No.10235244


>> No.10235246

post feet

>> No.10235248


>> No.10235257

feet babby pls open

>> No.10235262

feet or out

>> No.10235266


>> No.10235277


>> No.10235296

fucking women/tranny larpers always derailing threads

>> No.10235472

Since when does Rogan eat bread? I thought he was /keto/

>> No.10235478

almost sure the person who made this is a nigger

>> No.10235507
File: 382 KB, 446x609, BestDinners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10235533

Mmm, salmonella!

>> No.10235561

Enjoy your salmonella and cholesterol

>> No.10235639

you mean by the local Anheuser Busch brewery.

>> No.10235645

she meant to post the picture of her giving him a BJ

>> No.10235672

How do you cook chicken to look so disgusting? Did she boil it?

>> No.10235675

It's coated in some sort of sauce. Poached chicken looks much more appetising than that.

>> No.10235700

by using the flash on their shitty phone camera.

>> No.10235723 [DELETED] 

4chan turned me entirely gay and i'm now in a happy relationship with another man
it's bliss dude, just go for it

>> No.10235724

You're smarter than me. I married into a family of women who don't cook because it's "too hard" and they expect their men to put out a quality mean every night. It's... frustrating.

My "low effort" meal for nights when I have to write a paper or something for my masters is a beef or pork roast with some kind of potato or a rice pilaf. While the roast cooks I can get other stuff done.

I finally understand what those bitches in the 50s were so mad about.

>> No.10235736

Greasy but you don't like a runny yoke?

>> No.10235853

It's a ton of calories and not filling at all. So it loses twice

>> No.10235857

Not a baguette eater. What's wrong with it?

>> No.10235862

>it was fucking awesome
you posted a picture, it's too late to lie

>> No.10235876

my ex got mad when i took 2 bites of her "steak" and couldnt finish it because it was inedible.

she also got mad when she bought me floormats (for snow) for my birthday (in the summer) and didn't want to put them in until winter

women are retarded

>> No.10235880

>his gf doesn't have a dick

>> No.10235885

He didn't say abythibg was wrong, he's just suggesting you breed her

>> No.10235887

if it's joking then is it really any different from half the fake shit we post on 4chan?

>> No.10235911

Idk if you're upselling yourself here. Slight anxiety isn't something to be dumped over. Either you were not as wonderful als youre making yourself sound, or he was a really shitty bf. Most couples can get over issues by having an open conversation with eachother. Is there a possibility that you're in denial about something?

I do hope you are infact a really sweet girl though. Post feet?

>> No.10235936



>> No.10235958
File: 641 KB, 859x1000, dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use the stove m8. pic related some brown rice, frozen veggies and salmon

>> No.10235979

Post boy pussy

>> No.10236043 [DELETED] 

no :)

>> No.10236065

Guess you aren't a fag then

>> No.10236100

So you've never had real Japanese ramen, huh?

>> No.10236105

She never said that she WANTS to keep her man, only that she knows how.

This is clearly her trying to get rid of him

>> No.10236117

>square plate

>> No.10236124

>my boss at the time almost had me fired
I know Muricans don't really have worker-rights but how can that be legal?
Firing someone because he doesn't want food poisoning from his shitty girlfriend?
What kind of dystopian hell is it there?

>> No.10236135
File: 2.22 MB, 5312x2988, 0212171835c_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My GF isn't that good at cooking as compared to baking, but at least she cook stuff that tastes good.

Pic related, made me chili, cornbread muffins, and battered/deep-fried tomatillo

>> No.10236143

We have what is called 'At-Will' employment, which means you can be fired for no reason at all. It's pretty awful over here.

>> No.10236149
File: 221 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20161213_175115465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coming home to her making some proper glazed donuts was pretty alright too

>> No.10236151
File: 1.13 MB, 4160x2340, 20160703_172004_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honesty though, best thing is coming home to freshly baked bread

>> No.10236167

This not potatoe... O_O

>> No.10236172

Honestly, if my girl was terrible at cooking but an ace at baking i would be fine. I suck at baking because i don't really want to measure shit. If we can split up the workload and make dinner as a team, that's probably ideal for a functioning relationship.

>> No.10236177
File: 641 KB, 859x1000, sweet release.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10236183

Nice meme, fag

>> No.10236186

Marry that women. That looks delicious as hell.

>> No.10236272

If my wife did this I would die of shock.

>> No.10236308

If your wife can’t cook for shit, it’s your fault for failing to motivate her. I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant. She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.10236332

Bitch should have just learned how to make omurice, would have taken way more effort and been way cuter.

>> No.10236360


Yeah, it was some of the best bread I've had. She put dill seeds in it that she harvested from our dill plants (she also does the gardening).

>> No.10236365

I know cooking isnt very hard but how many recipes should I have memorized to be considered a not terrible cook? When I cook for myself I usually just make chicken soup since easiest and least labor intensive.

>> No.10236366

What are you going to do the day she decides to slip rat poison in your meals?

>> No.10236389

I’m just going to occasionally swap plates with her or the kids so she knows she can’t pull that shit

>> No.10236425

Ignore >>10236308
It's just shitty copypasta

>> No.10236497
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>> No.10236519

Where DON’T you see it? They just don’t do it in the same way.

>> No.10236779

I fucking knew it was dill bread!

>> No.10236883

I don't have a stove in my dorm>>10235979

>> No.10237149

I like it a lot. Has some truth to it

>> No.10237189 [DELETED] 

You can be gay without being a fag.

>> No.10237271

Get some mother's little helpers and you'll be alright

>> No.10237930

nice fag, meme