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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10221333 No.10221333 [Reply] [Original]

what are some restaurant hacks you frequently use?

>> No.10221363

I eat at Jamie Olivers restaurants sometimes

>> No.10221375

The shift key.

>> No.10221393

Save sauce packets.

Also save napkins and throw them all in a drawer and use them as emergency ass wiping paper or to clean up small spills

>> No.10221405


>> No.10221696

When the server comes up to me I ask them for the food I want and then they bring it to me. Sometimes they don't have it, but I just ask for a different food. Try it sometime, it'l save you walking into the kitchen to ask the chef (or worse, one of the line cooks) directly.

>> No.10221864



>> No.10223742

t. Goy

>> No.10224783

felt like subway was skimping when i ordered my sandwiches with extra cheese so i used to wait until they put on the cheese and THEN tell them i also wanted extra cheese

>> No.10224796

Real talk...

You're a nut job and you have OCD.

>> No.10224819

did you know that tipping is entirely "voluntary"?

>> No.10224826

Secret menu off in-n-out

>> No.10224833

You have to do this at chipotle if you want anything decent half and half with meat

>> No.10224845
File: 74 KB, 752x501, tmp_16203-7b5eff70-efd6-11e3-8cd5-6fc869844bf8_food-inside-food-mcdonalds-mcgangbang-752x5011552036911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The McGangBang.

It's the ultimate life hack.

>> No.10225751

Best meal
Every meal of the day
All meals forever

>> No.10225802

You're not welcome back

>> No.10226860

too much bread for me. i make it without the two buns in the middle

>> No.10227005

That's a McDank, though.

>> No.10227022

We call this “riding the wave”
Go in an hour before they stop serving breakfast, get your breakfast grub on, then weight for lunch and get your lunch grub on.

>> No.10227028


>> No.10227034

I just imagine the kind of person that would waste hours of their life to save $10 on mediocre food.

>> No.10227053

>buy two double stacks at wendy's
>take off bottom buns
>combine to make the quad stack
>and it only costs 2 bucks since wendy's is doing a 1$ double stack deal this month

>> No.10227068

>We call this “riding the wave” Go in an hour before they stop serving breakfast, get your breakfast grub on, then weight for lunch and get your lunch grub on
>then weight for lunch

Nice Freudian slip.

>> No.10227507

how do you order this

>> No.10227519


>> No.10227522

go to a mcdonalds

>> No.10227551

>order McGangbang
>still pay for McDouble and McChicken
>"""life hack"""

I never got why you faggots act like this is something special.

>> No.10227757

Wendy's used to sell a Triple Stack when I worked there. It was never on the menu, but it was an item on the register screen, so we would order it just because we could.

>> No.10229770

hello ken

>> No.10229800

>ask if they have coke
>if they say yes, tell them I'll have an iced tea

I only like nestea which is a coke product and its just easier to ask if they have coke then to ask what kind of iced tea they have. But it can backfire if their only iced tea is tea with ice in it.

>> No.10229840

Oh hey Carter

>> No.10230513

Go to the self service machine in McD's. Order double sausage and egg McMuffin. Add 3 extra sausage and 3 extra eggs at 40 pence each. Get my quintuple sausage and egg McMuffin on. Hold the cheese cos I'm not fat

>> No.10230806

I've heard this before, but I order each menu item like it's the last.
"...and onion.
...and tomato.

>> No.10230890

But don't a lot of places brew their own iced tea rather than serve something like nestea?

>> No.10230939

>Receive a coupon on work for a restaurant
>Wait until they say the price I have to pay
>Show the coupon after they say the price

If you don't, some greedy owners charge you extra, and then give you the discount.

>Tell a female friend of mind to come with me to a buffet
>Give her a big women's bag
>We throw pizza slices, chicken tenders brownies and rice crispy bars on it
>We divide the loot in my home
>We also do the same thing with unlimited bread in Olive Garden

>Fast food restaurant has a grab yourself area for ketchup, salt, etc
>Order to go and fill my bag with all sauces and utensils

>Go to Sam's Club/Costco
>Order a hot dog
>Fill my recyclable bag full of bags of sauerkraut, packets of crushed red peppers and parmesan cheese
>Have never paid for sauerkraut, or parmesan cheese in my life.

>> No.10230952

I have an entire inner door shelf in my fridge full of sauce packets I've picked up extra. Also haven't bought kitchen roll since last July when I figured out how to open the hand towel dispenser in the bog at work. Squeeze every penny.

>> No.10230974

so, on a scale of dirt farmer to unemployed, how poor do you have to be to be desperate enough to use these "hacks"?

>> No.10230982

>kitchen roll

What are these things?

>> No.10231090
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 477732678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Long John Silvers drive thru
>order food
>ask for extra tartar sauce (I like a lot of tartar)
>cashier bitch hands me 2 packets
>says she can give me more but would have to charge me for them
>ask for cup of water (free)
>pull into parking spot
>dump out water
>take cup inside
>fill cup with tartar sauce from self serve pump

Don't fuck with me Long Johns, I'll hack your fucking system

>> No.10231176

you shouldn't have had to go through all that you poor thing

>> No.10231191

I'm getting into brewing. I just went around down getting free sugar packets from cafes for free. I already have several pounds.

Way to stick it to the man, anon.

>> No.10231193

I sit down and read the menu, then when a waiter comes to take my order I reply "no thanks, I'm just browsing". Then I wait for somebody else to use the bathroom and snatch some food off their plate.

>> No.10231211

there's coupon clippers in every tax bracket, anon.

>> No.10231270

people actually leave their food unattended in public?

>> No.10231283

Thanks. The whole thing is asinine, right?

>> No.10231297

You sound like you have a really small penis

>> No.10231321
File: 532 KB, 1641x1230, 20171225_122400-1641x1230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>casino buffet (pic related)
>$35 for regular buffet
>$9.99 for breakfast buffet
>get in at 10:50 am paying breakfast price
>at 11:00 they roll out the lunch/dinner buffet
>eat 2 dozen oysters, oxtail, prime rib, dirty rice, etc. for $9.99
>drive rascal scooter into casino
>take my insulin shots while playing the slots
>drink free crown royal all afternoon
>lose all my money
>jack off in my hotel room
>get a payday loan
>go back to casino
>put it all on red
>lose payday loan
>jack off in hotel room
>go back to buffet
>pay $35 on credit card
>payment declined
>suicide looking like a pretty good option

Thus is the life of an american citizen

>> No.10231385

Bog = toilet
Kitchen roll = paper towels larger than napkins for use in the kitchen

>> No.10231396
File: 165 KB, 996x832, 1335545325340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-d bless gapitalism :-DDD

>> No.10231397

>But it can backfire if their only iced tea is tea with ice in it.

cuz you get tea instead of brown sugar water.

>> No.10231398

this is a true hack

>> No.10232413

I don't believe this is all true, but i believe enough of it to know you're a fat piece of trash and a degenerate

>> No.10232801

not always, at my store we'll still tell you it's extra, and then if you argue we'll throw it away and make it new

>> No.10233181
File: 119 KB, 640x960, 15LK5ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're obviously a penny slots cheapskate. If you actually gamble they will comp your buffet, faggot.

Pic related is you

>> No.10233672

shit i thought i was the only one who did this

>> No.10234061
File: 27 KB, 657x527, 1505780700569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all you can eat sushi restaurant
>order all you want
>get charged regular menu price for items you don't eat
Fair enough
>order many items, maki rolls
>a few are fantastic
>a few are shitty
>wrap shitty items in napkin, pocket them
>go to restroom
>shit into urinal
>piss on toilet paper roll
>pay bill
>no tip

>> No.10234068

get cup for water, fill it with sprite

>> No.10234076

Ranchero-style eggs at Whataburger

>> No.10234092

Anon I'm calling the police

>> No.10234167
File: 286 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2018-03-03-20-50-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use mobile app for $1 - $3 off order

Not a shill. It's actually legit

>> No.10234195

£1.99 big Mac and fries whenever I want.

>> No.10235798

Drink in the parking lot, in your car. Restaurant drinks are too darn expensive

>> No.10235821

>go to bar
>sit in parking lot and smoke cigs for an hour before hand, all while taking shots from a bottle in my back seat
>go into bar
>bar tender serves me because he doesn't know how much I've really had


>> No.10235860

the fuck are you doing to get a bartender to cut you off. I get served when I'm losing drinks to spills or setting them down a couple feet down the bar and not being able to find them.

>> No.10235866

Sprint out before they make you pay.

>> No.10235970

>If you don't, some greedy owners charge you extra, and then give you the discount
In the UK the McDonalds hot drinks cups have a sticker you can peel off and if you have 6 you get a free drink.
I asked for a coffee before and then handed her the stickers. "You should have given me this before you ordered because I can't change it now"
proceeds to change it on the till
"Well you obviously can because you just did"
>Stupid bitch
another time a bitch who could barely speak English tried to give me a 1/4 pounder with cheese when I asked for no cheese then argued that I asked for cheese. Why the fuck would I ask for a cheeseburger with cheese you retarded paki cunt

>> No.10235981

She probably had to cancel the transaction and just do it again. I would have told you to fuck off.

>> No.10236097

Oh no she had to press cancel and then free coffee what a fucking nightmare

also no you wouldn't you fucking faggot

>> No.10236101

If you offer them money they will feed you

>> No.10236125

A great hack is to not go to restaurants and instead learn to cook for yourself. Way cheaper, more personalized to your taste, and if you live in America, you can cook yourself only one serving instead of going out and getting served a whole days worth of food in one shitty meal.

>> No.10236702

i always take my plate to the toilet in case someone tries to steal my food